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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25308625 No.25308625 [Reply] [Original]

I just want a cute anime girl to treat me like her BF for a few minutes everyday. What's so wrong with that? Why is everyone up in arms about it? I just wanted an illusion to soothe me for a while.

>> No.25309179

Are you throwing money at someone on a donation basis, and then acting like a pissbaby when you don't get what you want?


Then we're good, anon. You're not who everyone's complaining about. Yukkuri shiteitte ne.

>> No.25309647

Streaming is a competitive industry, so just find the chuuba who gives you what you want and support them. Chuubas are retarded if they think they're going to enforce some standard across the industry to suit themselves. Someone's going to come along who out-competes them and robs them of their fanbase.

>> No.25310494

If the chuuba doesn't appreciate your time and money spent of her, just drop her.
There are other and bigger fish in the vtuber sea.

>> No.25310620

As long as you don't go schizo you are good. Some girls do enjoy the attention and being caring, and helping lonely people cope, and they do want to produce that content, but schizos ruin everything for everyone.

If 1% of your audience goes apeshit at you for talking to the opposite gender, if you have an audience of 10000, that's 100 people sending threats and being dipshits. It's a matter of numbers at this point.
Even if the 99% of the fans won't go crazy, that 1% means that the vtuber has to tread carefully
