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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25260563 No.25260563 [Reply] [Original]

>parasocial this
>parasocial that
Don't you fags have another buzzword to regurgitate?

>> No.25260631


>> No.25260650

Did you just say something online? You’re my parasocial GFE oshi now OwO

>> No.25260662

Are the trannies trying to steal parasocial now too?

>> No.25260711

They have to use something else now that everyone realizes that “idol culture” is meaningless and has very little to do with idols.

>> No.25260715

Parasite, another term for normalfag, the people who can’t stop crowing about how parasocialism is bad and should be discouraged because streamers should only reap the benefits of their actions and never the consequences.

>> No.25260744

The buzzword-status of the word is even more sad considering that it is an important thing to be aware of. We've literally gaslighted and strawmanned this word to morblivion.

>> No.25260783

Just because normalfaggots spam and misuse it doesn't mean parasocial relationships aren't a bad thing
also this OP image is retarded if you're trying to use it to say streams arent completely one sided

>> No.25260835

I don't think parasocial relationships are a bad thing as long as you're at least vaguely aware. Part of the reason some media is so enjoyable is due to the parasocial interactions.

>> No.25260834

Intersectional parasociality is systemic within idol culture!

>> No.25260878

35 true i just dont feel like putting effort into a post right now

>> No.25261883
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>> No.25262115

>if you're trying to use it to say streams arent completely one sided
They aren't. If they were, it wouldn't make a difference whether they're prerecorded or live, and we would call them "vlogs" or "let's plays".

>> No.25262620

what did op mean by this???

>> No.25262789

You're welcome.

>> No.25262999


>> No.25263288


>> No.25263317

I always preferred terms like fanboy as its simple and to the point, parasocial is so wide that its meaningless

>> No.25263357

don't talk to me about anything trans. rope yourself

not even transformers

>> No.25263375


>> No.25263392

Ok transfatty

>> No.25263449

Parasocial interaction is fine as long as one end of the interaction isn't insane autists trying to control the lives of the people on the other end

>> No.25263805

Parasocial interaction is fine so long as you're a stupid fuck streaming yourself playing video games and making money hand over fist. You don't like it, get a McJob and remember what it was like to work for a guaranteed but shit wage instead of receiving revenue based on how hard you pander to an audience.

>> No.25263811

>t. nijicuck

>> No.25264205

just train yourself to be someone with Alexithymia bro

>> No.25264223

The thing that seems to be getting lost because of the stigma behind the word, is that most people watching streamers are in a parasocial relationship with that streamer to some extent. We just need to be aware and make sure that we don't take it too far.

>> No.25264268

Is this the new cope?

>> No.25264286

>parasocial fans bad
>sociopathic vtuber good
Double standart at its finest.

>> No.25264298

Then you take it too far.
You get situations like Rushia.
Then you take it too far again
You get situations like Vox.
Be more like Suisei, know you have Gachikoi, but don't pander to them. Everyone is happy.

>> No.25264322

Guess what else is bad? 9 to 5 jobs. What are you going to do about it, faggot?

>> No.25264335

God I hate tranparasocialies

>> No.25264368

Rushia's situation is her own fault.
Vox's situation is his fault, Reimu's fault, and the fault of the Chinese people.

>> No.25264408

Why not simply pander to your gachikoi and be an honest vtuber who puts her fans first? or is this too edgy for 2022 where everyone needs to play the white knight at any given chance?

>> No.25264418

imagine making thousands of dollars a week but you're too fucking stupid to turn off discord notifications during a stream and then everyone pretends you're innocent of any wrongdoing, and then you double down and start talking to the paparazzi to "fix" things and people STILL pretend you didn't do anything wrong

>> No.25264428

I'm going to not have either one.

>> No.25264433

Did all this parasocial shit resurface again because of Vox and Reimu?

>> No.25264447

Caring about things is cringe, bro. Be more like me, the super cool millennial who doesn't care about anything.

>> No.25264501

It resurfaced because of Finana's dumb response to the Vox and Reimu situation

>> No.25264504

Yeah but you are not a vtuber, a vtuber who doesn't give a shit is a winner, a fan who pretends to not see the cucking is... a cuck.

>> No.25264561
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This is the mentality of the average neo-vtuber and people are fine with it, actually there's an army of shills unironically trying to normalize absolute submission to vtubers and /vt/ is fine with it because /vt/ has been actually dead for a year now.

>> No.25264572

A VTuber who doesn't give a shit about anything, much less their fans, is a fucking loser and the epitome of why western streamers are by and large disgusting human beings.

>> No.25264628
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Absolutely correct.

>> No.25264865

Her response is only dumb if you're one of the parasocial fucks she's talking about, lol. Notice how none of her parasocial faggots responded to it aside Avros?

>> No.25264911

>notice how nobody responded to it because they'd get barraged on twitter by ugly women and virtue signaling men calling them an incel?
Wow, it's almost like Twitter doesn't actually foster discussion and only exists to tell you what you already want to hear.

>> No.25265009 [DELETED] 

What do you mean, I see lots of parasocial fucks responding to her tweet saying things like "TELL EM FEESH" and "YASS QUEEN"
Or did you think parasocial means bad only, like Finana did?

>> No.25265242

Women only want the positives of parasocialism: the free money, the attention, the lavish praise received for completing the most trivial of tasks. You can’t expect such selfish creatures to ever factor in that there are negatives as well.

>> No.25265532

I have always thought this word to be stupid since the start. as if anyone watches livestreams for any other reason than to be "parasocial". Even the vtubers who say parasocial bad every 5 minutes are "parasocial" because if you didn't care for the personality you would just play the game yourself instead of watching. From the way these people use the word, it feels closer to the meaning of gachikoi. not wanting gachikoi is understandable but since "parasocial" is a buzzword everyone has their own meaning which leads to pointless arguments where both sides think they are owning the other.

>> No.25266265

>and /vt/ is fine with it because /vt/ has been actually dead for a year now.
/vt/ is fine with it because many people here share the same mentality sadly

>> No.25266948

So parasocial are fine if one side submits and accepts their place, any attempt to remove the para from social is the real problem?

>> No.25267049

Your post is a menhera kusoge gfe yab

>> No.25267290

>[X] only want the positives of [Y]
Obviously. Are you retarded?

>> No.25268638

Okay uncle biff.

>> No.25269939

its either both or neither
this is what "you cannot have your cake and eat it too" in case you didn't know

>> No.25274375


>> No.25274587
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It's another case of normalfaggot "irony" disease.
You can only like the vtuber "ironically", to distance yourself, as normalfaggots cannot ever risk being excluded from the group for being different. Same thing happened with liking anime and the results of that are known.

>> No.25274833

Guess i'm trans now

>> No.25277096

>Be Fish
>Calls out parasocial female Vox fans
>Somehow people take this as an attack on men

>> No.25277148

Where in her tweet does she specifically say female Vox fans?

>> No.25277263

Suisei is a bitch for ignoring her fans desu, no idea why she hasnt just focused on her music without worrying about doing streams

>> No.25277526

I think it is a pretty safe bet that the people who got butthurt about Reimu texting Vox were not of the male demographic.

>> No.25277653

kek. Say it again

>> No.25278025

And yet she's speaking in a very general sense, not calling out any group specifically.

>> No.25279253

Since we are apparently disregarding any sort of context, I simply ask: so what? Do we really care what a bunch of entitled drama inducing psychotics, regardless of gender, have to say about anything? I frankly stopped caring about how they felt after what happened with Rushia, and I am happy they are getting a taste of their own medicine.

>> No.25279320

it means "across".

>> No.25280348
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>> No.25280616

You're right, it's time to talk about who's a pickme girl again

>> No.25280682

This needs to be reiterated every conversation until people get it:
Usually the reason you are are sad when a long-time character dies, as opposed to a character you just met, in a show is because you have a parasocial relationship.
Read up actual literature on the subject instead of falling pray to the buzzword effect.

>> No.25282364

btw just assuming that you understand people's boundaries based on what they've said in general is a form of parasocial interaction.
99% of people are being parasocial as fuck when they respect a streamer's boundaries that they've inferred based on what the streamer is annoyed by.

Some people are just parasocially more intelligent than others.

>> No.25287086

>Read up actual literature on the subject instead of falling pray to the buzzword effect.
No. Words mean whatever I need them to mean so that I can use them to attack people I don't like. T. Twittards
