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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25235756 No.25235756 [Reply] [Original]

I already liked him, but the way he chewed and spit-out the crazy ass fans is amazing. Thanks Vox. I'm going to try to watch him more often now

>> No.25235884

I fucking kneel, but you know some crazy chink is going to fly to the UK to try to murder him now.

>> No.25235933

I'm so happy he didn't just slap them on the wrist.

>> No.25236003
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Like fucking clockwork

>> No.25236030


>> No.25236062

She just needs Vox to grab her by the pussy.

>> No.25236180

Now it's time for fujos to show what they're made of. We've sent GPS trackers, death threats, etc. It's your turn now.

>> No.25236192
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Been out for a week, the fuck happened.

>> No.25236418

wow this alicelaw person been screenshotted almost every time to represent the fujos huh

>> No.25236660


>> No.25237727


>> No.25237944

>The least insane fujo

>> No.25238032

Didn't expect to watch a live chink femcel massacre today but I'm not complaining.

>> No.25238545
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>GPS satellites
>unmanned drones

>> No.25239045


>> No.25239098

I need some context and some Vox Cumslut prints

>> No.25239142

Women could never

>> No.25239621
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Honestly, I relieved since he adressed all the shit which this board talked about for the past 5 hours. Now I hope this drama will die out soon, although chinks and holoniggers will probably continue to shit on Twitter and /vt/ for the next couple of days, I'm glad Vox and Reimu are clear now. Also, fuck Kenji, this retarded nigger spamed reddit shit in Vox's chat like a complete faggot. Why are indies so obnoxious and try to leech on Niji so much?

>> No.25239796

Honestly same. I never liked him nor hated him but seeing him standing up against the CN fujos for his Latina stirred my bro sense. He's a true one.

>> No.25240051
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My king...

>> No.25240172

I saw the first clip of him addressing it honestly it comes off more like he got yelled at by his coworkers into addressing it

>> No.25240171

>dying out
roru, rumao

>> No.25240248

yeah they're clear

clear to fuck

>> No.25240350
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Was it worth it? Yes, it is. Fuck yeah Reimu is eating good tonight

>> No.25240369

Hope we'll get more Vox x Reimu porn as a result, at least something good will come out of this drama

>> No.25240452
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kindreds are probably creaming with this nice scolding

>> No.25240477

If Kiara can survive her schizos, Vox can certainly do the same.

>> No.25242560

Fucking laser sights!

>> No.25242848
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>> No.25243030

Parasocial relationships, the usual.

>> No.25244085

are you gonna give him money? People like you are tourists and dont really stick with the "based" people.

>> No.25245029

Shut your pussy.

>> No.25245235

People here will shit on him regardless of what his response are, but I for one respect and proud of him for sticking up to his friends and himself. Pretty based and actually take balls to call out his crazy fans and risking his paycheck like that

>> No.25245391

to me it sounded more like he spoke to someone that expressed disappointment at him and it struck a cord

>> No.25246571

qrd? i don't see where he said anything

>> No.25246670

You are literally just not looking then, it's all over the place no one's gonna spoonfeed you

>> No.25246811

sry anon i don't watch males i just saw drama

>> No.25247948

na bro there's too much unscripted shit that he said voluntarily

>> No.25248289

How come you never see Gura or Kobo wrangle their out of control fans so well? Only Vox has had the balls to speak out when his fans are doing something wrong.

>> No.25248496

He may be, in his own words, a pussy who hates confrontation but he is a man and men usually step up before its too late. Girls rarely do.

>> No.25248534

Fuking based. Reimu love, Vox love, fuck Chinese fujoshits

>> No.25248598

Women are too pussy most of the time, if Gura was a shark shota she would be merciless towards chumbuds in every stream

>> No.25248696

he did honestly step up i expected some faggy fake half-ass apology but he actually did quite well

>> No.25248773

wheres the official tweet

>> No.25248796

Why did most vtubers prefer to stand up for their fellow vtubers instead of fans?
What is the name of this ostracization?

>> No.25248812


It wasn't up yet when I posted the thread.

>> No.25249165

because fans are rando and randos don't have rights.
Yes, even you and I Anon

>> No.25249362
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>Now I hope this drama will die out soon
Yes chink NEETS are well known for just walking away and letting stuff go

>> No.25249479

What are the chances it actually is this anon >>25236003 trying to farm (you)s?

>> No.25250222
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Because they're friends? Why would anyone chose some weirdo on the internet over someone you're close with?

>> No.25252123

Gura is the exception though >>25248289

>> No.25252380

What have those fanbases done that is equivalent to sending death threats directly to their genmate on twitter?

Yeah they're weird but being weird isnt a crime

>> No.25252576

Isn’t Kenji 99% confirmed black? What did he spam? It was probably funny.

>> No.25252623

Wrong motherfucker. When you go corpo you always side with the company.

>> No.25252756

Because gura hates seeing grey names on her screen she knows where her side of the bread is buttered at. Most of those guys would cancel their memberships and cause her to have a meltdown.

>> No.25255687

She just doesn't have the balls to do it, literally and figuratively. Vox based.

>> No.25256319

I read about this drama, now I'm subbed to both him and reimu lol. I swear /vt/ threads are my gateway to nijisanji EN

>> No.25257539


your friend is not going to pay the bills, your fans/company/agency will do

>> No.25257679

>unicorns farms for chink money even though people told him to stop that shit because it's dangerous
>continues to keep doing it despite warnings
>proceeds to blow up in his face
>only actually addresses the issue AFTER shit hits the fan and acts like this is some kind of accomplishment
>proceeds to go back to unicorn farming

Vox is retarded but he's brought drama that's made Niji EN actually funny to watch now after chinks said mean things to a whore.

>> No.25257835

This entire drama started because this man tried to farm chink unicorns like an amateur.
And he keeps doing it. I'm now convinced he's got brain damage.

>> No.25258353

He's actually untouchable if he doesn't lose much money from this

>> No.25258435

Rushia survived multiple yabs and still managed to come out on top

>> No.25258454

Well, not anymore. Rushia no more anon.

>> No.25258462

This is a couple gachis lashing out in jealousy. It's a complete nothingburger

>> No.25258530

that wasn't the bf yabs though, that was entirely due to a contract breach during a menhera bitchfit episode

>> No.25258663

This. Rushia could have survived the bf yab but the moment she gave out personal info and basically doxxed some of her co-workers she got booted. She breached contract and nips don't play around when it comes to contracts.

>> No.25258686

If we ignore all the gachis that were angry at Mafumafu or Rushia even here, sure, it was nothing.

>> No.25259158
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/vt/ is the reason I started watching Salome

>> No.25259582

I doubt I'm the only one who respected what he said and thought it was pretty fucking based, but still won't watch him, since he's very clearly not for me. I'm not even a numberfag, but it would be interesting to see how this affects his numbers.

>> No.25259689

Did Rushia ever pretty much say "Fuck you. I don't know you. I'm not your girlfriend. This is all pretend" to the crazies in her fanbase?

>> No.25259782

I honestly find him more and more distasteful constantly. Everyone knew exactly what would come of every step of the way here. He's basically getting credit for backpedaling after a lot of questionable behavior and people are treating it as a good thing when he could've just been decent to start instead

>> No.25259997

First time watching a Vox stream, dude is fucking based

>> No.25260045

>Dying out
Reminder that people are still mad at Ayame for unproven 2ch rrats from 2019

>> No.25260494

Ayama is a whore - even animals hate her

>> No.25260579

Yeah, "people". Nobody normal cares.

>> No.25260608

Rushia's situation is different and I know anons here don't understand because they have no idea who Mafumafu is. In the Rushia situation, Rushia is the Reimu. Mafumafu is the big party in that incident. Also with the extra digging spurred by the Rushia/Mafumafu thing in addition to the previous digging about Rushia's roommate/Mafumafu, maybe Rushia actually is a mentally unstable person obsessed with Mafumafu.

>> No.25260641

time for you daily dicking salome

>> No.25260670

I'd respect him more if he actually stopped the BFE shit.

>> No.25260770


>> No.25262121

From what I understand:
>does bfe stream
>female niji whore does uninvited guest appearance knowing she would be cucking all his viewers
>fujos seethe and rage
>vox bitch slaps them and asserts his dominance
>with a few exceptions they all fall in line and are wet for him

>> No.25262236

Can someone qrd or give link to where he told his crazy fans to stfu?

>> No.25262684

I've always made jokes about him being a slave to chinks, but he was actually based today. He went in hard on his chat.

>> No.25262729


>> No.25262855

This. Fans mean nothing and are disposable. This is why drama leeches always side with the vtuber because it's bad for business to make an enemy out of a vtuber unless they're a 1view.

>> No.25262931

Thank you, man stood up for himself and the people around him, that's based as fuck.

>> No.25263202

Man still streams in chinkland and the majority of his audience are chinks. He's the face of chinksanji and still does those creepy boyfriend streams. He hasn't learned shit.

>> No.25263545

enna if i were to guess

>> No.25263640

it's yumes not fujos retardchama

>> No.25263921

It's both. A lot of them are rabid because him interacting with female streamers somehow threatens their faggot headcanon.

>> No.25264366
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Lack of professionalism.
Common for industries that consist mostly of zoomer (former) hobbyists, who treat their coworkers as if they were their friends, and take the audience, the people who actually pay them money, for granted. They have no understanding of work ethics and the line between personal life and their job is blurred into non-existence in their minds.
Example >>25250222. Probably posts in /asp/ too.

Also see: localization discourse. Every time some translator gets called out on twitter for using le funny reddit meme where it doesn't belong in a game or anime, the entire swarm of she/hers (male) with "Media localization #BLM 日本語おk" comes running to whiteknight for a colleague, because the audience is aways the outgroup for them, and the ingroup are "fellow creatives".

>> No.25264476

This retard is going to be a great source of chink drama. This whole situation has been the most entertaining chinksanjiEN has been since they debuted.

>> No.25265685

Fuck chink and manwhore

>> No.25269339

And here I thought he went all in with pandering to fujos and chinks. Based dude.

>> No.25273590

Holy shit, they're still giving him money, why?

>> No.25273940

>stand up for the people trying to murder your friend because money
What stage of capitalism is this

>> No.25273993

Rushia is just as crazy as her craziest fans

>> No.25273997

Ok I watched the vod and it's pretty based. Maybe I'll check out his streams afterall.

>> No.25274158

Ayame stalks the back alleys of japan at night and we both know it. I already make enough money, now I just have to get fat enough to have a shot at encountering her

>> No.25274525
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>siding with schizos is professional
The absolute state of /vt/

>> No.25276821

>always side with the company
if you're a soulless bootlicker maybe

>> No.25276857

And that's what they are. They signed a contract. You sign a contract you sold out.

>> No.25276875

Everyone knows /vt/ is schizo heaven.

>> No.25277061

Both are retarded. There's the Yumes who got pissed at Reimu and Fujos who ship him with Shoto who think they're ACTUALLY together romantically

>> No.25277173

If the company allows fans doxxing their talents and sending death threats just because they're a source of revenue you should probably fuck off contract or not

>> No.25277538

I think the good will he's earned from stepping up the way he did will more than outweigh the couple thousand at most Fujos who he assblasted.

>> No.25278282 [SPOILER] 
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I would suggest checking park toilets

>> No.25280326

If he was based he'd apologize to his fans for deceiving and manipulating them. He went the Rushia route, which is the least based one. Sorry Voxfags, your oshi is a retarded whore.

>> No.25280517

>female niji whore does uninvited guest appearance knowing she would be cucking all his viewers
Wtf Reimu is BASED?

>> No.25280715

>Tells all his fans to take their meds while he fucks prime Latina pussy
Man is just living /vt/'s dream. Based.

>> No.25281136

Anything that dabs on chinks is a pro on my book.

>> No.25281478

Film it

>> No.25283537

>when you pander to them by making an ASMR boyfriend stream they are "paying audience"
>when some whore waltzes in and ruins it, and the people you pander to are justifiably upset they are "schizos"

Funny how that works.

>> No.25285726
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>I'm cumming.
Ah, so this was your doing.

>> No.25286416

>justifiably upset

>> No.25288135

wtf I love Vox now?

>> No.25288273

I'd eat that

>> No.25288946

>Rushia route
Sorry, what? He hasn't been fired.
He hasn't acknowledged dramatubers either. So no, I don't think he went the Rushia route at all.

>> No.25289111


They still hate Fubuki and Coco until now

>> No.25291136

I kind of understood where he was coming from when he got offended that people demanded he address the situation and why he felt like he did nothing wrong. I don't tend to think that content creators need to hold their fans responsible, that it should go without saying that they shouldn't be doing any atrocious shit, but I guess that's not reality. It's a shame things got as bad as they did and given the state of the fanbase I see why he ended up needing to apologize, defend his coworker more clearly, and finally make the anti-parasocial relationship boundaries clear (which you could tell he was hesitating to comment on for a while now).

Tbh I might be just a little bit madly in love with Vox myself and buy all his merch, but wouldn't dream of feeling jealous/trying to micromanage his actions/send anyone hate. Wasn't really bothered by the Reimu thing at all, thought the FNAF call on stream was funny.
Glad the drama's over now.

>> No.25291203

"I don't tend to think that content creators need to hold their fans responsible"
Whoops, misspeak. Meant "be held responsible for their fans." Always see content creators needing to address bad fan behavior, it happens.

>> No.25296356


>> No.25296607

retard faggot, just look how vox numbers fall down, soon he wont have a nickle to buy toilet paper nigger cuck faggot

>> No.25301616

I aint a faggot but damn...i feel butterflies in my stomach when i see him now..

>> No.25302206

> >stand up for the people trying to murder your friend because money
> What stage of capitalism is this

One and only

>> No.25302487

> Why did most vtubers prefer to stand up for their fellow vtubers instead of fans?

Tell me...do you have friends/friend?
Just yes or no, i wanna know.

>> No.25304009

Go back

>> No.25305036

Of course I do it's (You)

>> No.25308214


>> No.25311242

>The absolute state of /vt/
I keep telling you people to change the Captcha to a psychological evaluation but you people just don't fucking listen.

>> No.25312530

How? He'll continue to farm the chinks and now he has the moral high ground. Dude is a genius lmao

>> No.25313317

Politics is a different beast, especially a conflict that might lead to WW3 and a few billion people dying in the process.
Most of Vox's Chinese fans are already past the drama. They're not going to stir shit up as long as Reimu stays away for a while.

>> No.25313468

God I wish he would have sex with me (no homo)

>> No.25313599

Because they're retarded and not aware that co-workers are actually the worst kind of friends. You have no choice in bonding with coworkers because you're put in a survival cage with them by your company. You get closer with coworkers because you need to survive, not because they're really worthwhile people that increase your life in many ways, or have many common points with you, etc.
Under that same logic, prioritizing your audience is actually the best survival attitude, after all, it's the hand that feeds you

>> No.25313698

I don't think everyone in nijisanji is just a coworker - this isn't holoEN.

>> No.25313756

No, by that logic you should prioritize coworkers, because you have to coexist with them. Angry fans might cause trouble but they'll leave eventually and you can get new ones.

>> No.25313879

Meantime she's crying and whining about not having enough money to pay rent, to pay her pet's medicine or to fund original songs, because her fanbase (nonexistent) and gachis (nonexistent) are poor payers who obviously don't open the wallet that wide for Vox's sloppy seconds. She's more on the retarded based alignment

>> No.25314488

Millie leaked that her channel makes 10k a month after YT tax. Half goes to the company, then add goods and subtract taxes, it's probably $5k in her pocket. Reimu's should be at least half of Millie's, but her living costs are way lower. Rent is maybe 1/4th that of the US or Canada.

>> No.25316273

I'd choke on that dick every morning for breakfast...

>> No.25317437

That's right, Millie has a fanbase (even if small), Reimu doesn't have that
