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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25231450 No.25231450 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>25143621

Elfa in swimsuit edition.

Today's streams

Lunita thanking supachats (ongoing)

Upcoming streams

Mireille plays Sizeable

Sopita plays her first sponsored game

Himea plays GTA San Andreas

Sopita free chat

Lia's Birthday Special


Miu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_z0-X89fg
Lia: She's a free neko, schedules are for pussies.
Suzu: Impending graduation.
Sopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8y6V-Dn5eg
Pal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW5a0Ggd_4I
Luña: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJUEGEuaGE
Himari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPHHAF1K1M
Yue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8NdW1-0A8
Ito: Mostly Apex, free chat & karaoke (in the same stream)
Himea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMCT4arC0w
Mireille: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLb-qZckVBA
Mimi: Coming soon!

More info about Wactor:

>> No.25231519

Cumming inside of Luna's anus

>> No.25231610

Sopa hate real

>> No.25231676


>> No.25231769

The only real idol from WACTOR is starting to disappear and no one is making a fuzz about it... Ungrateful bastards.

>> No.25231870

>Argie agency gettin' 3Ds

>> No.25232066

Miu? What happened?

>> No.25232317
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Himari my twilight...

>> No.25232326

en el ano en el ano en el ano

>> No.25232480

I'm proud we somehow contributed to the expulsion of that bitch.

>> No.25232532

Wait did something happened to Lunita?

>> No.25232549

What can we do? teach the misocucks good taste?

>> No.25232597


>> No.25232632

More idol than your disguting deer will ever be.

>> No.25232944

Himari? If you are talking abt her you should do ur reps

>> No.25233030


>> No.25233070

No YOU do your reps. Bitchmari is a certified slut.

>> No.25233074

Lia? I hope not.

>> No.25233292

Lia is indeed the best singer but not the best idol.

>> No.25233300

Lia is not a idol, she is a vsinger

>> No.25233367

Calm down Lunita, we understand you had a bad day.

>> No.25233448

we cant lose hope yet...

>> No.25233488

She is the most bonita idol, shut up.

>> No.25233516

She looks so uncomfortable on that clip.

>> No.25233587

Not bonita enough for the japanese audicence it seems...

>> No.25233691

Lunita, my cute, bratty, picky, sheltered and ignorant failed idol.

>> No.25233738

Luna is not going anywhere though.

>> No.25233788

The chinks love her tho.

>> No.25233790

If we say "no hablo taka taka" they must say "タコタコは話せません"

>> No.25233809

She will fold if pressured, make more seiso Lia fanart

>> No.25233879

Hey anons did you see the note that a Chinese company was (allegedly) enslaving their vtubers ? the interesting part was that Bilibili was taking 50% of the money do you think its the same for Wactor ?

>> No.25233976

I refuse to believe we are not at least half of wactor total market, then why do we only 1 (one) spanish speaker per gen?

>> No.25233996

enslave with what staff? Akira cant enslave his own retardness let alone a girl

>> No.25234001

>Bilibili was taking 50% of the money
Pretty much yes, Bilibili is not a good platform, sheer numbers make it more or less worth it
>Chinese company was (allegedly) enslaving their vtubers
Elaborate please

>> No.25234006

What do you mean by slaving?

>> No.25234119


It refers to contracts that pay little money and require a lot of work, it is said that bilibili takes 50% and the company 49% so slavery.

>> No.25234144

Throwing shit to Himari? Where these sub-humans are coming from?

>> No.25234185

Chinks are a lot, like a lot, numbers are not comparable, youtube is less likely to get you canceled, here a girl gets a fact wrong and at most you get a bunch of mean words or everyone laughs it off, in China you get a Coco situation

>> No.25234242

Then I don't think is Wactor's case. Not even Hina would be so dumb to stay in a place like that.

>> No.25234251

Hispa(ha!), Serena's server, Merun apologist
Who knows

>> No.25234333

You started by throwing shade to la mas bonita. I hereby declare the Lomitos vs Inumakis war started.

>> No.25234381

I don't think you're stupid enough to believe that...

>> No.25234409

don't fall for the troll who is playing both sides

>> No.25234474

It was not even me you fucking monkey.

>> No.25234480

>bilibili takes 50%
I can believe this, when Cococ happened an anon explained how Bili worked, basically the platform takes a big chunk of profits and something like memberships are for the livestreamer, i didn't fully understood

>> No.25234499

We have better things to do than throw shit at Himari.

>> No.25234543


>> No.25234605

that explains why Suzu is leaving... they didn't pay her shit.

>> No.25234644

Yes but the bili numbers are worth it, because you can sell merch to them and profit but ofc retarded Akira made an event for Suzu where he tried to milk the shit out of them instead of just selling plastic

>> No.25234707

And Rui who was also a bilibili exclusive

>> No.25234728

I guess Wactor girls keep 30% on both platforms (some streamers say that youtube can take between 30 and 50%)

>> No.25234797

Indeed, Rui got tired of having minimal views and a much more miserable pay, very good for "el trapito"

>> No.25234832

I still don't have full grasp on the whole Coco debacle. Like she just showed some analytics that showed taiwan as a separate entity and chinks went nuclear from that? I thought only the goverment was autistic about the taiwan shit but the normal citizens too? And why did she even graduate? They don't even stream to chinks anymore.

>> No.25234845

Lia is not even the best singer in Wactor. She can't reach highs and have a poor lung capacity. She only has a cute voice that help her out but it is clear she have had cero real experience when it comes to singing. Himari, Miu and Luna (when she is not faking her voice) are way better than her.

>> No.25234871

YouTube keeps 30% of donations and memberships...

>> No.25234908

Nobody like trannies, even if ironic.

>> No.25234951

Why every idol I follow have to be leeched by companies and platforms from all the money they win by pure hard work?

It's like they suffer the same destiny as a salaryman in the end. All their talent, hope and dreams get sucked by big corpos until they lose everything and want just to quit...

>> No.25234978


>> No.25235012

If you look it up you will see that Niji's people indirectly complain about how much the company takes and how hard it is to work with them same for Holo , I don't think Akira is the worst by far.

>> No.25235029


>> No.25235261

The best singer and idol? Hina Misora of course.

>> No.25235287


>> No.25235304

Follow better idols.

>> No.25235427 [DELETED] 

>Everyone I disagree with is samefagging
Chinkmari fags are embarrasing themselves again...

>> No.25235503

Remember that views also count and youtube makes you pay extra if your audience is from the USA but you are outside the US.

>> No.25235511
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>> No.25235532

Yeah, Bili wins by sheer numbers, a vsinger had like 300 ccv in youtube and 70+ in bilibili
Somebody once say that Suzu was something familiar

>> No.25235641

>normal citizens too
Propaganda, is like the populist here in Latam that say that we are poor because America or "Devuelvan el Oro" kind of thing

>> No.25235692

If you hate Himari you're clearly bad from the head. There's literally no reason to do so.

>> No.25235780

I think the ccp actually banned non gender conforming streamers and even feminists, maybe that was part of Rui's decision?

>> No.25235788


>> No.25235883

Working a Corpo is both a blessing and curse, especially in a place with backwater copyright laws like Japan

>> No.25235971

Practice can improve a lot of voices, examples: Misora, Rose, Suzu and Pal

>> No.25235981

No you idiot. I refuse to believe we have 2 stupid enough people to answer to aclaim with a "Hahahaha".
Way better to believe you're Samefag than accept we're been invaded by 15yo hispachangos.

>> No.25236041

They started to threaten to doxx her family, cover didn't help much, she couldn't collaborate with anyone because they were harassing the other person, they blamed her for the graduation of other girls, her roommate was also being harassed etc etc etc

>> No.25236073

Retarded tax laws in the USA, they also try to tax you if you make money from a deal with a USA base company even if you are overseas

>> No.25236241

Even happens with the Nijis

>> No.25236302

Very true but Lia isn't the kind to practice to get better.

>> No.25236373

this clip were they thank their fans from Taiwan showing their google analytics and they called it a country and got their channels banned from Bilibili and the chinese were joining YT memberships and stuff just to anti them and attacking other hololive members, it was a shitshow

>> No.25236482

Yeah if you listen her Karaokes(member content) before releasing her 2nd song you can listen the difference with today's Karaoke, Lia should get over the "I don't like to sing" phase

>> No.25236863

There's no substantial difference but maybe that's what you mean?

>> No.25237000

Lia is a person with many talents but it is as if she feels guilty for having them. Crafts, music, art etc is as if she does not recognize her talents and limits herself.

>> No.25237079

You misspelled menhera.

>> No.25237141


>> No.25237284

Japanese man are beta male that loves submissive girls and are scared of foreign girls with stronger personalities than them

>> No.25237386

You're reaching bro. She just knows she have some talent but is also self aware of where her place is in the big scheme of things, since there is so many other girls with way more talent.
It seems she just gave up in getting better bc of this and bc it would be to much of a hassle.

>> No.25237490

How much shit do you have in your head to hate the real Republic of China Taiwan?

>> No.25237544

People that overperform early on life then to fall off later in life due the pressure about they previous performance

>> No.25237638

I am a Heavenly Kingdom nacionalist

>> No.25237729

All men like submissive girls (at least the ones who aren't near into gay territory)but not all men can make a woman submissive to them, more so with a progressive shit culture like the modern westerners of today have.

>> No.25237961

That may be or just plain laziness. We can't really know.

>> No.25238025

She is talentless.

>> No.25238157

Ño, rose is talentless

>> No.25238184

More like that attitude she showed on twittah, "if you keep pushing me I´ll do the contrary"

>> No.25238187

Maybe both, remember she advanced faster than Miu on spanish lessons

>> No.25238271

They are herbibores

>> No.25238406


>> No.25238539


>> No.25238744

>Ayamy mama's models are never popular
Why even live

>> No.25238880

Akira you manlet, give Himea model to pirañita or someone who can actually stream on a regular basis.

>> No.25238967

Not all of them but thats another topic

>> No.25238984

Speaking like a truly 4chan anon

>> No.25239038

She doesnt put out the notes she used to. Today she said its hard to sing in the morning, i guess because of neighbors

>> No.25239212

Luna is definitely exited because japan is going to open the borders soon. Tortilla con sopa uffff

>> No.25239294

>Chink fujos are attacking Reimu
I hope they don't target Hina

>> No.25239301

Faster than Miu in spanish lessons? Where are you getting this from? Lia's spanish is not existing.
I don't think she has ever take any spanish lessons like Miu has where you can see since Miu at least can speak small sentences and knows quite a few spanish words.

>> No.25239420

Whats a truly 4chan anon

>> No.25239431

Nah, the Reimu thing is bc of Vox. Hina is safe

>> No.25239547
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Talent ranking (overall)

Rose had a cute voice when singing but seriously she is 100% carried by her voice and Piyoko was good at ASMR and that's it

>> No.25239723

cute gossip femanons

>> No.25239752

Now do one for charisma.

>> No.25239845

>Mireille more talent that Piyoko and Rose
What's babu's talent besides sounding underage?

>> No.25239883

That's what I'm trying to say Anon , but just because you know where your limit is doesn't mean you can't keep practicing , basically what >>25237544 said is like she doesn't want to fail or let others (herself) down which also explains >>25238184
she doesn't want to be pressured , for example if she doesn't hit a note she keeps her voice lower and denies she can reach it but someone like misora sounds horrible until she improves a bit , I don't think she is the best in the world but she has to stop thinking she has 0 talent.

>> No.25240043

She was before her hiatus, she had recordings trying to sing spanish song like "el pollito pio", etc.

>> No.25240103

knows 3 languages and draws + ok at singing

>> No.25240148

being cute

>> No.25240372

>knows 3 languages
Akira should hire at least 3 persons per lenguaje so they don't end up aislated from the rest

>> No.25240421

Listen to me anon same model a couple of changes and we say that she is the sister of piyoko BOOM.

>> No.25240453

She is the cutest without trying like the disgusting wawawa poipoipoi also her singing voice touch your soul not because is great but is somehow clean and neat

>> No.25240507

Anon that's what he's trying to do

>> No.25240525

>besides sounding underage
Worked for Gura

>> No.25240665


>> No.25241274

Hina's only talent is speaking spanish

>> No.25241357

kinda, she actually trying to be something

>> No.25241423

Sopa Marshmallow

>> No.25241497

Nah she has the most powerful zatsudan out of all wactor.

>> No.25241558

Worked for Lia/Miu.

>> No.25242930

Whenever I see this thread I can't help but picture a 3 year old trying to say tractor.

>> No.25243679


>> No.25243977

Wacked Er

>> No.25244108


>> No.25244168


>> No.25245623

>Aviso Importante/Important Notice
Not again bros...
Clarita's going to graduate, isn't she?

>> No.25245717


>> No.25245944

Save Clarita, bros...

>> No.25246235

I believe she went to the hospital today, and I don't figure she's got good news concerning her health
I feel like in the best case scenario she'll announce she's having some sort of surgery, but...

>> No.25246776 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25247049
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So true...

>> No.25247069

The Vtuber world is a harsh place.

>> No.25247296


>> No.25247340


>> No.25247638

fuck her model was so well drawn
what a waste

>> No.25247710

I didn´t get to know her while she was on wator, but I like her laugh and her beautiful femenine hands

>> No.25247930
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A Luna costume like this one pls

>> No.25248002

Too much clothes

>> No.25248184

Gyaru version of the girls when???

>> No.25249337

good for you, anon-kun

>> No.25249995

>Watched Reimu video
Jesus christ Reimu you are so stupid

>> No.25251112


>> No.25251211

I'd seriously love to kill every single wactor mod with my bare hands.

>> No.25251325 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1027x1401, pbs_twimg_com_media_FUEBqJbacAEqKxR_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day We are more close to see naked putiglita

>> No.25251344

Mind to elaborate?

>> No.25251517
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I can't stop thinking about it, I'm constantly fantasizing about kissing and licking Lunita's tummy while she slowly pat my head, make cute noises and whisper to me with her sweet voice "heh, estúpido"

>> No.25252385

she is cute so fuck off

>> No.25252633

Seems like her model is pretty close to her actual appearance. Cute

>> No.25252833

give an update anon
I still dont know wtf happened

>> No.25253228


>> No.25255165
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>> No.25256978
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>> No.25258860


>> No.25259280

Gm my melanin enriched friends

>> No.25259785

they are taking them down

>> No.25260235


>> No.25261737
File: 75 KB, 1440x789, pixelcanvas.io (965,9926) 2022-05-31T07_00_16-05_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzu is almost there


Reference image

With Grid

Original res

>> No.25261738
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Good Morning

>> No.25262475 [DELETED] 

>Merun does a drawing the world map skit on Bilibili
>Denshi tells her to draw China

>> No.25263045

I still find hilarious how some chinks have the gall to threat a fucking culombiana third worlder.

>> No.25263079


>> No.25263348

Babu at 3fps now


>> No.25263572

Shut up virgin mofo, the most you can aspire to is to kys from excessive masturbation.

>> No.25263641

Chill Loyal

>> No.25263675


>> No.25263804

I just woke up and you are making me want to sleep again.... ZZZZzzzzzZZZzzzzz

>> No.25263837

Why would you get mad at that statement?

>> No.25264667
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5k subs and no debut yet

>> No.25264826

>Tank you
Mimi owns a tank

>> No.25265844

Akira you fucking manlet, grab some money from Sopa groomers or Suzu chinks, and buy a better pc for your employees

>> No.25267411
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>> No.25267530

Can't wait for Himari graduation.

>> No.25267686
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Wew, I have the next OP pic

>> No.25268036

No sopa today

>> No.25268086
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>> No.25268233

well it was a jap stream so almost all of her fanbase would just ignore that stream...

>> No.25268966


>> No.25270660
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Meanwhile Lia has 130k, she has the bronze I guess

>> No.25270812

one more week!

>> No.25271048

I was expecting Putiglota to reach 130K before Lia.

>> No.25272960

Bad luck

>> No.25273188 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.25273309

Luna valorant now


>> No.25273336

Fuck you bitch

>> No.25273415
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>> No.25273912


>> No.25274714
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Today's streams

Luna is playing Valorant (live now)

Himea plays GTA San Andreas

Ito plays GTA V

Yue drawing the 4th gen.

Mireille plays Crab Game

Pal plays The witch house

>> No.25275233

The last time some played that, half a generation graduated.

>> No.25275536


>> No.25275746

> Lo siento mucho por los niños que lo esperaban con ansias

Niños... average misopa fan

>> No.25275759

Why Luna has chat on screen? is there any way to remove the super chats from the chat?

>> No.25275769

Cursed game

>> No.25276697


>> No.25278504

Miu love

>> No.25280055

So Luna never replied to Pixelanons?

>> No.25280227

That's called the imposter syndrome.

>> No.25280617


>> No.25280638

Nateyo teta

>> No.25280912
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I hope sopita learns from what happened to reimu and never collaborate with males

>> No.25281481

I'm not a nijinigger so context please

>> No.25281705
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>> No.25281974

Sopa space

>> No.25282181

oh nonono wactor bros la unidad doko
Maing a Twitter space during Himena's buff game, Hina really is a catty bitch

>> No.25282258

I pray every night for Wactorboys to be cancelled.

>> No.25283100


I really like Himari streams~
she has this underrated feature of stressing on particles so it's way easier for a N4 pleb like me to understand her

>> No.25283343


Good job Ofeb

>> No.25284197

Vox´s fujos sent Reimu death threats and stuff like that.

>> No.25285788

I seriously need to have a whiff of Ito´s gaming chair.

>> No.25286814
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You're at Gamestop and this Mamacita tells your girlfriend "Lindo culo", what do you do?

>> No.25286847

y-you too

>> No.25287077

Ito's sweat

>> No.25287158

Kek, i like this ghost

>> No.25287231

She commentend about the low fps on the stream´s chat too, lol.

>> No.25287277

Despise babu, Fantasmita is the true unity

>> No.25287331


>> No.25287694

Akami's chat is full of anons right now

>> No.25287814
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Fantasmita is worried about Yue

>> No.25287879
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>> No.25287883

I want Yue to marry me and give me 3 children.

>> No.25287913

really cute or just bait?

>> No.25287983

I feel like fantasmita is /here/, dunno why...

>> No.25288099

>>Fantasmita LOVE
I hope she have a cute voice.

>> No.25288170
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You have to admit that she knows how to build hype. She hasn't debuted yet, but she tweets a lot, already released 4 shorts and likes to speak several languages at once.
We will see if she manages to make an impact even if she doesn't know Spanish.

>> No.25288245

Fantasmita already more charismatic than Reimu.

>> No.25288498

That is not saying much...

>> No.25289240

I will wait until hear her voice and see her naked back.

>> No.25289444

Even Nico is more charismatic than culonbiana

>> No.25290578

fantasmita anon, I hope from heaven you see that fantasmita is a good girl and is part of the unity gang.

>> No.25290755

Mireille is playing the crab game


>> No.25290848


>> No.25291008

Stream is kill.
Why do bots hate the Babu so much?

>> No.25291092



>> No.25291262

Lunita... why do you hate us?

>> No.25291376

Paru internet died

>> No.25291433

Did Pal react to the pixelart?

>> No.25291629


>> No.25291896

this new gen is a disaster
fantasmita please save us

>> No.25291948

Time for Clarita's important notice
I'm legit freaking out bros, please don't be a graduation announcement...

>> No.25292031
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This reads like a decrypted message sent from a different time

>> No.25292078

Gracias mucho.

>> No.25292173

the production... i kneel clarita

>> No.25292189

Sopita, Yue and now Pal canceled today

>> No.25292211

Cute Clarita!!!

>> No.25292543

Did babu fps were always this bad with other games?

>> No.25292594

>Pal actually posted her ip asking for help

>> No.25292772

She never had fps to begging with

>> No.25292859

Some spic are writing in japanese in Babu's chat, Babu doesn't know japanese

>> No.25293865
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Clarita's not graduating but her health is in the gutter, maybe I should become a drug lord so I can save her

>> No.25295165
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>> No.25295401

That could be a good light novel

>> No.25295646

Remember that Pin-Pon guy that kept sending Rose lots of money and everyone thought was the son of a drug lord?

>> No.25295863


>> No.25296397

Some people know more Japanese than english so...

>> No.25296969

What did she means by this?


>> No.25297081

she is the only one who did not reply

>> No.25297108

Dead thread

>> No.25297182

Comfy tread, i mean see the state of the board

>> No.25297185

I doubt she´s talking about the contract itself, if you watch her streams you should know her past life as an entertainer by now. I think it was a big change and a challenge for her.

>> No.25297318

>Himea stream still open

>> No.25297319

Also, if you are a member just watch her last 2 member streams, the charla after the watchalong, she talked about her failures as an idol and how sometimes she thinks she don´t deserve the place she´s in.

>> No.25297720

That part was cut from the vod

>> No.25297759

not yet

>> No.25297811

I hope she likes it, the color palette on that one is my fav by far.

>> No.25297890

What she said?

>> No.25298010

That literally, that there are many talented vtubers who will never fulfill their dreams and that she sometimes believes she doesn't deserve her place.

>> No.25298226


>> No.25298364

I watched the stream, no need to summarize
I was saying that Luna cut the chatting part from her member stream so don't send anon to watch something that don't exist anymore

>> No.25298439

>people are figuring out where she is from in her own chat

>> No.25298724

Finally Miu karaoke, I really miss her long karaoke streams of nearly 3 or 4 hours.
that and her cover recording


>> No.25298870

>Doxxed by your poverty

>> No.25299080

Millie spanish reps

>> No.25299320

Himea's infinite tsukuyomi

>> No.25299400

They already ready replaced Reimu, that was fast

>> No.25299682

No love for Merun tonight?

>> No.25299816


>> No.25299996

to me all karaokes suck because it's the same songs every time

>> No.25300301


>> No.25301085

Aria is crowdfunding her 3d, Akira hire this girl, she fits perfectlly in Wactor

>> No.25301334

Lia, do your magic.

>> No.25301365

>Akira hire this girl
The moment when you realize that there is no nepotism in wactor. Or maybe Lia has no power after all.

>> No.25301378


>> No.25301436


>> No.25301481

Won´t happen anytime soon, she´s under a contract.

>> No.25301525


>> No.25301552

this kill the Misora-Luna rrat

>> No.25301636

>Himea only has 11 viewers
what happened has she always been a 2view?

>> No.25301938

She only has 16k subs and the campaign started today and already collected 100k yen. akira should use that method.

>> No.25302020

how much she needs, i don't have a reference with 3d models

>> No.25302133

1 million yen like 10k usd

>> No.25302254

Wow, i remember Kawaii corp doing a crowdfunding too

>> No.25302322

Wactor is dying

>> No.25302393

nah it depends on how simple the design is, it could cost from 3k for something decent like Wactor quality

>> No.25302550

That her crowdfunding

>> No.25302610

Just like la mas bonita said, too many talented girls that won´t see their dreams come true. Feels bad to be a thirdworlder.

>> No.25302642
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hory shet

>> No.25302684

Suzu final streams, cooking with Miu


>> No.25302887

Lia considers Mireille her little sister

>> No.25302943

>“Final streams”
Next month zusu debut in bilibili with muryotado desing

>> No.25303166

I doubt you anon

>> No.25303637

Well if it is true what they are saying on the board, that it is super hard to get money out of China, bilibili 50% of the donations and on top of that they have to pay taxes. Say goodbye to suzu because she might not come back.

>> No.25303841

Merun hands.

>> No.25303891


>> No.25303947


>> No.25304142

>>Lia being cryptic again
I find it curious how the same topics that are discussed here are discussed in other sites and when Lia reacts to them it seems as if she were /here/.

>> No.25304384
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OK this will be a fact
Sleep like Suzu anons

>> No.25304392

There's no hope...

Why do you stick around these girls knowing their time with us won't last too much?

>> No.25304478

We are purists or gachis and the yellow fever is stronk.

>> No.25304757
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Vtubing is a job for entertainers, most of these girls are here to get some extra money for college
that's why Miu just keeps going
gonna search this post when she retires

>> No.25304767

If you think that good things last a short time, you should appreciate them as much as you can.

>> No.25304962
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Like life itself, everything is ephemeral, we must appreciate the beautiful things in life while there is still time, don't forget to tell your oshi how much you love her, tomorrow she may not be with you anymore, but the memories remain.

Good Night anons

>> No.25305132

Are we leaving that tiny heart over Suzu head? And, are you ready for Babu-Ito pixel?

>> No.25305194

This outfit makes me so horny holy shit.

>> No.25305890
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What did simpatico do this time??

>> No.25306156

The outfit is shit, it's her body type what's very hot.

>> No.25306294


>> No.25307061

miu gordita

>> No.25307305

Gn bread.

>> No.25307392


>> No.25307516

I remember she once personally contacted some guy to ask him about rrats once.

>> No.25307715

this is so stupid i believe it

>> No.25307765

you sure it's not loyal?

>> No.25307822

She calls out people on Discord all the time.
I think it might be archived on her channel somewhere.

>> No.25307852

Loyal isn't Misora's moderator.

>> No.25308089

El hermano...

>> No.25308670
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Laila was a gyaru...

>> No.25308792
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>> No.25308995

kek the fucking haughtiness of this mf
