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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25174791 No.25174791 [Reply] [Original]

Male Gachikoi when their oshi collabs with a male:
>Aw geez guys it's her decision we can't complain, just support her

Female Gachikoi when their oshi collabs with a female:
Pic related

>> No.25175062

Fujos are fuckin' based, they don't take cuckshit sitting down and don't give a fuck if people who have no horse in the race whine about it on twitter.

>> No.25175310

What you're actually talking about is a tiny number of chinese schizos making a small number of comments while almost everyone else is supportive including the other chinese fans. This isn't a generalized female male thing however much you want to make it one. Most Of Vox's fans are shitting on these people and being supportive of Reimu.

>> No.25175373

t. Bug

>> No.25175788

>Male Gachikoi when their oshi collabs with a male:
>Aw geez guys it's her decision we can't complain, just support her

>> No.25175793

Asian women don't tolerate being cucked, western men do. The absolute state.

>> No.25175953

So this is the future of womankind? Femcels?

>> No.25175990

based fujos. Fujos have to be my favorite people on the whole planet. I love them so much bros...

>> No.25176021

Western men have been emasculated to all hell. You can all learn from Chinese women.

>> No.25176023

Fujos have more balls than the soi riddled trannies who make up the HoloEN fanbase these days and beg for homostar collabs. Very sad.

>> No.25176205

Western male fans are gachikoi cucks who shit on people for wanting their oshi to be single and watch streams they resent so they don't be seen in a bad light like other cucks.

Western female fans don't put up with shit.

>> No.25176449

I wish fans acted like that with people like fauna too. some things are just unacceptable.

>> No.25176508

Fauna hasn't done anything onscreen. If you know stuff you're not supposed to then thats on you.

>> No.25176539

at least try, OP.

>> No.25176586

oh no, a cuckling

>> No.25176618

Try what? Chink fujos are making you look like a beta cuck

>> No.25176625

I see, you have no idea how a gachikoi behaves. Even the term oshi has already been bastardized, there are people who calls a vtuber their oshi, but doesn't even know basic stuff like their birthday.

>> No.25176680

>I'm not a cuck if it didn't happen on screen

>> No.25177059

NTA but what's the distinction then? Probably 90% of the "untainted" vtubers have or have had a bf, especially the successful ones. Is it only real to you if you see it? Is that not equally as deluded?

>> No.25177256

Femoids so used to being catered to that they get all catty and screechy if things dont go their way. Fuckin embarrassing.

>> No.25177301

Bullshit. Not even you could seriously believe this. I'd say the only difference is male gachikois go harder on their oshi while female gachikois go harder on whoever their oshi interacted with.

>> No.25177308

You're trying to argue with an unironic unicorn, he believes he found the one pure girl that's saving herself for him and you won't convince him otherwise.

>> No.25177382

t. Fungus

>> No.25177386

My oshi is 100% pure virgin and is committed to staying that way as long as she's an active vtuber. Sorry that you're unable to find the same

>> No.25177594

No and I think he's a fag.

>> No.25177595


>> No.25177684

Are these supposed to be scary death threats

>> No.25177750

The character is virgin. The VA def fucks around.

>> No.25178028

Im not even trying to argue, I just don't get how unicorns can do all the doxx research to make sure their oshi is "the one" and not realize that no one is the one.

I don't see why that would improve her streams, but if go ahead and believe it if you want.

>> No.25178117

>I just don't get how unicorns can do all the doxx research to make sure their oshi is "the one" and not realize that no one is the one.
Literally a coping mechanism.

>> No.25178188

>search twitter
>a couple of angry comments
>literally hundreds of ppl covering for Reimu
wow it's another case of western woman doing something retarded and a legion of retards blindly defending her

>> No.25178203

>I just don't get how unicorns can do all the doxx research to make sure their oshi is "the one" and not realize that no one is the one.
There are plenty of vtubers you can support without the money going into chads pocket.

>> No.25178390

Female gachikoi when their oshi (female) collabs with a male:

>> No.25178446


>> No.25178470

i mean i've seen you retards make rap songs and shit. this psycho poem is nothing

>> No.25178553

fujos are actually based

>> No.25178621

/vt/ when uki interrupts pomu and finana asmr stream: seething
/vt/ when reimu interrupts vox asmr stream and fujos get mad: "lol femcels amirite"

>> No.25178653

based schizo retards

>> No.25178662

If my oshi collabed with a guy, I would be annoyed at her not the guy so of course I wouldn't be writing poems about how she should be dead.
I would be here calling her a cunt.

>> No.25178805

God bless you anon

>> No.25178857

Uh... Based

>> No.25180277

Vox will travel to Colombia and fuck Reimu on stream. His earnings will double.

>> No.25180448


>> No.25180501

Based as Fuck fujoshits

>> No.25180506

Shut up cuck.
They're doing G-d's work.

>> No.25180552

Indeed. I was calling for Uki's public beheading after he ruined my Pufferfeesh.

>> No.25180589

This but unironically.

>> No.25180652

>he's surprised women are hypocrites

>> No.25180687

Shut up cuck

>> No.25180704

she's a ghost

>> No.25180715

undeniably based

>> No.25180743

Rushia literally happened.

>> No.25180750

Why can't we follow on the fujos' footsteps, they're so based

>> No.25180780

I think both Uki and Reimu should be Minecrafted desu

>> No.25180821


>> No.25180858

And we, alongside Junchads and Kore2chads Minecrafted her. Thank us for doing G-d's work.

>> No.25180899
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Never forget

>> No.25180934
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We should have listened to him bros...

>> No.25181017
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nice rrat, but if you actually knew niji lore, you would know that reimu is already dead (a ghost) those tweets are from a fan who loves her so much that spams her lore of how she became a ghost, its a thing reimu fans do

>> No.25181084
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>pomu and finana asmr stream

if only that happened for real

>> No.25181192

Maybe on R*ddit they're mad.
Here, we stand in solidarity with the fujos.

>> No.25181196
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Is this part of the fandom rp too?

>> No.25181256


>> No.25181368

Open relationships in Nijisanji should be banned. There is a reason why it never happens on the JP side of the Livers. The market is those who see them as a social worker and that's the way it has been for us. At the very least, EN could have kept the BFE side of things, but that's all nothing less but a joke, and this is the consequence Vox has put onto himself. An addendum, NO E-GIRLS, NEVER!

>> No.25181453


>> No.25181474

>Threatening reimu
she doesn't know about Las FARC

>> No.25181537

Stop mixing unicorns and gachikois. You can be a gachikoi without being an unicorn. Not being a virgin is not an issue to gachis but having a boyfriend is always a problem whether you’re a gachi, an unicorn or doutankyohi.
Fucking normalfags I swear.

>> No.25181604

There is no difference. If you aren't a gachikoi then you're a normalfag. And if you aren't a unicorn then you are a cuck. That's the way it's always been since Holotrash like you has invaded our fandom.

>> No.25181712


>> No.25181753

I’m starting to think that there are more femanons here in the board than male anons

>> No.25181834

I have no problem with that. M*n are so fucking weak-willed compared to femanons. They get what they fucking deserve for not following Odin, Schopenhauer, and Spencer.

>> No.25181840

>You are a high end social worker
Would you actually hire any of these menhera bitches to be a social worker?
Didn't think so.

>> No.25181906

He's right retard. HoloEN trannies have no right to punch up on NijiEN unicorns that have gatekept m*n from the livers they've followed from the start. Reimu and her inceloid fans are not welcome here.

>> No.25181945

You can’t be this retarded. You have to be baiting but I’m gonna explain it so the other normalfags understand it.
Gachikoi and unicorn are not the same thing. You can be both or only one thing.
>if you aren’t an unicorn then you’re a cuck.
You retarded subhuman. Most holos have had bfs IN THE PAST and we know about it. That’s why a lot of holos have gachis but not real unicorns. Even fucking Rushia has massive gachikois and everyone knows her past. You seriously need to go back or lurk more.

>> No.25181968

Retard, he's saying that the objective of a VTuber is to pander to them, and in this case Vox has betrayed his following by allowing femoid trash on his stream meant specifically for them.

>> No.25181992

i used to be convinced that this place just had men acting like women, but no this place really has women

>> No.25182047

>no real unicorns
That's why the Holoshit fanbase is weak and has no standards. The Luxiem and Noctyx fanbases in comparison hold higher standards presumably because they're desirable men that haven't put their dicks in crazy. That's why the cuck is (You) and you can deny it all you want but there's a reason why femcorns will always have more integrity than a trannified "man" like a Holofag.

>> No.25182104

From my experience these weird hate poems are always made by chinese people

>> No.25182145

They're based and are able to be expressed in ways cucked cumskinned faggots will never get.

>> No.25182144

>they don't take cuckshit sitting down
she literally sat down and typed this and did nothing else
>if people who have no horse in the race whine about it on twitter.
she's literally whining on twitter

Did you think she somehow accomplished an extraordinary achievement of defiance by... having a mental breakdown on social media?

>> No.25182198

Hate her all you want bro but she's showing /vt/ what standards really are if you want to live by your name of integrity of what it means to be a real fan of Nijisanji. And for the record, no Chinese fujo never called me an incel for having my beliefs.

>> No.25182227

Based female gachikoi chads.

>> No.25182225

It reads like a nursery rhyme for little children what are you talking about

>> No.25182230

>seething illiterate

>> No.25182258

You're filtered by the language of the future, Burgoid.

>> No.25182285


>> No.25182301

>Zhangs calling twitter literal who fujos based
it all makes sense now.

>> No.25182314
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how many layers of contrarian do you have to be to start calling fujochink schizos who send death threats based?

>> No.25182334

This seems to mainly be about death in general or the death of the author, but maybe they've started using them online as death threats now, like leaving flowers on the desk of a guy you don't like in school Idk

>> No.25182344

all these replies holyfuck vt please learn the difference between a gachikoi and fujo
reminder that fujo=/=woman

>> No.25182348

We've always embraced this mindset, Holocuck

>> No.25182350

I don’t care about your side branch EN shit you disgusting ENshart, and if you take anything coming from an EN seriously then you’re mentally ill: they are asmongold larping with live2D. And I think fujos can be derangedly based because they defend their shit even though sometimes we are enemies.
I was just spoon feeding that unicorns and gachikois are not the same thing, but you don’t even understand english so of course you didn’t get it.

>> No.25182368

I'm pretty sure it's just shitposting, anon.

>> No.25182373

with what?

>> No.25182444

There are a lot of posts calling them based tho.

>> No.25182467

Is this a false flag? I don't even watch niji but this reads like a false flag, too many obvious things to poke fun at

>> No.25182475


>> No.25182479

Is it really contrarian to enjoy seeing Reimu get shit on?

>> No.25182554

If you really thought they were based then you'd use their tactics on the talents that don't live up to what YOU want them to provide for you, as they are supposed to provide YOU with what you wish for.
>just shitposting
>more and more people waking up and realising what the Kindreds hold for their liver and how they are weak in comparison after thankfully causing R*shia to fuck off for good
The buck doesn't stop there and you're in heavy denial if you think this is just a game. You underestimate our potential if we caused the top earner in Holoshit to get fucked.

>> No.25182557

someone escort this sperging faggot back to jp

>> No.25182635

>You underestimate our potential if we caused the top earner in Holoshit to get fucked.
>he thinks he did shit

>> No.25182650

We should be learning from the Chinese fujo on HoloEN but /vt/ basedtrannies are too cucked to do what Femcorns have done. Reimu should literally graduate tomorrow.

>> No.25182702

Are you denying /vt/ had a hand in providing Kore2 rrats? The 5ch crossthreads were all over bro.

>> No.25182727

no, just him

>> No.25182767

But my oshi, the want I’m also gachikoi with, does lives up to my expectations. Didn’t you think about that possibility?

>> No.25182798

Not if she has a boyfriend, cuck

>> No.25182803

hahaha this faggot really said >we hahahaha

>> No.25182914

This board should be more unified in holding the Hololivers to the standards that we place onto them, yes.

>> No.25182937
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Thought something bad happened but after checking Twitter it's all Reimu and Vox fans shitting on a few psychos. This is why I hate this shithole.

>> No.25182964


>> No.25182984

>Woman don't like being cuckqueen'ed

At least they have the balls to not take it lying down.

>> No.25182991

This but unironically. We need to start using their playbook more often.

>> No.25182993

She doesn’t but ok, you’re so deep in your cuckold fetish rhetoric to even be able to argue with. I assume that’s what happens when all you see is vshitjo and the rest of the western larpers. Go watch Conner or whatever vtuber ENsharts watch.

>> No.25183003

S the Reimu fans are evenly matched then?

>> No.25183013

They will take it laying down. Acting catty on twitter dot com wont do shit.

>> No.25183045

yeah, the west is a bunch of cucks

>> No.25183075

This. They're even getting heavily shat on by other women in their replies. Why are >we acting like it's any different from the unicorn schizos bitching about it here or on twitter?

>> No.25183088

they still got cucked though but will crawl back to vox anyway lmaoooo

>> No.25183092

I'm not kidding when I say this, but fujos are undeniably based for having the balls to stand up for their man.

Luxiem was designed to be the equivalent of a social worker for a maladjusted femcel the same way HoloEN was for incels. If anything, HoloEN fans are too pussified to carry out any of this shit and need to up their game because they're playing a losing game to chink fujos. If they take their playbook from them, watch out, there may suddenly be a turning of the tide in Holoshit for the better.

>> No.25183130

Because those calling them out are cucks who don't mind their man with another woman i.e. literal cuckold behavior.

>> No.25183173

Why can't /vt/ do this to the Holowhores more often? Seriously, y'all are a bunch of fuckin soft ass baby niggers.

>> No.25183198

Sounds like the exact same scenario where unicorn schizos call the rest cucks but with women. Again, where's the difference?

>> No.25183230

That include you retard, little bitch

>> No.25183235

>unicorn calls the femcorn based
isn't this expected? the only difference is that theyre are on twitter, and the male counterpart is here.

>> No.25183261

That women have more integrity and drive than men? Men need to reclaim this before their territory is further eroded by the cuckold basedtranny menace.

>> No.25183309

We need to learn from them and not just keep our frustrations here.
Already remind Cucklings and Hoocucks that their oshis have a boyfriend every day on Twitter.

>> No.25183312

make a twitter account then, and quit being a cuck. everything you say applies to you as well.

>> No.25183321

I don't know about you but I see just as many men bitching about le cucks, the only difference is that they're men. They also get shit on just like the fujos are being shit on by the other women. I quite literally see no difference.

>> No.25183342

Don't ask me, ask the rest of /vt/.

>> No.25183350

lol, good timing, i just posted >>25183312

>> No.25183364

>Already remind Cucklings and Hoocucks that their oshis have a boyfriend every day on Twitter.
You will get told to touch grass just like those fujos are being told to fuck off by other women. I really don't understand why you're acting like fujos are any different from the male unicorns.

>> No.25183394

That's why we're on their side and support them. The uprising wasn't gonna be just /vt/ but chink fujo circles working in tandem with /vt/.

>> No.25183402

Isn't this the same with all gachikoi? And yet if one guy sends a slightly psychotic comment some vtubers will automatically go on an unhinged rant about how all men are garbage and vtubers are not your girlfriend. It's the same shit.

>> No.25183437

I never said we were different from them faggot, I'm just calling for us to work together in the future since they can teach this board a thing or two when it comes to actually holding the livers accountable.

>> No.25183486

Femcorns did what unicorns only dream of doing.

>> No.25183489

>some vtubers will automatically go on an unhinged rant about how all men are garbage and vtubers are not your girlfriend
Then they're whores who should stop streaming immediately unless they are under contract to sell to inceloid men like us.

>> No.25183528

Exactly. That's why Unicorns need to step up their game and take from their playbook in the future with any liver they hold a standard for.

>> No.25183550

>actually holding the livers accountable.
They're getting ignored and ratio'd (or whatever the twitter term for that is) to oblivion, just like you get told to fuck off here (or that's what I assume, since you're bitching about how people here don't listen to you). Again, 0 difference other than gender. And the platform, I guess.
I can genuinely picture those fujos seeing your posts bitching about /vt/ cucks and vtubers being whores and saying "based why can't we fujos be like them".

>> No.25183679

Actually we're the ones that haven't made Reimu go on an indefinite hiatus because of our power level, the fujos have.

>> No.25183708

Didn't you guys also cause Mori to have a nervous breakdown and take a break after replying to bait on twitter? I'd say you're even.

>> No.25183741
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>> No.25183831

Looked at twitter. Whoever it is, it's a mental case.

female gachikois are the worse then.

>> No.25183849

So female fujos and male unicorns really are the same and you guys are just acting like they have anything special going on for them for no reason other than baiting "based" posts here.
(Besides I can't think of any other """victory""" either of you can claim besides those two things that did nothing or very little in the long run)

>> No.25183901

What relationship you retard

Reimu was playing FNAF, at most all she did was send Vox a message because he has been helping her with beating it. HE decided to improvise during his roleplay thing by calling her, pretend he had to take a call during a date (something that HAPPENS), so he could drop the "I'm with someone important right now" line during it.
The only people who would get pissed at this, considering it was roleplaying, are the extremely mentally ill, narcissistic, controlling and possessive type who would get pissed at their "partner" for even daring to look at or talk to anyone other than them.

>> No.25184005

Oh sure, easy to generalize until you're the one included in that generalization, right? Fucking retard.

>> No.25185097

>if I don’t look I’m not being cucked!

>> No.25185196
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>> No.25185229

>there's a reason why femcorns will always have more integrity than a trannified "man"
/vt/ needs more people like you.

>> No.25185258

i really wish holofags would stay in their lane

>> No.25185379

So you are either projecting or you are a 30 something christmass cake that will be forever alone.

>> No.25185473

If you didn't try to bring your whores around and claim they're /in/ with holos they'd probably just ignore you, keep your whores in their containment hole.

>> No.25185494

Do something about it. You can't and won't except bitch and cry. The ultimate cuckold.

>> No.25185559

I hate to agree. western male fanbase is made of fucking efeminate cucks. We need to learn from chinese fujoshits and the based JP fans.

>> No.25185633

People were mad at Pomu, but mainly Finana for including someone they didn't want to see in their first offcollab together. No one was mad at Uki or even gave a shit about him.

>> No.25185669

Some people were mad that other people weren't happy to have Uki there.
Literal brain rot cases.
"Oh my god they are FRIENDS and just wanted to be together how dare you not enjoy it"

>> No.25186004

I think chinese fujos are my new oshi bro's....

>> No.25186165
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>> No.25186357

But that’s not what fujo means...

>> No.25188223

unironically that shadowverse collab with gigguk was the most entertaining calli collab back then
days later it was awkward and terrible again with Coco and Ollie collab

>> No.25188326

None of you know what fujo means

>> No.25188749

These girls aren't strictly fujos, I get it, but I'm not going to call them "yumes", "rotten girl" fits them better.

>> No.25188841

this, I cant help but kneel to their disregard to optics

>> No.25189159

why can't they be normal, are the normal ones not even found in the internet?

>> No.25189247

who the fuck takes a call during a date? no wonder they're pissed especially since it's with the one he larps romance with the most. Taking a call during a date is already rude let alone with the other woman

>> No.25189280

I will now respect vox if he manage to filter the bugchinks

>> No.25189301

I've seen several bf/gf doxxes, vtubers and their partners are honestly pretty average at best. Hell, a lot of them are below average, that's why they vtube.

Anyways, you never know if you're supporting a vtuber in a relationship and it's absolute cope if you think you are, but still, your money isn't going into "chads" pocket.

>> No.25189400

The weak must fear the strong

>> No.25189487

Why did you sperg out at me, retard? My question applied equally for gachis and unicorns. Just replace bf with virginity, and the anon I was responding to was talking about fauna. Is reading comprehension a sign of normalfaggotry now?

>> No.25189575

>we should be doing it like them!!!
Then focus your schizophrenia on the chuuba's date like they do, not the chuuba him/herself like you did with Rushia/Aloe/Towa. Unfortunately male unicorns only ever know to target their oshi.

>> No.25189914

I hate w*men though. Bros before hoes as always

>> No.25190202

Reimu is a ghost they're just stating facts

>> No.25190330

I think you need to read the first post again, anonchama

>> No.25190452

Midwit tier post. Fujos are what /vt/ should simply aspire to become.

>> No.25191038

I want to have sex with a female that's obsessed with Vox, imagine how crazy she must be

>> No.25191401

I'm convinced now femcorns are the superior breed of autist because of how absolutely terrifying they are.

>> No.25192622

This is why we should start taking notes on how we can hold the Hololivers to better standards. Too bad the Nip males are too pussified to go as far as we potentially can with their whores.

>> No.25193632
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the absolute seethe
