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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25173903 No.25173903 [Reply] [Original]

What now, tribalkeks?

>> No.25174018

damn this girl's voice really doesn't match her model

>> No.25174038
File: 158 KB, 2008x1713, 1628508252637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when cute girls like other cute girls I like.

>> No.25174092
File: 314 KB, 480x480, Uuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Fauna.

>> No.25174095

It's gap moe. She has the body of an onee-san but the personality and voice of an imouto.

>> No.25174121

Which stream was this? Hopefully they eventually collab kiara gets first dibs tho!

>> No.25174125

>So how about a colla-

>> No.25174158
File: 26 KB, 408x408, GuraWhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clipping members content
unironically kill yourself

>> No.25174176


>> No.25174196

It's been getting worse lately.

>> No.25174330

Member's content. Plz delete.

>> No.25174451

Unfortunately this doesn't mean Fauna is actually a Pomudachi because Pomu's the only one streaming the game and it IS extremely great content.

>> No.25174477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25174796

1. Kill yourself
2. What about it?

>> No.25174836
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>> No.25174931

It's over holobros, pomu is going to have sex with all your oshis

>> No.25174986

Fauna sees the Pomu incline and is setting up leech opportunity

>> No.25175038

>Pirating stuff is...le bad!
Sirs,this isn't reddit

>> No.25175053

How do you leech from someone with less subs than you, you lobotomy patient?

>> No.25175059

based kirin
also this

>> No.25175245

same desu
Hell I don't even need to like the other ones to appreciate that

>> No.25175423
File: 871 KB, 2896x4096, 1634818760722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many more cracks in the dam like this need to happen before I get to see Pomu and Kiara have sweaty lesbian sex together on stream?

>> No.25175607
File: 151 KB, 1266x1400, FE7boO3VEAQYlZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I listen to her voice and yeah, she sounds really cute. I kinda understand now why her fans are so crazy for her.

>> No.25175617

extremely epic, take my updoot!

>> No.25175682

dont try reason with nijiniggers theyre all high off luxiem running their branch and think the girls are all luxiem tier now

>> No.25175702

rrat: Kiara and Mumei have teased that a guest is going to joining Mumei on her visit to Kiara, but they won't say who. lately Mumei has been flagrantly liking Niji posts, especially Pomu's. She's 100% taking Pomu with her to visit Kiara. Also explains how quickly Kiara got over Reine.

>> No.25175709

Only 2 people I have membership to, guess it makes sense on some level!

>> No.25175762

This has been known for a while. She used to interact with NijiEN back around her debut. More spicy, though, is that since she was watching the Tomodachi streams in particular, that means she saw all the heterosexual soap opera drama in those streams.

>> No.25175812
File: 430 KB, 659x621, migo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, maybe they'll collab in the future

>> No.25175867

If that were true Pomu would be announcing a vacation but she's given no indication of one.
You'll get a Nina offcollab and you'll like it.

>> No.25175926

I'm fine with the birds worshiping her hag muff

>> No.25175925
File: 21 KB, 346x339, 1651853574381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks migo

>> No.25176116

Whatever company is blocking their collab I personally think it's Cover I hope they do get to collab at some point. Unity love!

>> No.25176285
File: 407 KB, 1066x726, 1649912270588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Ruins your unity*

>> No.25176355

People literally sent this on their replies and they still care less about this screenshot than you fags

>> No.25176368

I hope Pomu gets to one day have lesbian sex with Kiara instead of being dragged on to collabs with Nina.

>> No.25176423

>Men making a professional environment toxic and bitter
many such cases.

>> No.25176439
File: 397 KB, 600x600, 1653231900692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get new material

>> No.25176457


>> No.25176489
File: 427 KB, 1066x726, yabhammer40k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting an edit? Post the original please.

>> No.25176492

Honestly, this post gets memed on too hard. Pomu is talking about the communities, not the talents themselves.

>> No.25176522

The only reason Pomu hasn't gone to Japan for her 3D debut is because of Covid.
I have to imagine they'll do a meetup in Japan when that happens.

>> No.25176544

Sure thing bro

>> No.25176588

Don’t even tell me, I’m unironically dropping Fauna after this.
I guess Gura will always be the only holo EN worth watching.

>> No.25176613

Didn't Pomu and Fuana know each other before they joined big corpos, even if as an acquaintance? Or was that another Council member? Vtuber world is fairly small.

>> No.25176753
File: 348 KB, 1125x870, 04C64AA6-48FD-497A-9817-C5499211BF91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why this surprised any of you considering they’ve interacted multiple times before on twitter

>> No.25176799

It's not even about the communities. This leak was after NijiEN announced new male auditions, and then <12 hours later HoloEN announced new male auditions. Pomu's comment was in reference to how the two companies will be competing over securing new male talents.

>> No.25176953

Wrong, cope.

>> No.25177002

NijiEN didn't announce new male auditions, they announced new mixed gender auditions.
Then HoloEN announced new male auditions, which made this board lose their minds.

>> No.25177088

She was talking about management but its the same deal, the talents don't give a fuck.

>> No.25177173

Nope. Seethe, dilate, and touch grass

>> No.25177199

Oh my fucking sides

>> No.25177233

Post the Mysterio one

>> No.25177245
File: 56 KB, 1104x809, 1638781765013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh... time to epicly own le nijis
nothin personel

>> No.25177464

The last line kek

>> No.25177511


>> No.25178165

Hags are just too powerful. Simple as.

>> No.25178297

She literally watch pomu just because she play her favourite game

>> No.25178326

Not that guy but subs does not matter when it comes to leeching, only CCV/vod views and low viewerbase overlap who also have not been exposed to the leech, preferably on the same platform
I do agree though that the idea that any holo can leech are retarded, but mostly due to that almost all v tuber fans on the platform has already been exposed to them, not due to subs

>> No.25178391

You really don't fit in, please lurk a hundred years and then try again

>> No.25178392

You wouldn't download a vtuber.

>> No.25178548

Fauna followed Pomu and other NijiENs on Twitter before she even did her debut stream

>> No.25178640

She even replied to them when they congratulated her after the debut no? Did they have any PL interactions? Or was it mostly behind the scenes?

>> No.25178804

Fauna HATES clipfags

>> No.25178922

Why are bronies like this?
Literally no negativity until this post.
I don't think so. I think only Millie, Mumei and Enna were friends.

>> No.25179126

I actually wasn't expecting this, but I think Fauna, Bae and Mumei do tend to poke their heads out of the bubble and acknowledge other vtubers right?

>> No.25179258

Thank you to do the needful sir

>> No.25179265

Why wouldn't she watch the best english speaking vtuber? Based taste honestly.

>> No.25179431
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An AI is more capable indipendent thoughts and decisions at this point

>> No.25179487
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>> No.25179525

Them, Kiara, Calli, and Ame as well have acknowledged/liked other vtuber tweets at least. Gura, Sana, Ina, and Kronii are in the bubble iirc.

>> No.25179604

im a new pomu is the lazu general decent? i need more og this tyoe of content

>> No.25179656

We don't allow reasonable posts in this board.
Most likely she was trying to lighten the mood from the conversation going on.

>> No.25179662

Unitchads always come out on top.

>> No.25179724

Nta. Occasional shitposters/unicorns but they're usually ignored. General is pretty dead if none of them are streaming.

>> No.25179726
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>> No.25179774

I'm sure Pomu is the one who interacts the most with Holos through Twitter, but all of that gets overshadowed by ME ME ME.

>> No.25179917
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-05-30 at 01-41-22 【Tour of Akihabara 】+Announcement!【NIJISANJI EN Pomu Rainpuff】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu has always been for UNITY.

>> No.25180011

Model make pp happy tho.

>> No.25180021

You sound like a crackhead

>> No.25180054

Pippa, Gura, Luto Araka and Finana in a collab together.

He's correct though.

>> No.25180071
File: 725 KB, 930x1985, 1653297764128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the jp branch is interacting with them

>> No.25180108

We already know it's niji though.

>> No.25180124

>Collabing with Niji/Holo

>> No.25180141

collab ruined

>> No.25180149

thanks? i do enjoy drugs, although I've never done crack cocaine. it's not really a thing in my area.

>> No.25180155

>because of covid
Travel to japan for business purposes is literally allowed now.

>> No.25180162

This is just asking for disaster.

>> No.25180176

In b4 retarded chinese investor logic

>> No.25180200

Yeah, great isn't it? Maybe throw nyanners in there for the memes.

>> No.25180365
File: 910 KB, 1080x1080, 1630167156845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-is that UNITY I see??
Seethe, unity is inevitable

>> No.25181029
File: 181 KB, 600x247, 1640452664392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll put a stop to this.

>> No.25181070
File: 59 KB, 1299x612, 1626698205359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what actually happeneed

>> No.25181114


>> No.25181187

pomu please introduce her to rosemi. rosemi needs this, fauna is perfect for her.

>> No.25181200

I think you meant to title that clip "fauna loves tomodachi life"

>> No.25181208

/your/ oshi isn't a tribalfag, so why should you be? Tribalanons please explain

>> No.25181347

Clipping members content tsk tsk

>> No.25181527

tribalfags dont have oshis and dont watch streams. they are your run-of-the-mill psycopath nigger that spends his day trying to annoy pieole on the internet. often domestic abuse victims finding this as the only outlet for their pent up aggression.
In other words: holobroni/nijikek, get of the computer and go get molested by your alcoholic father. you literally have no value.

>> No.25181565

Yes it does? You want a roastie voice instead? Because that’s what your ‘mommy’ voice in English sounds like

>> No.25181569
File: 306 KB, 1316x2048, 1653802153121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lazugeneral is pretty dead but there is still lots of discussion and lazulight posting on /nijiEN/

>> No.25181607

tsk means 助かる here fucking newfag, and piracy is based and the backbone of internet culture. lurk more and shut the fuck up.

>> No.25181696


>> No.25181740
File: 106 KB, 193x244, 1634738374787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomu will bring us all into unity and create a vtuber utopia pls let it be true i just have to believe...

>> No.25181785

I also believe.

>> No.25182147

And most of NijiEN watched Hololive too.
It doesn't matter.
It's an all out war and the two branches will never interact on stream. Keep crying about it but tribalism still wins.

>> No.25182755

I'm pretty sure all this comment is trying to say is that the company Hololive sees them as competitors. She doesn't hence the word "FEELS". Maybe even >>25179656 .

>> No.25182894

Pomu traded the life of a indie queen to be a corpo bottom feeder. Sad.

>> No.25182944
File: 178 KB, 1214x979, 121110134715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, thanks for sharing. Now I'll share what Pomu said in her members' streams:
>she has talked with Polka quite a bit since they're both idol fans
>she was really into Marine's new song at the time, the one with pretty animation, told the Pomies to check it out
>explicitly said she wants to collab with Kiara someday

>> No.25183009

At the end of the day they're employees, I don't think you'd hate Wendy's employees just because you happen to work at mcDonalds.
Consider this: out of all other humans in the planet, vtubers are in the best position to undertand other vtubers, specially indies to indies and corpos to corpos since they have similar struggles.
Unity is the default state of all industries, and while some rivalry happens every now and then it's stupid to think it goes beyond that.

My headcannon is that Riku and Yagoo play chess together every so often with the chuybas being the pieces. Riku just crowned a Salome and says to Yagoo "your move", Yagoo smiles and looks up smugly, his next move ready...

>> No.25183585

>Unity is the default state of all industries, and while some rivalry happens every now and then it's stupid to think it goes beyond that.
I think it depends on the industry, with how niche vtubing still is I definitely think everyone starts out on the side of unity. The problem is it only takes a few bad apples to sour the entire thing, which is why tribalfag shitposting here completely exploded after the nijien discord leak.

>> No.25183646

Sure, they have the same job so they can relate to each other but it's not always that way look at stuff like sports. A lot of athletes seethe and hate their peers from other countries or teams.
There's a rivalry despite them being in a similar boat.

>> No.25183991

Fair point. But Sports is about contest and one team beating another. Rivalries get stronger and sometimes extreme because of that.

Vtubing is actually stronger when girls collab, specially if they're from rival companies. Consider the following: a Myth + Lazulight collab would be massive, everyone from both companies would join and it would also overflow with tourists.

>> No.25184333

I blame the chicken

>> No.25184356

See >>25176753 newfag

>> No.25184490

At least someone is watching pomu.
Every nijikek dropped their oshi for the new shiny numbers one

>> No.25184597

NOT my hecking 5 dollaridoos!!!!!!!
Happens to Mori all the time you don't see us fucking bitching about it.

>> No.25184638
File: 457 KB, 1828x2048, FTrDAGOUYAAtJMR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, Pomu is mine and mine alone

>> No.25184647

Lazulight would have more to win from that collab tho.
Best case scenario for Myth they get a few extra views but all the lazulight viewers already knew about them anyway so they won't gain new viewers or exposure.
Lazulight on the other hand would get exposed to a much wider audience of people who have never heard of them.
Myth could actually lose viewers in the future if some of their viewers like Lauzlight or NijiEN more, and that would translate to lost money.
Collabs benefit those involved but not equally and sometimes they can actually hurt some when money is involved.

>> No.25184648

it'll be more fun as a card game than chess.
> I sacrifice 4 potential new talents and Summon Hyakumantenbara Salome on Solo debut position

>> No.25184691

I know right it sucks it sounds like 13 year old trying to larp as a mom.

>> No.25184822

Pomu's talking about the competition between the companies not "the communities".

>> No.25184909

Am I reading this right, Polka didn't bother to reply to Finana but rather Pomu's comment within Finana's reply chain?

>> No.25184949

No, it's two separate images combined.

>> No.25185208

>Myth + Lazulight collab would be massive
For lazulight yeah..
For Myth it wouldnt get more viewers than a normal collab. There arebt many tourists coming to watch that lmao

>> No.25185256

>a fake whore likes another fake whore
wow amazing...

>> No.25185450

Aren't gifted memberships great!

>> No.25185526

I rather go on reddit

>> No.25185636

Imagine crying for a clip, not even the full stream. Unironically kill yourself, faggot

>> No.25185677

>people never leaked members content before gifted memberships
>Fauna has gifted memberships enabled on her channel

>> No.25185701

So neither are whores? Nice!

>> No.25185743

Fauna and Kiara are trying to save Pomu, but she doesn't want to be saved. Very sad. Many such cases

>> No.25185761

they will get leaked much much more now retard

>> No.25185960

>oh nyo muh precious private content with my internet gf will be leaked
you're one of the most pathetic substances on the face of this earth.

>> No.25186046

This is why people hate HoloEN, we'll get them next time tribalchads

>> No.25186108

When did I say I cared retard? I'm only complaining about gifted membership cancer.

>> No.25186130

Can't escape the nijicock

>> No.25186241

wow anon you're so fucking stupid i can't even retort. kinda sorry for you dude, must be tough. do your best!

>> No.25186267


>> No.25186284

What if Pomu was the main protag to unite vtubers from different corpos together?

This is a great movie. Pomu the last unityfag.

>> No.25186408

kek. i love this one

>> No.25186444

>Getting mad about leaks/piracy on 4chan of all places
Holonewfags need to be shot.

>> No.25186603

>too retarded to come up with a counter point
>resorts to ad hom
Hello SEAnigger

>> No.25186643

pomu is fine though, all the girls except nina should just join holo.

>> No.25186752

No thanks, we have too many whores already

>> No.25186794

GUYS in Sana's latest member's post she said she spends an hour edging to Fulgur's message in the discord leak every night before bed!

>> No.25186822

I believe this

>> No.25186899

>Member posts

>> No.25186985

I would believe this if you said her RM

>> No.25187004

that's already ironmouse though...

>> No.25187201

Maybe try listening with your ears and not your ass retard

>> No.25187252

Dude you literally bitched about leaked mem content
>they will get leaked much much more now retard
then got called out on being a bitch and
>When did I say I cared
it's so sad and dumb i unironically feel compasion towards you and have no intention of further antagonizing you. The world must be a nightmare to navigate with those cognitive skills. I truly wish you the best.

>> No.25187355

Learn English, subhuman

>> No.25187551

>complaning about mem leaks on 4chan
Go back to Facebook

>> No.25187649

Fauna's voice is what normal Japanese female anime voice would sound like in English.

>> No.25187650

>complaining about complaining about mem leaks on 4chan
go back to jannie tryouts

>> No.25187726

i kneel tribalchad...

>> No.25188135

little nigro your english is way broken and im literally an oxford graduate
you either missread or misreplied, I was complaining about リア充 complaining about leaked content

>> No.25188172
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>> No.25188535

That was Mumei, and she was closer to Rosemi than Pomu.

>> No.25188591

No, Miki was never acquainted with Mumei's PL

>> No.25188627

How many cocks did you suck to get into Oxford without knowing punctuation or capitalization?

>> No.25188654

>I do agree though that the idea that any holo can leech are retarded
must be nice not knowing vtubers existed before 2020

>> No.25188694

>With Omega's last breath, he shrieks out in agony and denies one last Holo/Niji collab

>> No.25188777

I refuse to believe Noor would lash out at Holo, when she was around she was on very good terms with JP and ID
Omega though, yea, that dude is 101% unicorn and Kiara has been waging a war with that hellspawn much like St Michael the Archangel against Lucifer

>> No.25188804

You are so wrong, look up their Pacify collab with Bao

>> No.25188811

>fucking capitalization
are you 14? what the fuck. lurk 15 years more.

>> No.25188820

thanks for the free membership clip

>> No.25188828

DotA2 collab? i swear Rosemi was wet in the crotch every time someone said MOBA to her, but got drier than the Gobi when they said LoL or SMITE

>> No.25190456
File: 226 KB, 865x776, fauna_slap_deadbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syop forcing your unity bullshit.

>> No.25190619

nijicope list

>> No.25190697

Truth hurts holofag. Seethe, dilate, and touch grass.

>> No.25192628
File: 1.48 MB, 1279x717, 1626529044993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but damn, they got around more than I thought

>> No.25192780

I’ll be honest. This is the first time I ever heard her speak. She’s sounds very nice and sweet.

>> No.25193969

You don't belong here.

>> No.25194430

>he watches luxiem
you're the only who is dilating here nijitroony

>> No.25194526

I mean yesterday she made it clear she doesn’t watch JPs, this is all she has left

>> No.25194566

I don't watch Luxiem :)

>> No.25195094

No BAD people Allowed!!! >;(
I will report you to the mods because you didn't the rules and the terms and conditions!
Why do you leak MEMBERS-ONLY stream! It should be a secret >;(
It's only for us who pay!! It's illegal!!!1!1!1!!

>> No.25195231

>What now, tribalkeks?
>saplings start to attack pomu, claiming she pirated the game
poor fauna, this is what you get for having an incel fanbase

>> No.25195872

As a hag enjoyer I was looking forward to meet mother nature. But her voixe disappointed me. HOWEVER, she is a really nice girl so I still support her.

>> No.25196130

Hags can have soft voices. Her interests are boomer-tier.

>> No.25196230
File: 3.47 MB, 2440x7171, niji spin spin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep spinning, intern-kun

>> No.25197336

Wow, hearing Mumei and Rosemi talking to each other feels weird.

>> No.25198532

Fauna seems nice. Guess I should check some stream of hers.

>> No.25198694

feels like an all out war lol

>> No.25200474

Reminder that it's your moral duty to pirate everything that any corporate entity releases.

>> No.25201434

Why bother when the rose whore is going back to college soon and will stop being a vtuber?

>> No.25201683

Ironmouse is a numberfag. Have you noticed how the only nijien girl to be on her talk sho is Nina, the one with most subs?

>> No.25205217

fauna is a traitor

>> No.25208664
File: 568 KB, 603x673, 45897634589736456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25210417

>They are psychopaths
>I am going to mock people that are victims of domestic abuse
You are a psychopath

>> No.25210461

t. beat by his wife

>> No.25210856

Wow I got married, which will never happen to you

>> No.25210983

>Both stream "in a closet"
>Both cosplay
>Both have cats, but Pomu never calls hers by its real name
>both moved on the same weekend after Pomu confirms her roommates are moving with her
Little suspicious if you ask me

>> No.25211034

>Pomu is Eddy
Delicious ratt

>> No.25211035

I don't understand these posts.
People don't watch Niji because there is limited time in the day.
People don't like Nijiniggers because of how they behave.
It's that simple.

>> No.25211228

it's a bit out of the blue too so probably (definitely) a projection

>> No.25211512

Mysterio love...

>> No.25213249

I will never understand tribalfags. They're the literal opposite of what this subculture was built upon. Kizuna AI collabed with the other OGs instead of treating them as leeches, Holo and Niji collabed with each other since early on etc. VTubers themselves have never been tribalfags, it's just retarded newfag viewers.

>> No.25213417

At least Fauna has good taste

>> No.25213451

Typical Nina put Ironmouse on the spot during a Crab Game collab for an invite to her talk show

>> No.25213510

>Wahh my egirl anime only fans content is getting getting shared
Cry more

>> No.25213606

*rapes you*

>> No.25213821

Started watching Pomu recently and I'm surprised that she isn't more popular, she is amazing
I still don't care about nijisanji tho

>> No.25213948

I'm pretty sure that all any nijien has to do to get on her talk show is ask
