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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.36 MB, 3426x4096, __ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mikazuki_silvi_artist__4ad47469189c583ac12c55ac3904af28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25163936 No.25163936 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>24933545

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Twitter https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Schedule - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1529547406127562752
Current stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COBL8itTgUk
Stream status https://imissfauna.com/
BDAY MERCH (physical merch now out of stock) https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ceresfauna_bd2022
Ara Ara button https://faunaraara.com/
SONG RELEASE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMVJTLZOzQ
STREAMING LINKS: https://cover.lnk.to/letmestayhere

>I'm new to Fauna, which stream VODs should I watch to get into her?
ASMR https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykdhWnY3f3E1Ot-FlcBMVSA_
Minecraft https://youtu.be/ZdHCf5NLmZ0
Spore https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeMzF79onvOx2PjYIwyj36G
Pokemon Unite https://youtu.be/C2R6zHNePhg
Resident Evil 7 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykf8wvxHI-9xKZP_WMdmbD_8
Animal Crossing https://youtu.be/G9X3d81EKeI
Pokémon Legends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_2FG2zM4Mw
Skyrim: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykdCkjEZ1XCQ5OyidM4j_2Ae

Bonus sound: https://files.catbox.moe/ojiny7.webm
Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.25163969 [DELETED] 
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I think fauna would like this

>> No.25163993
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>> No.25164001

Fuck you David, you made the rest of us saplings look bad.

>> No.25164049

>tfw I will never forget Fauna's favorite tea because it's literally the same as mine


>> No.25164109
File: 986 KB, 1280x720, 1633602004215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you missed it, Fauna was on Gura's WWE stream yesterday https://youtu.be/c23uYJ-gQKw?t=7429
Also, member stream is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COBL8itTgUk

>> No.25164116

I agree, actually.

>> No.25164254

I'm proud that I was able to get every question right except the one about Ina's art. The guy that didn't know what song Gura sang during debut tho... Rough.

>> No.25164280
File: 111 KB, 298x327, the weakest sapling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you, David!

>> No.25164407

from prev

>> No.25164507

Ina, Mumei and Ame have been spammed with gift subs they dont want because youtube itself doesnt let you know when its turned on, its a broke ass feature

>> No.25164544

Or we could just send superchats or buy the voice packs again, which gives Fauna a larger cut and doesn't give membership access to the dumbest members of the community.

>> No.25164653

What did this David fellow do?

>> No.25164700
File: 392 KB, 1276x1742, 1639534066878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virgin Sapling: Gets a question about oshi wrong, squeebs out an admission of defeat
>Chad Kronie: Gets a question about his oshi right, and joins along in the punishment game to make her feel less embarrassed

How do we avoid this level of embarrassment in the future?

>> No.25164767

You don't, let the retards burn themselves to the ground by making fools of themselves.

>> No.25164802

I miss Seris aaahhhh uuuuuuu

>> No.25164804

>first question of the quiz
>announces Fauna is his oshi
>What is Fauna's favorite tea?
>doesn't know
>has to apologize as punishment
He wasn't the only one to get easy questions wrong, but that doesn't make it better.

>> No.25164840

We can't. There will always be weak saplings. Let's be proud of our /fit/ sapling representatives instead.

>> No.25164935
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>> No.25164997

Hmm, I'm blanking on her favorite tea too, honestly. All I remember is that it's made of two fruits, and one of them is peach.

>> No.25165028

Then you would've gotten it. There were 4 answers to choose from.

>> No.25165039

It was a multiple choice question, so if you knew the peach part, you would have made less of an ass out of herself than David did.

>> No.25165068

The question was multiple choice. I would have gotten it wrong if it wasn't, myself.

>> No.25165097
File: 1.67 MB, 4032x1908, 1653759558332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were the possible answers btw

>> No.25165299

Huh, I got the "two fruits" thing wrong, but that's such an easy question. Fauna talked at length about her favorite fruits recently during her tier list stream, so picking ginger peach seems like the smart money even if you've never actually heard her mention her favorite tea. Chai latte's are something Ame has mentioned enjoying, so that answer is just a misdirection. She used chamomile spray in one of her ASMRs, but she never mentioned feeling especially enthusiastic about chamomile tea.

>> No.25165376

Most of the questions were pretty easy, even if you're only a clip watcher. Yet only a few were answered right.

>> No.25165404

I was appalled at the guy that didn't know what Gura sang at debut. Even clipwatchers know that one

>> No.25165419

>didn't to for ginger peach
Fucking hell, i have bad memory but even i know it's ginger peach.

>> No.25165420
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>starts talking about morbing

>> No.25165474

That reminds me, for anyone who wants to do their reps on the Boston panel:
>>/vt/thread/S25090661 (search for "Traveler's Log")

>> No.25165493

Only three people got their questions right without help wasn't it? Mori, Irys, Kronii. The rest had help or failed

>> No.25165517
File: 21 KB, 512x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely refuse to gift memberships and I think it's retarded. People who care to member will member. If you want to like, get everyone to draw her and send her a big canvas every month that's one thing, but if it's about monetary shit you're better off just buying the voice pack. It's what I do.

>> No.25165550

I would have gotten Kiara's and Irys's wrong.

>> No.25165679

all saplings need to work out until they look like picrel by next con with a Fauna appearance or I will be very upset

>> No.25165750
File: 1.17 MB, 654x732, jb3np33djq731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.25165817

ginger peach is so girly that it's the obvious option even if you missed her talking about it

>> No.25165903

I did my reps today, hopefully everyone else will as well.

>> No.25166006

When do you rest anon, it's fucking Sunday. I did do my reps every other day of the week though.

>> No.25166060
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>> No.25166073

Hearing myself shout is embarrassing, but it's good to have the rest of the video. Thanks fella

>> No.25166170

Can't wait for my oshi Fauna to continue her Oblivion adventures with her faithful companion Fargus!
t. David

>> No.25166271

I really don't want to hear about a con I couldn't go to
I really wish it'd be anything else

>> No.25166287

I just want her to continue her Fallout 2 run. Her adventures with Boone were really fun
t. David

>> No.25166569

Why. Greyniggers would only ruin member streams.

>> No.25166629

Fauna also fought in the HFZ stream this morning. She won

>> No.25166640

No, only two. Mori and Kronii

>> No.25166667

Hey Saplings did any of you get into Fauna's meet and greet? /infinity/ had three dudes who managed to meet up with Kronii

>> No.25166706

yeah most would do this. Do you prefer to receive a thank you from Fauna or from a random?
anyway i think that giving someone a taste (like a drug) is enough to start the fomo

>> No.25166782

>/infinity/ had three dudes who managed to meet up with Kronii
Poor girl

>> No.25166798

how? it is not a secret club or a sect

>> No.25166863

Nope, but I sat next to two people who got in for Kronii. I think one was /here/ just because the way he acted and his dedication to Kronii was that of someone who actually watched streams. Someone else asked if he was going to upload his props to "the discord" and the way he replied made it seem like he wasn't part of it. The other guy and him were both dressed in suit vests. Average build too. One was conventionally attractive while the other was wearing a full mask and goggles to obscure any traits. Had a clock mascot posterboard to hold in front of his head instead

>> No.25166889

Yeah that was them

>> No.25166912

Yeah. I fucking hate cons.
> Only fraction of viewers can even go, because geography
> Paywalled with money going to some other fags, organizers, airlines and hotels
> Vtubers don't even benefit from "in-person" nature of cons, since they are attending virtually
> Short, shit-tier streams.
> Requires rehearsals and prep, so entire week suffers for 1-2 hours of mediocrity

>> No.25166937
File: 306 KB, 492x557, 1645567411326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not a secret club they can fork over the $5 to join. This "FOMO" shit is just cope because I've been gifted shit on twitch and have literally never felt the need to resub after, I wouldn't even be surprised if you're someone who hasn't membered and are essentially begging for one. If they gave even a modicum of a shit about Fauna they'd member. All gift subs do is fucking breed beggars and personalities like that one retard who keeps gifting Ina despite her clearly not wanting it

>> No.25167009
File: 315 KB, 780x776, 1647893454237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna get ripped and then come to next con in a maid outfit to fulfill the duality of saplings. See yall next time.

>> No.25167017

To any boston-saplings how was the con? Was it fun?

t. sapling that wants to go to the next con

>> No.25167026

I hope someone shows her the HFZ win if she mentions wrasslin'

>> No.25167043

No, it's not. But any arbitrary price filters out 99% of tourists who are in stream not because they care about stream, but because they are bored.

>> No.25167048

Don't cosplay in a maid outfit. Cosplay in a Fauna outfit. Remember she wants to see cute girls AND burly men cosplay her

>> No.25167090 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 1280x720, 1632896702149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was no /uuu/ up all weekend
>wanted to meet up with gigasaplings
>nobody wanted to meet up
You guys are more of a wallflower than your Oshi!

>> No.25167178

Her reaction to that would be priceless

>> No.25167201

This and you better have a beard

>> No.25167234

I missed Fauna, not you

>> No.25167240

I met up with a Sapling who did the meet and greet. He showed his art to her in person.

>> No.25167263

Oh I was absolutely disappointed in the lack of Fauna support. In the generic Vtuber panel, no one said Fauna was their oshi. I tried but the panelist ignored my hand. Only heard a couple other people shout out for Fauna during the main event. Most people seemed there for Kronii based on volume

Are you talking about the super short asian that I couldn't figure out if it was a man or woman? They seemed like a clipwatcher from what I overheard

>> No.25167448 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220529_115421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have you be friends with me, by force.

Ah, so did you go to this one? I only managed to get to it at like 11:50 because of commuting and the debacle I had last night.

>> No.25167477

Nah he watches streams a lot. Even told me that Fauna loves anything peach.He's a superchatter

>> No.25167574

Not a sapling, but I think I ran into someone I think was one I've heard in some of her SC readings before. Albert Scoot, I think? Had a charming conversation.

>> No.25167577

Oh no I didn't go to that one. The one I went to was super low effort compared to that slide. Friday night in 302 I think. It was pretty garbage

Interesting. I overheard him talking about how his friend told him to draw bald fauna for winter and he seemed surprised at the notion, like he doesn't watch streams

>> No.25167580

I don't hate the idea of meet and greets but give me a way to do it without having to take a vacation, book a hotel, fly across the country and win a raffle.

>> No.25167644

Oh fuck where you overhearing our conversation lmao

>> No.25167679

If it was during the line then yea, I was in the front. Were you also the one who took the picture of the Mumei, Gura, and Joker after the panel?

>> No.25167687

>I overheard him talking about how his friend told him to draw bald fauna for winter and he seemed surprised at the notion,
She literally has a bald emote.

>> No.25167719

Nah that was someone else but I was with that group

>> No.25167724 [DELETED] 

>without having to take a vacation
Just take Friday. It's a long weekend.

>book a hotel
Just be a woman and suck off an Anon with a king/queen sized bed. Or find people to split a room with. Or have friends/family nearby who will have a bed for you, like my case.

>fly across the country
Just don't be west coast lol I drove 10 hours here

>and win a raffle.
This is literally the only bullshit one because it's out of our hands.

>> No.25167764 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20220528_142259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were you also the one who took the picture of the Mumei, Gura, and Joker after the panel?
There were multiple people doing so - reporter and I came out and spotted the elusive Mumei.

>> No.25167921

I meant this

That guy and I took pictures moments apart

>> No.25168060
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I cannot grow a beard, I am asian.

>> No.25168097
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>> No.25168230 [DELETED] 

Imagine being nonwhite

>> No.25168294

I had planned to try and meet up with some of you, but my little brother ended up tagging along with me last min and he's a normie so it wouldn't have really worked out I don't think. Maybe next time.

>> No.25168318

If she does another east or midwest convention without being too soon and with far enough notice, I'll look into ordering some cosplay and seeing if they can fit it to a man. I have the build and can grow the beard

>> No.25168356

How do I make up for this facial deficiency?

>> No.25168601

Shaving your head is the only way.

>> No.25168652

Glue on a Fu Manchu

>> No.25168684

It's not worth it, proper beards require constant maintenance and lord help you if you ever want to eat soup

>> No.25168697

Just say no. You cannot be asian if you don't consent.

>> No.25168821

This. Either full hear or no hair.

>> No.25168841

He's asian, not bald

>> No.25168940

Soon enough he will also be bald, asian genetics be like that.

>> No.25169101

just dont get fat like american piggu and you'll be fine

>> No.25169149

Go back piggy anon, go harass IRyStocrats or something.

>> No.25169165

There are ways. Just slap some minoxidil on your face, and maybe dermaroll. It varies, and you might not get a full beard, but you'll most likely have more than you do now.

>> No.25169190
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basically this, its fun being hobo mode with a beard for 3 years, but people start thinking youre 35 years old

>> No.25169233 [DELETED] 
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I'm not a sapling but Fauna was extremely cute and polite at the panel.

>> No.25169477

Being able to grow a beard doesn't mean you have to go full 5 inch long beard. The ideal is just a short quarter inch of hair that only actually looks good if you have really full distribution

>> No.25169616

>oh my god can we get boston stories when all you did was show up for the panel and the meet and greets that should be private??

I thought Estella was one of the non retards

>> No.25169639
File: 239 KB, 418x404, 1647889784866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang, dirty grays not welcome.

>> No.25169645
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shut up

>> No.25169672

he gives his money to a cartoon how smart can he be

>> No.25169688

The ideal depends on your face form.

>> No.25169744

S tier: Fauna milk

>> No.25169764
File: 780 KB, 1563x975, FSmfonhUEAErHGT edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed nails

>> No.25169797

Straight from the tap please

>> No.25169956

>Fauna trying to cover for David's fuck up
How nice of her

>> No.25169957

P tier: Fauna Ringo

>> No.25169964

Don't ask me to serve it, you have to suck it out yourself

>> No.25170185


>> No.25170269

did anyone here go to Boston meet Fauna?
where there girls?

>> No.25170296

>drawing a recreation of a random meme she saw to show us
god damn it cute

>> No.25170378

>Tier Zoo
Her tastes are just amazing.

>> No.25170438

Soup has literally never been a problem, burgers are

>> No.25170498

I would give myself a 15% chance of beating a bear in a 1v1.

>> No.25170561

It's literally minecraft of animal videos. You watch one 15 seconds of BBC earth and your recommendations are filled with TZ videos for next 6 month even if you never watch them.

>> No.25170564

A black bear? Maybe. A grizzly or polar bear will end you in one hit. Well, if your lucky.

>> No.25170575

she's tedposting again

>> No.25170704

Am i insane or was this an old discussion on the NLSS with someone taking this position and getting roasted by the others and chat or it?

>> No.25170767 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.25170859

Oh man i'm gonna have to watch that video later, miss the old NLSS crew.

>> No.25170956
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poor fauna

>> No.25170963

Jokes on you Fauna, your paint doodles are the most SOVL ones

>> No.25170998

>she enjoys reading Wikipedia Talk-pages for fun
Fauna is a super nerd

>> No.25171136
File: 3.38 MB, 4000x4000, 96014343_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this adorable kirin

>> No.25171201

I love her! She's the widest!

>> No.25171204


>> No.25171212


>> No.25171217

Pomu mentioned!

>> No.25171221


>> No.25171219

It begins..

>> No.25171251

There has only been one man in recorded history to kill a grizzly in unarmed combat, and he was only able to do it through pure luck and also his willingness to stick his head inside of it's mouth and bite it's tongue off

>> No.25171273

>Got the stream on one monitor
>Browsing my youtube feed on another
>As she mentions Tomodachi Life, it shows up on my feed

>> No.25171305

All Out Love

>> No.25171324
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>> No.25171335


>> No.25171391
File: 1.07 MB, 498x498, Anuaf Nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25171395

>Google Home, play the X Files theme song

>> No.25171416

He shoved his arm down its throat and used his teeth to clamp an artery in its neck, then beat it to death with a stick when it passed out

>> No.25171425

Constantly spied on by big tech to show you targeted ads!

>> No.25171509
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>> No.25171558

I bet Fauna played Meet n Fuck...


>> No.25171572

Saplings...I'm starting to feel old...

>> No.25171642

smart to mention NijiEN on a members stream so clip faggots don't run wild

>> No.25171664

I pity those who missed the golden age of Flash and the early internet.

>> No.25171680

OSRS stream when

>> No.25171833

I still saw one fag with a six month badge asking multiple times which nijien she'd want to collab with

>> No.25172170

>thinks that Ender's Game inspired The Hunger Games because they both have 'Game' in the name

>> No.25172464

> All those red SC

>> No.25172622
File: 302 KB, 587x584, 1643556459474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ywn meet teen fauna in the ending years of the 2000's- early 2010s

>> No.25172737

Fast talking fauna is cute

>> No.25172903
File: 22 KB, 346x339, Fauna Johnny Guitar[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdj4fh2.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody post the multiple fauna gif, I need it for a thing

>> No.25173040
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>> No.25173094

So she shared a bed with kronii and cut her nails recently hmmmmm

>> No.25173112


>> No.25173286

Watame collab this week, possibly tomorrow

>> No.25173291

Fauna cute

>> No.25173293

We get it, you can shut up now. Fucking hate /u/ fags, they'll hold onto this forever

>> No.25173304

This is old news dumbass

>> No.25173329

What Inner clip is Fauner talking about

>> No.25173333

Ina cute, Fauna love

>> No.25173341
File: 1.89 MB, 362x531, when[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk7k1z8.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25173370

Why are you mad

>> No.25173469

Entering Faunas mind palace.

>> No.25173492

How are people getting 9 month memberships messages when membership was unlocked exactly 8 months ago?

>> No.25173505

shes so fucking cute it hurts

>> No.25173517

Just cats, infinity cats.

>> No.25173525

Youtube moves you ahead

>> No.25173553

Membership messages are always 1 month ahead, by the end of your first month you get a 2 month message and so on

>> No.25173554

YT is fucking dumb, that should be enough of an explanation.

>> No.25173599

it gives the prompts when it auto renews for the next month in their timezone

>> No.25173603

youtube likes to approximate memberships dates for some reason

>> No.25173634
File: 410 KB, 854x854, Joker_SSBU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this

>> No.25173656

I was out watching the new Top Gun movie with my dad, have I missed anything major?

>> No.25173674

Entering her mind palace and running between her ears

>> No.25173716
File: 276 KB, 569x702, faudood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25173740


>> No.25173779

Her zatsudan skills are so powerful, I'm always amazed

>> No.25173794

I could listen to her talking forever and I wouldn't get bored

>> No.25174141
File: 2.07 MB, 550x550, Gura imitates Mori[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpolavi.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roundabout mention
Mandatory post

>> No.25174342

Well, it is a good thing Fauna is not on the council for her city planning.

>> No.25174378


>> No.25174591

based traditional architectures loving fauna

>> No.25174647

Eh I thought it'd fit better, it makes me want a synthwave edit though

>> No.25174699

Maybe the industrial revolution stuff but the rest....

>> No.25174745
File: 20 KB, 443x102, Screenshot 2022-05-29 164953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my screenshot

>> No.25174770
File: 128 KB, 640x480, Not-a-mandrake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Fauna Pomu connection is confirmed
Forest creature unity LOVE

>> No.25174774

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.25174827

kill yourself

>> No.25174841

>vehicles of peace

>> No.25174850

I want fauna to design my living space

>> No.25174876
File: 3.53 MB, 1491x1861, 75mvdcy5nc281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope the two EN branches get to collab someday. It just seems strange that it hasn't happened at all yet.

>> No.25174881

Dont say it

>> No.25174888

>Fauna casually mentions another vtuber and people are okay with it
Fuck off faggot

>> No.25174972

It's probably unironically now because of the guys getting wrapped up in China money now, Niji probably doesn't want to have to pull a Cover on withdrawing from a market due to talent harassment.

>> No.25175035

As long as it's not with Rosemi I'm fine with it

>> No.25175129

Rosemi is Fauna and Mori's long lost daughter...

>> No.25175136

all I know about Rosemi is that she calls her fans 'rosebuds' and that's fucking cute

>> No.25175147


>> No.25175255

I thought she was one of the decent ones though? You'd unironically want her to collab with the fish or ghost instead?

>> No.25175270

Fuck off with your off topic bitches, she hasn't even mentioned any of these bitches for over an hour. Fuck off.

>> No.25175272


>> No.25175273
File: 35 KB, 759x1007, 1643415888188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think Fauna should collab with Ame

>> No.25175330

>Fauna not streaming the Watame collab

>> No.25175422

let us unityfags have this for once

>> No.25175449

No, go make a fucking thread for it if you want to do this shit.

>> No.25175497

Why do you have to act like a nigger when everyone else is getting along

>> No.25175504

Of course sapling are an butch of nijifags. You guys are fucking traitors those niji scum are taking our viewers away from hololive. Helping out the enemy is pretty much treason.

>> No.25175532
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, the laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25175539


>> No.25175587
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>> No.25175590
File: 17 KB, 346x339, 1645179396177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're under arrest for replying to bait

>> No.25175657

I hope she plays Skyrim next week

>> No.25175794

Feels like it's been a bit since Skyrim, I hope we get some of that and hitman/black flag. Need some comfy long streams.

>> No.25175893


What bait is the truth ever since nijisanji en came on to the field hololive en saw a decrease in viewership's and sponsorship. Cause nijisanji en been taking them from hololive en. All they done is cause pain to the hololive brand and the fact that fauna is supporting them is an betrayal against hololive. You don't help the people who are trying to take your job away from you it's like an Samsung employee giving an shoutout to someone who works at apple. It's pretty much stabing your gemmate and coworkers in the back.

>> No.25176014
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>> No.25176049

Guys the numberfag is off his meds again

>> No.25176067

Fauna your jp reps...

>> No.25176236

Der eternal roundabout

>> No.25176320

wait this game has roundabouts? Why are they referencing a jojo song in a car game

>> No.25176335

1. Dumbass ESL, never type again
2. Probably the dumbest fucking analogy i've ever heard. Your brain has became mush from corporatism fanyboyism that even your analogies have to make use of big corporations. Probably a SEAfag.

You are so fucking stupid that it's making me mad, so good job if you were trying to bait people. PLEASE go away.

>> No.25176370

holy shit fauna is probably the same age as me growing up in the flash era internet. i bet shes even here. hi fauna stream more skyrim you dumb tree.

>> No.25176395
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>> No.25176430
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>> No.25176436

>Fauna sometimes airs prerecorded streams so she can lurk /uuu/ without arising suspicion

>> No.25176460
File: 139 KB, 587x324, 1651676105752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna will never be here

>> No.25176509

>She gets bored easily because there aren't many saplings posting so she makes bait threads instead

>> No.25176532

>this white neighborhood is very populous suddenly

>> No.25176562
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x3000, FTz9qV7XoAEwDdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She started the IMF meme to get saplings more emotionally dependent on her
Fauna was the true lex this whole time...

>> No.25176590

I'd kneel so hard I'd break my legs

>> No.25176971

This art is incredible, so cool.

>> No.25177054

Good. She deserves better.

>> No.25177154

>the nails are painted

>> No.25177193

Fauna thinks wrestling is real

>> No.25177229

She's too precious

>> No.25177342

Now she's not sure what sports are real

>> No.25177571

God I wish I still felt that way. Now that I see how things work, I'm looking wrestling matches more with a critical eye than enjoying them with childlike ignorance like I did when I was a kid.

Which is why im more of a fan of wrestlers that do flippy shit off the top rope, there is no denying the skill they put into their performance

>> No.25177688

>talking about the tech side again
so it really was that boring, huh?

>> No.25177729

She is such an audio nerd, you can tell how passionate about it she is and how much she loves it. Super sweet!

>> No.25177755
File: 386 KB, 1336x744, f584ce1e8a737ad3aa664518ddccceb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't just win, she won the first champion belt of season 2!

>> No.25177768

I mean, she cleaned house in HFZ today so I'd believe it.

>> No.25177799
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>> No.25177846
File: 260 KB, 1083x1000, 1651383584081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves us!

>> No.25177888

She read my long comment I have ascended

>> No.25177898

don't worry anon, thats the natural progression
thinking it's real > being disappointed it's not > having fun regardless

>> No.25177920

Convention sounds really fun, jealous of all you Boston saplings.

>> No.25177923

based faufau

>> No.25178007
File: 277 KB, 1942x1737, 1645832424937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has been getting better at singing, at the very least she's more confident
I'm proud of this cute dork

>> No.25178061

She's putting in her reps and being consistent. I'm extremely proud of her.

>> No.25178115

It really wasn't that fun beyond the Fauna panel

>> No.25178189

Just normal con stuff, nothing special?

>> No.25178190

Is this now the longest membership stream? I liked this art then game session

>> No.25178242

Annoying vegan Fauna force feeding you s o y products....

>> No.25178256

even longer than movie watchalongs yeah

>> No.25178290

Yea, at least for me I only enjoyed the panel + merch area. Can't be helped tho, I just don't enjoy big events or crowds.

>> No.25178331

Get it, the fauna panel does sound awesome though, she seems really proud of it.

>> No.25178336

> you will never get verbally pressured into a corner by Fauna instead of confessing how much you miss her
why even photosynthesize

>> No.25178371

What a feeling that must be, actually being able to talk in person to a chuuba and they're chatting you up so much you can't get a word in edgewise

>> No.25178376

If Fauna asked me on how I got into hololive, it would take me a while to think of an answer that isn't the real answer, which is the clip of Miko saying niggaaaaaaa~

>> No.25178407

Holy shit, this would be so funny

>> No.25178443

It was my convention so I don't know how they normally go, but anime isn't really interesting anymore. Weeb culture is trash too. The single R-18 panel I went to was obnoxious pee pee poo poo cum jokes the whole time, no subtlety or wit

>> No.25178447

Just say the dog and the Youtube algorithm, that's the excuse one of the losers during the panel yesterday used when they had to answer the same question, and I honestly think that's probably the case for a lot of people.

>> No.25178448

I think extremely bluntly telling her that answer would make her laugh

>> No.25178475
File: 718 KB, 1271x657, 1650559822122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Matsuris nipple bandaids

>> No.25178535

lol so many of the girls I'm friends with on Goodreads pretty much exclusively read that shit

>> No.25178540

For me was FBK scatman

>> No.25178547

>"I had no idea what the weather was like"
Huh, I thought the EN girls were actually at the convention behind the scenes, especially with the off collab I assumed it was just a stop on the way

>> No.25178549

For me it was the fox and the algorithm. FubuKing was the original EOP farmer.

>> No.25178552

Mine I'm pretty sure was Fubuki's scatman cover

>> No.25178606

Why would they be there when their job is essentially work from home?

>> No.25178629

That would be a BIG security liability, all it would take is one guy seeing her walk into/out of the backstage

>> No.25178641

Damn someone flew all the way for Japan for Fauna, no wonder I didn't win..I thought this simple new England sapling had a chance.

>> No.25178658

House of leaves talk in a vtuber stream?!?!?! This is why shes perfect.

>> No.25178714

Goddamit David!

>> No.25178719


>> No.25178746

david btfo

>> No.25178757

David is lying.

>> No.25178815

Fuck clippers!

>> No.25178881

holocrumb is the most nigger of niggerest zoomer editors

>> No.25178901

>redhead Sana
Your thoughts?

>> No.25178914
File: 95 KB, 602x903, main-qimg-f4e91b241e4bdc9d9c0b495991a687f9-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sana will eventually be a redhead

>> No.25178936

"Why are comics dying?"

>> No.25178947
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>> No.25178949

inb4 all these retards clip her members content

>> No.25178956

his editing is obnoxious but it's cute that he shills his oshi so hard

>> No.25178960

God I forgot about that

>> No.25179000

im more upset with the retarded font, and 95% bieng innuendo clickbait

>> No.25179033

This has been a great members stream

>> No.25179085
File: 53 KB, 310x440, 1650073605861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgive me Watame senpai, I have to go all out, just this once...

>> No.25179086

Theres already a thread in the catalog doing that

>> No.25179117
File: 65 KB, 530x531, 1650418497559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah. Fauna is so wonderful and comfy, I'm glad to call her my oshi.

>> No.25179251
File: 171 KB, 850x1206, __ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_zerobi__sample-93c1d109d574103dab7c966b06eea483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My previous oshi wasn't nearly as wholesome or grateful. I am extremely content with choosing Fauna afterwards

>> No.25179357

a lot of collabs!!

>> No.25179384

>Gray Fauna Collab
let's gooooo

>> No.25179397

Zeta collab? We are blessed this week saplings.

>> No.25179410

Watching her have fun with holomems brings me joy, hope she hits it off with her

>> No.25179428
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>> No.25179463

the excitement she has when talking about enjoying the panel is incredibly wholesome and I bet hits a bit different 'seeing' people who support you.
i am glad she seems to be having the time of her life.

>> No.25179493


>> No.25179494


>> No.25179501
File: 223 KB, 960x960, IMG_20220529_165308_243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss...

>> No.25179529


>> No.25179576

I was eating dinner, dafuq happened?

>> No.25179589


>> No.25179591
File: 1.69 MB, 1827x3794, fauscreens3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my faufau

>> No.25179632
File: 373 KB, 1292x637, 1634004675220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY Fauna

>> No.25179633


>> No.25179813

my posts

>> No.25179823

Ice cream!

>> No.25179873

I miss her

>> No.25179911

David making excuses and Fauna namedropping some clippers

>> No.25179989

I've been going to Anime Boston for probably about 15 years. Mostly as a way to hang out with friends. It's usually pretty lame. There were some cool concerts, and occasionally some cool guests. I think it was even worse this year because it's still hard to get Japanese guests. I went to anime expo once and it was way better.
Fauna and Kronii's panel was very fun though.

>> No.25180854
File: 43 KB, 480x320, Together we UUUU [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv3rujn.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25180916

Man now I wanna play Blazing Blade after all these years. What class would Fauna be? I'm still sad I lost my save that had roughly 70% of the supports done.

>> No.25180967

It was my first year. I was hoping it would be a little more turnt up to be honest. I still had fun though and plan to go back.

>> No.25181072

I think if she's there next year I'm going to work out the logistics of flying there for a day and leaving after the panel. Sucks that we won't have confirmation until a month before or so

>> No.25181150

Fauna would 100% be a Troubadour/Valkyrie

>> No.25181420
File: 1.45 MB, 1067x1751, 93988454_p15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love Lyn
>love Fauna
What can I say, Green is my weakness.
Kronii is the FE enthusiast in Council, but I doubt we'll ever see a stream of it.

>> No.25181713

It also didn't help that it was probably a lot harder to get Japanese guests this year. Hopefully it's better next year. More Hololive stuff would really help it too.

>> No.25181975

fauna just retweeted

>> No.25182899

Fauna is reading this thread right now! Say something nice to her!

>> No.25182921

She was ridiculously cute in the WWE stream last night. Catching up on it now and wow she's adorable

>> No.25182999


>> No.25183072

Fauna please marry me you don't have to answer right now but just think about it okay?

>> No.25183083

Love Fauna. I'm impressed at how good she was at leading the panel yesterday. She didn't really seem nervous at all.

>> No.25183644

Thanks, keep up the great work!
