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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2516214 No.2516214 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had a dream related to vtubers?
Doesn't necessarily have to be sexual in nature

>> No.2516342

i had 2 dreams where i dated kson, i genuinely felt like i wanted to die when i woke up, to have that kind of bliss be an illusion

>> No.2516352



>> No.2516403

had sex with Mito, really weird, might be because I had a massive crush on our class rep back in HS

>> No.2516459

Had a dream that I was Haachama's host family. The thought was nice for about half a second until I realized that I wouldn't want precious Haato anywhere near my family, desu.

>> No.2516490

meidos merge the threads please

>> No.2516542

Did Mito show you the shit she took?

>> No.2516544

had a dream that I was assembling something while some of my favorite nijisanji boys watched and criticized me like so
>wow anon, this is...
>you're really bad at this, you know
>uwaa this is laughably bad
it was really stressful in the moment but now I just wish I could go back

>> No.2516564

Had a dream that I was mutuals with Gura’s roommate on Instagram and we hung out a lot. That was pretty much it.

>> No.2516586

I had a dream Kiara was chasing me through a maze filled with pictures of Ryza. Finally I tripped over something and Kiara lunged at me, started strangling me. Just as I was about to pass out I woke up. Se was saying something too, but I don't remember what it was, something like "You'll never amount to anything, nobody will ever love you, just let me end it, [my name], you won't feel a thing. She was crying.

>> No.2516771

I had really weird dream a week ago about being a gameshow host on a gameshow where vtubers had to last ten minutes in a kiddie pool filled with cum without dissolving. As far as I remember, most holos participated, and about half of them end up being cum soluble. The dissolved holos were effectively dead but nobody acted like it.

It's a dream so I don't remember them all, but I do recall some of the results:

Cum Soluble:
Coco, Towa, Kiara, Mori, Iofi, Moona, Pekora, Rushia, Shion, Ayame, Gura

Not Cum Soluble:
Subaru, Watson, Luna, Kanata, Botan, Nene, Miko, Risu

I don't remember what the prizes were, either. This is also nowhere near my fetish.

>> No.2516886

Kson isn't a vtuber

I dreamt I was watching Korone and Gura a few time.

>> No.2516936

>"You'll never amount to anything, nobody will ever love you, just let me end it, [my name], you won't feel a thing. She was crying.

>> No.2516974
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>Cum Soluble: Towa
maybe your mind was trying to remind you of this

>> No.2517018

>my oshi didn't dissolve in the cum

>> No.2517096

had a dream i was hanging out with gen5 holos. then i got a pizza and went to Botans room. The whole room was on the side with stuff glued to the walls celling and i fell inas i opened the door. then i made myself compfortable on the sideways couch and just hang out with her eating pizza

>> No.2517119

I've been having dreams about Vtubers for a while now. Get into vtubers start having CONSTANT deja vu.

>> No.2520848
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I had a dream that Ame snuggled in bed with me, breathing on my neck as she pressed her bosom against my back.
She isn't even my oshi lol

>> No.2520972
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I genuinely haven't remembered any of my dreams since I was maybe 10
Everything I vividly remember is usually a nightmare

>> No.2522877

I had a dream where I chatted with Watame congratulating her on a CD release she just had
She was really pleasant to talk with
After a while she took a nap with her head on my shoulder

>> No.2523001
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I had a dream where I was in a hotel hallway and saw Ame walk out from her room, but she didn't notice me. After she was gone, I turn the door knob to her room and it opened. I was snooping through her room, opening drawers, looking in closets, etc. I noticed her garbage bin was filled with Kit-Kat wrappers. Her bed was messy and undone and the bathroom had towels and clothes thrown around. I then decided to leave her room, but once I opened the door, I woke up gasping from that weird falling feeling.

>> No.2523069

Once. I had a spicy dream involving Matsuri, and I don't even watch her that often.

>> No.2523094

When was this? Did I repress this memory?

>> No.2523141

I posted this before but my one and only vtuber dream was just me wandering through a western-style house by a river. There was a bedroom with a queen size bed that hadn't been used in a long time. But then I walked into the study where the computer was, and there was a smaller disheveled bed (Twin XL size like what they have in college dorm rooms). Then I looked down at the floor by the computer desk and saw a boxed copy of ARK. At that moment I realized I was in Choco's house. Then I went downstairs and saw a pink firefighter helmet hanging in her coat closet. After that I walked into her shower, which was still wet (and also downstairs for some reason). That's when the dream ended.

>> No.2523205

I had my own Vtuber agency and wiped the fucking floor of every western agency and EN_branch

>> No.2523290
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I had a dream where I went to the park with Luna. She got tired almost immediately and demanded that I carry her princess style all the way back to her apartment. Then we cooked food together, and she went to stream while demanding me to rest on her pat so she can randomly poke at my face. When I wanted to go home, she threatened me with a takoyaki skewer, so I had to spend the night at her place. It turns out she was streaming a horror game and somehow ghosts came into her apartment. I ended up fighting off the ghosts with my fists (I became lucid at this point so basically anything I wanted happened). After that, Luna got tired again and made me take her to a restaurant that was opened late. I went to the restroom after we ordered, and when I sat back down on my seat... Luna became a spider monster girl and I woke up.

>> No.2523353
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despite consooming chuubas in all of the free time I have, I never dream about them for some reason weirdly enough

>> No.2523449

Was hime a cute spider monster girl? Or a scary one?

>> No.2523678

wtf your dream kept getting better and better

>> No.2523688
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had a dream that i had a time machine and used it to visit various historical moments. One of those moments was the crucifixion of Jesus, Haachama was standing next to his crucified body with a knife taking slices of his meat to use in her cooking like pic related.

>> No.2523691

I remember I had a dream about Kiara once, but I don't remember what happened. I have also dreamed about my oshi Artia, and remember that we played video games or something. Those are the only Vtuber-related dreams I've had.

>> No.2523781

>survives cum
>delivers yandere GFE

dream Luna is my new oshi

>> No.2524013

The cute type but her eyes were especially yandere/sinister. The kind that you know she would murder you if you looked at the waitress for a second too long.

>> No.2524042

god I wish

>> No.2524077

I frequently watch Pekora streams in my dreams

>> No.2524286

I literally just had a dream of an AquaMarine collab where they were going to play IIDX and I was so hyped but I woke up while they were still doing their opening banter.

>> No.2524360

Had a really weird one where I saw Gura's channel privatising and deleting videos in real time after missing her graduation stream, this was like 3 weeks ago. It's literally the only time I've ever drempt about a Vtuber and it was the night after I'd been drinking heavily with the lads from college.

>> No.2524382

Kson has a Vtuber avatar tho.

>> No.2524411

Had this weird dream two nights ago where I was in some kind of Romeo and Juliet relationship with Pekora. Like we were teenagers meeting up in secret to hang out.

I don't remember much of the dream but I'm sure there was some kind of plot, I just forgot it all.

>> No.2524544

had a dream about collabing with holostars in minecraft

>> No.2524866

Not really, but she is starting to overlap with an IRL crush, at least in dreams. It's actually pretty uncanny. I don't like it. Thankfully, I almost never have happy dreams.

>> No.2525028

I had a dream about Korone being sad. I wish I remembered why.

>> No.2525083

While I was having a fever dream while on the oxygen pump almost dying of coof I had a lenghty fever dream that alternated between me playing a VN where the main character had Suisei's design and voice and me being the lead character, IRL and experiencing the thing myself.
The plot was a Macross-like story with (Me) as a hotshot mech pilot from a space coalition of world-nations at war with Space China and Suisei as a Lynn Minmay-like figure who falls in love with (Me).
Most of the dream kinda vanished when I woke up, but I remember the end being (Me) saving Suisei from a nuclear explosion being detonated inside a space station and taking her to safety in my spacefighter. The last scene was (Me) setting up the autopilot to take Suisei to an allied station with the last of my strenght as I died of radiation poisoning (this was when I was almost certain I'd die of coof) and Suisei sang for (Me).

>> No.2525145

Best one on this thread

>> No.2525248

I had some dream about Rushia being yandere... I don't particularly remember it, but I think me reading those fanfictions caused it.

>> No.2525326

I had a nightmare where I was walking through the ramp of a parking lot near my house when I reached the 2nd floor Amelia was streaming, she noticed me there and said laughing that her stream could see me in the background I got nervous and ran away to my house, I went on my PC and /vt/ was filled with threads with my pic from her stream making fun of me
I hate you guys

>> No.2525332
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I gave her a hug.

>> No.2525459

Had a dream where i was hanging out with Yagoo and Fubuki calls him, he puts her on speakers and she goes on a rambling that she wants to make a porno but we ignore her thinking she is just joking, later in the dream she calls Yagoo again and tells him all excited that she made the porno and that it was a NTR setting as soon as i heard that i woke up.
Also had another dream in which i was being molested by Rikka.

>> No.2526388

God, I really envy you.

>> No.2526764

Don't be. I'm equally likely to roll really fucked up nightmares or suffer sleep paralysis in the middle of the night where my brain decides to put the most messed up shit "just out of my vision". Lucid dreaming is a double edged thing to practice.

>> No.2527196
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no and I haven't had a proper night's sleep in months

>> No.2527969

I was terribly lonely at the time, and was having dreams of fictional characters almost every night. One time I remember having a dream about Watame, who is my personal favorite.
We were sitting in an empty and very dark subway station, on one of those wide two-sided benches without backsides. Watame was trying to comfort me and spoke in very gentle tone, although I really couldn't understand anything. It was kind of a short dream, but I don't remember seeing any other vtubers in my other dreams.

>> No.2532067

I had a dream where a gay friend from school was dating Mel. Even asked him why he was dating a girl and the fact he was dating an anime character Roger Rabbit style didn’t click until after I woke up.

>> No.2532199
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Just last night I had a dream that I had met Gura. The dream progressed through our friendship and eventually we started to date. I remember we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and I had made my move to kiss her. Right as our lips were about to touch I woke up. I hate my life.

>> No.2533273
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This morning I dreamt that I was sitting around a fire with Watame as I tried to enter her mind. Woke up a whole hour late to Lamy's morning stream.
I don't even watch Watame, is this the power of the Watamage?

>> No.2533310

sex with idol-mode chammers
das it

>> No.2533925

I dreamt about walking in a dark alleyway when saw a sign for a pizzeria. I was hungry in my dream so I walked in to grab a slice. It turns out the person behind the counter was Kiara and she was ecstatic. She gave me a slice of something. It looked like it just just sauce on pizza dough. When I ate the entire slice, I started to choke. That's when I woke up. I woke up pretty angry after that.

>> No.2534221

I had a weird dream about meeting Marine. For some reason, I was in Japan when I accidentally saw Marine sitting alone in a cafe. Our eyes accidentally met, but then she waved her hand at me while telling me to come closer. She was bigger than I thought and she let me sit on her lap while she ordered drinks. She talked a lot but since I couldn't understand Japanese, I just nodded my head all the time. I forgot the rest of the dream but we went out on a train to go somewhere after that. Then I woke up.

>> No.2536405

Only Vtuber dream I've ever had was where I had bought a property (like a old Mall) and gave a section to Coco to do with what she wanted.

>> No.2536461
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Sex with Rushia.
And more recently a random dream with Coco in the background, she did nothing noteworthy.

>> No.2536524

I've had a dream about 3-coloring of planar graphs (not that you can color any, but I don't remember any triangle, so it's probably triangle-free) which involved coco coloring vertices.

>> No.2536950
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i found an old one (2019) that i wrote down for myself

i am with a slightly cartoonish larger bully bro (whos not that bad a guy) and a black haired girl at the riverbank, standing at the floor of a tall vertical drop in the river. there is a coming flood approaching, there's no official warning for it or anything but we are aware of it from signs like the river waterfall randomly gushing out tons of water for a second.
we have two boats, an inflatable light blue rubber raft the bully made on a whim and some small wooden boat or something.
Hololive's Fubuki (who i contextually refer to as White Fubuki), who is a part of our group, is still not back from wherever she left for a while ago. i start to worry so i go to look for her
i go up the vertical river drop to the upper plataeu (the river drop is about 30-50ft? high), which is a large expanse of light-orange sand and brown rock sandy desert with a rocky mountain range in the distance along my right, a small rock wall 6-10ft off of the left side follows along the river.
along the left of the river i see Fubuki coming back, who is in her white fox form (which is a thing in context). i call out to her, saying stuff like "White Fubuki!" she doesnt notice me yet because a larger male white fox is harassing her by getting in her face and aggressive body language like that. i go up to him and hold him like holding back a dog by the head while Fubuki continues down to where the rest are.
the male fox is persistently trying to follow her like a horny dog, so i lead him to the opposite side of the river from Fubuki. me and the male fox jump down to the bottom of the river drop, where the group has two more dudes with them and they are all stocking up our boats for the coming flood (on the opposite side of the river). the river is like 7-15ft wide and shallow enough to have those two dudes stand in the middle of it but it's still a separation.
i start a fight with the male fox, who at this point has become a lion.
i hold the lion down on its back while it tries to turn itself over. i bite his chest and rip out a chunk of his chest and heart. I am a primate at this point. There's not really bleeding. The lion dies shortly after that attack.
i guess i should do something about these animal corpses. i call out to the two guys, who are animal scientists (zoologists?) who joined the group recently (who we mostly consider as strangers) and ask them if they want two animal corpses.
i back up to let them at the lion and monkey corpses (the monkey at this point is not me, and it also died) which they examine (i think to myself that they would probably want to examine a lion as it were dying). eventually they zip them into body bags.
i try to figure out how they'll be able to fit the body bags into our boats. they might not be able to, we'd have to like sit on top of the body bags, we already have 2 storage containers full of stuff that already might be too heavy for the boats.
I wake up.

honestly I remember the adrenaline of ripping the chunk out of the lion's chest

>> No.2537041

Ina challenged me to do a math task.

>> No.2537748

Dreamt I was in a relationship with Okayu. Didn't even really focus on sex, we were just hanging out.

>> No.2537981

I often have dreams about Holostars, including Gen 4. Half the time, a certain guy who gets along well with a Jackal and a demon appears, and everyone is very happy to see him him again but pretend it's their first time meeting.
Fuck, I only knew Kaoru for 2 months, I don't look forward to how I'll feel when the guys I've been following for a year and more eventually quit

>> No.2538887

I had a dream involving Rushia a while ago. We were in some kind of artificially lit but darkish windowless space, underground parking or similiar, and it felt like we were something like coworkers. The only details I remember is that she gave me some kind of gummy candy from a bag, and that she said that she liked FPS games even though she was bad at them and wanted to learn how to play chaturanga.

>> No.2539605

recurring dream about being roommates with Coco and Kanata. The first one actually had "backstory" which was that I was a holostar and I played HOI4 as Taiwan to spite the antis, the manager got crazy pissed but coco texted me like "hey, that was cool. wanna move in?" and somehow I was down to move an entire continent away

should have realized it was a dream when i somehow knew how the fuck hoi4 worked

>> No.2540546

Nightmares are fun tho

>> No.2540808

I've had dreams where I was the savior that Anya needed. I whisk her away from whatever shit internet place she's in right now and bring her to my home with a better PC setup and internet connection. I'd be able to watch play her niche obscure games in person and we'd make sweet love after her streams end. She'd be happy and I would be happy because I could see that she was happy.
