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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25073386 No.25073386 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vt/, board newfag here.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I've come to you in need of guidance.
I've started watching a lot of vtuber clips recently after actively avoiding them for a while. I've actually found a few that are really entertaining and I enjoy watching, but I've always treated them as nothing more than normal game streamers with the added bonus that you get to look at a cute animated character instead of some poor girl staring into a webcam with a fake smile like I'm stuck in some shitty work required Zoom meeting.
However, I'm starting to notice a trend.
A significant amount of my online frens have turned pretty much all of their time to nonstop posting about vtubers, ranting about their schedules not being consistent enough, bragging about their biggest superchats, dumping fanart of the characters during unrelated conversations, etc
I'm starting to get tired of it, and I don't know what to do.
I'm seeing so many of my longtime pals getting increasingly emotionally invested in them as well. They are spending pretty large amounts of money on donations, and I feel like if I even bring up anything slightly negative about some of the characters, they'd go ballistic. Some of them have even been sharing the more sexual paid content from the fantia/fanboxes of the IRL channels that some of these vtubers run on the side.
It's starting to affect my own enjoyment as I feel like too many of my friends are getting sucked into this unhealthy level of obsession.
These were the same people who laughed at people who simped for e-girl streamers not too long in the past.
What do?

>> No.25073476

Call their oshi's whores and say that "Mori" your oshi, is pure and would never do paid content on the side.

>> No.25073483
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>> No.25073588
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you can't save them. They're a lost cause. All of this is a symptom of hypermodernity. You can only save yourself from all of this degeneracy. Leave and don't come back. It will be better for your soul to avoid these 2.5D creatures. Heed my warning before it's too late

>> No.25073596

Stick your finger and your thumb
right up there into your bum

>> No.25074774

>Hello /vt/, board newfag here.
go back. only advice you need

>> No.25075706

>online friends
just leave the discord lmao

>> No.25078670

Mucho texto.

>> No.25078778

too much text i'm sorry but i simply don't care

>> No.25079412 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25079863

Hey, your friends doing alright, unless he admitted commiting crime.
>they talk vtuber nonstop
(You) feel left out? Join or left them
