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File: 667 KB, 1845x2495, MegaPippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24981208 No.24981208 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she support Russian aggression?

>> No.24981365

what did she say?

>> No.24981628

>Ukraine? Those hohols better be counting their blessings that the Russian generals have shown enough restraint to not nuke Kiev into fucking rubble. You think any other country would tolerate an aggressive alliance like NATO encroaching and supporting coups in their neighborhood like this? They promised after Cold War to not encroach any further east yet year after year they close in on their border, moving in millions and millions of troops while getting rid of any elements in former Soviet countries' governments who might want to have a good relationship with Russia. Try this shit on China, I fucking dare you. Any country other than Russia would have declared a total war on the United States and their dogs by now.

>> No.24981971
File: 1.00 MB, 877x749, 1624468029539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Pippa to look at me like this while she makes me cum with her feet. Imagine the pure look of utter disdain, while she is secretly very much into it, giving into her sexual desire and furiously moving her slender, porcelain legs. You would be able to see a puddle of her lovely juices form beneath her all the while. I bet that her slippers hide two very beautiful, womanly feet and 10 little precious painted girly toes, ripe for a suckling. I want Pippa to lick her soles clean of my seed after the act is done. I want Pippa to make me cum with her feet...
Maybe Pippa has enough experience with grooming that she wants to drive you insane by never completely satiating your desires. Maybe she gets off to the idea of your prostate burning hot while the only thing of sexual interest to you that swirls around in your head all day now is her cute feet. Maybe she wants you in this perpetual state of agony, an-non. Maybe, just maybe.
Also, Pippa now has a fast enough chat that members streams are more than warranted.
I think she should start off with streams where she talks about her feet in detail, going over her size, her arch depth, and scent along with putting her new ASMR mic down by her feet and using it as a footrest. Nothing overly sexual, light teasing at most in the style of say "uh oh an-non I've got your ears between my toes what are you gonna do~", keep it fairly casual, the "why would you get off to this?" vibe makes it all the better.
More of an extreme but a wholly welcomed one would be a footcam at times, as much as it would be appreciated I understand if there's no bare skin, so thin stockings would suffice provided everything is well lit. Spreading your toes in the light there should be a clear distinction between what's stocking and what are your adorable toes. Another suggestion would be painting your toes themed for special occasions, subscriber milestones, anniversaries, etc. and posting pictures, but making sure to provide a proper download link as YouTube's embedding can be annoying to extract from.
Thanks for reading, here's to an exciting future of you making me cum with your feet, Pips!

>> No.24984846


>> No.24990950

Holy based

>> No.24996381

War criminal is a rabbit trait, purease andaasutan.

>> No.24996435

fuck vatniks

>> No.25001134


>> No.25001415

Haha guys look how based I am uh, I mean how based this pippa girl is, lol.
Totally her organic opinion, not to pander to 4chins hehe

>> No.25006598

She's a grifter so she would definitely support Ukraine in private but imply that Putin is based on stream.

>> No.25006649
File: 24 KB, 500x332, 47aa5c6f-6711-4255-8875-d1b12964269c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25006702


>> No.25006720

Based if true.

>> No.25007498

Ok, I'll bite
>Russian generals have shown enough restraint to not nuke Kiev into fucking rubble
They've been threatening to use nukes since 2014, haven't done so and will not resort to it. They are threatening nukes every 5 minutes to the point where nobody gives a shit about these threats.
>aggressive alliance like NATO
It's a mutual defense treaty, retard. Name 1 time NATO was the aggressor, retard. That's right, you can't. Countires entering NATO want protection from aggressive imperialists like Russia and China.
>encroaching and supporting coups in their neighborhood like this
Oh wow, countries want protection from an imperialist regime that treats them as lesser subjects after they've declared independence and threatens to "bring them back into the fold" and destroy their national identity? Nah, it must be coups to take them away from the loving embrace of their past oppressors. US has never entered military alliances to protect its independence...oh wait.
>promised after Cold War to not encroach any further east
No they did not, retard. ANY country is free to join, it's their decision.
>moving in millions and millions of troops
This isn't ww2 retard. Also, stationing troops in protected countries? Shocking!
>while getting rid of any elements in former Soviet countries' governments who might want to have a good relationship with Russia
The remains of politburo and KGB/GRU that push Russian imperialist agenda while trying to convince their people that they are inferior to Russians? Nah, fuck them, pack up and fuck off to Lubyanka.
>Try this shit on China, I fucking dare you.
Taiwan does. Still hasn't been invaded.
>Any country other than Russia would have declared a total war on the United States and their dogs by now.
Russian state media has been trying to sell copium to their public that they are actually fighting NATO right now, in Ukraine. They can't cope with the fact that their blitzkrieg has failed, so they are huffing copium.
t. Ukrainian living close to the warzone

>> No.25007539

>Any country other than Russia would have declared a total war on the United States and their dogs by now.
Delusional, Russia is the country that NATO would be most afraid to nuke. This isn't a video game, politicians want to keep their power and the people they care about safe. Provoking a nuclear war makes no sense unless your very existence is under immediate threat.

>> No.25008388

This reads like an excerpt from a Kim Jong Un speech.

>> No.25009424

>NATO is a voluntary union that the country in question has to request to join of its own volition and be accepted
>all of Russia’s neighbours request to join NATO

>> No.25009881

Based. I like her now

>> No.25009981

>"It was revealed to me in a dream btw"

>> No.25014303

So when will the war end ukranon?

>> No.25014392

When orcs run out of missiles and even semi-modern weapons and will have to resort to sending waves of conscripts with no training armed with mosins supported by t-34s. Since they are already resorting to using mid-cold-war-era tanks, give it a few more months.
