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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24979916 No.24979916 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24979960

Korone put her in her basement and won't let her out...

>> No.24979999

The new VA just isn't the same

>> No.24980001

Take meds

>> No.24980002

has this actually happened to any corpo v-tuber before?

>> No.24980031

Kizuna Ai. The backlash was so bad no one tried it again.

>> No.24980032

Shit bait

>> No.24980062

Are you joking or just new?

>> No.24980117

the person they're responding to mistook rushia for okayu, that person was correcting them, that's the story. pack it up guys time to go home.

>> No.24980119

no, if you're talking about Kizuna Ai too, I do know that. I just didn't categorize her as a corpo v-tuber

>> No.24980133

No and it hasn't. Changing your phox voice to better cope with the stress it puts on your vocal cords do to your co-workers dropping like flies from vocal cord issues is just smart OP is a faggot so he is not smart

>> No.24980132

Replaced her. Read the subject, retard.

>> No.24980139

Also the original singer behind Cocoa Domyoji.

>> No.24980165

>kizuna ai
>not corpo

>> No.24980231

This reads like roommate shit.

>> No.24980309


>> No.24980315

Stop breaking containment

>> No.24980438


>> No.24980624
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>le Ai had 100 rotating VAs meme

>> No.24980692

she is probably lifting weights and now she is a chad now

people only want her depressed

>> No.24980696

The new one has gathered her own fans though.
Probably the only successful (and I say that lightly) replacement I've seen.

>> No.24980698

Why are deep voice fags so fucking aggressive? Okayu talks slightly less like she smokes a pack a day and they lose their shit and claim she was replaced.

>> No.24980832

I'm just glad she can put out so many covers while streaming a bunch, and still hasn't developed any throat polyps like so many others. I may prefer the deeper voice, but it is a small price to pay.

>> No.24980838

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.24980981

I recently watched okayu collab with subaru for kirby super star and holy shit it really feels like the VA changed, what the fuck happened? she feels completely different not only in the tone of her voice but also the kind of things she talks with subaru too, compared to other subaru collabs like the live a live one, she feels like a completely different person.

>> No.24981269

are youtube comment screencaps the new twitter screencap threads? also there's a high chance OP is the regular okayu schizo so kek

>> No.24981444

That's pretty funny. Dramafags like OP really are desperate

>> No.24981476

that's what idol culture does to these girls, first Towa, now okayu, FUCK JAPS

>> No.24981569

Pretty soon we will get suisei on our side

>> No.24981904

>korone "on break"
>okayu replaced

>> No.24982499

When will Mori get replaced?

>> No.24982560

i know it's tough but you need to move on

>> No.24982777

They didn't "replace" Kazuna AI. They basically hired a bunch of different women to break up the different aspects of "Kazuna AI" to be handled by different people, and they eventually turned into unique characters.


>> No.24982827

She's due for a liver transplant next year.

>> No.24983088

I hope IRyS can take over her model.

>> No.24983187

watching IRyS with Kronii's SEX model on april fools really pulminated my pecans

>> No.24984236

That never happened, dumbass

>> No.24985110


>> No.24985378

This would make sense, actually. It probably was what made Korone almost retire.

>> No.24985517

if by successful you mean they had to create a whole new model and channel for the new one...

Granted she is getting good views and stuff and I will listen because she's good video, but I want to listen to OG Cocoa's version of Lemon and Chisana no Koi uta.

Here's hoping if she's still doing online things and has an intrest in Vtuber she joins Hololive as gen 7 like Fuma did with Uproar

>> No.24989196

do your roommate reps

>> No.24990755

Do it for me harder, Daddy~

>> No.24991054

Oh boi, i thought the curse stopped at Sankisei....

>> No.24992306

Rrat say shark has been replaced by owl

>> No.24992425

That explain why tomboy cat become sex cat. Strange how Akukin still swoon her

>> No.24992849

... meaning that in some cases another person puppetted Oyabun than the original puppeteer. It's still a replacement even if partial.
And before this is blessed with a cheap getcha reply: Switching bodies during an offcollab or during an April fools stream or even as a one-off streaming concept (all of which were done in Hololive before) obviously does not count as a replacement because there is no intention to make the audience think the person is still the same.
I'm also not saying replacements are always doomed and bad, but it's obvious why under most circumstances it is detrimental.

>> No.24993165

its stupid to think that Hololive would change voice actors for the idols instead of just graduating them, especially after the Rushia shitshow

>> No.24993238
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message not clear, ended up repping my roommate before the Don.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind strangers! Have a unicorn as a symbol of gratitude (Spoiler: it is actually not a real unicorn because real unicorns don't exist hehehehe lol).
The point I am making is: Encouraging roomate lookups here is stupid, kiwifag.

>> No.24993307

This will be Ayame's fate after she gives birth to her boyfriend's baby, face it Nakiricuckmis.

>> No.24993533

fuck you watamefrog poster

>> No.24995814

They had different hairclips to represent different personalities of the AI
Doesn't stop it from being retarded

>> No.24996031

Who's Fuma?

>> No.24996073

Houshou Marine has been replaced. Twice.

>> No.24996224

Bro, you got replaced

>> No.24996432 [SPOILER] 

Newest member of Holostars Uproar and his pl may of been part of GCP

>> No.24996531

IRyS VA is gonna get replaced after her contract expires (which is, coincidentally, after EN3 debut streams).

>> No.24996620

I can never tell if posts like these are made by EOP newfags who got tricked by nips or just shitters funposting.

>> No.24996715

The former. A lot of people who never caught onto vtubers, or did so later, only knew AI because of the "replacement" debacle or the NFTs.

>> No.25000226

I've always known who Kizuna is but never heard of this replacement drama until now, so I really doubt people entirely outside the anime sphere heard of it.

>> No.25000446

Iirc, the old Cocoa moved on to singing for a band now.
The new one just got her hair cut and a new coat, but yes she had to get a new channel. (which is doing well in it's own right)

>> No.25003507


Yeah and I am loving all the symphogear songs its just sucks :c

>> No.25004862

Are you a literal retard?

>> No.25004956
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Yes it has you 2020 newfuck it LITERALLY change the industry in which managers decided it's not worth trying to do anymore or ever again

>> No.25005052

Hot take but I think compagnies should be allowed to recast characters after 20 years if the original RM either ceased activities or died.

>> No.25005119 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 1224x1396, Eb13TszU4AEkbjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's still doing online things and has an intrest in Vtuber
>Iirc, the old Cocoa moved on to singing for a band now.

>> No.25005183

>1 year ago

>> No.25005250

Imagine being underage in 2022.

>> No.25006286

The Kizuna replacement and Gamebu replacement were happening around the same time. The suits were trying to push the concept of the Character tuber or "C tuber". They were testing if fans would be ok with just supporting the character, like a Mickey Mouse or Goofy, and it doesnt really matter who the voice actor is. This way they can strip power away from the VAs (rrats about kizuna and gamebu cast asking for raises), with the threat of replacing them, so the entire project doesnt hinge on just a handful of voice actors that have too much power and can leave at any moment.
The C tuber concept failed spectacularly.

>> No.25006971

ITT OP gaslights schizos for fun

>> No.25007094

Gura died of COVID months ago and nobody even notices the new VA

>> No.25007244

yeah, because shark died

>> No.25007329
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Okayu was replaced to hide her pregnancy and the subsequent birth of my child.
Sorry guys, please don't be too harsh on the new VA.
