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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24821945 No.24821945 [Reply] [Original]

Make me cry, /vt/.

>> No.24822009


>> No.24822112

People over the age of 18 unironically tribalfag

>> No.24822176

that 10 min clip of Polka talking softly about books
I've never been so fucked up

>> No.24822240

You can’t save them

>> No.24822263

watch pet videos or something

>> No.24822430 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.79 MB, 720x1036, everything you love will one day end [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnvzotd.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24822560


>> No.24822981

You are not prepared for this clip

>> No.24823004
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1648086974375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24823411

Damn this is good

>> No.24823445

man fuck you

>> No.24823455

fuck i love deep, calm, genuine tangents like this. i wish more chuubas were comfortable with doing this often

>> No.24824195


>> No.24824531

Fuck this one hurts. I miss Coco so bad. I know she is still streaming but I don't know, it's not the same anymore

>> No.24824793
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>> No.24824894
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>One of Tamaki's cats was very ill.
>A few days later she's announcing how the cat has been taken away and is healthier now (dead)
>She keeps telling how happy is she now that he won't bother and distract her anymore. All this with a broken voice while holding back her tears.

>> No.24825091
File: 37 KB, 578x531, sap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You get money for crying on stream? I'm not crying on stream.
>I'm having a wonderful, happy day of my life right now! I'm really glad!

Fuck that actually made my eyes water. Poor Tamaki...

>> No.24825599

True unconditional love cannot exist out of a childhood setting
If you didn't experience love in your teens you will never experience love. Not to it's full depth.
Anything you feel is a mere shadow of what could have been

>> No.24825790

leave it to /vt/ to overhype

>> No.24825990

sorry for your lack of soul

>> No.24826037

You will never hug IRyS

>> No.24826040

>Make me cry, /vt/.


Very fucked up.

>> No.24826077

vt agreed not to share this, you fucking faggot.

>> No.24826081 [DELETED] 

>shitty anime-tier motivational speech manages to make /vt/ cry
the absolute state of this board kek

>> No.24826115


>> No.24826142

I watched it live and I crumbled. At that moment I realized how bad was everything.

>> No.24826329

I don't get it

>> No.24826355
File: 16 KB, 281x328, 1645313381898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes sense. I fell in love with a girl when I was like 8 and I have never ever felt the same about any other girl. I stayed in love with her throughout my whole childhood, adolescense and early adulthood... I could not get her. Fuck me.

>> No.24826358
File: 284 KB, 1165x1329, 1639514623524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24826440

At least you had it and lost it
I've had 3 gfs, and honestly I don't think I loved any of them. Hell I wasn't even attracted to them. I got them out of obligation to my mom and friends.
I'm not gay, I only want to fuck women, but I don't think I'm capable of love, at least not with the women that exist in my country.

>> No.24826501

Why is my friend sobbing? :(

>> No.24826650

This guy was the best source for actual Polka clips. A shame he stopped

>> No.24826719

you're ugly you smell and your oshi is doodoo

>> No.24826732

Assuming you're pic related?

>> No.24826824

This feels true. There was a girl I liked all throughout childhood to the point I would have dreams where we were married. She didn't like me back. Now I'm approaching wizardhood and have never felt that way about another woman.

>> No.24827030

That was a sweet glimpse into Polka’s interests. It was nice but holy fuck the clueless retards in her chat are distracting

>> No.24827075
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>> No.24827224

spook, i had experiencied love in my teens and again in adult life, love experience in your 20s is the true love experience

>> No.24827230

I have regular extremely vivid dreams about a girl that moved quite literally to the other side of the world almost a decade ago
I am a wizard, I'm 33.

>> No.24827467
File: 304 KB, 1020x789, 1630073927761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't truly cried in 9 years, but in the face of everything - every encounter, dialogue and character from over a decade and thousands of hours of playing Fromsoft games - the compassion shown in that video brought me to genuine tears.

>> No.24827475


>> No.24828128

I had a gf just because I was scared people would think I was gay (I'm not). Mid relationship I started to feel like crap because I somehow thought I could use this girl to forget the other one but that's not how it works. I left her and that was my only gf ever. it was like 14 years ago.
I know how to love but I realized as I got older that people who actually deserve love are an insane minority; they are so few there's no point trying so gave up on love altogether.

>> No.24828250
File: 166 KB, 399x321, 1633909044856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24828436

Amazing when you compare everyone's non-reaction to Rusia leaving

>> No.24828452

Something I've learned in the past 30 odd years is that the overwhelming majority of people, especially women, are fucking terrible.
Men at least sometimes have interests. They can have a conversation, you can hear the enthusiasm in their voice as they tell you about their projects.
I'm yet to meet a woman that's enthusiastic about anything. They'll talk about celebrity gossip or arts and crafts but you can tell they don't really care about any of it. It's extremely disheartening.

>> No.24828615

I'm glad there's more people who feel like this. Worse thing is that if you dare to talk about this everyone just dismisses you saying you are just naive or that you just need to fuck a lot: go on tinder on the fuck carrousel or whatever. I genuinely believe most people are just narcissistic sociopaths.

>> No.24828753

When the mad rule the world they look at the sane and say "you must be mad, you're not like us"
Never has this statement held more truth

>> No.24828938

Worse cases are the ones who just completely disengage and disregard your interests (and you by proxy). Like you spend a lot of time listening to them and what they like and then they ask you back, so you start opening up a little bit and after like 2 minutes they interrupt you and change topics without notice; and you are like "if you are so uninterested in what I have to say then why did you even bother to ask?" This is happening a lot to me lately so I just stopped talking to people outside my close group. And even though girls tend to do it more, lately even guys have done it to me. It's amazing how selfish people are; they act like they want to talk but all they want is to spit words at you and ditch you after they are done.

>> No.24829116

This is a very nice video anon.
