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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24736821 No.24736821 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24736873
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Useful links:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ Her channel

https://youtu.be/AAr2lHZLNyU [Embed] Her first cover (Discommunication Alien cover)

https://youtu.be/aozNBX2dF6c [Embed] (Cinderella cover)

https://youtu.be/_KTwDH_KQ_g [Embed] - Her first OG! Pekorandom Brain (MV version)

https://youtu.be/fdOzGOkaK8M [Embed] (Pekorandom brain - full version)

>> No.24736932
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Check her daily short clips:

Must watch videos:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leIRKFjPVPc [Embed] Four Panel Peko-chan!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2t52ps27s [Embed] I tell my mom I'm a Vtuber! Peko!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIh3wjETcD4 [Embed] Let's build our office! (feat. Moona Hoshinova)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtZfehdSHb4 [Embed] Xmas at Mikoti's place!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF6hF-RxJUw [Embed] Yakuza 0 first stream

https://youtu.be/CxmyVRFcAps [Embed] Summer Festival 2021

>> No.24737092
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>> No.24737125
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1.94 Million get today!

>> No.24737273

Last thread: >>24667513

>> No.24737985
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>> No.24738385
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Remember to use the other template for the next thread, it's better organized.

>> No.24738941
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>> No.24739985

Oh shit didnt even notice. Socialblade is projecting she will hit 2 million in 2 months, so at worst we are gonna get good content at that point

>> No.24742643

fuck off

>> No.24743359

That clip from her birthday... I want to see her dance again

>> No.24743816 [DELETED] 

How do you feel like knowing your oshi is getting bred for an entire month, at least?

>> No.24743947

I told you making these now was a mistake

>> No.24745145
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>> No.24745485
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I love this guy's diary

>> No.24746003

Shut up, nerd. This has always happened in these threads. Just ignore and report.

>> No.24748536
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>> No.24749074

I hope she's happy sleeping with Goro and Mimi...
I do miss her tho...

>> No.24749701

look dude. If you are gonna make these threads pls do it correctly instead of being an ass. Thats all I am asking you
I'll just ignore the threads you make if its too hard for you to behave

>> No.24750111
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That wasn't me, actually. It's just other people realize how obnoxious some of you can get in regard to thread making, and you've been called out. Just chill and let the thread follow its own pace, bro.

>> No.24751146

One guy pointing out that the template is fucked and wrong shouldnt be just be told off immediatly

>> No.24751978
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>> No.24752675

this thread has been simply 兎田ぺこら since before this board was even made and any tourist who wants to change that can go fuck themselves

>> No.24753066
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>see thread
>it's labeled 兎田ぺこら and nothing else
>keeps sperging about it
Are you okay, anon?

>> No.24753138
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The nousagi are going feral...

>> No.24753180
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>> No.24753363

Nobody was talking about that OP message being empty, helloo

>> No.24753438

about op message being empty*
it was about the template itself being different and unorganized mess

>> No.24754196
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>thread dies
>make a new thread with only 兎田ぺこら as a topic but otherwise with empty OP post
>go to the previous thread
>copy and paste the template correctly
do THIS for the next thread since this one aint the right one

>> No.24756479


>> No.24756581
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>> No.24756638

It was a simple guide. Now I think you are just trolling at this point if you seriously just dont wanna use the same template

>> No.24757351

they actually wrote it like that in the collab, I wonder how many legit nousagi are in the dev team

>> No.24758205

Since they do a lot of these collabs I think the devs just know to look into these things

>> No.24758778

It's literally in one of her most used emotes. If they hadn't paid attention to that beforehand I would have called them out and done my best for them to correct this asap.

>> No.24761112
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>> No.24762651
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>> No.24767207

You realise that has been a thing long before Pekora right?

>> No.24768709

you understand I'm glad they didn't "localize" it right?

>> No.24769245

Anyone else feel like she’s going to stream at Mel’s rate when she comes back?

>> No.24771587

We talking Mel 2021 or Mel 2022? There is quite a difference.

>> No.24771887

Not a problem for me. She decide when and how much she stream
I have no rights to force her to stream so much forever

>> No.24772627

Honestly I wouldn’t know 2022 Mel because I unsubbed last year after weeks of nothing

>> No.24777387

last bump from me, good night

>> No.24781652


>> No.24784839

The Valkyrie Connect seems to be a success, they even added another milestone and more presente for them..I hope she gets a collaboration with Battle Cats, is a better game and she likes it.

>> No.24785535
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>> No.24788976
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>> No.24789668

Why assume something with no precedent?

>> No.24792488

Tourist most likely.

>> No.24793218
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>> No.24794412

did you shoot that present down from a balloon

>> No.24797338
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>> No.24799205

Before Marine convinced her to stop delaying her break Pekora was still making excuses saying "B-but maybe I can still play Elden Ring because I don't scream to much in thar game" So I doubted it. And yes she screams a lot in ER too.

>> No.24800103
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>> No.24800820
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I feel like this is an immensely hypocritical post that deserves to be called out. You say some people can get obnoxious in regard to thread making, but the ones who make the threads like this and ignore the template are just as obnoxious and the cause of some people complaining, you realize that right?
There's a very simple solution to this; just use the fucking template that has been used since forever for this thread. There's literally no reason not to use to it unless you're a tourist shitposter looking to get a rise out of people. In fact, an actual nousagi who isn't a falseflagging tourist shitposter would go "Oh, sorry! I didn't know that! I'll use it from now on if I make the thread!" instead of the passive aggressive tribalist shit towards regulars I've seen in the past few threads. It's not like it's hard either and the pastebin says what to do.
Calling someone out for posting a retarded thread that doesn't use the template that has been used since forever feels like a normal thing to do as it's generally not a well liked practice in other generals. It's a legitimate complaint.
This will probably count as "bitching and whining" or whatever from what I saw in a previous thread, but I don't really care. A problem has surfaced with these threads, and it needed to be addressed. Simple as.

Anyway, I'm just gonna take a break from this place until Peko returns. See you actual nousagi in here in a month or two when Peko returns and the falseflagging tribalist tourist shitposters have hopefully fucked off.

>> No.24802662


>> No.24802704
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It's starting, the descent to madness.

>> No.24802808

mo cap recording hopefully

>> No.24805014
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>> No.24805266

she looks like the girl that bullies you at school but actually has a crush on you

>> No.24805327

to me she looks like the girl to get hammered off one beer at a party, eat too much spaghetti then puke all over herself but maybe that's just me

>> No.24805389

would still fit though, with the "saying she likes you while drunk" trope

>> No.24805521

No idea what it is. But she did said she still had things to do in May so her proper rest could start in June...

>> No.24807471
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Think fast chucklenuts

>> No.24811253
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>> No.24814759

She looks more like a teacher though.

>> No.24814783
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>> No.24816550
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I want to marry Pekora...
