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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24703928 No.24703928 [Reply] [Original]

>good job
>makes probably around six figures
>jacked and roided
>self aware enough to not go full schizo
>uses his feelings for his oshi as motivation
Is this what all parasocial relationships should be like?

>> No.24704167


>> No.24704307

If they hadn't told you how rich and hot they were would you think that's a healthy outlook on life?

>> No.24704825

kfp are quite tragic, because Kiara never goes full GFE. She plays 'your friends cool and hot older sister' type.

She has this 'unobtainable crush' feel, like simping on a hot teacher or your friends wife, yet just personal enough for you to endlessly explore the fantasy of her being your romantic partner.

in a way, its arguably the healthiest type of parasocial you can get, because it is always begun with the fact that you simply cannot have the object of your passion, so this little trip of fantasy is just self-pleasuring.

if kiara was gfe, this guy wouldve definitely ruined his life by now, and dumped obsequious amounts of savings into getting her attention.

>> No.24705126

I saw a similar post describing Kiara as such. Are you that same anon?
I agree btw. Kiara actively encourages her fanbase to seek their own relationships. Perhaps this is related to her own experiences with people taking their parasocial relationship too far. Is her method a good way to dissuade toxic parasocial tendencies or are parasocial relationships toxic by default?

>> No.24705332

It's just another level of coping. That person has a gaping hole in the side of their ship, and they just put some planks to slow the water flow. It's still gushing water.

But a whole lot better than nothing, I guess. A lot of anons cope instead by getting angry at the fact that their ship is sinking and do literally nothing about it. Just don't get too proud because you slowed the process.

>> No.24705344

How many people actually stops being a fan and move forward as the lover of vtuber? I assume it should be similar case to Kpop fan that want to move their relationship forward with their idol

>> No.24705410

Good analysis anon. I've seen similar things said. She really did nail that vibe. She's a good craftsman.

>> No.24705424

steroids are for trannies and this guy is mentally ill no matter how self aware he is.

>> No.24705468

na, i read that anons post when it was screencaped and agreed with it, and im just phrasing it

til that post, I hadn't appreciated how Kiara has solved the GFE equation, by getting the same money and devotion, with none of the GFE defects like lying to your fans.

I dunno if she's done it on purpose outta experience with parasocial relationships before, but I think its her natural honestly and unfiltered confidence that gives her this diva/older lady vibe, as most young women are insecure of themselves.

I think parasocial relationships are naturally toxic, and Kiara is bitingly aware of this, hence always reminding kfp to explore relationships and friendships.
she was in the idol industry, so knows all about parasocial relationships and extending emotional energy for a person unaware of your existence.

how she does it is definitely good tho. all of kfp extremely enjoy her as a woman, but appreciate her and her own life. unlike how saplings get suicidal when fauna stops streaming.

>> No.24705524

Any other vtubers that doesn't take advantage of their fans like Kiara?

>> No.24705591

Natty cope

>> No.24705707

>Any other vtubers that doesn't take advantage of their fans like Kiara?
Every Vtuber is doing that as long as you twist their words enough and hang around /vt/ believing what everyone says

>> No.24705740

I agree. I think if he gets therapy he could be better off. Obviously having an aversion to women/relationships due to past experiences and attaches himself to a vtuber because in his eyes "she can't hurt me".

>> No.24705847

if i had to think of some, that don't LIE at least,
in EN
Ame (I think she makes an effort to care for her fans but they are stupid, doesnt lie about who she is)
Bae and Kronii maybe. Maybe IRyS as well.

The rest of them lie often, take advantage of their fans. I don't hate the rest, but they are for sure playing their character up a bit.

>> No.24705880
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>/vt/ is this an example of a tasty food ?

>> No.24705897

Lying about what?

>> No.24706069

what they say vs what they feel.

>> No.24706096

There is good example of a parasocial relationship because parasocial relationships, by defintion, are bad. Its even worse if the object of your affection is a vtuber because they'll be gone at some point, and then what? The objection of your affection is no more.

>> No.24706120

Don't remind me Fauna didn't stream today.
I don't know how anyone cant go parasocial for her. I know she is tuning it down too. I know if she wanted she could go all in GFE instead of the GFE Lite she does now. If she did she would cripple men all over the world. If she wanted to be she could be Helen of Troy.

>> No.24706176

I don't see Fauna in that way personally. I don't think she's lying to her fans but she's definitely playing a character and having fun with it. The vibe she's going for however, I can see why this attracts a certain type of fan.

>> No.24706177

I don't think parasocial relationships are inherently bad. I don't think are good either. They're just a thing. They've been around forver. People having it with news anchors, or talk show radio hosts, shit I bet people had them with gladiators and poets and actors in the ancient days.

>> No.24706200

This is why people should aim at the real person instead of the fake personality on youtube/twitch. Go find them IRL

>> No.24706224

Fauna has never lied to us. She's too good to do that. She knows her power and is respectful with it.

>> No.24706234
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it took me a whole fucking year to stop living like this. just devoting all my energy to her at the expense of real world interactions. I never wanna go that deep with an online character again

>> No.24706318

Why real world interaction suddenly matter?

>> No.24706383


>> No.24706412

parasocial relationship, just means when you live as a third person in someones story.

when we read books or watch our favourite anime, we are in parasocial relationships with fictional characters.

theres nothing bad about parasocial relationships, just like theres nothing wrong with food or video games or weed or alcohol.
but theres a limit, and you depend too much on one vice, it detriments other vital parts of your life.

soon people will love someone that doesnt exist, or doesnt know they exist, as a replacement of making a real relationship.

>> No.24706438

they only matter if your trying to have a relationship with the real world. I am so it does matter

>> No.24706463

kiara rabbithole goes deep. she puts out so much content and streams, you could honestly live out an entire year just havin her as company (which is probably what most kfp do.)

>> No.24706491
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KFP have always been cucks, even in your parasocial fantasies you're cucks
imagine not being able to tell your oshi that you want to find her and smell her cunt

>> No.24706492

>Even on vacation Kiara is more active than most of EN.
I can't tell if should be happy or sad about that.

>> No.24706511

just one year? what about when she graduate? who will fill the void?

>> No.24706543

she is lying bro. shes playing a character that not entirely true, nor are her feelings. nor does she even know you exist at all, she is just a loving ara-ara sweet mommy girly type which you have extended emotional energy and attached to.

parasocial as fuck. i could put a kiara cut out on your ceiling and youd stare at it all day.

>> No.24706559

"Lamy actually loved the yukimins and Lamy was the mental support of the yukimins toiling away at their job and yukimins were Lamy's support so she doesn't go full menhera."
Sadly old Lamy died.

>> No.24706594

*fauna cutout i mean, not kiara.

>> No.24706619

This trend of vtubers bitching and complaining needs to stop. You exist to entertain nobody wants to hear you bitch and moan while your making bank and have millions of adoring fans.

>> No.24706628

The boss/worker kayfabe or whatever you want to call it that she has feels like the best way to create a strong community while simultaneously helping keep insane unicorns at arms length.
It might be the best way to wean western audiences into being more like a "traditional" idol style fan base that I can think of.

>> No.24706663

>insane unicorns
Where is this meme coming from?

>> No.24706664

would be pretty good if it weren't entirely fictional

>> No.24706691


>> No.24706720


>> No.24706747

>insane unicorns
Like those insane unicorns destroyed Rushia?

>> No.24706765
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Average egg

>> No.24706822

Kfp are cringe and kiaras a fucking dyke

>> No.24706830

honestly, I expected much worst.

>> No.24706903 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 1007x997, 22229886VsjC7R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day Fauna embraces her yandere sides in asmr is the day I want. But that's because I already heard that kind of asmr including rubbing tights-clad feet against the microphones.

>> No.24706948
File: 339 KB, 2080x1560, 20220521_193027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you see how they live

>> No.24707233

>unlike how saplings get suicidal when fauna stops streaming
I made a few of those threads and I barely watch Fauna. It just makes me giggle for some reason.

>> No.24707328

That time watching her should instead be spent destroying nijiniggers

>> No.24707368

I am sapling and I admit I am genuinely suicidal when she stops streaming

her streams give me so much life and then im back to the cold drab of my life.

>> No.24707505

>Parasocial bad
>Unga bunga other tribe good
Tribalism is not healthy either.

>> No.24707614

you'd have to either learn Japanese and follow one of them or just drop everything else and follow her roommate or next incarnation

>> No.24707678

Rushia played the hardest into the parasocial shit and it came undone with one mistake, that's how fragile that shit is.
Be more mindful of who you give your feelings to, words like I love you and are powerful.

>> No.24707903

>words like I love you and are
and are?

>> No.24707929

Physically probably Mentally DEFINITELY NOPE!

>> No.24707989

>parasocial relationship
Pick one.
I can see Kiara marrying a loaded KFP.

>> No.24708027

The only thing you cunts have destroyed is this board with your endless shitposting over the gay pacman that lives rent free in your head.
At least the parasocial fags just hang out in their threads and cry while their oshi is away.

>> No.24708103

>one mistake
>implying it is not million mistakes stacking with each others

>> No.24708246

Mentally definitely nope depending on the type of roids he's on

>> No.24708454

They all play characters. They exaggerate shit about themselves. She has even said she doesn't feel like she's a mom that much but if others enjoy it's fine.
So what if I would stare at a cutout of her? She's gorgeous.

>> No.24708545

Holy shit.
This is a thing? I gotta listen to this.

>> No.24710204

Pls say sike anon

>> No.24710669

its not like im suicidal for the entire length of her not-streaming.

its just my initial reaction. Like I'm suddenly thrown in ice cold water. everything turns grey, and I wish her presence would come back.

I have to suffer thru that change, then it wears off. her streams are such a warm nice high.

>> No.24711697

When was the last time you speak with woman?

>> No.24712055

Work a manager job and goes to the gym all the time, yet still has time for streams. Thats how i know this is fake, combine that with cooking dinner prep for the next work day, and a shower he would be lucky to have a hour to watch her streams at most. This dude is probably a neet, sounds like some fantasy he whipped up in his head

>> No.24712123

I know I shouldn't be thinking about this, I want more crossboarding with my fellow KPFbros.

Meppers were a breath of fresh air. I'm gonna check on their oshi from time to time.

>> No.24712447

He's a manager at a rental care place. He can probably spend more than half his workday watching streams.

>> No.24712614

Yeah exactly. Managers at those places don't do shit lol. But if he had a real job as an actual worker he could do it too.
But I'm trying to get in shape so I've been doing meal prep and gym. I work>gym>Fauna>cook>eat>watch whoever is on till I sleep.
It's possible.

>> No.24713385

Do people even rent cars anymore with uber and shit available nowadays?

>> No.24713442

You poor bastard. You have my pity. Sincerely.

>> No.24714223
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Based and same
(You) cannot leave the ride after you enter it

>> No.24715502

Why are those power outlets so clean and modern looking compared to the everything else?

>> No.24716629

I know you guys only found out about idols from hololive but taking hope and strength from idols has been with us for thousands of years. Don't think of it as a parasocial relationship, think of it as having an idol who inspires you to do better. For the retards, Gandalf is an idol.

>> No.24717905

I don't want to make love to gandalf though.

>> No.24722110

Jesus is an idol

>> No.24722296

My idol is Tom Bergeron

>> No.24722346

This is untrue I am in hololive and it is the only time the mask comes off

>> No.24722851
File: 85 KB, 480x480, DB42FD1D-A7DC-43FD-AA97-E5491ACD2DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> suicidal when Fauna stops streaming

But you dont understand how much we miss her

desu, I dont really watch her all that much although I do think she’s an entertaining streamer. Needy sapling is just one of the most fun larps in this board

>> No.24723267

Happy probably. It makes it feel like she really loves doing it.
But yes she should learn to take a break... maybe being with a coworker is too much temptation

>> No.24723635

Im betting that pic rel was a group effort to make on that eggcord

>> No.24723699

Why are you such a faggot? When a girl bitches and complains to you about their woes, it’s very intimate. They’re letting their guards down with (you). This especially applies to lonely women like VTubers, they most likely haven’t been able to fall back on anyone as much as they could with their fans.

>> No.24724040

I really disliked Kiara for nearly a year after MYTH debuted. In the past 6 months she has really grown on me though... She's undoubtedly passionate about being an streamer and idol. She knows what she wants and goes for it. She is definitely menhera but it feels like she has a much healthier outlook on life since moving back to Europe, so I'm happy for her. I dunno bros, Kiara is actually based. I'm not a KFP but I can't help but respect her.

>> No.24724098

Pretty much all of her gachikoi still continue to follow her current incarnation, though. You can believe that the Nekofami /here/ stalked fan accounts for weeks just to confirm this.

>> No.24724351


>> No.24725097

what were her million mistakes anon

>> No.24728018

She could've just chilled out for one. Instead she went crazy trying to prove herself she sent possibly very sensitive material to jap keemstar. All she had to do was wait until after 3rd fes then it probably would've been forgotten. The fact her fans immediately followed her to her new account shows that it was a small minority that were sperging out about the yab.

>> No.24728493

Why not? As long as the guy is happy.

>> No.24729216

Well I'm no manger but I work IT and spend at least an hour a day watching streams or shitposting not counting breaks. It cant be that rare for a manager position to secretly be fucking around during work.

>> No.24729695

A better example would have been dudebros wanting to be like Superman, Batman, Master Chief, or Captain America when he was used for propaganda in ww2 to get people to sign up.

>> No.24730006

How can you ask that first question and then write all that shit afterwards?

>> No.24730069

Seek help. anon. Seriously.

>> No.24730184

Proof that eggs are peak reddit trannies

>> No.24735603

Respectable. She filters out a lot of people with the "chicken voice" but I respect that she refuses to use her real voice because fuck the greynames.
her real voice is actually pretty sex

>> No.24735704

Post tits

>> No.24735830

Managers are usually leaches that feed off the productive labour of the workers. Not a suprise he doesn't do anything all day, his dad probably owns the company too.

>> No.24736872

It's definitely one of the rare good cases, But it's not a happy ending for him yet, Unfortunately.
That anon will still have to be able to live without her someday and being capable of finding an actual partner for himself later-on. If he can't do that and ends-up getting way too attached to his oshi then it's pretty much just the same type of disease all the parasocial people acquire which is obsession to a person they can never be with.

>> No.24736986

>his dad probably owns the company
I severely doubt his dad owns Enterprise

>> No.24737818

In some ways I've found that I get more satisfaction out of unrequited love than a real relationship. There is a tragic, beautiful idealism to loving someone who doesn't love you back. It's entirely one sided, pure, unselfish, and much less complex.

>> No.24738121
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I get it bro.

>> No.24738346
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nice, totally not larp. Why would someone just go into internet and lie?
though myself I'm currently working my ass off, just so I get moved to another department at my work, so I will earn more and could finally afford some superchats
based and same. Unattainable perfect relationship that you can dream of is better than yet another boring whore that siphons your time

>> No.24738511

It's worse and you still waste time on them. Time better spent in service of yourself and your craft.
Not to mention you all do not value the simple beauty of recognizing her mood via her face, her eyes, the smell of her in the morning, the intimacy of touch.

>> No.24738531
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ìt's not bad but i'm sure he's killing potential relationships to watch kiara instead. the optimal way to love your oshi is to dedicate time to watch and support her while also managing your own life, like getting a GF/a good job/ developing your hobbies etc.

>> No.24738570

only if the vtuber offers free 1 on 1 discord sex

>> No.24738645


>> No.24738699
File: 69 KB, 720x894, 1648561993245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like karaokes

>> No.24739127

The ideal vs the material. The ideal world is always better.

>> No.24739945

He seems to have a good job and a dedicated hobby. The problem is, can a vtuber truly be a supplement for an actual human relationship? Obviously not, but if he himself struggles with attachment issues is it wrong for him to cope with watching a streamer?

>> No.24740541

sauce to that photo anon? a yt vid pleas

>> No.24741240

as a Sapling I cringe hard everytime I see those kinds of posts, like, they might as well be weeds instead of tree's with how weak and annoying they are

>> No.24741922

Let's be real the world is a cold dark place. Not everyone finds a relationship. It honestly seems like less and less everyday. I would argue a "healthy" parasocial relationship is better than nothing.

>> No.24742233
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Kiwawa, I miss you...

>> No.24742344

I think OP looked up the glassdoor reviews for this salary but glassdoor has this particular one incredibly inflated by an outlier. It's typically a 55k-65k job and all the car rental companies are pretty fucked now

>> No.24742478

I just want to be able to enjoy my oshi without having to deal with a bunch of spergs on here screeching about her and spreading rrats because she "does" """GFE"""

>> No.24742748

Every single vtuber has some sort of degree of GFE in them. As we said Kiara plays it the best as an unattainable friends older sister. Plenty of people fall in love with their friends older sister but she seldom loves them back. So if you watch chuubas you better get used to it. And if things progress the way they there's gonna be less and less people having sex, in relationships, and having kids so parasocial relationships with chuubas are just gonna increase.

>> No.24743161

I agree with that sentiment that GFE is more so a spectrum rather than a black or white "yes or no" like this board likes to portray it as all of the time. And I also feel that for a lot of people, the choice is just "be alone" or "be alone while fawning over a cute vtuber". With my oshi being Mikeneko though, you can probably understand why I'm wary about the more virulent antiGFE shitposting on here

>> No.24743288

Pics from the community tab.

>> No.24743295

I haven't really watched her, so this is just out curiosity but how does she accomplish that? I am not overly familiar with her, but the few things I've seen seem like your typical "jealous because I love you" GFE fare so it didn't strike me as that different

>> No.24743498

What if I have redefined a private message from a roommate saying they love me? Is that GFE?

>> No.24743696

Anon how do you deal with the fact with fauna that... you know? I'm not trying to make you feel bad bad because I love her too but can't get over that fact and had to stop watching.

>> No.24743697

Bullshit you got a roommate pm.

>> No.24743829

Hard to put into words. She does encourage the viewers to pursue irl relationships. She also teases and flirts with the chat. Like look at last week she was parading around how much fun her and her new fling were having in the Caribbean. Posting stuff for us to see.
Like I could totally see some older girl doing that, telling you stories of her and her friends experimenting on vacation. Shit it just moved typing this.

>> No.24743896

>the Caribbean
your geography reps, anon...

>> No.24743961

They literally all do anon. The quicker you get that accept it, bury it, and move on the more you can enjoy her.
Or you can go the schizo route and think [redacted] is made up so we won't become parasocial. I personally go a little further and think shes in a on again off again relationship with a smaller chuuba

>> No.24744049

Kek my bad. I know the Maldives are nowhere near the Caribbean, I was just imagining an older girl I used to work with telling my about a Caribbean vacation. See Kiara's shit works. I might go throw her an supa

>> No.24744470

I just don't know if I can watch them without just feeling it in the back of my mind, even if I try not to think about it. It's not that I don't them to be happy, but it's just too painful to watch with that knowledge.
>They literally all do anon.
This is the realistic assumption, but I guess I can only schizo that its always blank until proven

>> No.24745703

Admittedly I did, but from what I've heard they make commission and bonuses based on their district's sales

>> No.24745768

More for me.

>> No.24746493
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Well worst case your in love with someone in a relationship. That's been going on for a long long time.
Pick up a guitar and write a blues song. Maybe you could win her over.

>> No.24749032

That’s luxury housing in SEA

>> No.24749139


>> No.24749195
File: 60 KB, 720x367, holofags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then you have the literal cucks on plebbit who encourage this

>> No.24753856

this isn't cucking

>> No.24754332

There's nothing wrong with them having bfs, but there's also nothing wrong with me for not sending money to a taken woman
Also, scrap that. I don't send money to ANY woman on the internet. So I feel nothing. I like their streams and drawing them.

>> No.24754606

idk how you guys fall for this girls, im not even sure they even like men. i been watching less and less because the whole thing is getting too lesbiany for me. Last straw was that super gay group stream that felt like watching an episode of the l word, the one where kronii keep flirting with ina, its just too much. Last couple of months it has stopped felt like pandering and feels more like im watching some talk show for lesbians. Anyway, no i dont feel parasocial about any of this girls and i dont see that changing.

>> No.24754729

If you fall for this girls you are a cuck most of the time, the lesbian flriting gets annoying.
