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24683471 No.24683471 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna do it.

>> No.24683542
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Let's trade our hostages

>> No.24683637

Live by simps' money
Die by simps' fist

>> No.24683867

would you rather fuck her clean or not?

>> No.24684425

What does she smell like?

>> No.24684720

Am I the only one that thinks that this shit about her not showering or bathing is made up?

Pretty sure she just looked up what do nerds do, saw the meme that they don't bathe, and started larping about not bathing to seem relatable.

>> No.24684795

Think about it, she's a whale. She spends most of her time in the ocean so she doesn't need to have a bath. So it's not a lie, but it's not really the truth either.

>> No.24687220

Orcas are oversized dophins

>> No.24687553

Aren't dolphins rapists too?
I've heard they fuck penguins or some shit

>> No.24687682

Nah. I bath once time a week because I didn't leave my room.

>> No.24687977

I meant to type killer whale, but regardless of her actually being a dolphin the rest of my statement still stands.

>> No.24688162

Two weeks worth of smelly unwashed gamer girl and I love it.

>> No.24690854


>> No.24692097

God I love reddit tier memes. Hue hue Orca stinky we will force her to shower hue hue. kys

>> No.24692135

They rape other dolphin babies

>> No.24692161

looks like you already did

>> No.24692268

that was just a tease

>> No.24692434

Dolphins are undersigned whales.

>> No.24692453

I don't know, the majority of women under 30 live in disgustingly messy rooms that they never clean so I don't think it would be much of a stretch for them to also not bathe either

>> No.24692477


>> No.24693236


>> No.24697102

>These Shark Bay dolphins are also viciously violent. When breeding season comes around, there is fierce competition for access to females, as happens in many sexual species. In most cases in nature, that competition is between individual males. The bottlenose dolphins have a different tactic: They form gangs.
>Alliances are an essential part of the mating strategies of the males. First-order partnerships will single out a female, rush at her, and then herd her away to have sex, which is coercive (this is a general assumption, because it is rarely seen). During this aggressive corralling, the female repeatedly tries to escape, and does so in about one of every four attempts. The males restrict her attempts at freedom by charging in, and bashing her with their tails, head-butting, biting, and body-slamming her into submission.
Huh. Interesting.

>> No.24697200

Shion pov

>> No.24697885
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>Mea says she doesn't shower for a few days

>Orca says she doesnt' shower for weeks

why are holofags like this?

>> No.24698024

>Mea = smelly fat whore
>Sakamata = smelly cute whore
see the difference?

>> No.24699805

No, all the shit with her grandparents and Lui is too elaborate

>> No.24703377

do it

>> No.24704747

You underestimate how disgusting women are

>> No.24705045

Retarded oberetai writing ch

>> No.24705185

I mean she also slept on a bed without sheets until she accidentally mentioned it on stream
She is a disgusting person and if I was a JP savior fag I would be so balls deep in her

>> No.24705221

God can you imagine the smell. I'd just let her sit on my lap all day and game while I sniff her reeking body. I would only let her clean up for dire emergencies and only via a tongue bath where I get to lick her incredibly musky pussy clean.

>> No.24705275

Uh, Mea talks shit to chat and chat talks shit to her, its just how her community works, you would know that if you you were less of a clipfag

>> No.24705409

i need to fuck a cute stinky girl so bad its unreal

>> No.24705418
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Speaking of smell, this post stinks of the ressentiment of a homobeggar. And there's your difference between the two.

>> No.24708023

My sister showered like twice a week when she was in college. You're welcome to be skeptical about anything vtubers say but this is one of the most believable claims. Women can be disgusting.

>> No.24708255

unless you live in a hot country you can get away with showering twice a week. i used to shower 3 times a week in college and i never stunk

>> No.24708327

nah you should do that instead

>> No.24709635

I can't find it in the archives, but Mori said Chloe smelled nice in one of her collabs and you could see Chloe's eyes get wider as she saw the illusion of her stinkiness breaking.

>> No.24709977
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You know when you and your oshi actually make it and hook up but you live in different cities/countries and shit. Yeah that was chill and dating some sort of girl creature is nice but you know when you’ve endured weeks of “would you please love me if I was a lamp” and “please mod my stream please mod my stream please mod my stream” and “spit in my mouth” messages and you go to her place for date weekend and the smell just hits you like a wall when you open the door. Homegirl got that reek. That no shower November, that cheap vodka and mcdonalds sweat vibe. That thank god you can’t smell me thru youtube kinda beat and you find her huddled in her cave watching whatever Chinese cartoon is on the meme this week and before she gets at you with that “anon I’m not dirty I’m just based and lainpilled” you drag her scrawny lil ass to the shower. She’s passed grimes and moved onto mud and baby you’re a gas station powerwasher. There’s no use resisting, you’re filled with the concerned rage of a disappointed parent. You ain’t daddy, you’re father dearest. You hose her down properly but there is another challenge waiting. The layers of filth, makeup and grease has formed a waterproof cocoon. Girl putting the crusty in crustacean and you need a hammer and chisel to break open the shell to get at the juicy pale white girlmeat inside. She makes a fuss like an angry cat and threatens to refuse wearing the maid costume for you ever again, but she eventually drops the hissing and succumbs to the soap and water. Colors you ain’t ever seen before swirls around the drain hole and you just know you have to bleach the shit out of that later. Your creature is reborn as she emerges from the dirt and you remember why you love her. She’s beautiful. Cracked open and freed you dry her off with a towel and kiss her forehead. You cook her dinner after airing out her place and she nearly pukes before once again adjusting to solids. You two talk about how you feel as the evening drags on into the long night. Two humans connecting, breaking bread and caring for eachother. Love wins.

>> No.24715311

having a clean room and grooming yourself are not quite the same thing, though. I can see more women doing the latter even if they don't do the former.

>> No.24721755

Nooo dont

>> No.24725379

smell thread?

>> No.24725423

Not sure how everyone outside of the holox thread has the best holox pictures but keep it up.

>> No.24726213
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>> No.24729799

Anon, please get this gore out of here. This is a blue board.
