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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24580650 No.24580650 [Reply] [Original]

What’s wrong with western fans? Why can’t they do something as simple as subscribe?

>> No.24580692

I don't want my youtube subscription feed spammed with dozens of streams every day.

>> No.24580699

They are subscribing, to Kobo.

>> No.24580788

another falseflag

>> No.24580823

Simple, no botting

>> No.24580863

>/vt/ one day: subscribers aren't a measure of popularity.
>/vt/ now: subscribers are a measure of popularity.
Why is /vt/ so flip-floppy? You're worst than a politician at having opinions or predicting something happening and it usually ends up wrong.

>> No.24580949
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>dozens of streams every day

>> No.24580950

Their numbers suffer because Bae has the worst ideas for streams out of all HoloEN and it's been that way since her debut and Fauna has the ASMR debuff.

>> No.24580977

Good news, they dont stream at all so you wont get any notification!

>> No.24581011

nijinigger, I know you keep making these posts about Kobo and Ollie because you want them to fail and you want everyone on /vt/ to agree with you. You are sad and pathetic.

>> No.24581020

western are based

>> No.24581135

First time I've heard that one. Care to explain?

>> No.24581157

this, I just keep checking Holodex until I see something I want to watch (and delete youtube history later)

>> No.24581658

>being that afraid and caring that much about what people will think about the things you enjoy
I'm not even gonna call you a faggot, it's just sad

>> No.24581774

council did this to themselves by not taking the days after the debut seriously, at this rate even EN3 will beat these girls just by streaming the right way in the debut month

>> No.24581797

>worst ideas for streams

Why are you gay and retarded?

>> No.24582051

It's not about what other people think, it's about not having vtuber shit take up the entirety of my youtube homepage

>> No.24582063

NTA but the people who watch Holo EN tend to be the same people who enjoy the gaming streams, superchat talking, humor, collabs, and horror(the girls love playing horror).

Fauna is the only one in EN who seriously does ASMR besides one off things on holidays. Most people did not sub to HoloEN for ASMR and being known as the ASMR vtuber makes them not want to sub to her.

>> No.24582089

how much shit you do you watch on youtube

>> No.24582186

Ometranny didn't help by pusing muh lore bullshit that absolutely no-one gave a fuck about beyond the occasional meme.

>> No.24582228

no, asmr is not problem, her being shit at is the problem ohh and boring dull personality plus fakest cutesy voice ever

>> No.24582260

>using youtube for anything other than vtubers
Normalfags SHOULD fuck off of this board holy fucking shit.

>> No.24582312

>dozens of different options vs pretty much the only decent indonesian vtuber that actually streams in her language

>> No.24582363

>only one in EN who seriously does ASMR besides one off things on holidays
Man, I'd give my left nut for another beach or burger date episode with Gura where she gets flustered and embarrassed halfway through and starts insulting chat.

>> No.24582441

seanigs and numfags KYS

>> No.24582534

Basically nobody cares about Hololive anymore besides Indonesians. The bubble has burst. Enjoy Kobo while you can because she'll be the last Holo to get so many subs. The new EN gen is going to do even worse. And then that'll be it for ENs because they've realized there's diminishing returns and it's not worth it anymore.

>> No.24582654

They're not as good as EN1 and Hololive is getting pretty oversaturated.

Massively this. Omegatranny fucked with the hype instead of letting the girls have fun with it.

This too. The technical issues didn't help, but you can tell they didn't want to do it either. I also think they have no chemistry whatsoever.

>Bae has the worst ideas for streams
Sana helped tank EN2. You're only as strong as your weakest link after all.

>> No.24582682

hello loserbait long time no see

>> No.24582698

Returning anon and ASMR wasn't really popular in vtubing last year, but at the same time it has gain a rise in popularity ironically after Fauna and Millie debuted so it's no longer a debuff nowadays I guess. Still, anons in the EN thread were not a fan of it solely when she said she's strictly doing ASMR. Personally I respect her for following through with it, but i'm not into it. Although with that said she's my 3rd favorite in Council.
90% of her streams are just the same generic ideas HoloJP does, but in an EN format. I mean if you're into that then more power to you.

>> No.24582735

I'm subbed to over 60 vtubers; I don't need more.

>> No.24582896

I don't really count Sana anymore since she doesn't stream and only got into HoloEN because of her celebrity status as an artist. She's basically like Omega where if she says something, I just give her a thumbs up and continue not acknowledge her existence.

Out of the 4 that actually give a shit about their vtuber careers, Bae still feels like the weakest link to me.

>> No.24582920

too much

>> No.24582984

it's almost like /vt/ consists of more than 1 person, and different people have different opinions. not that autists like you would understand.

>> No.24583280

newfags, asmr has always been a buff stop talking out your ass.

>> No.24584649

yes, bae has tons of energy but she is not very creative

>> No.24584935

Western Vtubing community only cares for Gura. Everything else is garbage to them.

>> No.24585131
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how many to mumei?

>> No.24585855

>subscribe to them
>their videos start showing up when you don't even want to watch them in the first place
No thanks retard.

>> No.24585986

What's the website?

>> No.24586126

If vtuber I dislike is subbed to, subscribers aren't a measure of popularity. If vtuber I like is subbed to, subscribers are a measure of popularity. I don't see the problem.
