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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24545677 No.24545677 [Reply] [Original]

genuine question: how does watching vtubers with a boyfriend make me a cuck if they never mention it? i watch plenty of male streamers who have girlfriends and no one cares, so why is it any different for vtubers? ones who dont do gfe i mean

>> No.24545689

Unless you actually develop a parasocial relationship with them, it doesn't.

>> No.24545694

cope somewhere else, cuck

>> No.24545760

>a male streamer with a gf is the same as a female streamer with a bf
so you admit that you're a faggot?

>> No.24545783

i literally just watch them for entertainment, not because i think theyre my girlfriend

>> No.24545825

You're too normal for /vt/ then

>> No.24545828

how is it different if im just watching them to be entertained? can you explain? i just wanna understand the thought process here

>> No.24545868

i see... thank you anon

>> No.24545891

My take is: they do GFE? Then having a bf = viewer cucked. They don't do GFE? Then having a bf = not cucked but you are still watching an anime girl with a bf; imagine watching anime where you can't self-insert as the harem lord. You're just there paying for condoms so what's the point? I'd rather watch something else at that point.
>just watch them for entertainment
Kek. I remember I was like not too long ago. Now I'm a fucking gachikoi.

>> No.24545905

women aren't entertaining, people only watch them to play pretend gf, you are no different, stop lying to yourself

>> No.24545920

>ones who dont do gfe i mean
If they both don't do GFE and you don't form a parasocial connection with them, it doesn't.
However, if they're exploiting a parasocial connection with a substantial portion of their audience and you're clearly aware of that, but you still support them, you're at the very least cuck-adjacent.
If the vtuber openly admits to not wanting that sort of thing, is open about relationship status, etc, it's not.
The fact is however that it's not the case for most vtubers.
Also, a lot of anons here are either too heavy handed or not heavy handed enough in how they define GFE, and often times do so just to make reality align with what they want to be true. When a person says a vtuber "isn't GFE", if the person is a fan of said vtuber, or is an open antagonist or proponent of GFE, their opinion on whether that vtuber actually is GFE or not is questionable in its validity at best(at least on its face). It takes somebody with a neutral attitude towards GFE and no investment in a particular chuuba while still being familiar with what GFE entails to be capable of actually, accurately concluding whether or not a chuuba is GFE or not.

>> No.24545927

>You're just there paying for condoms so what's the point
uBlock Origin + never superchatting
if you actually support streamers you're fucking stupid

>> No.24545938

so what do you watch them for then? ive been here since the /jp/ threads and im still not sure i fully understand lol

>> No.24545980

>so what do you watch them for then? ive been here since the /jp/ threads and im still not sure i fully understand lol

>> No.24546000

but why anon i think they deserve it if im watching them :(

>> No.24546013

>watch them for entertainment
Same here ever since the time of Kizuna Ai..

>> No.24546019

Then why are you getting defensive?

>> No.24546028

You're giving more money to multi-millionaires.

>> No.24546043
File: 2.51 MB, 1843x1036, artia just want people to be happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it either anon, i separate the character from the roommate too
like yeah, artia is my oshi; exactly artia, not her roommate, not her past lives, not her future lives, just artia. i don't care that her roommate used to be super racist against whites, or if she supports chinese politics, or if she coordinated 100% of the chink attacks on coco, it was her roommate, NOT ARTIA. Artia said her channel was just a place for fun lighthearted entertainment, not politics, THAT is the artia that that's my oshi.

in that same way, if rushia is my GFE chuuba, she acts 100% like a GFE on stream. she doesn't talk about boyfriends, she doesn't hint at boyfriends, because rushia is single and therefore mine! it doesn't matter if rushia's roommate has a BF or not, because ROOMMATE=/= CHARACTER.

>> No.24546070

>Same here ever since the time of Kizuna Ai..
Also since Kizuna Ai, I stopped watching them because they were an uninteresting fad until they started making vtubers I could gachikoi for.
Vtubers were genuinely uninteresting. They were an anime. And anime can be fun. But it's a passing fancy. I don't want a passing fancy, I want something real. GFE made vtubing real.

>> No.24546088

Ad revenue doesn't generate millions of dollars and literally never has. Sponsorships pay peanuts and the claims you've seen about them paying out the nose have been proven to have been faked.

>> No.24546106

>in that same way, if rushia is my GFE chuuba, she acts 100% like a GFE on stream. she doesn't talk about boyfriends, she doesn't hint at boyfriends, because rushia is single and therefore mine! it doesn't matter if rushia's roommate has a BF or not, because ROOMMATE=/= CHARACTER.
I mean every single Fandead disagrees with you, and Rushia disagrees with you.

>> No.24546109
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Yeah, keep believing that you're just supporting a small content creator that absolutely doesn't earn 10-20x your annual wage.

>> No.24546111

It's not about literally paying for condoms. It's like when you have a girl friend and she just uses you to listen to her ranting about her bf: it's not a bad thing to do but why would you do it?
I'm the anon you responded to. I watch them for entertainment too of course but now the entertainment alone is not that important. I like the concept of hanging out with a pure anime girl. I stopped trying directly with 3DPD as expecting them to not be degenerate dickless men is just impossible nowadays so at the very least an anime girl shouldn't be like that.
>inb4 jap girls are whores too.
That's not really the point.

>> No.24546114


>> No.24546145

>It's like when you have a girl friend and she just uses you to listen to her ranting about her bf: it's not a bad thing to do but why would you do it?
Is the concept of a regular friend really this alien to /vt/ users?

>> No.24546176

desu i think "whore" is so overused here that it has lost all meaning

>> No.24546208

oh and what if they never talk about their bf? thats what im talking about

>> No.24546301

This doesn't disprove what I said.

>> No.24546358


>> No.24546397

If someone uses you just to rant their problems out I wouldn't call that a friend. One thing is to listen to someone's problems and another thing is to become the problem dumbster so that friend can live their life freely after dumping their shit on you.
In this case, by definition, you are also a cuckold but the thing is you don't really know so it's not like it's your fault. Everyone can be a cuck but if you let it pass after it happens then you should be laughed at. If you leave her then at the very least you showed you have self-respect.

>> No.24546413

>Is the concept of a regular friend really this alien to /vt/ users?
If you listen to your regular friends rant about their relationships and enjoy it I unironically feel very sorry for you.

>> No.24546431

Schadenfreude of hearing people have more problems in their lives than I do.

>> No.24546460

I know you'll ignore this because you need to believe otherwise but that's not a normal.
I hope you get the help you need anon

>> No.24546490

I gain satisfaction from knowing that other people lead worse lives than I do. This is the only way I can feel happy about myself.

>> No.24546507

it doesn't, stop listening to autists on /vt/.

>> No.24546549

sure, anon

>> No.24546590

>I gain satisfaction from knowing that other people lead worse lives than I do. This is the only way I can feel happy about myself.
Again, I hope you get the help you need anon

>> No.24546617

Even if they aren't GFE the main reason to watch an anime girl playing videogames is to feel like she cares about (You), as in audience, that's the difference between watching your oshi and PewDiePie.

>> No.24546687


>> No.24546710

anon youre on the board that talks shit about others and gossips like teenagers, id say thats pretty normal here

>> No.24546746

I don't know. I feel fine as-is.
If anything, I'd love to find a chuuba that's plain depressive and constantly talks about how her life is just a series of problems and how she's one step away from an heroing

>> No.24546752

That's how we all start out friend. Turn back while you still can.

>> No.24546814

No, it's not normal. Here or anywhere else. It's not a healthy outlook or mindset to have.

>> No.24546837

if everyones a cuck then nobody is anon

>> No.24546852

Anon, the issue with chasing those worse off than you is that eventually you run out of people worse off than you.

>> No.24546869

But everyone isn't a cuck anon

>> No.24546877

When that happens I know it's a good indicator to finally an hero myself.

>> No.24546959

i mean healthy and the norm arent mutually excusive, fast foods not healthy but its normal for people to eat it.
obviously it gets to unhealthy levels as seen on this site but listening to someone tell you about something shitty that happened as a means of venting is a bonding experience for our brains

>> No.24546976

how does it make me a cuck though? im not watching them to fill in for a gf

>> No.24547033

i think its pretty normal honestly. its less of a sadistic thing and more like youre taking a break from your own problems by listening to someone elses

>> No.24547067

ok so: who isnt a cuck?

>> No.24547116

true true unless pewdiepie is your oshi

>> No.24547125

stop this nonsense! it's not about fantasy of marry them or something
I want my chuuba to die alone and forgotten just like myself so I can feel related to them

>> No.24547162

Anon, no it's really not. It doesn't matter because as I said people who need help the most will rationalize it no matter what but I honestly will keep hoping that you find the love you need.

>> No.24547189

You can do better.

>> No.24547202

...Most people? What kind of question is this

>> No.24547242

Sure, but there's a reason any of your guy friends would agree with me that they don't enjoy listening to women vent about their boyfriends.
I assume you do have irl guy friends to ask about this?

>> No.24547249

if youre deriving direct pleasure from them being hurt yes its bad but if helping others makes you feel useful then its fine. i dont think this is what the other anon is talking about though now that im reading it again

>> No.24547275

I'm not talking about helping. I'm talking about actually feeling good about myself knowing that other people are worse-off in life. This is the only thing that keeps me from thinking that I'm an utter failure.

>> No.24547277

sorry im disblabed :)

>> No.24547332

well what are your personal achievements anon? why not try to improve yourself instead?

>> No.24547362

t. doesn't watch streams

>> No.24547428

Off the top of my head, only that I'm fairly decent at my hobby.

>> No.24547502

what is your hobby

>> No.24547528


>> No.24548735

at least okayu is literally impossible of having a bf, just letting you know

>> No.24551667

It doesnt

>> No.24552049

objectively false

>> No.24552128

*obesity fatso

>> No.24555619

Its not different

>> No.24555863
File: 50 KB, 1200x1200, 1652868414590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All Hololive girls have boyfriends"
>IDGAS if she's getting fucked by someone as long as they don't bring it up on stream. I don't want to feel like a third wheel when she should give all her attention to me for a few hours
*hololive girl lusting over another woman for entire streams and tweeting about said woman nonstop*
>IDGAS since she can not get impregnated by a woman
which one is it?

>> No.24557451

if a vtuber you watch gets a boyfriend or a girlfriend just move on to another vtuber, there's plenty out there.

>> No.24560666


>> No.24561456

Because this is /vt/ and its users refuse to pick up a dictionary and read the actual definition. Also more likely they don't SC because "muh condom/multimillionaire funding". Even more so likely that they don't watch streams and live their pathetic little lives trying to antagonize actual viewers. At the end of the day, you watch what you want. Whether or not they have a boyfriend, I couldn't care less. If they make me happy and laugh with their entertainment, I'll fucking fund their future child's college tuition while the bottom feeders continue yelling into the void on this site.

>> No.24561522


>> No.24562242

The only sane takes in this thread.
That's why OP said "if they never talk about it." I'm not interested in hearing about their relationships, but it's still stupid to be offended by them.

>> No.24562291

im not the same anon you were taking too anon, im just pointing out the flaw in your thought.

>> No.24562501

As long as you're not giving them money to buy condoms for their boyfriend's dick then you're still safe, Anything more than than then you're a coping cucklord whose in the Denial stage.

>> No.24563094

but anon what if they are into it, stop kink shaming

>> No.24563201

Most ppl don't enjoy it, but there might be a time in the future when you wanna rant to your friends
