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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 182 KB, 314x314, ennaall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24434856 No.24434856 [Reply] [Original]

>The funniest female en vtuber is also the biggest bitch
Why is this? Seriously her personality is disgusting but she's good at making jokes.

>> No.24434989

Vei syndrome
All women are naturally bitches, so them being themselves makes it easier for them to be funny

>> No.24435044
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1626286437224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch her and fantasize with raping her instead of marrying her, ez

>> No.24435246

The funniest comedians are always the biggest assholes.

>> No.24435517
File: 1.71 MB, 324x432, 1649702766988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also the cutest and best

>> No.24435659

Sorry Enna has no cute qualities at all.
She's funny but the type of funny that makes you want to punch them.

>> No.24435858


>> No.24436006
File: 418 KB, 2800x1709, 1652336384566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time Enna is on the screen I want to BREED

>> No.24436053

>she's good at making jokes
>she's cutest
>she the best

>> No.24436087

Imagine thinking she's funnier than Pippa. Comedy really is subjective.

>> No.24436106

femdomfags like you really love enna huh?

>> No.24436129

she's more autistic than funny

>> No.24436570
File: 88 KB, 1263x1076, ACE6BA31-2880-4D4D-8E41-AF189BC9ABF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be pegged by Enna

>> No.24436670

I tried watching her like 5 times or so and every time it's the same "i am so quirky and depressed" millenial humor every basic bitch who's single and nearing 30 does. Another overhyped chuba only relevant cause fags here don't watch anything apart from animu girls and/or branched out of hololive recently and think someone slightly more edgy is a godsend.

>> No.24438793
File: 1.01 MB, 635x635, 1648846193246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24438986

>Gets a marriage proposal on SC
>"Fuck you".


>> No.24439124

Take away the 4chan pandering and she has no sense of humor.

>> No.24439247

That's why she's good at making jokes

>> No.24439600

I bet when the doctors told your mom you were going to be born with an extra chromosome she thought you were going to have super-powers. one can only imagine her disappointment.

>> No.24439602

This is the only way I can watch her.

>> No.24439675

Are Ennafags going to get as annoying and spammy as Pomufags and dragoons?

>> No.24439722

kill yourself pippanigger

>> No.24440999

Deflecting with a boring comeback? You really do watch her.

>> No.24441068

Enna is a really gentle and nice girl

>> No.24441195

Kill yourself, thank you. The only disgusting things here are you and the fact that your whore mother birthed you.

>> No.24441354

Don't forget to kill her and dump the body afterwards. That's honestly a fitting fate for bitch-cunts like Enna.

>> No.24441361

>brags about his superior humor but too afraid to name what he watches
>shits on anime girl streamers on the fucking vtuber board
You have to be 18 to post here, faggot

>> No.24441364

Enna is the type that would annoy the shit out of me IRL but I'd also secretly have a crush on her.
But yeah, she is very funny and silly.

>> No.24441398

I was sleeping on Enna for far too long. Also Enna + Millie is peak entertainment.

>> No.24441478

Enna is an overall nice girl with projection-heavy outbursts she doesn't really believe, and I can't believe you faggots can't take that and move on. I just now noticed the dicotomy in how most fags here act around men and women that insult them with the "truth"
>man calls you a lazy faggot that will always be an incel, and tells you to work on yourself
Response is: based, he was just like me but he made it
>women does the same thing
Response is: wow what a cunt, women are fucking emotionless creatures we need to put them on leashes and teach them to speak only when spoken to

And again, Enna is just joking most of the time. She is also Chinese, so her bluntness is endemic to her culture. Please grow a pair and don't cry whenever my wife's bestie speaks.

>> No.24441493

It's funny, most people who write nigger shit like that are usually the ones who are too pussy to talk back to their mommy.

>> No.24441565

marry and rape

>> No.24441584

A fan apologized for a joke about being into animals or something and she literally goes "yeah dude whatever i dont care as long as you stay there and im over here we're good". That is a really shitty thing to say as an entertainer even tho' its true. And she had quite a few of those in the past.

>> No.24441624
File: 155 KB, 508x491, 1630467696493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who? I dont watch EN 2views

>> No.24441647

but she sounds like a trans

>> No.24441681

But you sound like a bitch, bitch

>> No.24441703

Its clearly a fucking anti bait thread, retard, just like those two and finana get

>> No.24441820

>it's a really shitty thing to keep cringe creeps and animal fuckers from away from your streams

Yeah, I bet all other entertainers would console and encourage their in most modern places illegal practice

>> No.24441827
File: 179 KB, 363x297, 1651368684298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds like she has allergies. You just need to record yourself and play it back to know what an actual trans sounds like.

>> No.24441830

Hi, Enna.

>> No.24441855
File: 237 KB, 417x344, 1673820038562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be rape corrected by Enna's 11-inch futacock
I hate this world

>> No.24441896
File: 403 KB, 2315x3002, 1638590721059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got that clip of her literally containment breaching during their full wave collab zatsu they did a few months ago? I forgot to save it and im pretty sure i wasnt dreaming it happened

>> No.24441906

>expects "I watch XXX" to resort to retarded shitflinging instead of being able to defend his chuba by highlighting her strong points
yeah you need to be 18 to post here, sis

>> No.24441983

>i visit /vt/ even though i only watch flesh streamers like a well adjusted human being and i only come here to shit post and insult people
You need to be 18 to post here newfriend

>> No.24442172

How is that shitty? It was basically the best way for her to play off the situation.

>> No.24442183

Except I never said I only watch fleshtubers. Again, you are a fucking manchild that looks for something to shitfling back with instead of being able to defend your oshi because you know deep inside that my first sentence is true. Grow the fuck up sis, you unironically sound like your mediocre oshi.

>> No.24442225

This one?

>> No.24442235
File: 2 KB, 323x39, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the part you outed yourself with my newfriend, i aint gonna read your post passed the first sentance either

>> No.24442281
File: 239 KB, 650x750, 1637695722302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the one, thanks

>> No.24442287
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, MoRyona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are cuter after they've been punched a few times

>> No.24442320

Ethirya is truly the /here/ wave

>> No.24442332

>Millie and Reimu's reaction
>Nina I don't want to know that honey
Lmao these 4 just makes it so fucking obvious.

>> No.24442346

pippa is boring as fuck and nobody on this board would give a shit about her if she didnt constantly pander to 4channers and right wingers

>> No.24442367

>"you watch nothing apart from" means "I only watch fleshtubers" and not "I watch both"
oh god you have 0 reading comprehension skills, no wonder you like that retarded bitch.

>> No.24442552
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1591550091067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you brought it up means that you assume that means you have any right to judge who anyone else watches. Guess what? It excludes you and all your arguments or criticism you have for anyone else on this board or who streams from even being worth reading. This is the last (you) you're getting from me newfriend, please lurk for a year before posting again, thanks~

>> No.24442703

>your opinion doesn't matter because I said so
kek alright ennafag, try defending your oshi by actually telling people WHY she's so great next time. an advice for a newfag from senior : ) Also I like ALL chubas apart from her, that's how shit she is. There you go, now you can shitfling all you want since you are running out of ideas and want to give up already.

>> No.24442982
File: 252 KB, 399x432, 1642720431086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I equally want Pippa and Enna to make me cum with their feet.
Even better if it is at the same time!

>> No.24443608

Enna is a bitch, but she's also sweet.

>> No.24444303

Cry more about it faggot

>> No.24444983

Damn ur a little bitch lmao

>> No.24446111

Women really need to stop being here

>> No.24446317

are ennafags the new selenfags?

>> No.24446399

Only if you're ESL.

>> No.24446423


>> No.24446453

kinda, usually every wave has it's "BEST CHUBA EVER NOBODY ELSE EVEN COMPARES" among nijiniggers and ends up breeding obnoxious fanbase as a result:
>vox or luca depending on the timezone
>nobody cause noctyx is a flop/too early to judge but sonny's fanbase looks promising

>> No.24446462
File: 70 KB, 250x250, 1641151542602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never watched, and every clip Susan throws at me of her just makes her sound like an insufferable sped.

>> No.24446538

This 2bh

>> No.24446916

did you get bullied by the class clown?

>> No.24447217

That wasnt me sending the supa if thats what you're thinking. My issue with that is Ennas bitchy vibe about it. This is the same person that goes "hey if you recognize me ask for a picture blah blah" but on the other hand she goes "as long as you stay there and im over here" which comes off as "i dont want anything to do with you creeps". If that was me i would just say "Nah its ok dude dont worry about it". I like how people on 4chan that sperg out constantly would not have understanding for a fellow autist sperg that said something like that. Its like why would you further humiliate that person? I dont know... thats just me.

>> No.24447308

She's also the best EN singer period!

>> No.24448436

she's also the only vtuber who doesn't shy away from saying when she's on her period

>> No.24449024

Stop lying

>> No.24449261

you have an absurdly shit taste for comedy, but I guess you have character at least

>> No.24450398
File: 1003 KB, 900x900, FBnVlCeWEAEFz7P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she actually has a personality

>> No.24451384

she has the worst fucking voice I've ever heard on a vtuber from a company,her voice and her character are completely different,literally only got in because of millie
she sounds like a fucking south park character. content wise she's okay

>> No.24453164

She's cute. I like her.

>> No.24453190

sjw. Have seen about an hour total of her streams, 2 seperate streams. One was a karaoke and she went on about "muh wahmens", the other i can't exactly recall, but i think she ranted on "muh evil capitaliam" (while making bank being an anime girl at a large company). She coukd be funny if she contained hersrlf but i'm alrwsfy turned away

>> No.24457708

here's one of my favorite enna moments https://streamable.com/3hqqjj

>> No.24457899

She's Chinese she gets a pass.

>> No.24458313

Assholes are just funnier. Goody two-shoes people are boring as fuck.
This is true for male streamers as well. They just don’t get called bitchy for it.

>> No.24458573

I think she's cool. I like her and her humour.

>> No.24459045

beta males threatened by a female who can talk back

>> No.24459713

you haven't watched a lot of vtubers then

>> No.24460081

agreed. she's pretty entertaining.

>> No.24460112

Comrade Ena.
Wow you can't criticize a society you live in omg.
She's still a worker.

>> No.24460203

how do i get a retarded chinese birdwife?

>> No.24460213


>> No.24460565

Is she the atp of NijiEN?
>inb4 no it's Rosemi

>> No.24460572


>> No.24461608

I was the asshole.

>> No.24465764

wtf I love Enna now

>> No.24468738
File: 1.08 MB, 520x293, 2434 enna brows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24473974
File: 307 KB, 1239x1457, MirinMarin-1496410320646307840-20220223_100317-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24474066

I thought the consensus was that Gura is the only funny vtuber

>> No.24474116

She has the balls to act like a man does to his friends, and you hate her for it.

>> No.24474398
File: 50 KB, 349x356, 1652022401090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never rape correct Enna's 11-inch futa cock

>> No.24474681

>When she ultra tilted Reimu during Petra's "Peter" Debut
and i never stopped loving her ever since

>> No.24475006
File: 486 KB, 743x1200, 1622687135701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24475049

she's even been referring to herself as a brotuber recently

>> No.24478225


>> No.24481959

Gura's cute so she's not funny

>> No.24482754

enna and millie made me obsessed with poly relationships. I need to marry some girls like them.

>> No.24483939

Holy kek Reimu and Millie getting nervous

>> No.24485912
File: 36 KB, 116x150, 1652046910177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have the clip where she said she was planning to kill a bully or did that one anon lie.

>> No.24486097

It's really funny when people get upset about Enna's bitchiness, because it's basically the same kind of shit people do on this site making fun of trannys and niggers but this time it's aimed at them and coming from an anime girl and that's NOT ok.

>> No.24486156

>Enna very clearly has no idea what 4chan actually is
>Millie and Reimu very obviously do
>Nina is only slightly better at hiding it
God, this wave

>> No.24486214

why are they losing their minds over that?

>> No.24486237

I kind of feel bad for normies who like comedy but are under so much social pressure to not enjoy it.

>> No.24486238

She says things like that pretty often, especially when drunk.
