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File: 1.05 MB, 1013x1416, __usada_pekora_and_nousagi_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nano_mianhua_maoqiu__6ffaa20259033620fd2653b0c11968e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2436831 No.2436831 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2436878


>> No.2436913

She's a h*rry p*tter stan

>> No.2437146
File: 3.29 MB, 365x498, 1617689198108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't Twitter nigger fuck off

>> No.2437161

nice i hope that xenophobic graduate soon

>> No.2437184

Huh, Peko actually is trending, what is that about?

>> No.2437535

They are excited for her RE 8 stream on PS5,

>> No.2442981
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, yes, well done Pekora, well done Pekora

>> No.2443339 [DELETED] 

GTFO BLM nigger. White peko power is superior

>> No.2443407

Hope those (you)s give you enough happy chemicals to survive the bullying

>> No.2443474

She's japanese you dumb fuck.

>shes honorary aryan :(
No one wants to be an aryan cuck you dumb stupid fucking retard.

>> No.2443533

she's a white rabbit you fucking subhuman pol moron

>> No.2443534

Im sorry guys, it's my fault. Our sex tape leaked and the goslings are furious.

>> No.2443582

>No one wants to be an aryan
Tell that to the black and asian women who dye their hair blonde and wear blue contacts

>> No.2443614

I haven't seen the movie in years but I read that exactly in his voice

>> No.2443623

She's pregnant.

>> No.2443787

What are you faggots raving about now?

>> No.2443822


>> No.2443911

>white rabbi
Checkmate racists, Pekora is an elder of Zion

>> No.2444002

What the fuck happened now

>> No.2444013


>> No.2446804

pekora said she liked harry potter 11 (eleven) months ago
twitter wokies have gone from using harry potter as their political compass to calling it hitler because the author hates trannies
I thought OP was just after a /vt/-themed HP /tv/ shitposting thread, but he didn't even stick around to dumblepost or anything

>> No.2447033

bros let's cancel moona next >>2440760

>> No.2447325

So does pekora really getting witch-hunted by twitter now because she likes Harry potter? If that's true what is this insane word

>> No.2448108

with my child

>> No.2448211

No, twitter has no power in Yamato. You need not worry.

>> No.2448224


>> No.2448273

Japs are immune to English Twitter retardation
Tho yeah Twitter will try to witch hunt literally everyone over anything even if they have to make it up, like you think the schizo posters here are bad, the ones on Twitter are worse

>> No.2448325

>she's a hardcore draco malfoy fag
Enough reason to cancel her desu

>> No.2448420

>>she's a hardcore draco malfoy fag
Wtf is Pekora secretly based?

>> No.2448495

Look past the nationality, gender and bunny ears and you'll see that Pekora and Draco Malfoy are the same person.

>> No.2448527
File: 68 KB, 230x178, HitsugayaKubo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw a overly confident shota protege of their craft with fair hair at her and she's orgasms 10/10 times
I also assume she likes the overconfidence and bratiness because it reminds her of herself

>> No.2448594 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 671x767, Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has always been.

>> No.2448636
File: 437 KB, 671x767, Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has always been.

>> No.2448687

>So does pekora really getting witch-hunted by twitter
if they touch pekora, nousagis are gonna wreak havoc. she not only has hololive fans but she has a cult fanbase from 5ch/NND backing her.

>> No.2448899

Not just a HP fan but a Malfoy fan as well. Literally worse than hitler for tumb- I mean, twitter.

>> No.2449301

Can't find absolutely anything related to Pekora and Harry Potter. Stop making shit up you schizos.
Even if there was something it's probably overblowing one literally-who account as usual.

>> No.2449367
File: 91 KB, 1148x336, LMYTFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too stupid to use a search bar

>> No.2450644

Anon I....
You may be the schizo
She talked about going to universal studios japan and got super hyped for the harry potter area and getting Malfoy's wand turns out she accidentally got the wrong wand in true pekora fashion

>> No.2452627


Pekora being cancelled for some Harry Potter shit. Learn to read.

>> No.2453550

Not even Twitter give a damn about this clip, you faggots try to make it looks like huge drama

>> No.2454729

It's probably Hero Hei trying to make waves so he can claim I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD, ANIME AND 4CHAN ON MY SIDE

>> No.2454829
File: 138 KB, 476x401, 1510759577670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indians are aryan too, stupid mutt

>> No.2454919

>the author hates trannies
wtf I like harry potter now?

>> No.2454940
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>all Indians are Aryans

>> No.2454980
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>> No.2455887

>Harry Potter author is based
The world is truly amazing indeed.

>> No.2457798

It's more like she pandered hard to Tumblr over the years (declaring Dumbledore gay after the series ended, "I never said Hermione wasn't black", etc.), but she was an oldschool radical feminist first and foremost and when the new wave of mental illness on Twitter started letting trannies into girls' bathrooms, she essentially went "wtf I hate trannies now!" and caused every female internet loser on earth to go "wtf I hate JK Rowling now!"
It's the most prominent instance of wokies eating their own.

>> No.2460388
File: 1.51 MB, 1997x781, an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2460445

kill yourself retard

>> No.2460471

