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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24249195 No.24249195 [Reply] [Original]

>30 days since last stream
>14 days since last tweet
shion yo...

>> No.24249526


>> No.24249566

She is so fucking depressed it's not even funny anon I can save her

>> No.24250166

I have good news and bad news.
Roommate twitter is active, but if you thought Rushia's roommate suicideposting was bad...

>> No.24250825

What did the oji-sans do to her....

>> No.24250862

Why lord, why can’t dicking girls fix their depression…

>> No.24250866


>> No.24250914


>> No.24250933

Is she /here/?

>> No.24251030


HI Shion! I know you’re reading this, it’s good to get help, the alternative is to do nothing and sink, so im proud of you!

>> No.24251139

What is it with women and suicide baiting.

>> No.24251192

It's japan - woman do jump there.
But just like in any other sport, men are vastly superior in killing themself than women

>> No.24251351

Suicide rate for women in nipland is not too high at all actually like 1/7 of the numbers for males last time I've checked.

>> No.24251385


>> No.24251447
File: 306 KB, 584x667, 1643304426173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is zoomer so fucking weak? Mel get raped by everyone, everyday but she never say she's depressed

>> No.24251458

QRD on what is going on with Shion
Ayame is Ayame and Aqua is bummed after StartEnd's poor showing but I'm completely in the dark on Shion's extended absence.

>> No.24251515

Shion is like Ayame but with blatant psychiatric issues on top

>> No.24251622


>> No.24251636

Do you reps man. Mel is much younger

>> No.24251996

How did you even get here newfag?

>> No.24252099

I can read chinese
where do you come from?
ptt? nga? warosu?

>> No.24252306

she had a panic attack last month and I guess it was bad enough to convince her to get help

>> No.24252325

Imagine getting triggered by a call out

>> No.24252526
File: 360 KB, 1024x1024, 1647686811398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here what the fuck, is she /here/? Did this thread get aggregated to an auto translating website to japanese then she got to read it? shion please if you are reading this I miss you please come back maybe a twitter space tonight? SHION I MISS YOU

>> No.24252876

Hello Shion I know you're here because 5ch antis didn't made a thread about your absence.

>> No.24252909

she's back anon

>> No.24253132

God how i miss the queen of cunny, please shion let me marry you and take away all your depression

>> No.24254841

I haven't had a panic attack in months. Feels good man

>> No.24254983

That's nice anon. Good for you

>> No.24255654

Imagine thinking Mel is younger than fucking Shion, go back newfag

>> No.24255759


>> No.24256486


>> No.24258360

should i be concerned that she drinks or smokes? this is like the 3rd cover with it

>> No.24258903

She says that she is sick and went to the doctor, it seems.

Probably from covid imo. If it was just a simple cold or something, she would've recovered in a few days. But she's been gone for 30 days, so her sickness must've been something more serious.

>> No.24259234

The Japanese flu...

>> No.24261704

Stop replying to bait.

>> No.24261803

She needs to meet her wife irl finally

>> No.24261808

>Be a stupid faggot
>Lmao it's just bait bro chill
Done doing your rep?

>> No.24261896

what's with the multiple newfags that don't even know easily accessible information? is this an anti raid?

>> No.24265711

Too much rape correction...

>> No.24267983

Yes :)

>> No.24268188

No, it's 1/2 not 1/7. Japan is pretty funny, it's one of the only places where female suicide rate is going up while male suicide rate is simultaneously going down. It's because of changing norms. Women are expected more and more to be able to figure out their financial situation on their own so when they can't in Japan's patriarchal system = off themselves when they fail. Men are giving up on the traditional expectations of having to get married and working to death providing for a family solo. Instead, they just bum around or spend their money on themselves so their suicide rate is going down because they've given up on the stress of traditional expectations. This trend is likely to continue.

>> No.24268333

Good for them. I hope the average work week eventually goes down to a more reasonable number too as they realize they don't need an amazing company job just to support themselves.

>> No.24268588

But women getting depressed because they have to do things that men do now isn't anything new though.

>> No.24269007

>No, it's 1/2 not 1/7. Japan is pretty funny, it's one of the only places where female suicide rate is going up while male suicide rate is simultaneously going down. It's because of changing norms. Women are expected more and more to be able to figure out their financial situation on their own so when they can't in Japan's patriarchal system = off themselves when they fail. Men are giving up on the traditional expectations of having to get married and working to death providing for a family solo. Instead, they just bum around or spend their money on themselves so their suicide rate is going down because they've given up on the stress of traditional expectations. This trend is likely to continue.
Or I have simpler reason. Cute anime girls !

>> No.24269433

>Men are giving up on the traditional expectations of having to get married and working to death providing for a family solo. Instead, they just bum around or spend their money on themselves so their suicide rate is going down because they've given up on the stress of traditional expectations.
Nice. Glad for my JP nikkis that they've started uncucking themselves.

>> No.24269998

Anon those are simple N5 kanji...

>> No.24270322
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And reads and writes english

>> No.24274108

