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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 194 KB, 1500x500, VALIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24228427 No.24228427 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss the VSingers (virtual singers) of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

Previous: >>23888299

Quick VSinger primer:https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTBi4uaMG51lP8VQRTWpV1FE2itlmFAziaaeVOt1e5O-g7OksrVCgCEJ5FL5FUf40LpzJoZ1KUPdv3Q/pub

Upcoming Lives
5/14: VALIS Free Mini LIVE "Emotion Prestige vol.1" https://youtu.be/AmExlKNuqcE [Embed]
5/15: VALIS 2nd Anniversary Mini-LIVE "Emotion Prestige vol.2" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10179
5/21: MaRiNaSu 1st Cover Live 「BANG!BURN!BUNG!」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10190
5/22: Kairi Tadase ONLINE LIVE「Neon Tetra in VARK」https://vark.co.jp/event/online-live-neon-tetra-in-vark/
5/28: Rei Tsumugine Virtual Live in VARK ”Sukizanmai!!” https://vark.co.jp/event/tsumugine_rei_sukizanmai/
5/29: CocoTsuki Last Live "Wish" https://youtu.be/vPRzvQuVpa0 [Embed]
5/29: Shishigami Leona ONE-MAN LIVE 「from here」https://www.humax-cinema.co.jp/ikebukuro/news/31139/
5/29: LiLYPSE 1st ONLINE LIVE「-双星歌劇- 反実仮想ARCHETYPE」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10191
6/11-6/12: V-Carnival vol.2 https://twitter.com/vcarnival_staff/status/1509455460373565440
6/12: nayuta 15th Anniversary Live https://twitter.com/7utauta/status/1515321613750718469
6/19: ARU 1st Anniversary Commemorative Cover Live "Moonlight Live" https://twitter.com/ARU_virtual/status/1510196592061689856
6/26: Ginga Alice 4th Anniversary Live -NEXT ORBIT- https://ginga-alice.fanbox.cc/posts/3736785
7/3: Project V 1st Anniversary SPECIAL LIVE「Summer Voyage!!」https://v-clan.spwn.jp/events/22070318-summervoyage
7/27: Kuzuha & Kanae & ROF-MAO Three-Man LIVE https://event.nijisanji.app/aim_higher/
8/24: KAF 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE「不可解参(狂)」"Fukakai III / MAD" https://twitter.com/kaf_info/status/1507705335133315078
8/27: La prière 1st ONEMAN LIVE「Three piece!!!」https://bridg-e.jp/projects/laprierecfpj
9/30-10/1: Nijisanji 4th Anniversary LIVE FANTASIA https://fes.nijisanji.jp/
10/4-10/8: Else and Poki [vortex] https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/546796

>> No.24229017

From previous thread page 11 updates
7/30: VALIS' 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE "Tensei Departure" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10156
Online part for Leona's live will be on Zan https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10198

>> No.24229167

>7/30: VALIS' 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE "Tensei Departure" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10156
Not actually a vsinger concert desu

>> No.24229435

>original form

>> No.24229614

Riri sing with guitar https://youtu.be/uyIjReSI62Q

>> No.24230655

It may not be a virtual live but they're still considered vsingers like Yuka Nagase. For consistency I don't think their "origin form" lives should be excluded.

>> No.24231878

Muan Vocaloid only utawaku

Ren 12345 subs endurance

Mico lunch talk and sing

>> No.24232289

>still considered vsingers like Yuka Nagase.
Considered by whom, the Riot shill?

>> No.24232504

Ema/DUSTCELL and te'resa is closer to that category than yuka. at least for her live and re:volt, she's v

>> No.24233202

Figaro singing early https://youtu.be/uDJm0ZRuVu8

>> No.24233870

Ema/DUSTCELL aren't related to vsingers/vtubers at all. Even Kamitsubaki site lists them in the different category.

>> No.24234033


>> No.24234256
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Official recognition.

>> No.24234602
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MaiR's boots are pretty cool...

>> No.24234609

Sinsekai Studio considers them virtual artists as >>24234256 pointed out: https://sinsekaistudio.jp/artist/ they have a different category for regular artists on the page. As for Yuka that's debatable but I would have assumed most considered her v still. Her gimmick seems to be "multidimensional" which is why I compared them to VALIS doing both v and non-v lives and MVs.

>> No.24235476

Hibana singing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhnzNldOwGk

MaiR has one of the better idol costumes in the business. The star motiff across all the elements really ties it together along together without looking too cheesy.

>> No.24239831
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get hyped

>> No.24240660

perfect for a converse merch collab

>> No.24242967


>> No.24243509

I'm still annoyed that Suisei's collab with Converse was a pair of fucking printed tshirts with her face and logo on them instead of being something cool.


>> No.24245658
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>> No.24245712

mochi singing until 10k subs https://youtu.be/SO7BtYU6tXw

>> No.24247092
File: 509 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_16_25 ], take=[ 2022-05-14 12.12.47 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VALIS kakkoi

>> No.24247094

Noa utawaku

>> No.24247341

just a bear playing guitar

>> No.24247521
File: 384 KB, 1278x958, 20220227_111531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your valis oshi anon?
Mine's Neffy ToT

>> No.24247552

Isnt she a mochi on top of the bear?

>> No.24247824

Hanatan Live

>> No.24247932

Their voices mix so well together

>> No.24248642

this apex girl has a nice voice

>> No.24248792

I didn't know she has that rotating thing too, reminds me of HACHI.

>> No.24248988
File: 541 KB, 835x404, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

【COVER】Itte by Yorushika | Summer Version Kaneko Lumi
In 12 hours

>> No.24249631

So I'm watching that Marpril live and I'm starting to suspect that they are making music as excuse to just dance fancily

>> No.24250195

Utaite convert into vtuber i found recently, pretty good

>> No.24250442
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, 【2日間限定公開】Marpril 2nd Anniversary Live「Do the city hop VIP」-YdTOnWxTgBA.mkv_snapshot_00.35.50.576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24250612

Saki's anniversary karaoke

>> No.24251604

Nia piano singing

Otoha guitar singing

>> No.24251695


>> No.24252459


>> No.24252497

Momo singing songs from robot anime only!

>> No.24252542
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, 【2日間限定公開】Marpril 2nd Anniversary Live「Do the city hop VIP」-YdTOnWxTgBA.mkv_snapshot_00.41.25.249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Marpril live was pretty great, have a random clip

>> No.24252614

What "origin form"?

>> No.24252729

Eh isn't she ex utaite like rachie, kano, yousa?

>> No.24252814

Levi singing
Nah Sakusan was a 2view before breaking into the Apex limelight last year

>> No.24252915

Yeah she qualifies as an utaite, don't believe the other anon's 2view lies. She had consistent views long before she did apex.

>> No.24253209

Their 3rd anniversary is tomorrow. I hope they announce something new, it has been so long since they've done anything outside members only streams.

This: https://youtu.be/EakHi8I3nnY

>> No.24253600

Yeah that's why i found it strange, i mean you won't be surprised if soraru have nice voice & don't worry i do know her bit before that apex stuff

>> No.24254703

Kirara starting

>> No.24259015


>> No.24259027

Noa is improving on her tempo problems on faster songs. That's the only thing keeping me from adding some of her live covers to my playlist.

>> No.24259042

I like Kiara

>> No.24259085

I hate kiara

>> No.24259318

Rikotan singing


>> No.24259450

https://youtu.be/JVJsG4SWPc4 Yoshika singing

>> No.24260901
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>> No.24265280


>> No.24267409


>> No.24269136
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 485868458658463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akuma no Goat cover

>> No.24271895

Sugoi, going with thematic MV instead of cookie one

>> No.24273653

Really high effort MV cover of Hachi's August Fireflies


>> No.24274294
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 渚乃奏 Kanade Nagisano Poemcore rapper hiphop vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

【活動4周年】Poemcore Revolution 【渚乃奏 official MV】


>> No.24274444
File: 91 KB, 900x900, そびたんねる Piero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is Piero


>> No.24278001

MaiR - Gambling cover https://youtu.be/dm4Nsjs5tfA

>> No.24278494

Just spent most of my day catching up with the VTuber Fes and the two V.W.P lives from last month. The absolute dorkiness of these ladies will never cease to amaze me, I love them. Also I freaking love 共鳴 and getting 3 new performances of it was truly great. The live band quality in the kamitsubaki live concerts just keeps getting better and better

>> No.24279895

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cVJs0cdRxQ&t=1090s Stella singing Ghost Busters

I just discovered this from a past stream. Feels nostalgic.
I wonder what she is planning next.

>> No.24280113

any sign of madoka resurfacing anywhere? i'm working through all the new debutantes sinmce march and haven't spotted either of them.
current copium is they might be the two new riot girls. not sure if that's good or bad.

>> No.24281311

I don't think that's a possibility as that would be a downgrade.
They are still using Cocoa's avatar for a different person...
If that were the case it could mean that MegaLight went bankrupt, but then they could have kept their avatars and channels.

Ironically Riot would be happy to recycle already used avatars if they could to quickly add vtubers without going through the process of creating a new avatar and channel.
If this happens it means something really bad happened at MegaLight that made them leave, but I doubt that's possible as it would have been displayed in their behavior.

The choice to graduate quickly and avoid a long judiciary process would mean that a very good opportunity appeared where those avatars would not be useful.
I only see Hololive or Nijisanji as the groups they may try to switch to if they think they could get a lot more viewers than what they had.
It's barely been 1 and a half month since Stella graduated, and 2 months for Madoka.

If there is a new group then it could take a bit more time to make the preparations for multiple designs and end the recruitment process.
It took Namirin 2-3 months to switch to Hololive so maybe we will get some news in the next 1-2 months with some luck.

It's possible that some of their absences were due to having meetings to prepare for their next steps with the future company, which could mean preparations started earlier than their graduations.

It could also be that they are taking some vacation and time for recovery.
They were very active before retiring, and we still don't know what their health issue was.
If there was a real health issue then it would make sense to wait and recover for some time.

>> No.24281487

Muan morning singing, accepting requests

>> No.24281558

I doubt Riot would be happy to do a Suisei and bring someone on with an existing avatar and persona since it would make ownership of the channel, the character, and the music very complicated. There's a reason that big companies bring people on with a fresh start, and it's to make it much easier to claim ownership of everything they do, though even then it can get complicated from what Polka has talked about how the Holos own their own music and then sell it to Cover, though whether that's still the case or not, who knows.

>> No.24282572

It's not complicated. They just need to buy the rights to the channel and avatar from the company or person owning the rights, or have a contract with a penalty clause if they leave the company or stop their activity.

Riot recycled Cocoa's avatar.
If they could spare the effort and money to create a new character and channel, and get an existing channel for a lower price I doubt they would think twice.
Someone said that Stella operated as an indie initially and owned her avatar and channel.
That may still be the case, but if she gave up the ownership to MegaLight then it would be an example of how it can be done, and there should be a way of reversing it.

Having full control over the avatar and their setting is part of Hololive's process, when they have a new generation in order to have a common theme.

I think there is a high probability they could reincarnate in Hololive this year.
However if that happens it won't be the same as before.
They would have a gaming channel with a few singing streams in order to get more viewers as that seems to be what Hololive's viewers prefer.

>> No.24282597

i think what polka says only applies to self-funded/started orisong like hologram circus. holopro have a dedicated music dept that works on idol/unit music and some individual songs. they clearly had a drive to get everyone at least one orisong last year. probably so they can do more live like bloom and solo/unit lives.
niji uses VTA for new jp waves so that's unlikely. unless they have a special scouting for a different type of group
hololive new gen cycle is less predictable but given that holox debut was last november, we probably won't see a new jp gen until the end of the year
Sony's VEE is still on the table
I'm thinking riot just because the numbers fit nicely

>> No.24282744

>They would have a gaming channel with a few singing streams in order to get more viewers as that seems to be what Hololive's viewers prefer.
Eh, not really
Most holos that focus on music just focuses on covers and orisongs over karaokes
Astel inclined hard with his 24 hour karaoke for example so it's not that it's not preferred, it's more that it doesn't happen

>> No.24283058

Buying out the entire channel and the accompanying IP is even more expensive then just doing a new avatar, though, and making a new channel means that you can essentially start clean as far as the algorithm is concerned with only making very high engagement videos because you have a captive audience in the form of the corporation's fans. While it's cool for the old fans to bring along the same persona, it's much more of a legal headache or substantially more expensive then just giving them a fresh avatar, which also gets them that debut hype.

As to content, it's 100% up to the person. Someone like AZKi has done more singing streams then gaming streams in the past 6 months, Subaru spends a good portion of her time doing zatsudans instead of gaming, IRyS was doing weekly karaokes before she got throat hort, Watame still does the weekly Fevers, and so on. The audience clearly loves the karaokes since they're always drawing bigger numbers then gaming streams unless it's a major FotM or buff like Minecraft, and even those only match singing.

Yea, that obviously doesn't apply to the Hololive Idol Project songs, but most solo originals are likely owned by whoever puts them on their channel until they sell it to Cover, but we'll never know the exact process unless Polka spills the beans again since most girls don't talk about the industrial stuff like that.

>> No.24283242

Sony could be a possibility, but that would likely be a mistake.
They could get a lot of viewers and fame quickly with Sony's advertising, but would have the same ending as Luna from too much micro management and management incompetence.

What would be the incentive to switch to Riot?
Do they have a lot more viewers?
The only incentive I can imagine would be to flee from MegaLight, but there was nothing to show any problems with their management.

Stella first had shorter videos and gaming content, and then seems to have switched to singing streams as she got more viewers.
I don't know what the thought process was, but my speculation is that she would do what attracts more viewers.

From watching AZKi and Sora's channel, it looks like they play games to get more viewers through collaborations.
I would expect to see something similar if they joined Hololive.

>> No.24283429

cocoa's case might be an exception. she was set as the leader of the group. replacing her with a different character could work but they might have other things they have to consider as far as branding, partnerships/contracts, and existing merch/materials.
don't forget japan's legal framework on things like copyright and original characters. anytime you want to modify or do something with it, the original artist still have a say in it even if they've assigned the copyright to a corporation. in suisei's case, because she's her own oc, it's not too complicated. now if you have a 3rd party mama/papa, they have to enter into the same contract that holopro have with their other artists.

>> No.24283579

Sony's new vtuber project isn't suffering from quite the same fate as Luna, though they're all drowning in obscurity which is rather sad and hilarious given how much money Sony has thrown at project, like this massive animated video that has more views then some of the member's entire channel.


>> No.24283581

It could cost more, but would Stella accept to sacrifice her channel to switch to another group in a similar category without a big audience upgrade?
That's 1 year of effort.
What does she get in exchange for that sacrifice?

I don't expect them to have almost daily singing streams again if they reincarnate.
It probably wasn't healthy to have so many of them if you include the time they spent on preparing those streams and learning new songs.

>> No.24283972

I mean, compare how many subs even the lowest Riot girl has at 27k in 4 with only 12 videos months to how many Stella or Madoka had. They also would probably have not been given the option to keep their channel, so if the choice is between 'start over with big support' or continue on with their current choice, it's not hard to imagine that they'd jump at the opportunity to have a big company backing them even if it means a fresh start. IRyS's old channel was very big, but there wasn't any inclination to try just bring her in under the Hololive banner.

>> No.24284362

Nice, I didn't know that they already had vtubers.
They will have to find a way to build an audience in this saturated market.

Ironically if they had treated Luna better they would not be in this situation.

Do they have a vtuber which stands out?

Sera seems to have the most subs.

>> No.24284612

I don't remember being impressed with any of them when they debuted, but that doesn't mean much. I just remember someone laughing at how VSen, funded by Ruri-nee, is doing much better then VERSEn which is funded by Sony. Maybe these girls are just the beta test for the big project Sony was recruiting for which was like a 50 person wave, but who knows.

>> No.24284767

only standout singer from VERSEn is Alba Sera
VEE is a different sony project and supposedly more focus on music so who knows. plus sony entering partnership with PRISM is kinda curious.

>> No.24285010

I don't know how useful the subs metric is.
Stella had around 8-10k views on her singing streams with 62k subs.

Cocoa has the same numbers for her streams despite having 240k subs.
The big difference is that she gets hundred thousands of views on her song covers.

The upgrade would be in a bit more support and maybe more income from song covers.
If they really switched to riot then there may be another factor which had an impact as those don't seem to justify such a drastic and quick change.

But it could explain why Madoka retired first as she had a collab with Iroi.
Maybe that's how she learned of this opportunity and then Stella learned it from her later.

>> No.24285134

I like Otoha a lot too.

>> No.24285618

Is there a date for their new vtubers introduction?
They may have switched to Sony.
As a bigger company they could give better contracts and a lot of opportunity for their career.

>> No.24285821

not that i know. they've been "coming soon" for months.

>> No.24287073

Well, they want to shit out 50 people at once don't they?
It's going to take a while to manage them

>> No.24287655

that would be a stupid move but i don't run sony music
unit/group debut every other week or monthly would make more sense. you need to let each member build their own audience before getting flooded with new shiny things

>> No.24287725

I wonder how vtubers in the process of reincarnating feel about not seeing their viewers and not being able to stream.

Do they get frustrated?
It must feel strange to have a lot of free time suddenly.

>> No.24287821

probably too busy doing debut prep. lots of testing and probably recording for either cover or original song for debut.

>> No.24287849

Maybe they just want to see it all burn.
That could be some real management hell.

But yeah it would be better to start with an initial test group of 5-6 vtubers before going all in.

>> No.24288298

Do they get jealous when their viewers are watching other vtubers during that time?

>> No.24288871

only if they (or their character) are menhera
at least among the vsingers >we usually talk about here, they have some expectation of audience crossover

>> No.24289434

This is especially true for how most of them are also fans of and collab with each other, so they pass the viewers around like a cheap whore rather then expecting loyalty when they're not streaming.

>> No.24290141

That's an efficient way to get more subs.
I discovered Stella through a collab and then Madoka through another collab.

The main problem is what to do after they reincarnate and you have spent some time getting to know better another vtuber.
You then have too many people to watch and are forced to chose...
But it's hard to just wait and do nothing.

>> No.24292408

VERSEn isn't really Sony's project though, Sony is just collaborating on it. It's a project managed by maxilla which is owned by Helixes, Inc.
Now VEE is definitely just Sony's child.

>> No.24293876

mochi starting early today https://youtu.be/AE0z_sQh5uE
she dnmi to 10k after 6hrs yesterday

>> No.24297200
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>> No.24300114
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I miss her English streams.

>> No.24300988

He never dissapoint

>> No.24301455

Live band in kamitsubaki & niji AR live is damn amazing. Wish vtuber event use more live band as accompaniment & more daring in improvisation

>> No.24301475

just missed it
she was live https://youtu.be/TIzGemkLArA

>> No.24302182

MiMi, you can't post audio like this and ask people to guess what you're doing...


>> No.24303867


>> No.24305440

ASU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CybkNRQGsYg

>> No.24305729

VALIS mini live free part https://youtu.be/K6Sg1rU8TrU

>> No.24306153

Nana cover

That's more of /wvt/ thing, most of youtube chuubas doesn't stalk their fans
I think

>> No.24306350


>> No.24306415
File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_31_42 ], take=[ 2022-05-15 12.01.54 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free part of VALIS mini live is up
It appears that the theme for today is Chinese disco cats as watched through binoculars from kilometer away

>> No.24306452

Is it just me, or is the audio way too low?

>> No.24306529

no, i cranked mine up to 150% and it's still low

>> No.24306530

https://youtu.be/jPACJ2GmW9I #NIJIMelodyTime starting

>> No.24306715

Marpril Radio, their anniversary is the topic I believe

>> No.24306895

will she dance?

>> No.24306935

the weakest idol step
cam on kafu-chan

>> No.24306972

KAF is just the conductor.

>> No.24307067

Kaf getting groomed to dance in real time...

>> No.24307140


>> No.24307160
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>> No.24307189

It's free, my guy, and even had rewind on so you can record it yourself if you're worried they're going to private it.

>> No.24307465
File: 58 KB, 781x992, 20211224_124410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda busy outside atm anon...

>> No.24307854


>> No.24308077
File: 167 KB, 1200x675, FSyrYO_VEAYU0Qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week's schedule for Blitz Wing.

>> No.24308289

Maisaki Berry new costume

>> No.24308326

Such a huge difference compared to the first year when they all hardly streamed.

>> No.24308686


>> No.24308913

Just wish Cocoa and Saki would stop making their streams private. Least they could do is follow Iori's lead of unlisting and throwing them in a playlist if they don't want their streams cluttering their video page.

>> No.24309413

iirc saki said that she considers her singing streams as practice and asked not to make clips from it. dunno about cocoa

>> No.24309443
File: 198 KB, 1111x1975, FO7_7vlaQAQwKHu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YuNi singing the top karaoke songs from 2006 https://youtu.be/v5zIReOypzI

>> No.24309449

the fuck is 0th album

>> No.24309475

A demo tape?

>> No.24309482

Sora's birthday, featuring AZKi, Kotone, Siro, IRyS, and Lui - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrpubiRwB-k

>> No.24310106

Ratio sounds odd doing cute songs rofl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryJxHndloMY

>> No.24310459


HSKW DCL Cover waiting room

>> No.24310830

They announced a new song.

>> No.24311203


>> No.24311245

Palette Project FRONTIER offline live free to watch!

>> No.24313989


Previous was Akane

>> No.24314054

Gonna check it out tomorrow when youtube processes it, idols are always a treat

>> No.24314146


>> No.24315050

Uki is the last one

Chima unofficial participant

>> No.24315703

Zettai tenshi kurumi chan

>> No.24316022

Ru is a chuuba now, she's pianoing
Sifar did a live
Meow short

>> No.24317286

Japan anons guess that it has somethings to do with the youtube algorithm. Like if RIOT leave their lower-view singing streams on their channels, their higher-view songs would also got less recommendation. I think SAKI also said somethings about youtube algorithm in one of her stream.

>> No.24319460

Hakase going right after Chima

>> No.24320982

KAF wtf

>> No.24321146

>! ?

>> No.24321398

Inb4 it ends with camera turning around revealing KAF in cosplay

>> No.24321485
File: 390 KB, 1500x2073, 20211222_071154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the same tunnel

>> No.24321547

I thought it was just a song premiere or something and was just going to watch it later, what is this

>> No.24321680

Tokyo walkthrough

>> No.24321697

デート with Kaf-chan!

>> No.24321803

kaf in a whelchair? steady as fuck camera work

>> No.24321885

Was wondering about that too, way too smooth. Maybe it's not a camera at all, just CG? Way too high quality for it to be CG though.

>> No.24321931

It's the dance portion!

>> No.24321962

Hearing instrumental versions of old songs while looking at somebody walking through the street of Tokyo at night like this feels strangely nostalgic

>> No.24322060


>> No.24322107

It's gotta be edited. The camera's view is narrowing and widening

>> No.24322143

yeah I bet it's not even KAF-chan rcording!!

>> No.24322163

i want to believe

>> No.24322273

It's HD now!!!!

>> No.24322333
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, Kaf_Live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Live on 8.24 it seems

>> No.24322392

Is that banner just right of the pole a V.W.P. one?

>> No.24322437
File: 282 KB, 480x480, 1591428607617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, now that I take a good look at the bulletin. It's freakin' Budokan that the Live is taking place at. What the fuck, Kaf?

>> No.24322439

Not just any live, but a live at the Budokan

>> No.24322491


>> No.24322521

>Budokan live at 18 and just out of Highschool
amazing, kaf.

>> No.24322560
File: 905 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_33_11 ], take=[ 2022-05-15 17.59.26 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24322770

>the fucking budokan
holy shit
vtubers as a whole made it

>> No.24322815

Man, I'm feeling a huge sense of happiness seeing her getting so big like this. Hope the rest of Kamitsubaki can follow suit shortly after.

>> No.24322909

I hate what they are doing with valis.

>> No.24323089 [DELETED] 

Kinda random, but I wonder when will we get to see the holos on the stage of Budokan?

>> No.24323359

How hard is it to get tickets for lives in Japan as a gaijin

>> No.24323361

I love what they doing with Valis!
Kamitsubaki gotta be the most consistent and well managed agency/studio currently and all that was built on the back of their loyal fans and their high quality deliveries

>> No.24323394

It wasn't that bad when it was just shadow play but you know they are going to drop it during next live and just go full 3D with good lighting

>> No.24323573

Nah. Im willing to bet they wouldnt do that.

>> No.24323746

did anyone archive the live chat? I missed it, I wonder how hype everyone was

>> No.24324079

theres a vtuber song thread up that might interest some people here

>> No.24324248 [DELETED] 
File: 835 KB, 1300x1607, C968F7C2-48FC-4B58-B01B-E395243D631E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 400+ people watching Kotone playing Animal Crossing at 1:36 am JST.

>> No.24324513

Why not do it here instead?

>> No.24325037

dont want to dilute the thread

>> No.24325418

Fuyumi karaoke

>> No.24326040

KAF at Budokan, that's amazing news.

>> No.24328402


>> No.24331167
File: 446 KB, 650x686, rii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Rii

>> No.24336952

How much do budoukan tickets usually cost?

>> No.24337479

Is that Chestnut/Yogurt?

>> No.24337878


>> No.24339802

The chat comes back after YT processes the video, it's moving pretty fast to no one's surprise.

>> No.24340441


>> No.24340622


>> No.24340820

I don't know, can you repeat the question?

>> No.24340821

I wish she had a Twitter so I know when she’s live

>> No.24344152

Elira shoujo rei

Lazulight VTL

>> No.24344325
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>> No.24344516
File: 53 KB, 900x900, 御伽田カズヤ Kazuya Okada, vtuber vsinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An intro to Kazuya Okada


Worth a look. Featured in AZKi's past concerts.

>> No.24346439


2chan has it's witty moments.

>> No.24350029
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>> No.24354378
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>> No.24357101

Suu's been singing.

>> No.24359136
File: 212 KB, 1220x1150, FMRbPLaaAAAqtrK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24362122


>> No.24363714

Take me to church

>> No.24364794
File: 524 KB, 1920x1368, FS1ZiXVUYAEkHNQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane Kaf.

>> No.24365605

I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. P-san is still prioritizing Kaf over other witches. If they're going to follow I think it's going to be Rim first (who's going to have her 3rd anniversary this year) and then 3 others.

>> No.24365857

By the way it's kinda funny that they've revealed only first half in over half of a year.

>> No.24365966

COCOA singing j-pop https://youtu.be/POF0EqhdzX0

>> No.24366397

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqcRkNt8BTQ reuploaded

>> No.24367009

Else singing https://youtu.be/DFPEenPhwSw

>> No.24367407

I guess Cocone is doing a goodbye tour with all these last collabs, same as Edo and Miya


>> No.24367675

Astel unarchived karaoke

>> No.24368913

yuka starting https://youtu.be/XFSXJP4obFU

>> No.24369026

Extremely based singing stream

>> No.24369055

mouse! but no snack pile

>> No.24369120

Toiki singing https://youtu.be/yGwZfTqZnC8

>> No.24369166

guitar! singing

>> No.24369321

else... not secret base again. i already cried when you sang it with cocone

>> No.24369360
File: 225 KB, 850x1672, __nagase_yuka_riot_music_drawn_by_tare_negima__sample-e7cd5b65ffd34dd7a23a7b43cf2a6dbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuka is talented!

>> No.24369722

それでもまた朝がくる by Yumeba Ku

Lapse - muship covered by 惑星ちる

春風のメロディ by ICHIKA【Original song】

>> No.24369844

nagase yuka

>> No.24370246

oken himself watching

>> No.24370479

strumming & humming only yesterday
can she sing it?

>> No.24370552

Yes ! ! !
with some blubbering

>> No.24370604

i always confuse only yesterday and yesterday once more

>> No.24371158

Sugarock piano singing stream - https://www.twitch.tv/sugarock_jp

>> No.24371752

MiMi https://youtu.be/cHV81G6t2nU
Mochi https://youtu.be/7-eDiJGa5cs

>> No.24371976

Izuru singing https://youtu.be/u49LpupGFyo

>> No.24372661

SAKI singing https://youtu.be/jvB1fT2tLb0

>> No.24375299


>> No.24375326


>> No.24375348

Asuyume Kanae guitar-singing

>> No.24376658

akatsuki luci testing her piano keyboard

>> No.24377611

https://youtu.be/qyeymhgiEDQ Yoshika singing Ghibli songs

>> No.24380609


>> No.24384026


>> No.24385276
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, Vivienne Kensington, vtuber vsinger guitarist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivichan specializes in acoustic guitar and vocals

五月雨よ - ヴィヴィアン・ケンジントン / Samidareyo - Vivienne Kensington


>> No.24385621
File: 136 KB, 1200x675, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, someone already posted it

>> No.24386563
File: 777 KB, 1382x2048, boy(female)slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl has been haunting my recommendation, she has a high viewership despite the sub count (reincarnation?). Her singing voice is decent but still needs a lot of polishment. And goddamn her talking voice and character plus the model are godlike.

>> No.24388674

Man, that's cool

>> No.24388899

that's really good

>> No.24389049

Rewatching it, it's kinda funny they sang Onegai Darling right before Kotone's appearance. I wonder if Kotone ever sang it as Kotone... her version is great.

>> No.24389353

Her voice seems familiar but I'm drawing a blank about why.

>> No.24390619

Old Nicole cover I got recommended
Man, her old model was fancier than her current one

>> No.24390913
File: 1.59 MB, 4096x3408, FOTLPqYWQAoq7Ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuyumi TV size cover

>> No.24394231

God, her setlists have so much nostalgia. I can't imagine any other chuuba singing the piano version of an EDM song in Heaven, but I've always loved the candlelight remix of that song.

>> No.24394277
File: 158 KB, 752x1062, FSoTcAjVIAEZppW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24397238

Oni had such a weird career trajectory. All those high effort MVs and originals without ever streaming, and nothing for like 8 months, and now she's streaming fairly regularly but hasn't made an original in forever.

>> No.24397659

she still has her last single from September pinned on her twitter
i don't follow her enough to know what's going on but she was pretty active during the major event season around new year

>> No.24401622
File: 380 KB, 1764x2508, FRAvwGjaQAISZLc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24401628

Yea, I'm just curious as to what her goal is or if she even has one, since someone threw a whole lot of money at her at one point since her MVs also had someone buying YT ads for them.

>> No.24406974
File: 955 KB, 4096x1280, FRXT4HtUUAAZIYy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24408140
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, Acacia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pokemon Acacia
Holy shit. Riot Girls are based.

>> No.24408495

wtf. i was about to use that for the next bump
also, where're the iori fans? i noticed no one posted her stream from today. cocoa, yuka, & saki all got posted.

>> No.24412050

I think it went the same trajectory as with Himari (https://www.youtube.com/c/ひまりチャンネルHIMARIchannel) when they used a whole lot of money on ads but those went to overseas viewers (mostly Indonesians) instead.
As a result she's got millions on her mvs but is barely known in Japan otherwise.

>> No.24412319

People are just getting to know Riot Girls. It takes time to warm up to new vsingers. Hopefully we will see more and more posts about them.

>> No.24412530

Looking at her Spotify page, Oni has a pretty healthy following at 24k monthly listeners and it's actually Japan based since the first place on her listing is Tokyo. Her demographics seem to pretty closely resemble Kotone or Harusaruhi, both in size and general locality with a healthy split between Japan and Taiwan. I wonder if those people actually know she's started streaming, or even would care if they did.

>> No.24419906

Well maybe that changed after she did 100+ streams. From what I've seen she still doesn't get that many viewers during those though.

>> No.24420406

I think it's more that her music got pushed to other people listening to vtuber music on Spotify which is how I first found her, but I do agree that she doesn't get many viewers to her streams. Doesn't help that she png tubes for most of them and always cuts to one when she's singing.

>> No.24420711

Face tracking on her model is so bad/lifeless (I think the tracking is based on her speaking and not motions) that png might be better actually.

>> No.24420782

Saki sing+talk

>> No.24420954

did anyone catch/archive her performance for the virtual music live in march?
her model was pretty decent at the winter VMA.

>> No.24421062

I think the problem would be more whatever she's using for her home capture, not the model itself.

>> No.24423866


>> No.24425109

紅響歌 by 警戒ブロオドキャストCHERRY

>> No.24426375

Hachi live on Reality

>> No.24428344

譜奏棗「Muddle」 Official Music Video

水底に咲く櫻華 by 瀬戸内ミュウ

モッツァレラ▲トライ▼クッキング covered by りくり

>> No.24428744

Yumeba Ku

>> No.24431286

And now onto her collab with Cocone

>> No.24431698

SAKI been singing https://youtu.be/_boKi0rzKzs

>> No.24432235

this setlist
and the giggling in between songs

>> No.24434680
File: 132 KB, 1176x1176, FSjpdXzaAAE7US_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24435081

Hello, Aether will be singing today

>> No.24435116

Chima singing till 500k

>> No.24436169

https://youtu.be/mq10TvDQDCY Yoshika singing

>> No.24436784

>no 歌
She has a great laugh and her zatsu is enjoyable, but she needs to sing more.

>> No.24437883

Elderly lady Kima is singing songs from years that are unspecified for non-Japanese!

>> No.24438268

Vocals on this woman are something else, I never heard this song sang like this

>> No.24438287

She got it! Proud of her

>> No.24440389


>> No.24440462

old or new vocal work from shannon?

>> No.24440607

7 month old that the remixer just released now.

>> No.24441140

Hibana told me to share her stream so here it is.

>> No.24441582

Inui singing

>> No.24443290


>> No.24444507


>> No.24447586


>> No.24447791

whats the best resource for exploring original songs? atm i just look all of them up when i learn about a new chuuba

>> No.24447863

Is she a vsinger?

>> No.24447964

It's Enna's PL. She has some fantastic covers on that channel

>> No.24448255

Finally got headphones that don't turn me into PPT and man, this album is great!
AZKi's showcase thingy was mostly orisongs I think but it's a bit dated

>> No.24450517

There ain't any quick songs. Each time you discover a new vsinger you just check out their works.
I find it helpful to listen to the middle / chorus of a song. usually takes only 20 seconds to know if I will like the tune

>> No.24451315

She's still live...

>> No.24451798

Good news everyone, Saki finally revealed her real power level!

>> No.24451905

What's her character alignment?

>> No.24452854

update the primer

>> No.24454214

impressive 3D Virtual Eiko

>> No.24454508

I’m still not sure if that’s a vtuber or just 3D

>> No.24458359
File: 242 KB, 1794x1265, FS1v5V6XoAEyCTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24460473
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2701, E-7YBROVcAQADXr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24463289

Toko sang last night - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJW1Wgmp5QQ

>> No.24466032


>> No.24466248
File: 2.37 MB, 2894x4093, FQ3N8AnaIAErmIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

