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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 117 KB, 857x849, HoloEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24145598 No.24145598 [Reply] [Original]

And with that, I have fixed HoloEN.

>> No.24145852

Kill yourself!1!!!1

>> No.24145961

Most garbage taste in all of /vt/

>> No.24146040

>exclude random members
>look guys i fixed holoen
>watch everyone bite the bait
>occasionally add some fuel to the fire

>> No.24146055

Council needs kronii as a whippingboy and straightman

>> No.24146106

and the shark is in her own vtuber company or what?

like seriously dude you cant be this naive

>> No.24146130

Baelz is unlistenable ESL that can't speak english properly and sounds like she has marbles in her mouth. Imagine spending any amount of time listening to that shit.

Mumei is a boring mumble-girl.
Fauna is basically boring.

Kiara is terrible in every single way. Literally one of the most obnoxious and unwatchable people.
Ina hates her fans and is a stuck up bitch who barely puts any effort into her job.

>> No.24146186
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>> No.24146773

Calling Bae an "ESL" is one of the most insane claims I have ever seen. Her English is extremely clear and it's obvious it was her first language. The only reason you even know she has another language is because of that one time she accidentally spoke Cantonese on stream and then had to admit to it and apologize later. And might I add it's a really sad thing that Hololive fans are so racist that Bae felt the need to hide her Chinese heritage for fear of them attacking her.
I notice you excluded IRyS from your angry screed. What a shame that an IRyStocrat of all people would go after Bae so hard, and in such an inaccurate way. You know how much IRyS loves Bae and you still do this. She would be so disappointed in you.

>> No.24146847

How to make a failure as bad as NijiID.

>> No.24146915

Wow someone that isn't retarded making a thread. Well done op.

>> No.24146986 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 710x1200, 1652387658547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shitty bait thread, I'm gonna nuke it real quick

>> No.24147109

>kept Kiara
High-level shitpost

>> No.24147199
File: 329 KB, 1080x768, 1643398637849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24147249

>Ina hates her fans
To be fair, so do I.

>> No.24147289

Replace Kiara with Goomba and then rope yourself for having such shit taste.

>> No.24147294

this is why you shouldn't drink alcohol kids

>> No.24147391

The picture should be blank. That’s the actual fix.

>> No.24147472

how is her sister 10x hotter?

>> No.24147511

for fucks sake, Karen, at least wear something that suits your figure this is hoodrat-tier

>> No.24147573

No it's not. She's some Asian ESL that badly learned Australian english and sounds like shit.

>> No.24147615

Must be an old photo with how skinny she looks here.

>> No.24147749

I'm guessing by drinking 1/10 of what she does

>> No.24147806

that's still too much

>> No.24147818


>> No.24147832

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.24147908

Was this taken in Japan?
I thought she didn't wear shorts in Japan?

>> No.24149854

Fauna plays those roles just fine.

>> No.24150737

That's not a real australian accent. That's some awful ESL shit

>> No.24150780

>random members
No, this is calculated bait, there's a reason both Fauna and Mumei were included.

>> No.24151049

Kill yourself

>> No.24151724

Without gura EN would be a failed gen and kiara +ina would fall even further into irrelevancy

>> No.24151793

you made it boring as fuck
most people would just stop watching that shit

>> No.24152024

>Keeping Kiara
>Getting rid of Sana but keeping Mumei and Bae
Close, but wrong.

>> No.24152285

>that body
>those legs
what a unit.

>> No.24153202

I guarantee you aren't even Australian and you think you know what a "real" Australian accent is. Sit down and shut the fuck up.

>> No.24153470

I like how this thread brings out the implicit admission that most "HoloEN fans" are actually just people that watch Gura and that's it because you cut out a couple of them and leave in more than half of them and suddenly you're complaining that HoloEN is "unwatchable." More like you never liked Hololive to begin with and you're only here for Gura. Keeping that in mind I honestly don't get why there's so much tribalshit on /vt/ because this makes it clear you don't have any particular loyalty to Hololive itself so logically speaking there shouldn't be so many people worshipping the company when they really only care about one of its members. But I suppose it's folly to try and understand the mind of someone with schizophrenia.

>> No.24154308
File: 3.89 MB, 500x281, FEB3E13D-AB03-4539-996D-172E7AAA54C6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24155200

only one post you replied to mentioned gura. what about the fact that ame is cut out? or mori? yesyes, gura is the most popular holoen, but why do you assume automatically that only chumbuds would be against hololive en looking like this? i mean, the most subbed holomyths are all excluded. and since all of the channels crossover and share viewership and subscribers, the majority of fans would of course despise this arrangement. think logically, it's not just chumbuds (but yes, fans of holoen hold a favorable view of gura. even if they are not chumbuds).
obviously this thread is fucking bait, but there's still some genuine posts here discussing things.
except for sana (until somewhat recently anyway. please understand), i watch all those that were cut off the list. and frequently, i might add
>most "HoloEN fans" are actually just people that watch Gura
is that a bad thing? you can clearly see from anons in global posting their memberships that most people have gura in their list of multiple memberships. she's popular, nothing wrong with that. i can feel your annoyance with the fans of gura if you think they only watch gura and also shit on other holos. things change though. i assume even the most staunch fans of gura that watch her and her only, branch out. things have changed and calmed down, it's not 2020 anymore. most people have branched out by now

>> No.24156073

You have absoulutely no idear on how an ozzie accent actually sounds like, never act like you have even the slightest hint of what the fuck you are talking about ever again you illliterate SEA fuck

>> No.24158777

>sounds like she has marbles in her mouth
It's not marbles, it's my fucking huge fat cock anon

>> No.24158902

Bae maybe a retard but she speaks better english than Mumei.

>> No.24158940
File: 124 KB, 625x626, 1648764801931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24158953

>keeping generic white bitch 1 and 2
Nice troll post OP

>> No.24158995

>Baelz is unlistenable ESL that can't speak english properly and sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.
This. I can’t stand listening to her voice.

>> No.24159047

>bait thread stays up
>this post deleted specifically
All so tiresome...

>> No.24159135

I agree with council but that’s about it

>> No.24159281
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>> No.24159603

>Only 1 out of 4 mentioned gura
Its another episode of gura living rent free in vtweeter heads like you i see

>> No.24160183

>Calling Bae an "ESL" is one of the most insane claims I have ever seen.
Someone said "fluency doesn't matter, as long as its not her first language, by definition it is ESL.” Since Bae spoken fluent Cantonese, we can deduce she’s from a Cantonese heritage, English is not likely to be her first language. But to me, order of picking up a language doesn’t matter, fluency and accent do. (To clarify, a Cantonese speaker with fluent English likely hates China, a lot.)
>Baelz is unlistenable ESL that can't speak english properly and sounds like she has marbles in her mouth
This anon probably doesn’t really mean Bae is ESL, he’s probably saying Bae has an intelligible accent. Bae sounds okay to me, while Sana’s accent is quite hard to comprehend.
>What a shame that an IRyStocrat of all people would go after Bae so hard
IRyStocrat here, my favorite duo is TimeRys.

>> No.24161405
File: 198 KB, 500x500, Artia_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takanashit Kiaraids is trash.

>> No.24161901

I like Baelz and I want to rub my balls to her small mouth.

>> No.24162238
File: 1.05 MB, 312x222, 1650381507369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applaud you for respecting Kronii's chosen gender

>> No.24163632

Mad that you can't simply post forbidden content and force a thread to be nuked just because you hate it, huh?

>> No.24163699

Shut the fuck up /pol/tard.

>> No.24164035

Didn't even post that, retard. Just calling out the janny.

>> No.24164099


Ina is boring af

>> No.24164123

Don't take kronii away from mumei and Fauna, they y love her too much.

>> No.24164268

Suuuure, you didn't. Go ahead, try again. I'm sure it'll go so well for you this time. Idiot.

>> No.24164399

Her name is Bae. Fucking threadreaders.

>> No.24164589

Fuck off zoomer. Her name is Hakos-chan.

>> No.24164832

Alright threadreader, I'll spoonfeed you. She goes by the nickname Bae and she hates to be called Baelz because it sounds like she's being punished. But you don't know that because you don't watch streams. Now go out there with that knowledge and at least pretend you watch her streams.

>> No.24165017
File: 84 KB, 857x849, holoen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you missed a few but i fixed it for you.

>> No.24165472

lick ma baelz

>> No.24165565

The only thing that suits her figure is one of the ribbons they award at 4-H events.

>> No.24165617

ligma baelz

>> No.24165621

>trying to accuse OP as IRySfag
Stop it. Get some help.

at least there's some effort for shooping

>> No.24165816

>Baelz is unlistenable ESL that can't speak english properly and sounds like she has marbles in her mouth
Well she's Australian.

>> No.24167554

>that badly learned
Why are people replying to this ESL schizo?

>> No.24170140

I didn't. But I think it's fucked up that he's an ESL falsely accusing someone of being an ESL.

>> No.24170624

why on earth why would anyone willingly watch a HoloEN stream

>> No.24170926
File: 186 KB, 512x512, 1651984011310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a troll.

What is with your taste in vtubers my doog

>> No.24170981

>Baelz is unlistenable ESL that can't speak english properly and sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.
the only ESL is you fucks

>> No.24171048

Oi cunt her "bad english" is just how we Aussies speak right!

Now fuck off this threads full

>> No.24171382

Good list but keep Gura

>> No.24171984

Stealth chicken hate thread?

>> No.24172255

Nah, KFP antis just go into any thread that doesn't mention Kiara by name because they get BTFO every time they stick their head out. So they gotta sneak into threads where they think KFPs aren't watching and then start shitting on Kiara. You'd think they'd get tired of shitting on Kiara after two years, but all that really happened is they became more cowardly.

>> No.24172427

Kiara had one of the biggest comebacks in terms of likeability I've seen on this board

>> No.24172482

she bullies the Clock more than anyone

>> No.24172518

all she needed was to get *a* personality. Early Kiara was just a Mori orbiter and once they finally started that, she started to act like an idol of her own

>> No.24172592

>my favorite duo is TimeRys
you're a kronie who got pissed that Kronii stopped doing gfe

>> No.24172704

People love trying to find ways to rationalize it but all that really happened was mods started finally banning people from the Discord that was literally raiding this board with Kiara hate threads 24/7. There are a lot of us here that liked Kiara from the start and with the raiders banned we felt comfortable talking about how great she is again.
