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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24140100 No.24140100 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml
Google Doc for /asp/ Collabs and Projects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFYyC7bi0zIP55eioXEq7EibFaf1Y4cttucnlP0WA9s/edit#heading=h.q01v7kovxhs

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Wactor Auditions have opened up for males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>24127874

>> No.24140237

None of these rats are yellow.

>> No.24140259


>> No.24140337

Aspcord gen 3

I've made this discord as a way for the aspies to network and interact with the older /here/ vtubers, they can give tips and answer questions if you'd like. Anyways I've heard your complaints and I'm keeping an eye out for awful elements that would ruin things, I know yellow cat can be trouble but he seems okay so far. So feel free to join if you wish to interact with fellow /asp/ies as well as fellow /wvt/ senpais too.

>> No.24140432

We're really burning through threads quick now huh

>> No.24140598
File: 59 KB, 239x536, chrome_OsQ4lIfaxm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recorded some silly voice lines to test the cage. let me know if it sounds ok. i know i've done a terrible job at hades, but zag is closer to my normal voice. doesn't help that dad in the game has highly edited voice, but i wanted to keep it unedited here. also pretty bad at voice acting you can really tell i overemphasize too much.


>> No.24140748

sounds good! also i can't believe babi cage is going to go down in history for real...

>> No.24140776

/asp/ies are cute! Cute!

>> No.24140811

Couldn't join even if I wanted to.
Tried to make a new discord account with fresh new phone number and email, was banned after multiple re-verifications for triggering the anti-spam measures.

The irony of this all is that I tried to avoid making one in favor of FOSS or alternatives but now I'm forced to do so unless fate smiles my way, as I've heard their support systems are absolutely atrocious.

Sounds pretty good on my end. I wound up using Krisp as my solution to getting rid of background noise.

>> No.24140908
File: 143 KB, 612x586, 1652379692581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REMOVED: Lullabaa.
>REMOVED: twitch.tv/miomikki
>REMOVED: https://www.twitch.tv/zunlive
>REMOVED: https://twitter.com/ZUNLIVER
>ADDED: deku_nobou (TAROT CARD ANON)

(official /asp/ li5t for OP)


non /asp/ but new to /vt/
Mizuchi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-RcLKGwpQJAxaV0_BT_h9w



>> No.24141062

god i love /asp/ies

>> No.24141112

Just in case you didn't see it.
Thank you very much for the fanart. It's sooo cool. Would it be alright to share it on Twitter? I love it.

>> No.24141223

Why did you ban Lance?

>> No.24141311

baka, not showing off those big froggo feet. looks good though, very on-brand.

>> No.24141380

Not a good look, the discord is already an exclusionary clique? I don't want to join just to immediately be in a petty fight with other servers.

>> No.24141415

wait why was Lance banned? I joined a bit late

>> No.24141433

haven't we had enough of cord episodes already? it is a private environment anyway so there is no growth to gain. no one sees you there

>> No.24141517

Collabs though

>> No.24141523

This, lance just joined to hang around and got told to immediately leave. It's needlessly hostile

>> No.24141594

>Lance insta banned
>mike gato free to groom

>> No.24141599

you don't need a server for that. just dm them on twitter about it and when you have things figured out you make a voice or video call directly

>> No.24141624

so far it's better than using the thread as a chatroom so.

I really wish you guys would behave better.

>> No.24141696

just call people out here instead

>> No.24141715

I've switch my opinion on Lance. He's alright.

>> No.24141792

I'm a newer aspie so I've had no experience with Lance, but from what I've heard he's not a bad guy. Kinda weird how they kicked him and let yc roam free

>> No.24141887

>first link obviously male
i think that whoever made the list should check the stream before adding a link

>> No.24141974

It's because the owner is a phase connect mod and lance has some weird beef with sei, lumi's former schizo mod

>> No.24141998

I don't understand why people are so glued to this place. Aside from some technical advice and hearing people's personal experience on certain hardware/software, none of the info here is unique to this place and at worst much of it is worthless or even detrimental assuming it isn't just something parroted from an existing source. Anything oyu could possibly want to know about streaming exists and has existed elsewhere for years without it being told through the filter of a manager LARPing 2view that thinks he knows the secrets to getting views.

Is there any real reason you're here? I mean this genuinely, why not leave and find your info elsewhere?

>> No.24142028

>Is there any real reason you're here?
to groom 2views

>> No.24142055

>the owner is a phase connect mod
...Is Phase Connect trying to groom /asp/ies now?

>> No.24142091

That's a probably one of the only valid reasons.

>> No.24142094

This place has so much history and developing lore that it's legit hard to leave.

>> No.24142095
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I'm not even a aspiring vtuber it's just funny to watch these 2viewers eat each other apart.

>> No.24142111

The fish and the slug are looking for new prey.

>> No.24142162

exactly- I will never fully associate with /asp/. They'll know who I am, but I'll never be one of them. I'll always be the guy who's kinda off to the sidelines chuckling, and getting my info elsewhere.

>> No.24142163

the groomers aren't real. it has been confirmed many times

>> No.24142194

I exist.

>> No.24142209

well clearly you haven't seen me

>> No.24142212

we know, yellow cat. we know

>> No.24142321


As a babi-chama, I refuse to post about my account. I'll continue to support the people on here, but not going to get involved with you pack of schizos.

>> No.24142326

when people get called groomers here its usually not a bad thing

>> No.24142410
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 1652384903894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're dipshit, fix your Twitter. Pin a model showcase or something and some commission info instead of a 2hu giveaway.

>> No.24142422

Nigga what?

>> No.24142439

Good call. The last person to get involved with this pack of schizos has not had their name left alone for the past nearly 5 or so threads

>> No.24142467

cracker ass

>> No.24142488

he really is so talented. It hurts to see him self-nerf sometimes

>> No.24142591

Add https://twitch.tv/miyuyus

>> No.24142636

/wvt/ chuuba

>> No.24142708

YC is really annoying

>> No.24142755

I get that, I like to side on the sidelines and watch this is just moreso for the chuubas that are actively here always asking questions and pretending it's some social board when they could just go to a discord or twitter DMs, an IRC channel, or literally anywhere to have actual conversations. I feel like the dependence on this place for some people just highlights the fact they don't have what it takes as they're unable to do the bare minimum of research on their own or formulate their own opinion on anything without the help of a bunch of random voices who are not inclined to actually help but isntead push their ideals of a "good chuuba" telling them 5 different things

>> No.24142773


>> No.24142854

>Is there any real reason you're here?
Convenience. I'm already here for other reasons and checking this thread now and then doesn't take much effort with 4chanx installed. It's not my main resource either, so there's that too.

>> No.24143003

maybe he doesnt want the extra workload retard

>> No.24143010
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1652385456099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm here, Yukichi.
You fat fuck, next time eat a salad and maybe do an actual stream or upload. I don't give a shit about your sushi and jerking off TrueKocksucker on Twitter I want to see content.

Ainslie, you also.
Give me a fucking break between more Far Shit. Where is the next This War stream? You made the schedule for this week all Far Cry 6.

Lastly, Alto.
You better have some good shit coming, I see that model fucker are you really going to wait seven days despite having it now? The wait better be worth it you pegging obsessed bastard.

>> No.24143028

/#/ is still faster for now at least

>> No.24143086

please do this more i kinda like you

>> No.24143104

>numbers thread gets the biggest numbers

>> No.24143144

Do me next Sam. I can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.24143165

I don't think I will

>> No.24143245

different anon but post stream

>> No.24143251

You should do /wvt/ chuubas

>> No.24143300

i stream a small amount but i chronically watch this general. i like being able to lurk and post anonymously. other social hubs can become cliquey fast and while there are elements of that here, i can still abrasively share my unfiltered opinions.

>> No.24143337

Hardly needs to be said but hopefully I dont see any leaks of you saying nasty shit on discord. Remember to assume everything said there will be blasted to the public later on, or used as blackmail of your racist past if you ever get a decent following.

>> No.24143363

Stop making the mistakes of aspies past
You guys are speedrunning these timeloops
get out while you still can. the most successful aspies left the original aspcoord

>> No.24143491

I've spent 15 years lurking in /b/, /fit, /mlp/, /tg/, and now here.
I'm too attached to anonymity to fit in on other websites.

>> No.24143538

>speedrunning these timeloops
good I like learning quick

what are these past mistakes everyone keep talking about?

>> No.24143589

I don't really like twitter/reddit chuubas

>> No.24143642


>> No.24143678

I get that people don't like him but I'm gonna need some elaboration on the lore

>> No.24143810

Lance didn't actually do anything. It was all astroturfing by sei, lumi's mod. It's talked about here

>> No.24143812

You're not gonna get anything.
No one ever elaborates outside the same dumb rrats.

>> No.24143948

I don't even say slurs while I'm POSTING on 4chan.

>> No.24144015

>boosting the server
wait a couple days to see if it doesnt implode
>minecraft server
same advice as above. you dont need block game to bond
>kicking people for no reason
bad look
>inviting certain chuubas rather then just having the link in the thread
>freaking out over new account joins
its a valid concern but its gonna happen for a server posted on place like this. Most people are discord avoidant.
>posting thread screenshots
Just discuss thread business in the thread.

I just don't trust. There's probably plenty a nice and talented chuuba but I'm hesitant to trust anyone who assumes responsibility. Especially a mod or viewer. Please be careful you guys. Try not to saying too stupid that will bite you in the ass later.

its just one guy who has beef with Lance. No clue why. His only fault is being too nice and tard wrangling.

>> No.24144127

Thanks for the heads up! Will take precautions

>> No.24144261

god forgive my spelling and grammar mistakes, esl

>> No.24144345

>most people are discord avoidant
>44 /asp/ies joined in under 6 hours

>> No.24144399

not all of em are aspies though

>> No.24144528

To be fair, I only joined to see if it really IS going to implode and I want a front row seat to that action.

plus I get Konrad's Discord without having to message him for it on Twitter

>> No.24144679

one step closer to stealing away the witch? maybe I should join the discord after all.

>> No.24144728

who is the witch

>> No.24144781

Today I dreamt that someone was spamming me to /vt/ asking people to check out their cute favorite vtuber and embarrassing me because I’m predebut and everyone shit on them thinking I was shilling myself and a future 2view. It was cringe but also a little funny.

>> No.24144930

I’m not having n the discord, I probably don’t want to be lol

>> No.24144945
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>> No.24145204

You snooze you lose newbie

>> No.24145375
File: 996 KB, 1200x798, Last post and I fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alto my friend, buddy, pal, amigo do you prefer amigo?
I still believe you can do something, anything interesting if it's a once again say it with me
>seven day wait
And don't give me some bullshit about not having time. Motherfucker, you have a shit ton of time, you spent 8 hours last week streaming, you play fucking chinese dominoes that only losers with time play. If you spend that same amount of time this week jerking off to your futa hentai and flirting in that /asp/ gen3 clique, I will be disappointed if your model showcase stream is utter dog shit. And the bar isn't that high either, our last model debut stream was a fucking 13 frame Minecraft stream where the fucker did NOTHING and had improper audio.

>> No.24145472

>lance has some weird beef with sei, lumi's former schizo mod
the dumbest part of this is that he has nothing in connection with sei. he only has beef with sei because /wvt/ in the trashcan stirred up shit about sei being a doxxer. lance has no personality beyond repeating 4chan memes from /tg/ and trash so it's not surprising.

>> No.24145820

Anon, you didn't have to be so shy :]

>> No.24146238

It's mostly so everyone has a heads up that it's coming, my idea is to do a 15-20 minute niji style presentation and then play Stardew,

>> No.24146304

>/asp/ies sharing their scuffed setups

>> No.24146399

Careful Konrad, females are aiming to groom you and become your witch

That's a bit rough, you didn't have to bring mahjong into it. Mahjong is fun, you should play it.

>> No.24146527

I hate crabs.

>> No.24146948

the only good crabs are served with a side of garlic butter

>> No.24146968

It's called socializing. Humans do it for a number of reasons, like feeling part of a like-minded group, validating their decisions, reassurance, sharing success and failure, and networking.

>> No.24147386

I only have 8 people on discord, and only really talk to 3 of them semi-regularly. Nobody uses discord in real life and I only have it for online/game people. I also used a real pic for my icon and it would be weird to use an anime pic all of a sudden. I'll probably just sit this one out, I'm not even that interesting.

>> No.24147421


>> No.24147458

>I'm not even that interesting
fair enough, you've made that much very clear

>> No.24147591

Why the fuck does lance cause so much shit flinging???

>> No.24147775

That's why I said it.

>> No.24147946

They'd have better luck literally picking strangers off the streets than here.

>> No.24148021

one of their most successful talents is from here

>> No.24148025

There's a difference between the /asp/-soc retards and people coming here for "genuine" advice or any kind of help involving streaming at all that isn't the aforementioned technical help.

>> No.24148269

Look, if Phase Connect is scouting. I'll join your corpo. I'll even give 90% of my revenue. I just need someone to pay for my assets. Great deal here.

>> No.24148298

Most people understand the song and dance on some level. Nobody asks stuff they can't google or figure out. It's socializing.

>> No.24149006

>yellow cat image
>no cat on the list

>> No.24149156
File: 2 KB, 100x100, spoiler-vt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love being obnoxious! I fucking love being obnoxious!I fucking love being obnoxious!I fucking love being obnoxious!I fucking love being obnoxious!

>> No.24149222

Ainslie here, I am surprised someone in /asp/actual watch my stream and criticize it, I appreciate that, normally I play something else in Sunday, but yeah maybe I shouldn't play same game for 3 out of 4 streaming days.

And I find someone start design male version of my model finally.

>> No.24149227

alternate models?
Would you ever have one or more?

>> No.24149317

why wouldn't you

>> No.24149504

Absolutely. If you're getting a model made, it's worth getting a nude model upgrade (quite common for L2d comms, less so for vroid), so you can easily slap on other textures for clothes for easy customisation.
But if you're PNGchuubing, or doing fugi collabs, you need to make custom versions for different events.

>> No.24149533

b-but i like fumos ;__;

>> No.24149660

why not? you could have a similar design for them but different types like 2d, 3d, chibi

>> No.24149706

Thet're newfags, but they love this place (as much as anyone can, anyways).

>> No.24149710

Get one if you want, some people have them others don't.

>> No.24149912

> nude model
I hadn't considered that, but now I know what to ask of my eventual artist. "for alternate outfits" of course, of course.

>> No.24150265

It's not actually nude, it's more like a featureless barbie doll unless you actually ask for NSFW bits which a lot of artists flat out do not want to do.

>> No.24150640

I have an idea for an alt model but I also want some fresh ideas that I haven’t mulled over for hours like a jellyfish inspired partially zipped hoodie

>> No.24150660
File: 58 KB, 237x151, 197644355344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fun

>> No.24150986

I peek some rabbi tummy and thighs...

>> No.24151553

Tummy… thighs… feet…

>> No.24151587

if anyones vtuber avatar had cute pits and feet I would simp so hard on you

>> No.24151904

There might be one here, but they’re a babi

>> No.24151956

come to /wvt/ we have so many fetishbait chuubas

>> No.24152013

>boosting the server
>minecraft server
>kicking people for no reason
>inviting certain chuubas rather then just having the link in the thread
>posting thread screenshots

>> No.24152362

Damn. I hope for this guy's wellbeing that this is fake.

>> No.24152599

It is not fake.

>> No.24152885

How heartbreaking. I have regular nightmares about ending up something like that.

>> No.24152956

Have you tried not being a schizo?

>> No.24153197

I have! It mostly works! I only sometimes opportunistically shitpost!
It's like my nightmares about losing a hand/eye. It's highly unlikely, but the danger feels like it's always there.

>> No.24153294

the link is the 3rd post in this thread

>> No.24153382

nta I asked for nsfw bits because I am a pervert

>> No.24153686

Would you buy fonts, or would you pirate them?
Thinking of buying H&Co’s Idlewild and Gotham for stream layouts.

>> No.24153722

I'm just gonna steal the pulp fiction font. Who the fuck is gonna stop me?

>> No.24153785


>> No.24153807
File: 387 KB, 1187x1009, bouldy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24153892

You don't need to buy fonts most of the time, just pirate them or screencap the test text.

>> No.24153977

Is Ame a good example of how to talk during streams?

>> No.24154331

You'll have to elaborate more than this. What is she doing that any other streamer isn't doing? It's probably best not to use any corporate chuuba as an example for anything in all honesty. You aren't and likely will never be one.

>> No.24154652

She's a good example of being Ame. Idk why you guys are so fixated on cracking some sort of one-size-fits-all thing. Being unoriginal and a copycat or poser is just being that. You would get much more out of nurturing the self that you want to be, and others will gladly watch you in you're journey.

>> No.24154786

Nta but It isn't like she does anything unique or that literally any other streamers doesn't do. She's talking about the game, reacting to what's happening, and making jokes. That's it. She happens to be good at that for a number of different reasons but that's really it, there's not much to copy. It'd be harder to NOT do what she's doing because really what else is there?

>> No.24154983

You're wrong, I just have no reason to groom you faggots. It's been over a month since I posted here but I have sucessfully became a mod of a minor rising star, it's interesting being the voice of experience to a girl quite talented but who doesn't expect the bullshit that comes with vtubing.

Thankfully the history lesson on vshojo whores stuck. Thanks 4chan, I'll be back to lurking and making fun at >males
Actually, the biggest vtuber in my country atm is a male, go figure

>> No.24155093


>> No.24155102

I'm lucky to have a ungroomable oshi. She would never mod a schizo.

>> No.24155148

and the retards here will believe you, such is the fate of the pathetic board of asp

>> No.24155223


>> No.24155404

I'm here too so obviously I'm retarded

>> No.24155410

Whew /asp/ really jumped the shark this week, huh

>> No.24155552

Neither would she, girl has a good head on her shoulders. I wrote a bit about her but being identified by a salty faggot is always a risk here. I guess I will thank ya'll for being a good example of how backstabb-y the medium is

>> No.24155645
File: 1.39 MB, 264x264, 1618789346095.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally said every week
if you don't like it, it's simple
get out and don't come back
i'm sure it will be even better for you and your mental health

>> No.24155655

You look like a terrible person

>> No.24155765

okay retard

>> No.24155826

I am not an /asp/ oldfag, but it seems that this is just nature running its course, and a new /asp/ will be destined to grow from the ashes.

>> No.24155828

>this is literally said every week
i mean until recently the typical thing you'd hear is "why is /asp/ still here it's a dead thread"

>> No.24155950

yeah, me

>> No.24155952

I'm honestly amazed at the effort some people put into the politics of these. I was wondering why even go to these lengths, but then again it all comes down to boredom and i do understand messing with people is a fun past-time activity. Kind of a moot point to tell people to stop too, considering all one has to do is leave and most people will probably just stop paying attention.

>> No.24156278

Wind blows, rain falls, /asp/ implodes and reboots. All is as it should be.

>> No.24156419

Is this Elliott? I've only ever seen one retard use this image

>> No.24156501

/asp/ is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new /asp/ will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The designfags will be purged and the streamers will thrive - free to actually stream as they see fit, they'll make /asp/ great again!... In my new /asp/, people will tweet and stream for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for clout! Not for what they're by viewerfags. Every chuuba will be free to stream their favorite games!

>> No.24156733

I like listening to the fem/asp/ies in the background. Wish they'd stream more often.

>> No.24156911

How many designfags do we even have at the moment?

>> No.24156955


>> No.24156978

idk, i didn't have any other ideas for what to replace "the weak" with

>> No.24157125

Pre-debuts? TBAs? Vtweeters?

>> No.24157139

Anyone remember mimic anon? Did he ever follow up?

>> No.24157220

nah i'm the second response to it actually
constanza.jpg is a classic reaction image though and i only ever use the edit i made of myself in it anyways

>> No.24157466

it's literally the most famous 4chan reaction image ever. this thread really is full of newfags isn't it.

>> No.24157567

For real. Can spot them every thread.

>> No.24158287
File: 26 KB, 640x480, Summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24158431

Males, you already know what you've gotta do to make it.


>> No.24158489

oh no no no no no no no no no

>> No.24158582

Elliot /asp/ misses you...

>> No.24158623

Does this cord accept people who hasn't streamed yet

>> No.24158642

He absolutely does not miss /asp/

>> No.24158647

I'd rather have anons call me a ngmi 2view than larp as whatever the fuck this is.

>> No.24158741

what do you mean it misses me i've been here the whole time

>> No.24158744

Yep! There's already a few

>> No.24158925

You sound chinese/korean

>> No.24159193

NEWFAGS could be here I thought. there could be NEWFAGS anywhere.

>> No.24159746

I would assume most schizos are newfags who stumbled upon 4chon due to vtubing, people who have been here for the longest time are ironically the chillest

>> No.24159802

Now where's tarot anon? I need to collect my harem of eye accessorized tan skinned tarot reading males

>> No.24159965

He's got like 8 viewers and just debuted, at least pick a popular faggot, faggot

>> No.24160225

more than most /asp/ies kek

>> No.24160362

It's at best 1 or 2 more or on par on most /asp/ies. At least the ones who stream.

>> No.24161214

The discord has been wholesome so far. What are signs of incoming implosion?

>> No.24161358

>What are signs of incoming implosion?
an aspie will complain about numbers and the server will turn into a hugbox circlejerk about "you're valid" "keep grinding" "lets do a crab game collab to cheer you up" instead of solving the problem and coming up with creative solutions.

>> No.24161411

are viewers allowed in the /asp/cord v3?

>> No.24161460

Someone who I think is dog just joined, so there's the first flag.

>> No.24161591

someone will say faggot and the only person actually innovating will leave

>> No.24161770

god that's so specific that i would laugh if that's really how it goes down

>> No.24161827

why would you want to be there if you arent a chuuba

>> No.24161856

My oshi...

>> No.24161923

is your oshi mashi?

>> No.24161976

to view things presumably

>> No.24161982

Which dog that just joined? The fake dog image or the real dog image?

>> No.24162005

reality is kinda funny

>> No.24162895

hopped in the discord once or twice just to check whats up and my god how do some of you have the time to just sit there and talk and talk and talk. all these plans for all these things you gotta do and you fuck all that off to just chat about random shit for hours. or am i just autistic and just forgo all social interactions to do reps?

>> No.24163028
File: 208 KB, 479x681, 1650330490745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listfag doesnt post at the top of the thread like usual
>discordfag self posts at the top of the thread
>listfag suddenly comes back

all im saying is this feels like it's related to when we had over double the normal amount of posters, even though it was after the exodus of a lot of users (which was probably a discord raid) i dont believe in coincidences im not retarded i can see whats happening and that its the same guy

>> No.24163061

you may be severely autistic or you may be fairly normal
really depends on the discord, I find it far easier to talk with a bunch of dudebros than a networking server

>> No.24163084
File: 109 KB, 500x500, lullaLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just joined... /asp/friends are so cute...

>> No.24163761

vtubers are human

>> No.24163831

im not talking about the ability to communicate, im talking about the wasting of finite time on earth to actually improve yourself and your content in exchange for chit chat

>> No.24163862

I'm starting to doubt that
interdimensional glowniggers are not going to be getting my akasupas

>> No.24163867

you're incredibly lonely, aren't cha?

>> No.24163929

yeah nevermind you're autistic

>> No.24164250

No, I get you, you want to do the grind that has to be done.
I'm also on the spectrum.

>> No.24164265

>how do some of you have the time to just sit there and talk and talk and talk
that's what happens to all the discords. 3 or 4 of them become chronically online and do nothing but suck up all the oxygen in the server until it slowly dies. the people who talk the most are also TBAs and never create content. no one wants to talk because the forever online TBAs will chime in with their assumptions and bad takes.

>> No.24164346

t. not in the discord

>> No.24164359

> on the spectrum.
make a hat out of aluminum foil
it'll fix it
I've seen it work

>> No.24164415

it always happens. give it a month and you'll see i'm right. that's how cadence's publiccord died.

>> No.24164427

who is in the discord?

>> No.24164509

>It's because the owner is a phase connect mod

>> No.24164527

most streaming aspies, some wvt's. total of 59 ppl

>> No.24164581


>> No.24164583

lost of throwaways too, hence the schizos here complaining

>> No.24164664

>forgo social interaction for reps despite social skills being one of the main things that sets apart good streamers from dogshit ones
Not saying they're right, but you're definitely autistic

>> No.24164706

cadence's publiccord died because all of the people who regularly already used /vtm/ didn't chat in the publiccord
you also have to consider that publiccord was posted to twitter while the new one is still only linked /here/

>> No.24164753

...so you just wake up, work, practice, and go to bed? You can practice your "reps" as much as you want, but if you aren't able to socialize like a normal human being you'll still just be a weirdo, just a weirdo with a nice looking stream.

>> No.24164781

>because all of the people who regularly already used /vtm/ didn't chat in the publiccord
they didn't chat there because some TBA furfag was shitting up the general chat for weeks nonstop talking about how his streams were going to change the world but never streamed. anything you said he would make it about himself so no one wanted to chat in there.

>> No.24164787

the /asp/cord is very nice, come hangout with us!! :0

>> No.24164831

A weirdo with a nice looking stream that spent no time learning how to talk to people so he could do an activity that's almost exclusively talking to people.

>> No.24164888

its a mean pass at the dog (dog love)
someone said the faggot in a discord once and he cried and left, dont remember him innovating though he was just a far left queer not a bad guy

>> No.24164908

well yes, that's also partially correct but you forgot the part where he did in fact stream and then complain about not being able to hit the viewer average for affiliate

>> No.24164978

you're getting your wires crossed anon
that was lex who left the /asp/cord over someone saying fag

>> No.24165138

Visage is a Phase Connect mod??????

>> No.24165219

Why even repeat something so blatantly incorrect? /asp/ lives to just spread random fucking rumors about the dog, don't they?

>> No.24165364

>that was lex who left the /asp/cord over someone saying fag
>join a discord from 4chan
>get upset when someone says fag
>leave like a bitch
do aspies really?

>> No.24165384

I don't know any of the new aspie drama
this is what I was referring to

>> No.24165469

It was the only tard lance couldn't wrangle

>> No.24165578

He's the most successful /asp/ie so he probably had the right idea leaving a bunch of retards behind

>> No.24165717

i'd rather remain a 2view and retain my freedom of speech than censor myself to appeal to leftist sjw twitterfags.

>> No.24165769

to be fair in a discord server with other content creators i could see why one would probably want to express that they're uncomfortable with that
despite it being a 4chan server the veil of anonymity is still very much gone

>> No.24165774


>> No.24165782

can't blame Lex tho, his type of content is for those types anyway.

>> No.24165802

i dont think so somebody was talking about this earlier and didnt say it was lex unless they did yeah i might just be crossed over honestly this happens

>> No.24165855

>aspies streaming to other aspies but in discord instead

>> No.24165886

You really don't have much choice if you want to stream, so enjoy your shortlived experience I guess.

>> No.24165903

hes literally got partner, the one above affiliate or whatever on twitch, hes doing good
are you saying you wouldnt grift leftists just to steal money from idiots and make a career off it? dont you see how silly that sound? petty

>> No.24166023

Anon... He isn't a Phase Connect mod...

>> No.24166058

Isn't he a lumi mod?

>> No.24166108

It's not like he's doing SJW propaganda speeches or some shit, he's just playing games and has a good voice. You say this as if anyone who doesn't spout a bunch of slurs is doing it specifically to appeal to some lefty boogeyman

>> No.24166125

>make a career off selling out to trannies

>> No.24166139


>> No.24166200

It's not even about "grifting the lefties", not everyone is so retarded they can't help but blurt out obscenities and memes about "those damn kikes" or whatever the fuck he thinks feels the need to say on stream.

>> No.24166234

Formerly as in, "oh yeah we removed that guy from the team he was really bad, and we replaced him with this totally different guy on a new account."

>> No.24166368

You won't even remain a streamer at all if you think you can get away with talking about faggots or niggers or whatever you choose to use your "freedom of speech" for, it's an instaban.

>> No.24166402


>> No.24166429

What is "his type of content" and why is it for those people? Do you actually watch him or are you just making weird assumptions?

>> No.24166459

You know in order to have any success in anything you have to do a lot of things that you don't like, right?

>> No.24166491

This isn't even a thread for aspies anymore, just a bunch of salty retards complaining about them. Do you fuckers even stream?

>> No.24166611

Removed as in he isn't a mod anymore. I think he might still be a discord janny in lumi's discord but he doesn't have a sword in her chats anymore and he isn't a janny in the phase connect discord.

>> No.24166625

All the streamers don't hang out on 4chan all day

>> No.24166624

>What is "his type of content" and why is it for those people?
he's a discount version of Uki from nijisanji. plays sad games and cries on stream to fujobait. that audience would be turned off if you drop hot 4chan lingo on them all the time.

>> No.24166686

Most don't, and the few that do are just doing it socially to the other people who are only doing it socially. Most aspies are just friendless people trying to meet other friendless people while they LARP About all the cool things they'll totally do with their streams. Now that we've got the discord there's a good chance most of them will stream a lot less since they finally have what they were looking for.

>> No.24166783

formerly as in she fucking switched companies you retard

>> No.24166792

>4chan lingo
Random derogatory slurs are not 4chan lingo anon, even if they are funny in the right context.

>> No.24166945

Today I learned that this anon most likely doesn't have a job irl with all of his freedom of speech shenanigans

>> No.24167075

Schizos got so bad all current aspies just fucked right off. Now it's exclusively a shitflinging thread.

I really don't understand what people like you are even doing here

>> No.24167108
File: 28 KB, 650x635, deus_job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24167190

for all the schizos asp has seen in the last week, i'm glad >we are banding together to collectively shit on that one anon

>> No.24167337

lets downvote him, thanks for the gold
seriously though, this isnt our hugbox retard

this thread is fucking dead, goodbye guys, im leaving for the aspcord, ill probably join it tomorrow, not coming back here though

>> No.24167408

see you tomorrow anon

>> No.24167588

Nothing I said was incorrect, they'll all reduce stream time by 50% by the next month

>> No.24167693

So what type of content do you want to make? Where do you believe you'll be streaming with this wonderful freedom to call viewers faggots and niggers?

>> No.24167837

You can do it on pomf but then you'll have no viewers anyway because it's not really funny or interesting.

>> No.24168101

i told you retards, cozy.tv is the future of vtubing but you retards wouldnt believe me now perish in obscurity

>> No.24168178

They said the same thing about Trovo, Plexstorm, and Mixer.

>> No.24168299

I'd be heartbroken if she's really in that groomers den.

>> No.24168355

She was being groomed by yellow cat in vc all day

>> No.24168377

Don't feel bad for anyone who falls for that shit, there's been nothing but warnings and red flags, if a full on adult falls for it, it's their own damn fault

>> No.24168483

/asp/ love..

>> No.24168711

yeah what >>24168355 said, they were in vc. its over for you, cuckmallow

>> No.24168751

Jignx is a Lumi mod

>> No.24168914
File: 163 KB, 349x335, 1332636902466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have a question.
Should I do my streams in my native language?
whenever i try to do streams in english i struggle to speak it i can read it and understand it in its entirety but i can't speak it because i never practice it maybe i should use this medium to practice my english. because when i speak english it seems like i have a dick stuck in my mouth.

>> No.24169001

Fuck aspies

>> No.24169046

Yeah lets compare the rich startups that tried to buy their way in with obscene capital and thought they could just buy the healthy garden instead of growing it at the roots to the one site that has a healthy organic base that's been hand nurtured.
Cozy.tv is an easy 100-200 views. Not exactly a small corpo buff of 200-500 but its enough to start.

>> No.24169071


>> No.24169091

I'll join once the /asp/cord progresses to starting the minecraft server

>> No.24169097

Fuck /asp/ies~

>> No.24169138

I joined like an hour after they opened and there's already one

>> No.24169173

Very bold of you to assume that none of those dorks are still here.

>> No.24169232

Depends on the language. You might have an audience for some of them but others are such a debuff you might as well suffer ESL debuff instead

>> No.24169296

That's really up to you, and if you play your cards well, you can create a tight knit community of your fellow countrymen. Look for other streamers in your language and see if they do well, and if they do, analyze how.


>280 posts
>1 (one) content creation question
This place is dead.

>> No.24169406

>Cozy.tv is an easy 100-200 views
That's why the top 3 channels live right now are
>A known far right nutjob
>Another far right nutjob that is riding off his "fame" from the retarded capitol thing
>Alex Jones

If it's an "Easy" 100-200 views (to a site no one will be registering for why aren't you up there?

>> No.24169461

As someone who has content creation questions but hasn't bothered asking them in this thread, it's mostly because there are so many schizos in here right now that I assumed I wouldn't get any useful answers. Better luck next thread, I guess...

>> No.24169542
File: 261 KB, 564x641, 147878544113479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's spanish really i can speak both but i think my english sounds really bad but i'm going to do my reps and stream english study to.
i want to speak english well because i can read it write and understand it but everytime i want to say something my brain says the word in spanish i translated and say it in a weird way.

but i'm going to keep going with my english i'm too afraid someone will be mean to me because is not my first lenguage also Male debuff

>> No.24169561

So, I’ve been wondering about the virtual youtuber wiki- does someone eventually make a page for you if you get big enough or do you just make one for yourself?

>> No.24169583

Even when a thread is derailed you can get some useful tips. Better to wait another thread or two though.

>> No.24169610

The site could be inhabited, run and owned by troons and I wouldn't give a shit.
Face it, you made a dumb comment and don't know what you're talking about, now you want to pivot away from it before someone points out that Mixer is the case study for why large transplants don't trickle down or some dumbshit like that.
The second a serious alternative for /asp/ vtubers like cozy.tv comes along you immediately want to nitpick nothing and drag it down as much as possible because you are a spiteful, shitty little crab retard and I see it for what it really is.

>> No.24169637

What is your native language and is there a market for that language? I know ID and ES have a market in youtube.
Also, consider that streaming in English would net you a bigger donation later in the future.
My suggestion is just to do your vocal reps, stream in english and do side streams in your language if you managed to network with chuubas of your country

>> No.24169702

OK, then why aren't you or anyone else live there now?

>> No.24169720

Heckin' cozy.tv you guise!

>> No.24169805

Because I'm not streaming right now you fucking troglodyte. What a retarded little insipid question.

Infact, that just shows you there's more room for this untapped alternative. Cozy.tv can be more than just one white haired VTuber m*le.

>> No.24169832


>> No.24169868

Stream in Spanish for now if you're not confident in your spoken English yet, but with like one stream a week where you practice English. People love seeing vtubers work hard on their language reps.

If you aren't too afraid of all the shitters in this thread potentially being annoying about it, post a vocaroo of your English? It might not be as bad as you think it is.

>> No.24169900

we have a few spanish aspies and they have pretty strong accents but are generally intelligible but i'd be lying if i said they weren't debuffed by accent. have you taken a look at their vods or caught a stream?

>> No.24169921

sunshine, daisies, butter mellow

>> No.24169951

When is the next yellow cat stream?

>> No.24170005

after he's done grooming mashi

>> No.24170017

Stay mad. Stay seething nigga.
It works, and for how much effort it takes, it requires so little. It's the lazy quick fix /asp/ies want. Imagine if you did this and put more effort in!

>> No.24170096

aight gottem put this guy in the list

>> No.24170190

Fuck you, faggot.

>> No.24170201
File: 654 KB, 1280x720, akabeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i haven't watch vods for people with heavy accents really

there is something you want me to say? i don't mind

>> No.24170215

I skipped to a random timestamp and you're spouting 3 slurs in one sentence. Only reason you're hyping this platform up is because twitch won't let you do that. You're pathetic, so stay there.

>> No.24170234
File: 51 KB, 293x638, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally! A safe space for me and mine.

>> No.24170247

my fucking sides
>that chat
so it's just a bunch of faggots from Gab circlejerking with each other as one of the streams?

>> No.24170302

Boseph rules this thread!

>> No.24170317
File: 92 KB, 1293x706, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, pussy. Where else could you get great content like this?

>> No.24170359

>all those begging links

>> No.24170371

you can hang out with your 17 + 1000 bot followers all you like but you won't fly anywhere bitchboy.

>> No.24170380

Are you tarotanon?

>> No.24170394

Eh, just say a sentence or two introducing yourself or something

>> No.24170416

Wow, are we really gonna pick hairs over this petty bullshit? Can't you crabs see that it's still better than being 20 views after two years of streaming consistently?
You guys are fucking stupid, and fuck your list faggot as well.
You niggas deserve this shit.

>> No.24170453

First two streams, 100 views PEAK.
Nice try lil nigga.

>> No.24170466

You come to 4chan expecting people to listen to you because you use slurs every 2 words. Not working out well, huh?

>> No.24170512

It's "split hairs", ESL/underagecrab (your typing style is getting stale).

>> No.24170518

my nigga Boseph rules this thread!

>> No.24170523
File: 147 KB, 605x456, 1646063149435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I deliberately don't want to selfpost here, is twitter going to be my entire avenue for growth as a png tuber?

>> No.24170547
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1498594289143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cozy tv
>mainpage is full of schizos
This whole website looks like a circus, very entertaining but not something I'd want to be a part of

>> No.24170561

damn nigga he's so cool! Give him some money nigga!

>> No.24170574

Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok for stream clips.

>> No.24170601

Boseph (my nigga) is the start of gen 4 I'm calling it

>> No.24170626

I honestly thought it would be all offlinetv tier faggotry, this is gay completely in the other direction.

>> No.24170634

What the other anon said. Couldn't hurt to seek out communities on Reddit and Discord relevant to what you're streaming and find places receptive to promotion.

>> No.24170683

If my nigga Boseph keeps showing up (he's already been here a few times) I'm gonna keep reading /asp/ despite having outgrown in months ago.

>> No.24170689

kinda glad I kept this tab open. This is amazing to witness

>> No.24170696
File: 112 KB, 860x780, 13-138354-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea who is that person

H-here anon

>> No.24170727

>those timestamps

>> No.24170729
File: 11 KB, 480x480, 1648177189663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I love being "educated" by some SEAnigger retard on how to use my own language.
Pick hairs is what one could call a protologism or prelogism between both the turns of phrase nit picking and split hairs.

Open a book some time you stupid nigger mud monkey.

>> No.24170799

Boseph my nigga! How was your last stream my nigga?

>> No.24170814

>Pick hairs is what one could call a protologism or prelogism between both the turns of phrase nit picking and split hairs.
One could call it that, but I would sooner call it somewhat retarded. I might call it something a gay retard would say.

>> No.24170822

Sorry but the english viewer fanbase is very unforgiving towards thick spanish accents like yours, you do have a nice voice though. I'd suggest doing what the other anons say by doing an english stream once a week in order to practice and improve. You need a lot of work and time to smooth out your accent.

>> No.24170824

>he's already been here a few times
I doubt it.

>> No.24170866

Alright, I have to actually click one of Boseph's VODs now. I have to hear what it sounds like when Boseph the redpilled catboy says nigga.

>> No.24170882

You gonna stop defending your shitty platform now? Please tell me more of it's benefits (my nigga).

>> No.24170910

I've seen some cool ass nigga shilling cozy.tv in here before is all I'm saying. Can't imagine that it was anybody else.

>> No.24170917


>> No.24170940
File: 24 KB, 455x350, 14021247898141t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon i'm going to try to improve.
i have very little experience speaking english but will try to improve

>> No.24170960

Your voice is hot, male isn't necessarily a debuff with a voice like that. The accent is almost certainly going to be too thick for the EN audience, however. Stick to Spanish streams for now and keep working on those speaking reps

>> No.24171000

I love my nigga Boseph so much. Hope he starts ruling this thread. /asp/ gen 4 here we go!

>> No.24171036

Reminder that this queer was THE schizo the past couple of days.
Does lore anon remember what the other streaming platform getting shilled here was?
He's become a laughing stock before the full exodus of gen3.
We are currently living gen 3.5

>> No.24171040

OF COURSE Boseph sounds like the most annoying, low T faggot I've ever heard in my entire life. Of course he does. A real nigga if I ever heard one

>> No.24171082

he sounds like what you'd expect a white kid who drops racial slurs to sound like

>> No.24171091

realest nigga. MY nigga. Boseph.

>> No.24171122

dude meds unironically we had something like what was it? 60-90 unique ips in one thread theres a lot of people here right now

>> No.24171123
File: 107 KB, 626x547, yv0wthdjx5w41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your voice is hot
still i'm going to try to get better at english and although i can understand it, read it and write it, speaking it is the last part i need so i am going to practice. as i said the previous anon streams in english 1 or 2 times a week i will still practice off-stream

>> No.24171162

>what the other streaming platform getting shilled here was?
that was Zylphe shilling trovo as the next streaming website to take over twitch

>> No.24171170

Listanon you better put him (my nigga Boseph) in the list, ya hear?

>> No.24171195

My nigga Boseph has shooters.

>> No.24171303

its not that bad imo, your fluency is a decent bit weaker than some of the other posters here but the accent is about on par.

>> No.24171305 [DELETED] 

>more submissive and domesticated sounding than any babi ITT
I don't think it ever got to 90, and there was a writing style to a good portion (not the majority, but a lot) of the posts starting shit. I know he's your nigga though.

>> No.24171306

Seconding the anon who said your voice is hot, leverage that for your model design. Don't do a generic twink pretty boy like the vast majority of male vtubers out there. Your inflections are good at least, which makes you a bit easier to understand than most people with accents that thick.

For off stream practice, reading books out loud will help.

>> No.24171649
File: 146 KB, 1662x883, 34634256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a week and a half ago an anon posted some of the better performing males that were live at the time to compare design traits and i noticed this dude had a pretty impressive ccv of 250~, kinda interesting to see the numbers trail off after the debut high, is 6% retention of debut average to be expected?

>> No.24171883

No, he's a popular artist who had the support of other popular artists. There's no set percentage of what to expect as far as retention goes.

>> No.24171968

If listanon doesn't put Boseph on the list I'm going to be very, very disappointed in them.

>> No.24171985

to elaborate, there was a good number of replies in chains that had similarly obvious but not catastrophic failures with basic English that an adult native speaker would not have, ranging from misuse of idioms and clumsy use of punctuation to using incorrect plurals or prepositions.

>> No.24172061
File: 415 KB, 635x357, 1132141014547851781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already have my model, maybe i should make it a little thicker. well i think it looks somewhat decent. but if i'm going to read out loud a little more, i'm going to read aloud.

Thanks anon I appreciate your input

>> No.24172107

My favorite development in /asp/ has been the poster who uses the word board instead of thread.

>> No.24172119

What webcams y’all rockin? 720p is fine right, the lighting is what matters?

>> No.24172164

Laptop webcam. 720p. Very usable with good lighting.

>> No.24172178

damn I said it wrong! I meant I'm going to read more with my voice!

>> No.24172219

Yeah, that's probably MY NIGGA BOSEPH.

>> No.24172235

remember that fan art of ain getting dicked

i think i found my nigga whos doing the dicking

>> No.24172243

if you're not using an iphone, every other kind of cam is basically the same

>> No.24172253

surely not hes the eldest of fags

>> No.24172261

The Logitech C920. Yeah, 720p is as low as you should go and high FPS and lighting help a lot.

I just shaved my mustache in hopes that my mouth tracking will work better going forward... having Samson-style anxiety over here. Pls pray for my babyface

>> No.24172310

Say it ain't so! I thought that guy who sounds fifteen and has a million peepee le frogs on his channel was /ourguy/...

>> No.24172328

I use the Logitech c920. Caps at 30 and 1080p I believe but if you download logitech G hub there's a "streamer" setting that actually uncaps the framerate to 60 and you can increase lighting and other qol stuff. Made my model go so much smoother after tinkering.

>> No.24172470

>Caps at 30 and 1080p I believe but if you download logitech G hub there's a "streamer" setting that actually uncaps the framerate to 60 and you can increase lighting and other qol stuff.
This was the one piece of Logitech bloatware that I haven't tried yet, thanks anon. I could have sworn the specs said I could get 60fps when I was shopping for the thing but hadn't seen that in practice yet.

>> No.24172523

i got the older version, gonna see if it works

>> No.24172581

please update when you do, I have the older version too but can't test since I'm moving and my shit's all packed away

>> No.24172654
File: 248 KB, 1407x962, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be zooming with the best of them in no time.

>> No.24172712
File: 464 KB, 1269x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what vod views of a queer with 1k followers and 100 peak viewers looks like???

>> No.24172783

No problem!! Actually found out about it myself while scrolling through tiktok to get research for reps. It also works with mics and keyboards for other stuff so you can ignore it, but the webcam stuff is definitely the de-facto positive.

>> No.24172867

I thought you guys were supportive of young sounding guys

>> No.24172891
File: 649 KB, 598x444, WELCOMEBACKBABYTOTHEDISCOFIRE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My laptop webcam

>> No.24172989

Ones that are worth supporting, yes. Boseph doesn’t need our support. He’s a real nigga.

>> No.24173086

This problem goes a bit beyond merely "young sounding" for my nigga broseph, but I'm still supportive of him!

>> No.24173088

>6% retention of debut average to be expected?
for most chuubas it will be 0% retention. the western indie sphere is notorious for supporting debuts but very quickly forgetting the very next day.

>> No.24173208

Aw man, I feel like a fucking moron. I bought the C920e under the impression that it could do 60fps just like the regular C920.
I wanted to buy a second cam for handcam purposes in the future, but I guess I'll be doing that sooner than I initially planned. Nuts

>> No.24173474

Why do you want 60fps on a webcam that is never seen? Depending on the tracking software you also don't want it to be too sensitive so 60fps would probably be a waste of resources.

>> No.24173579

All of the other advice that I've read said that 60fps would offer better tracking, and just based off of my experience with 30fps (really more like 23 fps) in vtube studio I would believe it. Could've just been the mustache debuff wrt mouth movement tracking issues. We'll see.

>> No.24173887
File: 83 KB, 314x380, kPHW4k7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love /asp/ies!

>> No.24173912

i got locked out of my alt goodbye aspcoord 3 i wish you guys the best

>> No.24173936

goodbye friend

>> No.24173992

try joining again

>> No.24174053

i mean I could but it would just be another alt with the same name. I'm just hesitant to join as myself rather then as anon.

>> No.24174060

love mashi!

>> No.24174108

Oh an alt account? Can you run two discords at once?

>> No.24174157

You can on desktop, dunno on mobile.
