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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24126538 No.24126538 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else notice the trend of people who used to Oshi Ame becoming Nijiniggers ?
First Walfie, but now, there's this guy who used to make really good, long, plot/theme driven clip compilations for Ame.
Checked him out again recently, nothing but nijiEN content all year.
What gives, is Ame the most "nijiEN" of the the holoEN girls ?

his old ame clips:
Amelia Watson's Amenade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln1aZSRbr8A
Ame and Gura are connected - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1itdhjmUDo

>> No.24132832,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wishful thinking by OP. Typical Niji cope.

>> No.24126760

I'll fit into you narrative and give my story. My oshi used to be Ame until I stumbled upon Enna Alouette from this exact clipper you posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VhBJuvFoe4 the video in question

>> No.24127131

Not sure what you mean by Ame being the most "NijiEN" out of HoloEN.

and even then I thought that'd be Kiara, at least given her interactions with Pomu and even the other Lazulight members on occasion

But I will say that, as someone who's been watching NijiEN more often nowadays, Ame has always been the one I've come back to the most out of all the HoloEN members. Especially with her recent Elden Ring Streams where she's clearly having a lot of fun and it's fun to watch as well.

She's always been my favourite out of them and I was even membered to her at one point and still most likely would be if I wasn't such a Broke Ass Nibba.

Btw there's also another clipper on YT called Marron who used to primarily do Hololive Stuff (who also used to have an Ame pfp if memory serves me well) but has since recently primarily uploaded NijiEN stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj5pTHyTVD-f7OQgu8WYAKg/videos

>> No.24127273

That Amenade clip is prime example of what people mean by "old Ame".
Watching this, it's no wonder she got so many gosling
Completely different person from who's streaming today

>> No.24127310

Go back

>> No.24127324

How did she change?

>> No.24127345

I used to be a tako before watching not!Pomu

>> No.24127380

do you even watch her streams?

>> No.24127446

I never liked Ame and I loved Lazulight and never watched them again after ethyria/fagxiem happened since they destroyed everything I liked about nijiEN.

>> No.24127528
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Ame's just not that fun to watch. People like the idea of Ame, a vtuber who's funny, plays what she likes, can drop good banter with other girls, etc.
Reality is though she's grumpy/tired a lot, barely collabs, doesn't like her chat and her game selections have sucked for a long time. Why hold out hope for that 1 in 6 great stream when you could just watch Enna or Pomu for the craving?

>> No.24127540

No, I want you to spoonfeed me.

>> No.24127621


>> No.24127666

Tribalfags will never be able to comprehend relatively higher effort fans switching to <the less popular thing> because they have zero introspection and all they see is noombers.

>> No.24127706
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>Ame's just not that fun to watch.

>> No.24127721

She lost her hunger and gratefulness, and realized her fans are cringe.
In the beginning you could feel the gratitude just oozing off her.
This girl just got a second chance at life and she was NOT going to squander it, and you could tell. She was loving it
And then, i guess the high wore off, she realized she doesnt have to do anything at all to keep making the money and her deadbeat mom leeching off her got her depressed and she just never climbed back out that pit

>> No.24127760

Ever since Enna made that silly tomato carrot analogy I've been able to apply it in a lot of places https://youtu.be/__3I8eTWyHU works well here with Ame too, which makes me sad bc I used to god the fuck out of her

>> No.24127825

You seen her recent streams Anon, she's actually a lot of fun to watch contrary to what you say.
Especially her ER Streams, which I'd argue are better than the other ER Streams imao. Simply because she's just having fun exploring the world and trying out different moves/weapons/strategies etc rather than just sticking to a single build/strategy.

>> No.24128155

Switched from Ame to Pomu during Ame's post Coco's graduation decline. I have no regrets.

>> No.24128278

>You seen her recent streams Anon
Yes I've checked out some since ER addiction like everyone else. Ame's streams aren't anything special it's just a girl playing ER for the first time. Fun if you're still in the lovey-dovey part of following Ame and think everything is amazing like you are....but there's already plenty of those vods I can watch from Noel/Lui/ already. Her playing through a game others have finished isn't enough to make me think 'Oh man I need to follow her streams closely again!'
I mean damn, you're the Amefan here and the way you sold her ER streams is 'she explores around and tries different weapons'. That's such low standards for people not stuck in a small bubble of vtubers.

>> No.24128570

Just look at Pomu's face. Look at her stupid fucking face. Look how silly she looks. Listen to how she goes into a fever dream every stream. Why would you watch anyone when Pomu is stream?

>> No.24128615

I'm legit curious where all the OG Teamates went to. I see so many names I saw in Ame's chat from 2020 in NijiEN chats these days.

>> No.24128745

I watched NijiEN for a while, but the dudes turned out to be more obnoxious than I could possibly have imagined.

>> No.24128848

literally me stopped watching ame like 10 months ago i dont catch every pomu stream but shes still feels like 1st month pomu albeit a little unhinged

>> No.24128954

Not sure what standards there could possibly be when we're talking about Anime Girl Streamers here but okay.
You're free to have that opinion though, but I still find Ame to be the more endearing/enjoyable one here imho.
Plus I just like the idea of (and watching) someone who's never really been into Souls Games before (like Noel herself has btw) get really into this one, especially when it's an Open World Game which Ame's usually a fan of (as shown by her Oblivion/Fallout Streams in the past). It's juat fun desu. Not sure how else I can sell it really, and I don't plan on trying too hard to really.

>> No.24129241

Imagine watching bishi anime dudes when you're not gay or a woman

>> No.24129473

Remember when Ame used to appreciate her viewers? What the hell happened?

>> No.24129683
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>Not sure how else I can sell it really, and I don't plan on trying too hard to really.
The thread's asking why people drop Ame and I answered. You then replied talking about her ER streams and I replied explaining why they're not winning anyone over apart from people already happy with her content. There's no need to sell anything, I only answered you because the content you recommended I've seen and know it's not what people miss about her.

>> No.24130199


lying faggot

why are you like this? jealousy?

>> No.24130217

The thread was more about the potential pipeline between Ame and NijiEN rather than just people simply dropping her desu but alright.

>> No.24130326

Nijishills and their one-sided alternative, a tale as old as history.
If we omit an addition of 6 new vtubers to the HoloEN branch, pretend that there's some kind of overlap between the audiences by cherry-picking random clippers and posts from catalog (but we'll conveniently ignore that there's zero funnel between them, even one-sided), and cement it out with stating that *insert NijiEN girl* has exclusively good streams, it turns out that people are abandoning Ame in favor of Pomu/Selen/Enna/Uto/Your Mom.

>> No.24130382

Lying about what exactly? Walfie actually liking NijiEN members and doing stuff for them as well?

>> No.24130432

Based, same here

>> No.24130470

OP's a tribalfag that's trying to talk shit about walfie by implying he switched sides when the dude just likes vtubers on the whole. Shit, he's not even just a corpofag he watches indies all the time too.

>> No.24130547

once u get a carrot then ull want a tomato. its not the carrot that u want its the desire for it. and enna fuck u and ur clips retard kek.

>> No.24130705

Idk that didn't really sound like 'shit talking' to me, but yeah in reality Walfie's just a good old Chuuba Enjoyer and Unitybro.

>> No.24131308

Because at any moment some fag could invade her stream screaming POGGERS, telling terrible zoomer jokes or just being unpleasant in general

>> No.24131559

When they first debuted, the large majority of NijiEN's audience were curious HoloEN fans. As for why some have switched, it's just a common thing in streaming as a viewer. There are so many options available, that you are not obligated to be chained to just one person. Are you bored? Just click on another stream and see if it clicks with you. I started as a Holo only viewer and eventually reached out to other people outside of Cover.

>> No.24131867

Oh God remember pop on rocks?
> Take it slowly this book is dangerous

>> No.24131954

You have men on your mind.

>> No.24132081

>investigaytors are actually into men
Not really surprised

>> No.24132340

Why did you answer your own question?

>> No.24132768

They are fanbase worshipping a cute girl playing games and you say they are gay?
The only one into men here is you since you are obessesed about getting their attention.

>> No.24132832

Yeah, what was Walfie thinking, making also models for Niji? Don't you know that you can only like one group, and it's literally physically impossible to also work with the other? When he made the smol Holo models first, that meant he signed a written contract in blood that he will from now on forever only make Holo stuff and cannot work for anyone else! Sorry, that's just how the rules work, as determined by me, a random tribal schizo that's definetly not a minority of the fanbase

>> No.24133419

And Pomu have them on her stream

>> No.24134016

to corroborate OP, i used to watch only Ame out of HoloEN. Over the following three or four months after debuting though I was really burned out on a lot of Hololive, started watching more Nijisanji stuff (reps paid off). By the time NijiEN came along, I had stopped paying attention to Hololive altogether, apart from clips that pop up on Twitter from time to time.

>> No.24134301

The first few months after Myth debut, I watched Ame the most. Her thanksgiving parade really sold me on "La Creatividad" but most of her gaming streams were painful to sit through. There's only so much gremlin I could take.

For the first half of last year I became a clipwatcher until Obsydia debut and after realizing Niji EN had actual interaction with their viewers on chat, I never looked back.

t. Ryuguard

>> No.24135675

please type better you little dummy

>> No.24138155

The only thing keeping me tied to HoloEN at this point is SNOT and Ina.
Everyone else is irrelevant

>> No.24138217

If former teammates become pomu fans, what happens to former deadbeats?

>> No.24138258

Cuckbeat/Nijinigger unholy alliance deflection thread

>> No.24139272
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Selen is just the better Ame. La creatividad extrodinaire

>> No.24139526

Niji is more clippable because of how often the boys are in vc with the girls. Even the girls alone get more clippable moments because of the sexual things they say.

>> No.24139570

walfie only really dropped holo chibis because irys' design caused him to have a mental breakdown, maybe he'll be back for gen 3

>> No.24139661
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>> No.24139690

is irys ever getting a new custome or anything really?

>> No.24140179

I wasn't subbed to neither Ame or Pomu and YT still used to throw me more NijiEN recommendations than HoloEN. So blame Susan I guess.

>> No.24140309

Ame is fucking crazy that's why. Her anger is scary and unhinged, I stopped watching when she kept punching her keyboard, when the pain hit she calmly said "I think I broke my finger" and ended the stream. Yep, I'm fucking done with this crazy bitch is all I could think

>> No.24142561

Walfie likes vtuber, ame was his gateway into them, he just branched out onto others, he's currently a big fan of a bunch of twitch ones.
And before you start being tribalfags, he made another Walfie ame and a lazulight one year ones as well, the man is not a tribalfag so cut that shit out already.

>> No.24142896

wtf, niji is winning the algorithm war now?
on the side note, i think youtube changed the algorithm at some point, i am actually getting recommend stream from some small indie now

>> No.24142992

Man you nijishills aren't even trying anymore.

>> No.24143470

>First Walfie

>> No.24143806

>YT called Marron
>Check uploads
>first niji clip was less than 5months
The reason for this one is pretty easy, the clipper is a woman
but even beyond her horniness for 2d men she found Rosemi, Pomu & Selen in her life

>> No.24144049

What stream?

>> No.24144311

they drop watching vtuber 4ever
Mori is actively decreasing the fans numbers

>> No.24144328

God I hope not
fuck those ugly chibis

>> No.24144442

Wow another faggot schizo thread

>> No.24146838
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The winners don't need to shill brony.
Now go watch your boring whores.
Oh wait, they don't stream.

>> No.24147290


>> No.24147886

Are you gay, anon?

>> No.24148989

Pastor Jerry my oshi

>> No.24150656

True, and tbf that first clip was indeed of Selen herself.

And I neglected to mention that for a while they also had a Millie pfp before changing it to the current Rosemi one.

>> No.24151131

I don't remember any particular stream where that exact thing happened, but there's been several moments before of Ame raging over a game then either banging the desk or smashing the controller/keyboard in said rage.

It's pretty much always been a meme concerning her, as the so-called 'Toxic Gremlin Gamer', but nothing too serious of a problem either.
I mean imagine not getting at least a little frustrated when struggling in the middle of a Game you're playing.

Plus it's been happening a lot less in her streams now recently as she's mellowed out her rage quite a bit since. Anon's just concernfagging desu.

>> No.24153095

Im sorry anon but im not into dicks like you

>> No.24153389

fucking based african christchad mogging holobronies

>> No.24154456

Lmao has anyone looked at his streams? It is absolutely insane. He is standing infront of a massive stack of money and speaking in tongues or some shit and the superchats just keep training in.
Also one of the pink superchats I saw Said "the lord have shown me mercy this is my evidence of HIV negative" with real name and pic attached lmao

>> No.24154576
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>> No.24157185

Apparently a bunch of Teamates ended up becoming saplings, not sure how that happened.

>> No.24157437

pomu es la criatura creatividad superiora.
verificación no requerida

>> No.24158063

chiliax and shiniax i always hear in one of the lazulight girls' superchat readings (i think more so pomu) or also in selen's SC readings. even tho walfie did do lazulight for a good 3 months, he's switched on over to indies.

>> No.24159981

walfie is 24/7 on koragi's streams he has good taste on choobas

>> No.24160088

People like things and move on to other things all the time, expect them to do otherwise and stick with the one thing we like is just tribal talk.

>> No.24168811


>> No.24168975

You made it up in your head

>> No.24169603

>i am actually getting recommend stream from some small indie now
Oh hey, I thought that's just me. Maybe because I've been watching smaller JP chuubas, most of my recommended now are 2views and 3views.

>> No.24171120

Not just Amelia, early NijiEN audience mostly was Holo tourists branching out, people was curious at the time. It's just digital trend or product circle, the general pubic got bored and moving out to other platforms over the time, leaving behind the loyal fanbase who only sticking with their favorite chuubas.

>> No.24171340

This is true but you need to express it with more vitriol or no one's going to believe it.

>> No.24174271

>Cured the man of his HIV
Truly the best oshi. Pastor Jerry LOVE!

>> No.24174432

Majority of NijiEN fanbase during the Lazusydia days were Holobronies, whenever a HoloEN would overlap a stream with NijiEN, the livers would lose hundreds of viewers. That doesn't happen nowadays though so the EN schism is permanent now.

>> No.24175000

I want to see Selen perform at Nijifes then we'll talk.
