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24045329 No.24045329 [Reply] [Original]

Is it gonna happen?

>> No.24045525


>> No.24045659

Yes, the threesome with me is going to happen.

>> No.24045714

>Is it gonna happen?

>> No.24045790

moona needs more friends anyway so why not.

>> No.24046155

>moona-nee, lets do offcollab in indonesia!
>sure, lets me check your travel permissi-
>*moona sweat profusely, producing hot steamy sweat*
/ringo/ bros keep winning

>> No.24046187

That granade on her waist for Palestinian children right?

>> No.24047755

mooner love her sister

>> No.24047970

Never unless Nikki take syahadah.

>> No.24048634

What? Indonesia is perfectly fine with Israeli passport, i think you confuse us with Malaysia

>> No.24048655

nah she use the bat for that

>> No.24048884
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>mooner ignore her jewish sister

>> No.24049159

Your average indonesian hates Israel
Schizos were malding over Moona's vodka, imagine if they knew about this.

>> No.24049295
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>even listed nyori senpai as one of her goals
She is really trying to get into Moona's circle

>> No.24049734

true. i really want to see them collab just once though. just because i'm curious how most of her fans handle it.
although it's nearly impossible for her to do that.

>> No.24049971

>Jews meet Indogs Mudslime

Bloodbath it is

>> No.24050053

>bring world peace
the judaucity

>> No.24050166

>Bring World Peace

>> No.24050371
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>Bring World peace

>> No.24050434

Even if moona wanted holo management would block it.

>> No.24050663
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but why? the other nyori sisters are fine collabing with Moona

>> No.24050751

Other nyori family is not jews anon

>> No.24050842

Not going to happen. Hololive always takes a safe approach.

If they really do a collab, here's what gonna happen:
Some ID fans are furious, the collab gets viral on facebook and a bunch of non fans joining in to brigade the collab. Then they proceed to boycott the Holo ID and start a smearing campaign against them in the mainstream media. The whole Israeli agency will be brigaded by those "fans" spamming Palestine flag and insulting the jews. In the end it won't lead to any graduation, but it will create unnecessary drama and will taint the Holo ID brand forever, not when Holo ID is dominating the ID market right now.

>> No.24050860

Moona had had multiple religious yabs before, she's not gonna risk making one again.

>> No.24051047


>> No.24051126

>bring world peace
she is a privileged jew isn't she? start by moving out of the middle east, jew.

>> No.24051194

Haha no retard

>> No.24051410
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>> No.24051489

I don't see the red one..

>> No.24051588

Hiyori is jews, anon

>> No.24051737

And this >>24050860

>> No.24051956

But what if Moona collabs with Connor

>> No.24052124

they are

>> No.24052161
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>> No.24053512

Israel is the red one.

>> No.24053711

nikki is a good girl, moona is a whore.

>> No.24053752

I dont intend to drag this into visa topic but they did reject some due to 'reasons'. Not gonna prying that topic but likely difficult to offcollab

>> No.24053823

>No red in map
So isreal isn't real at all

Also we don't have any israeli embassy here in indonesia kek, isreal visa isn't real too

>> No.24053876
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>> No.24054025 [DELETED] 

I do understand why people hate jews, but people have not actually interacted with those shitty garbage Palestinians.
They are the WORST people on this planet, also if you're American or from a nice European country then most of (You)r tax money is going to them and their camps as "support"
They are the literal definition of subhuman beggers and every time Israel bombs the Gaza strip I sleep like a baby knowing that those garbage Muslim cunts are dying like mutts on the street
the only thing I hate Israel for is that they made them come onto my fucking country, we literally have more Palestinians here than natives and it pisses me the FUCK off

>> No.24055325

Remember when Indonesia banned Israeli visitors back in 2018, then they reciprocated? Then a month after both sides lifted the ban?
I'm not an expert on international relations but it seems like Visas don't always require an embassy, Indo christian religious tourists have been visiting Israel for years. Seems like they can use a third country's embassy or something?

As >>24053752 pointed out, the visa thing doesn't really matter tho, lots of other factors blocking a collab anyway.

>> No.24056041

Moona's an Indonesian Muslim, how do you think it'd work?
>collab starts
>the prayer call starts blasting in Moona's place
>"Insallah you filthy jew"

>> No.24057535


>> No.24057750

>Seems like they can use a third country's embassy or something?
Yeah, Palestine. Then from Palestine Indonesian could go to Israeli cities because Palestine actually have diplomatic relation with Israel.
Shit was confusing to me.

>> No.24057783

meant to reply to

>> No.24059353

And then they rape each other.

>> No.24059899

>prayers calling start
>"Sorry I will mute, I'm afraid you hear the calling then you will have the urge to demolish muslim settlements and beating the praying muslims in Aqsa"

>> No.24060265

Yeah, it will happen just after the next Mana Renewal collab.

>> No.24061159

anon, that's palestine

>> No.24061210

which will never happen, collabing with Mana at the time like this just as bad

>> No.24061310

Another 1 week ban or instan graduate

>> No.24061371

haachama is more likely to collab with her sister than this
she already made fun of Mohammed beforehand

>> No.24061476

>she already made fun of Mohammed beforehand

>> No.24062967

In your dream

>> No.24063032

I dare her to say in public that she's an Israeli in Indonesia.
God knows what could happen.

>> No.24063082

Either she's a leech or she's trying to cancel Moona.
Moona wouldn't be stupid enough to do a collab with a jew, and if she refuses Twitter will cancel her for being Anti-Semitic

>> No.24063105


>have a collab with nyori family
>added indonesian time on their website https://idol-company.com/

>> No.24063232

Historylet here. What does Indonesia have against Israel to the point it affects the possible relationship with Moona and the new sister?

>> No.24063345


>> No.24063388

do your reps

>> No.24063464


Jews and Muslims just naturally hate each other. Jews hate Muslims because they’re surrounded by them and Muslims threaten to blow them up. And Muslims hate jews for stealing Palestine and btfo of Palestinians who are mostly muslim

>> No.24063504

Indonesia is mostly muslims. That should be self explanatory.

>> No.24063571

Top kek

>> No.24063771

Not really. Jews and Muslims have been living side by side for centuries.
When the Spanish inquisition happened, a lot of Jews sought shelter in Muslim kingdoms. Also, when the Jews were kicked out of Europe by Hitler, they were welcomed by the Palestinians. Now, look what happened.
Muslims hate Zionism not the Jews.

>> No.24063867

>Also, when the Jews were kicked out of Europe by Hitler, they were welcomed by the Palestinians
lol, lmao even

>> No.24063921
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>> No.24064078

anon, you've eaten too much propaganda...

>> No.24064446

palestine are the first country that acknowledge indo independence , so...

>> No.24064502

I'm Indonesian , Indonesia and ID vtuber love Israel
So I think their collab will be happening soon

>> No.24064766

If a "Rohis schizo" didn't do something bullshit like dumb "Jihad" thing with Spam & Propaganda on a Socmed...

>> No.24065015

>Fearing the antisemite label
For during the end times; Rocks and trees will callout to Muslims and say, “O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

>> No.24065155

nice larping retard

>> No.24065279

>Indonesia and ID vtuber love Israel
did you just pull this statement from your ass?

>> No.24065374

Where do you live? i want to report you to FPI so those sandniggers wannabe can be of use other than disturbing us.

>> No.24065405

its egypt and palestine didn't even independent until 1988 do your reps

>> No.24065486


>> No.24065759


>> No.24065805

no wonder

>> No.24065981

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

>> No.24066809

Ah, yes the Australian cumdumpster.
