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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2389042 No.2389042 [Reply] [Original]

>The normie rrat that vtubers are mostly watched for kids may be real
>Fortnite kids are cooming to the lesbo cowtits
>They may be also lurking here

How do you feel that gen z is also on the demographic of your chuuba?

>> No.2389361

>oshi spends atleast a few minutes talking about how she wants to be a mom
>reads bedtime stories and basically calls fans her children
Unless they’re based like I was and had a mommydom complex, no

>> No.2389432

I'd much rather associate with zoomers than millennials or gen x idiots

>> No.2389519

Yeah I'm thinking gen z is based

>> No.2389565

>horny 15 years old kids attracted to anime character with huge tits
Color me surprised

>> No.2389595

I fucking hope not, because it will mean they will keep watering down their content in order to not get demonetized by Youtube.

>> No.2389599

Sigmund Freud definitely joina the membership

>> No.2389665

millennials are fucking insufferable, gen z humour can be cringey, but surrealist humour is so much better than "hurr durr I have no agency in life please kill me"

>> No.2390541

Well, my oshi is actually young enough to be my child, so, really it's a process of accepting that zoomers are the target demographic for more and more stuff in general.

>> No.2390577

I imagine that sheep gets a lot of minor viewers

>> No.2390589
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>I have no agency in life
You don't.

>> No.2390650

If anything I think zoomers are the majority of the western fans, considering they keep calling chuubas older than 25 hags.
Isn't 25 the cutoff for millennials now?

>> No.2390654

Zoomers are Millennials 2.0 in their attitude and any "hot takes" some may have are stolen from Gen Xers. You have no real identity as a generation, sorry kiddo.

>> No.2391058

So have you outed yourself as a boomer, anon? There are idiots in every generation. If you fall into the trap of blaming a generation for the vocal minority of visible idiots that speak the loudest, that tells me you're more of an idiot than the ones you're complaining about.

>> No.2391522

Noel makes me sad. It hurts knowing that there are women like her out there, everything I want but lesbo.

>> No.2392197

As long as the checks don't bounce or the credit card gets declined, then it's all good.

>> No.2392423

The sheer thought I can be mommydom by Noel cuz I might be 5 years younger than her and others cannot seeth for it makes my dick rock hard already.
Ffs what are you looking for in vtubers if your not in the age range of your oshi and cannot think you could hop to japan and date her if you're lucky enough to find her, except if your oshi's is into old men like Fbk.

>> No.2392442

They may love Noel's tits but I dont think they actually want to fuck their mom anon.

>> No.2392582

Im genz :/ guess you are just becoming an old ranting man... Feels bad man

>> No.2392740

why does this board exist, havent been on here for a while

>> No.2392917

Noel loves shotas so she's intentionally attracting them.

>> No.2392953

containment board for a containment board

>> No.2393067

Good, leave.

>> No.2393163

eat shit pal

>> No.2393235

Like there's a little bit of hope.
I sometimes feel like the fortnite generation is going to be so pozzed that they'll be the ones demanding vtubers be banned for being "Coomer garbage" in the near future.

The fact the conditioning that every facet of entertainment, education, and social media has been pushing on them clearly isn't working on them is a ray of hope that things may someday return to the norm.

>> No.2395304

My oshi isn't Noel. I don't watch lesbians

>> No.2401787


>> No.2401799

Kiara confirmed ths in one stream.

>> No.2401871

Just because she is a lesbian doesn't mean she doesn't love you like a mother
You will never fuck her so really, count your blessings.

>> No.2401921

superchatters are weeabos in their late 20s early 30s with disposable income, and if gen z are here they are based

>> No.2401925
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, sdkosdoksokko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this. Hopefully Mommy Noel teaches them good.


>> No.2401997

Some of us are in our mid 30s too.

>> No.2402015

I don't read chat so I have no idea what demographic is watching

>> No.2402035

>purest holo
>zoomers love her
Are zoomers, dare I say... based?

>> No.2402085

Pure in what reality anon? She makes sexual references "by accident" all the time, is into shota and does the crazy girl act, sometimes not an act.

>> No.2402130

I don't see why so many people struggle to accept the fact that zoomers are the ones who watch the most YouTube and YouTubers by extension. It's just a matter of free time, the only people who have more free time than your average high schooler are NEETs. And more clipfag high schoolers exist than NEETs. The official Hololive R*ddit is also populated heavily by minors if Coco's meme reviews are anything to go by. I think it's fine if kids enjoy vtubers as long as vtubers don't feel the need to change their content to appeal to them.

>> No.2402141
File: 87 KB, 612x612, 1466888646303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't watch her
>talks shit about her

>> No.2402472

I know the cope already anon, she won't collab with men so that must mean she is a pure angel right? Problem with that is her camwhoring is selling her body for cash, and she also uses her avatar's tits for the same purpose. There is little doubt she has done the same irl. Face it bitch, your oshi is a slut by any sane standard.

>> No.2402853

>as long as vtubers don't feel the need to change their content
fucking lol you must be a newfag

>> No.2402880

To appeal to kids, I said. Not Susan. Reading comprehension reps, now.

>> No.2402887

what's it like not watching all of Hololive? you're missing out on a lot

>> No.2402904

watching dozens of streamers regularly just to stay loyal to a company is sheer mental illness

>> No.2402914
File: 2.75 MB, 1659x2500, __shirogane_noel_and_shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_blood_hood__dcb0d4ccd1911163f061f5e81c4ca428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother watches noel on my laptop because she's on my recommended page all the time.
One day I opened my image viewer and saw that all recent files were noel porn I had saved and hidden. I wasn't the one that opened them.
What the fuck have I done...I turned my little brother into a fucking degenerate...of all the things he could have started jacking it to...
I was considering confronting him but I have no idea how to handle this...

>> No.2402924

based brother

>> No.2402958

like I said you must be new

>> No.2402971

Pure in that she doesnt have a twisted nasty negative personality, despite all her hardship

>> No.2402984

Name 1 (one) Hololive member that's actively adjusted their content to appeal to children. Mori toning down her swearing is the absolute furthest it's gone.

>> No.2403025


>> No.2403054

She hasn't, though. Unless you took the "hero to children" meme seriously and think Resident Evil is a kid's game.

>> No.2403229
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, pekora_hero_kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's le meme

>> No.2403342

That's not what it means to be pure you dumb fuck.

>> No.2406452

Not so little anymore lol

>> No.2406654

>my oshi is a whore so all other chuubas must be whores too
The absolute state of NTR fags.

>> No.2406729

Jacking off to huge tits is the least degenerate thing out there bro. You've kept him from discovering the true yabai in the world.

>> No.2406833

It's anime tits though.

>> No.2408343

Just direct him to Noel's roommate.

>> No.2408387

>What the fuck have I done
Created someone with based tastes
Show him your favorite noel porn

>> No.2408414

Yes, and?

>> No.2408438

Don't let her know that he watches though or she might start trying to contact him

>> No.2408608

>is into shota
need knight mommy to sexually bully me and call me good boy.
t. zoomer

>> No.2408712

Based older brother sharing based taste atleast you didn’t turn him into a fucking furry or some shit

>> No.2410270

Why don’t people just save it on a google drive when they lend others their laptop? I always wonder when I hear things like this

>> No.2410499

>kids think they invented the kind of "lol random" humor that 4chan was making fun of fifteen years ago

>> No.2410744
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_kitsune_neko__bf77e1c2a91a2d0af72a1e321eadbbb9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it never occurred to me that my brother would WANT to look at titties until I realized it happened and I was like. "Shit he's 11 now".
Most of it is tit and ass pics of holos that I use to bait (you)s on here. So it isn't so bad that I'd want to hide it at all cost. But I saw that almost all of the recently opened files were pics showing off noel's huge rack.

>> No.2411021

When he gets his own laptop, you can "accidentally" give him a flash drive full of your favourite pics, I'm sure he'd appreciate it

>> No.2411117

Porn isn’t healthy for a young kid, so I would try and keep him away from it. As long as he just likes tits, he’s good if he doesn’t overdo it

>> No.2411157

the duality of anonymous

>> No.2412895

Eh, as long as you keep it to blue board pics and either talk with him or not shame him for it, I don't think it'll be bad.

>> No.2418217

I'm a big Noel fan but top heckingkek! Your brother will become a fat-ass who's into bigger or mature girls and before he realizes it he'll be 20 and alone with his righty as his only friend because he never tried approaching girls his age or younger and the older ones always thought of him as "cute" and as a friend only.

If you want to save your brother, try to accidentally forget a Gura folder on your desktop, maybe he can still be saved.

>> No.2418235

Oh, it's not your cousin this time ?

>> No.2419562

>your 11yo brother first fap wasn't loli
Yep he won't get laid, 11 is already pretty late to start getting into lewd territory anyway.

>> No.2420359

I would bet money on him actually getting all sorts of fucked up if he had started any earlier.

>> No.2425936

Cunny is love
Cunny give life to us
But stop the bullshit
from your mouth now
Cunny and cunnyseurs
a match of nature are
Shota and Cunny
Is tranny woke shit
to harm the Cunny
KYS tranny
KYS shotafags
Cunny is for the men
The men whose brain
Is working on Cunny

>> No.2427526

i first jacked off when i was 8

>> No.2427571

And now you're posting on an image board for lonely people who watch cartoon girlfriends.

>> No.2427574

it's pretty obvious which holos are just playing it up for yurifags, for example everyone except for miko
