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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23889401 No.23889401 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Mori Calliope?
Her early work was a little too... wigger for my tastes, but when "UnAlive" came out in '22, I think she really came to her own, commercially and artistically.

>> No.23889451

Like 80% of her songs are pretty okay, can't stand her as a streamer though, so i pray she is never in a collab.

>> No.23889462


>> No.23889697

no she lacks any self awareness and her songs are always either about how much of an underdog she is or how hard it is being at the top/how much harder she works than other people

>> No.23890140

is this the /vt/-/tv/ embassy thread?

>> No.23890264


>> No.23890351

It's amazing how she kept rapping about all that shit, then she slowly revealed onstream that her parents are loaded and that she learned how to drive in a ferrari. She has 0 self awareness.

>> No.23890428

You have to be loaded to move and live well in fuckin Japan.

>> No.23890458

well yeah she also literally rapped about how she was taking constant vacations to japan. she is completely privileged and from big money

>> No.23890597

Never been pay check to pay check or on food stamps or on the street or whatever other shit your typical rapper deals with, I mean if she did grow as white trash she might have some sense.

>> No.23890735

i mean i dont necessarily care if a rapper comes from a rich background.
the problem is she constantly puts herself up on a pedestal while unironically complaining about "privileged white private school fucks" in her music

>> No.23890859

She pulled a Vanilla Ice but difference is he got clowned on so he stopped acting like he was from the streets and shit but since Calli is in weeb music, no one there to clown her and make her stop.

>> No.23890974

>but since Calli is in weeb music, no one there to clown her and make her stop
Yup her target demographic is literally the "I don't normally listen to rap but..." crowd

>> No.23891134

People who limited knowledge on rap is most basic shit that on top charts for Spotify and Youtube and maybe few artists everyone knows but they're too lazy to look outside their niche.

>> No.23891479

Also doesn't help her music is overproduced, too many instrumentals along with over doing layers and music drowning out the vocals along with reverb or autotune, sad part she's decent singer like if she just sung regular songs that didn't have all that with no rapping, she be fine.

>> No.23891517


>> No.23892464

I hate her as a person and vtuber but I like her music. UnAlive was absolute trash though, it's crazy she wasted so much time on an entire album that was just shit. Red absolutely mogs it.

>> No.23893023

Everything Mori does is proof that Cover has no black employees or employees that are familiar with certain shit. Like the fact that none of the managers told her shut the fuck up when she tweeted about drinking lean is a strong sign.

>Mori comes from money and might be an industry plant.

She pulled a Taylor Swift.

>> No.23893063

>I hate her as a person and vtuber but I like her music
have you ever just sat down and read her lyrics

>> No.23893139

>Okay, daughter. Don't dilly dally.

>> No.23893163
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Hey anons!

>> No.23893197

How can you like that music?...I rather listen to her talk than listen to her music.

>> No.23893368

mori's rapping SUCKS

>> No.23893439
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>> No.23897151


I never knew that, did she say what her parents jobs were? I don't get how you grow up rich and come out so socially maladjusted. I've met well off kids that were rude, lacked empathy, or aloof, but never someone as cringe and socially awkward as calli.

>> No.23897247


>> No.23897359
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She's, uh, she's okay.

>> No.23897394

I think people got baited by her debut with the supposedly shitty small apartment and crappy computer that couldn't play most games and the whole breaking down at the red superchat wave.

>> No.23897398

Maybe you're just seeing her when she's coked up and tryharding to play a role.

>> No.23897504

her grandparents on one side are rich but cut her family off so any time not spent w/ her grandparents she had a pretty normal upbringing

>> No.23897541
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>> No.23897690

Wow deadbeats are dumb who would've guessed.

>> No.23897801

she went to one of those schools and had an absolute hellish time because of class difference. personally i think its fine to be mad about being horrifically bullied for years but nothing can be done about it because your tormentors give the school a lot of money. but thats just me

all her japan stuff and music ventures and shit were self funded. her grandparents sound like fucking loser boomer narcissist weirdos

>> No.23897877

>he actually believes this

>> No.23898157

Everywhere she goes she gets treated like shit, her school, every job she ever had, her "restaurant job", etc.
Everyone savvy has realized why people end up treating her like shit. She's not a pleasant person to be around.

>> No.23898250

Don't forget her former "friends"

>> No.23898334

I thought this was going to be a goofy meme thread, but it just turned into another anti thread.

>> No.23899132

it was supposed to be but sadly we can't have anything nice around here

>> No.23899248

They're a Japanese company, what would you expect?

>> No.23899586

Mori's too black sounding for me.

>> No.23899637

Hi, Calli, how was your day?

>> No.23902604

You're retarded if you think any thread outside of splits isn't an anti bait thread.

>> No.23904237

Actually kill yourself

>> No.23904371

What? Timestamp?

>> No.23904426

Her grandparents deserve to be strangled

>> No.23904476

I'd like her music if it was wigger-ish.

>> No.23906780


Why would she want to roleplay being socially autistic? She's not acting shy or slightly awkward, it's genuine cringe and severe awkardness. If you watch her rm collabs she's like that all the time, is she roleplaying then too?

>> No.23906837

Yes anon, media figures are playing up acts when the camera is on and they don't act like they do off-screen.

>> No.23906958
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Hey Migo

>> No.23906999


I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not, but I'm saying that both her hololive and roommate personalities are genuinely cringe when talking to other people. I don't hate her or anything, I just find her hard to listen to, especially in collabs because she comes off as very socially awkward/doesn't know what to say/tries too hard. I can't tell if you are coping that calli is actually not awkward off stream, because people dont pretend to be THAT awkward unless that is specifically what they're going for, which she isn't.

>> No.23907233

she's not Kanye

>> No.23912112

yeah because she's mori

>> No.23912329

her voice is ass and so i would rather not see her in any of the collabs
also sucks at rapping

>> No.23912400
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>> No.23912641

