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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23819662 No.23819662 [Reply] [Original]

Alia's New Outfit Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to talk about Indonesian VTubers in general, but not just about their streams. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber scene, whether it be rumors, numbers, market analysis, debuts, graduations, etc. Please maintain your budi pekerti here.

>So, /#/ but ID?
While we can talk about numbers here, we shouldn't focus on numbers only.

>Is this an Indonesian containment general?
This general aims to be a place where Indonesians could talk about Indonesian VTubers freely and politely.

(Very) Recent happenings:
>Tsuyu Hortenshia will graduate today (May 7th)
>AOI ID Gen 2 will graduate tomorrow (May 8th)
>Alia Adelia got a new outfit
>Mythia Batford paused her donothon stream due to mental exhaustion and bocils and antis shitting her livechat
>A month after her debut, Kobo Kanaeru continues to incline
and more! Tell us if you know something!

>> No.23819863

>Mythia Batford paused her donothon stream due to mental exhaustion and bocils and antis shitting her livechat
so what did they say?

>> No.23819909

Which local corpos will last and which one will crumble like cyberlive?

>> No.23820049

I want west papuan vtuber
The local accent is great

>> No.23820076

Bocils doesn't understand that you could sleep in a donothon, so they called her lazy for that. Also, the usual "lonte" comments. Note that before starting the donothon, Mythia only slept for 2 hours. The lack of sleep might broke her mind. Here's her tweet about it: https://twitter.com/MythiaVTuber/status/1522170926783418371

AOI ID only have 2 talents now. Will they survive?

>> No.23820122

alia cute

>> No.23820257

OP here, remember the person claiming to be Esme's ex-boyfriend? Here's more tweet of him.

Also fuck, forgot to link previous thread: >>23651441

>> No.23820263

I think all ID chubas most collab with HoloID to make them relevant and growth.

>> No.23820308

ow shit here we go again.

>> No.23820375


>> No.23820433

bapak kau pinoy,

>> No.23820438

Does anyone else feel like Zeta is the most indie-like of the ID3? Even Kaela feels more like a Holo than she is?
Zeta just seems like the weaker streamer, she's decent but doesn't excel at any one niche. While Kaela and Kobo have both found their niche.

>> No.23820486

Zeta is your normal Holo, being cute and panders to men

>> No.23820528

Is she GFE?

>> No.23820605

not yet.

>> No.23820606

Ignore the schizo

>> No.23820805

Agreed. Some of them always talk of being discriminated but most actually are indifferent towards them. even I take a liking to them because they looks jolly and fun. Soon hopefully, not just papuan but eastern people needs more representation in the whole entertainment industry.

>> No.23820847

How's the weeb scene in eastern Indonesia, anyone knows?

>> No.23820877

With the success of HoloID3, do you think they will go with ID4? Will they go all out on the Kobo success appealing to the indonesian normie market or will they play it safe? Maybe someone with strong accent (Jawa, Batak, Sunda or something else I don't know)?

>> No.23820947

Do you think if Zeta becoming a full fledged GFE she would be as successful as say, Rushia?
Is there going to be a lot of drama from local fanbase?

>> No.23820959

If only they can found another Kobo, you're Coping when you said Kobo is only popular cause she only speaks indonesian, but the reality is because She's cute and actually talented streamer.

>> No.23821011

>appealing to the indonesian normie market
Which is ruled by males
Also Holos cannot get away with yuri-baiting and coomerbaiting the higher they go up.
There's also Religious schizos (I assume mythia is harassed by them)

>> No.23821039

finding another Kobo is like finding another Gura/Pekora, there can only be one per branch, they may find a Mumei/Marine though.

>> No.23821057

it's safer to mix the talents. get one that can appeal to indonesians, one that can appeal to foreigners, and the last one is up to management. just hope that Cover can find someone like Kobo

>> No.23821064

>AOI ID only have 2 talents now. Will they survive?
That looks bleak. If somehow an investor is willing to take over, like Luthfi with Virtunix, do you think that they will survive?

>> No.23821071

weak assumption, try harder

>> No.23821205

Anon, you need to watch her debut stream, also she already interacted with holostars it's already too late for her

>> No.23821279

This begs the questions, how does small corpos gets funded? Is it from investors or rich CEOs? Or external investment?
Wibu rohis harassing Mythia sounds absurd yet realistic. Though, she toned down her content now. Not surprised if Mythia is rent-free in their heads.

>> No.23821321

>all these "someone like Kobo" posts
There's only one Kobo if she gets another kouhai that imitates her or is similar to her, there will be some drama.

Speaking about Kobo, she has unique circumstances. She attracted many IOPs and I saw these viewers bleeding out to other ID chuubas.
I was in Andi's karaoke and saw mantra hujan mentioned by chats.
I checked their names on vtdata and wesave they're new.
I never saw them before, I thought the overlap only exist with NijiID and NijiEN. So I was wrong

>> No.23821363

Look at /v7/ they knows about that fact but it doesn't change the fact that they still halu'ed her.
Also the amount of Korean thirsty for her is enough reason for her to become a GFE vtuber.

>> No.23821480

while i agree she has the potetential to be great GFE chuuba. It all comes back to her wheter or not she wants to do it.

She probably has discuss it with m-chan or something

>> No.23821501

Kobo is unique, but a corpo like Cover will surely try to replicate the success of her. I guess it depends on wether they find another talent like her or not. Watching her talk about the audition and her story from when before debuting she's a rare find, and I don't think they will find another talent like her. I bet she'll get a lot of copycats by the end of the year, wether it's indie or from other agency.

>> No.23821526

Zeta is Chloe 2.0 but nothing happened.

>> No.23821554

GFE is a recipe for disasters if not managed correctly.

>> No.23821557

she has a lot of room to improve as a streamer

>> No.23821565

On the topic of GFE, is there any different from the "Japanese Idol but streamer" and selling GFE?

>> No.23821587

>how does small corpos gets funded
the same as how small to medium enterprises gets their funding. It could be ranging from the owner/CEO funding it fully from their pocket money to attracting external investors.

I read a rrat that back when Cover was still small, they got a round of funding from Japanese banks and investors. In ID, Andi said that Maha5 is some kind of joint venture with Edy (the boss) as the biggest investor. For smaller agencies I think it's from their CEO's pocket money, that's why some of them are problematic because of lack of money.

>> No.23821611

>Wibu rohis
>Why is this thing exist? What sort of mental gymnastics they do to justify their weebness?
The questions i have always wanted to ask but never do because I'm a pussy

>> No.23821618

It reminds me how Milyhya kickstarted the "bright subtitle + funny edits + playing with friends" style of videos years ago in the Indonesian gaming YouTuber sphere. But, most of these YouTubers cannot replicate Milyhya or even SovietWomble. It ain't easy.

>> No.23821723

Wibu rohis is just like sunan kalijaga but for weebs

>> No.23821811

escapism from their strict parents with conservative teachings/values. a friend also said that being a weeb is a form of indirect rebellion for them

>> No.23821825

makes sense
but it is still weird for me and idk why I always found people like that whether in HS, college, and workplace

>> No.23821912

Not weird at all, after all Indonesia is Muslim-majority and we got weebs since the 90s if not earlier. It's the same as those trad Catholic Americans who watched animes.

>> No.23821929

zeta still has that small streamer mentality and vibe to her. give her some more time

>> No.23821950

>Replicate milyhya
Because the imitators don't have friends like garit, mojo, mas oddy, remi, okto, (I don't remember all of the asylum gang)
garit is not conventionally attractive but I would fucking simp on him if he's a vtuber I don't care for his real face or his fat belly kek, not just that I won't stop making yaoi fanfic of Garit x Milyhya, IF they're vtubers

>> No.23821963

Tell me, what form of Indonesian entertainment is actually still watched by Millenials and zoomers?

>> No.23821968

rohis kids are a bunch of underachievers in social lives and some animes panders to persons like that, simple as.

>> No.23822041

kek I'm not sure if we consider Kobo's audiences as "niche". She is as normie as ID vtuber can be.

>> No.23822208

Selebgram real life drama?
Damn teens nowaday are either weebs or kpopfags

>> No.23822248

yeah I meant "strength", niche was the wrong word.

>> No.23822390

Speaking about him, i can't believe he know about HoloID, could that be his join Rabbit Hole like us ?

>> No.23822430

>i can't believe he know about HoloID
Huh? Where and when?

>> No.23822503

my assumption back then is they were more into normie things, or just casual enjoyers, not a hardcore one
maybe this >>23822208
some of that I know are more into sports, Netflix, disney+, online games, kpop

>> No.23822572

He's a weeb, of course he knows. I still miss his anime koplak lyrics series, a shame he deleted/forced to delete it due to copyrights.

>> No.23822588

anon, did you know Ustadz Maulana was using Dragon Ball opening song as Lecture ?

>> No.23822597

Talking about weeb, I know we should just watch what we want but still, this kinda bugs my mind. Is it just me that treat chuubas as streamers but with avatar instead? I'm more of a kpopfag and quite disconnected with weeb culture as a whole (not a series/film watcher in general) but I also don't watch 3DPD streamers somehow.

>> No.23822659

Garit is a Chad, that's why

>> No.23822724

i saw it on Facebook Video, he was Call his Old Friend who become a VTuber...

>> No.23822828

Ah yes, that UCL misheard lyrics is my favorite too...

Please Real Madrid Won UCL Trophy

>> No.23822835

You can check this clip

>> No.23822867

I rarely watch him
too loud and sometimes cringe
but thanks for the insight
it is up to you as long you are not a being schizo or annoying

>> No.23823441

Dumb Question, why troller/numberfags always compared HoloID with NijiEN ?

you can see every bait thread always like that
>HoloID seethe NijiEN
>NijiEN not like this

DESU, i feel every baitposter in /vt/ is more like Nijifags VS Holofags at all

>> No.23823454

Oh? Oh! Now THIS is what /warkop/ is for
That's his old friend
>That model
>Issa literal cat with a girl
Goddamnit why can't people pick a normal vtuber model...
>milyhya knows Hololive
manca for Holostars ID, when?

>> No.23823498

>Holostars ID
DESU, I prefer AT LEAST 1 GUY from Indo join Holostars EN
it could be better!

>> No.23823549

>HoloID with NijiEN
Why are you asking here, go ask /#/
Just kidding bro
I honestly don't know what happened. Isn't it just HoloEN fans using HoloID? But sometimes I saw Kobofags joining in too.
I don't know
I have always feel like the Kobofags that I saw in /#/ are the same NijiIDfans with their local market blabbers and arguments

>> No.23823629

Recent Kobo's stream absolutely wrecks NijiEN number and also those two companies are the biggest vtuber companies right now, some shit flinging are to be expected

Speaking about Nijisanji, what are your opinion about the dissolution of ID branch that coincidentally happens at the same time as ID scene is inclining?

>> No.23823634

Get someone like Bonni, isn't Bonni a former gaming YouTuber?

>> No.23823679

yeah, i guess so
it's really annoying baka
not only that, Nijifags also doing a same thing if they're inclining, especially Vox...

dang, i hate bring this topic to this thread

>> No.23823684

>Holostars EN
No no no no no
It will be full of tactless faggots like NijiEN
I mean I like fujobait and yumebait but they're doing it wrong, I don't know how to put it... It's just.. not subtle and off-putting
I don't like Western guys

>> No.23823917

Imagine KPop ukhtis coming in droves to a male Indonesian VTuber. Would be fun to watch.

>> No.23824028

Kobo speaking Indonesian is one of the main factor tho. Let's say Kobo with that personality is speaking almost full English like her senpais, I'm sure she would be like Ollie. She would blow up in her honeymoon phase and then after the hype died her fanbase would decline. She would be branded Gura Lite, while no one would call her that in her current fanbase. She would still have more fanbase than her senpais but not 10k+ ccv with no sign of stopping like now.

C'mon let's not call each other coping here, claiming that she succeeded just because she speaks Indonesian is wrong, but claiming that she succeeded just because of her personality alone with her language choice do not play a part is also wrong. It's the combination of both.

>> No.23824031

Jap idol but steamer: streamer who sells their journey to the stardom preferably also can dance well/ has the willingness to improve their dance e.g. Suisei and Sora
Gfe streamer: streamer who pretends to be your girlfriend e.g. Lamy and Rushia

>> No.23824092

one thing i know about NijiID got merged is **AnyColor Totally F%CKED UP**
you can see thier decision after that, like Luxiem join Bilibili, Merchandise, etc
I think soon or later AnyColor will following upd8 as result
yeah sorry for being discriminate to Nijisanji, i dont want to be pessimistic, but i cant throw that away

That's what i wanted, or maybe bring something **NEW** rather than following other formula

like, come on...
no one in VTubers making a content like RADAL or even classic review like Caddicarus or AVGN

is there no option except that thing ???

>> No.23824115

>He doesn't know Milyhya used to be HoloID and NijiID gachikoi with his second account (asep bensin iirc)

>> No.23824153

So blue & kusogaki is also big factor for ID vtuber to have big number.

Wonder if yandere type (like rushia) or awkward type but great in game (like aqua) will be success in ID?

>> No.23824178

HoloID was the runt of Hololive branches so now that they're achieving success, people are comparing them to NijiEN

>> No.23824335

People will always enjoy good gamer's stream dunno bout Yandere tho maybe if they are Onee-san type

>> No.23824359

gamers is possible, people do like esports especially mobile games. But I doubt they care about yanderes at all.

>> No.23824368

I think we understand now about the ID market, if we want a successful vtuber breaking into the local market, they have to copy the gimmicks that makes the ordinary youtubers popular in Indonesia. Because it turns out the average viewers doesn't care much about the difference between vtubers and youtubers. What matters is their contents.

So to answer yours, ask yourself, is there any popular ID youtubers doing that kind of things?

>> No.23824380

Kobo is Unique, no other ID chubas can replicate her succes by just panders to Indonesian, she's just Cute and actually funny that explain why she got many EOPs on her fanbase while she speaks like 75% ID all the time, bizzarre isn't it?

>> No.23824441

as far i know EOPs on Kobo Fanbase is actually KFP, most of them...

>> No.23824448

EOP Kobofags are certified Pedophile, but they're Based

>> No.23824480

Saw some anon said in # thread few weeks ago said that Yagoo/Cover is really getting away with lucks. I started to believe it's true with the addition of Kobo to ID lineup.

>> No.23824498

That's what I'm saying. She is cute and genuinely funny, that's a fact. If she's pandering to overseas fans like her senpais, she will end up like her senpais, still bigger than her senpais but not as big as now.
And it's been proven that speaking Indonesian alone won't get you anywhere if you're not as entertaining as Kobo.
So it's the combination of both, the stars are aligned for that kid.

>> No.23824502

No, but they pretty much overlapped with ID1,2 EOPs.

>> No.23824541

Nah, this >>23824502 anon made a lot more sense.

>> No.23824576

>cute & funny
Reminds me Sena also carries her agency with her cute and funny so much that its gen 2 basically become a cunny gen, right?

>> No.23824596

i only watch holo id (kobo, moona, reine) so i dont know about another ID vtuber.

but i know is really hard to find vtuber type like pekora & gura who success globaly

>> No.23824666

Yume Reality is virtually a pedo agency now.

Btw, is it true that Sena is a real 12 years old like her father said?

>> No.23824705
File: 20 KB, 522x588, images-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milyhya is a male kusogaki with a dirty eroi mouth

>He doesn't know
If you're a male prepare for a potential cringe
Look at the chats

>> No.23824929

DAMNNNN, i love warkop more than that iltv or what was it again, cheers

>> No.23824944

I can't fucking believe someone can be horny to Mily. Also, I forgot Maha5 fujos exists. Now I remember Andi and his harem.

>> No.23824959

i want alia to collab with moona

>> No.23825027

so that means Holostars ID would be Real ?

>> No.23825054

No, in any chance.

>> No.23825088
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don't you guys think /warkop/ should have it's own divegrass soccer team?
the next vtl is on September, i think it'd be fun

>> No.23825098

Mobile game Holo will be a success. Free Fire, Mobile Legend, PUBG Mobile are the biggest game in Indo

>> No.23825106


>> No.23825109
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>> No.23825160

>male chubbas
cant imagine he just going rampant and act like douche on chubbas community on day one, too schizos

>> No.23825197

>Free Fire
>Mobile Legends

>> No.23825198


>> No.23825216

I Think it Should be happen...

also, how TF u put Anime Model to PES/eFootball ?, i wanna know!

>> No.23825265

Probably not. Look, rather than being a male chuuba, be a YouTuber like Valrius Sinica and analyze shit about the chuuba scene. Maybe talk about chuuba history a la Depressed Nousagi.
Yeah? I think this thread is related to Mythia and Mine.
Too normie. PUBG Mobile is fine, but Free Fire? Just, no. Although, there's a chance Kobo will play it for the lulz.

>> No.23825281

If Cover want to break the ID market even further, those two games is a must tho

>> No.23825297

PUBG Mobile is a good pick

but Pripayer & ML ?

I Prefer HoloID got contract/coorperate with Game Dev in Indo as Voice Actor or something like that...
it's gonna be good!

>> No.23825302

How does he do now? I don't remember his name to lurk his channel.

>> No.23825346

I know for a fact that Kobo will eventually play mobile games like that, it's popular for a reason

>> No.23825357

I know, that's why i think Holostars ID was Impossible to happen

>> No.23825395

Yasumu Ameka? Well, he's a 2view, nothing much changed

>> No.23825411

Zeta is pretty cute

>> No.23825443

calling out anycolors bullshit isnt in itself hating nijisanji or its livers, i fucking hate upper management but i love the livers.

>> No.23825513

that's what happen with Kizuna Ai at 2019 back then...
looking AnyColor like this makes me worried about their talents...

>> No.23825532

I bet when internet was a new thing in Japan, there were also a lot of toxic netizens there just like Indonesian netizens now.
Remember that most Indonesian first exposure to the internet is only in the last 10-15 years, it needs some time for those internet noobs to behave. For them to realize that they're not 100% safe behind their screen to do what they want to.

>> No.23825542

need more dedicated memes

>> No.23825713

no, japs has their attitude lined up since young, even when they are new to the internet, but dont get you wrong, toxicity are still there, tho its on adult timeframe

>> No.23825739

so are a lot of indies.

>> No.23825800

japs repress their toxicity, but goes all out when they go anonymous.
or when they decides to an hero

>> No.23825852

I disagree, zeta is exceptional. Her cute design, her voice buff, her contents, her scream when she's scared...

>> No.23825952 [SPOILER] 
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is Comic Frontier 15 soon at September there will be Hololive Meet ?
if not, is there anything else except AFAID ?

>> No.23825989

her laugh is also glorious

>> No.23826045

>>23825106 ? What's your point?
Andi's chat is normal for his gaming contents, his mods are more lax and forgiving in female pandering streams like ASMR and stuffs.
Maha5 mods are amazing unlike HoloIDs and NijiIDs
Remember that Ollie's rant toward "can't speak English" spammers? She need to take care of the spammers and lecture them on her own, she fucking exploded. Such thing won't happen in Maha5.

>> No.23826102

Now you mentioned it I know several ID indie chuubas stream that game frequently but is there any big name who do that?

>> No.23826123

sure, cuteness isn't objective though, I'm just stating I feel like she isn't *that* much different from an indie.

>> No.23826149

maybe because they are 2views, the chat is not that fast, if we talking about holo here everyone wants their attention even some chubas became attention whore on their chats.

>> No.23826156

That's because their current generation of vtubers watchers is already the second generation of being on the internet, so they're more educated on how to behave on the internet based on their parents previous experiences. I do remember reading the shits happening in Japan in late 90s to early 2000s, where internet became a cesspool there.

>> No.23826161

anykara had big losses in the pandemic that they started cutting staffs and projects since the end of last year, including their virtual hostess service yumenographia, so they were rather understaffed, and with their recent decision in entering the stock market they had to make their financial portfolio nice to attract investors. cutting down underperforming branches like ID and KR and dissolving them under the main branch would solve many of their problems as they can cut expenses, gained manpower from the overseas staffs, and hide the overseas branches bad financial under the well performing main branch financial report among other things.
however this merge just too rushed, looks like they are aiming to finish all the legal and financial reports before this year's japanese golden week, which can be seen how unprepared they are despite the big change. while on the other hand ID market were surprisingly inclining during this time, it's already too late to cancel the merge process and all, making NijiID unable to use the moment well, even their 7th wave were cancelled. that's just plain bad luck.

>> No.23826199

Maya Putri play Free Fire back then...

but HoloID, it's really hard except LOL Wild Rift & PUBG Mobile

>> No.23826211

Are you replied to the wrong Anon?
How's that relevant to this post? >>23824944

>> No.23826234

>Bad luck
More like a series of bad business decisions for years to me, fortunately they hit gold with Luxiem

>> No.23826240

pardon me,
>Maha5 mods are amazing unlike HoloIDs and NijiIDs

>> No.23826274
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Hello I'm a weeb in training, could anyone tell me the weeb conventions tier in Indonesia? I don't know which one is big and which one is just some kind of fan projects.

>> No.23826298

I mean chuubas who're well-known for their mobage streams like Aqua and Hal for their APEX

>> No.23826327

mio already foresaw this, no surprise

>> No.23826372

This tho, ID and KR are paying for JP mistakes most notably nijifes and fantasia, remaining ID and KR fans better pray that chinkflu won't fuck JP revenge events

>> No.23826442

People talk about how ID and KR underperformed, but until recently no one tied it up to Anycolor's IPO. Thanks for the analysis, anon.
True. But, if we ever have a divegrass team, who would you choose to be the team members? Mythia and Maha5 are good starters.

>> No.23826454 [DELETED] 

all of sudden AnyColor was doing bad moves...

one thing i dont get it is why AnyColor just pick Luxiem as their first step to enter bilibili ?
I know they're Popular among Fujos, but why not First Wave or even better, PUT 'EM ALL (NijiEN) to bilibili ?

>> No.23826479

What are you talking about? They do that kind of things was not because they're in loss.
They do that because they're going to do an IPO, it's a common practice for a company to sweep everything unprofitable or barely profitable business practice under the rug to make their financial report looks clean to inflate their company's worth.

>> No.23826519

If you don't want this comfy thread raided by their fujos, you better stop now
Maybe take your discussion to /2343/ or /#/

>> No.23826566

Agreed, I don't see where that kind of discussion is heading towards ID vtubers.

>> No.23826618

Did you contacted vtl team yet? From my time with it, the hardest part is to confirm who is caretaking it, the rest can be managed once a chad stepped up for the challenge

>> No.23826678

okay anon, sorry coz im lil bit too far

>> No.23826801

What is /warkop/ opinion on dox channels and doxcords? I visited one quite recently, they have this system where you must grind for "points" to access certain channels by chatting and being active in the server. I remember that NijiID infos requires 12k points. It's funny to see Indo kids grinding for internet points so that they could read VTuber's dox. Even funnier to see that most of them are new fans.

>> No.23827010

>Tsuyu Hortenshia will graduate today (May 7th)
Now I'm sad Moona and Tsuyu never managed to collab


>> No.23827030

There's a Jingle Cover Competition by MAHA5 & WOWS

>> No.23827046

i want holoid 3D debut, especially moona its been 2 years...

>> No.23827068

technically they debuted in Holofes, and ID1 have debuted their Home3D so there isn't much pressure on a 3d debut now.

>> No.23827132

The 3d debut is more about them going to Japan and interacting with their senpais more than showing off their 3d models at this point.

>> No.23827168

regardless the merge reason, NijiID just lost their opportunity to use the moment of ID market incline.
by their usual schedule they probably released their (now cancelled) new wave around this time that could potentially gained benefit from the market incline. with the teased all-male casts they potentially could be ID's luxiem lite if they turn up performing well.

>> No.23827225

no no no... Free Fire and Mobile Legend Fanbase are too dangerous for chuubas who have fragile mental health

>> No.23827236

Also, 3d debut is when they have the stage for themselves. Now imagine Risu and Moona freely sings by themselves with full control of the stage.

also PekoMoon offcollab pls

>> No.23827295

Hololive is free of chinkshit like ML and genshin

I fucking love soimah

>> No.23827329

You could say the same for KR if you lurked /kr/ and it doesn't look like enikara would try again in both markets for the foreseeable future, that means the market is for the locals to take

>> No.23827450
File: 407 KB, 680x461, 1645765602322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about Niji EN and Chinese market now. ID? They want the IDs to graduate by their own volition.

>> No.23827510

yeah hopefully that will happen this year, it's really long overdue for their 3d concert.

>> No.23827591

In all seriousness, this confirms the importance of joint ventures in vtuber, the reason why niji get their share of chink market are all thanks to biilibili, a future ID operations must feature a local corp who knows what they are doing with the inclining local scene

>> No.23828116

anon virtualreal isn't exactly doing gangbusters on bilibili, Vox's 700k bili subs in one day puts him at above 2/3rds of the entire virtualreal roster. Joint ventures is not a recipe for success. Plus, Nijisanji KR is also technically a joint venture and we all know how that ended up

>> No.23828185

What happened to Nanarika?

>> No.23828222

Niji KR is doomed from the start, Niji bought them when they were already a sick agency.
Things could be different if say, Maha5 got a new fresh investor like Anycolor. Maha5 is way more competent and a fresh capital could make them going head to head with Holo ID, who knows.

>> No.23828431

Um, no one's gonna answer my question? I'm genuinely curious here.

>> No.23828491

Animetoku and CF is a good start i guess?

>> No.23828496

Retarded and that internet points scheme reminds me of some KR and CN webtoon sites

>> No.23828521

dont know anything bout that mate, i am literally living in the forest city

>> No.23828576

I only go to several conventions just for fun and never invested in the community since I can never relate to any of weebs in my social circle (given since all of them are basically wibu rohis)

>> No.23828614

I'm not sure either. The big ones are the likes of Comifuro, Ennichisai, and AFA ID. Maybe you have smaller, regional events held by local communities or even schools.

Some schools in my city have Japanese clubs and two of them have held Japanese festivals, although it's not easy for them to do that. You have issues such as funding, permissions with the police, residents near the school, to teachers, finding volunteers for the event, and etc.

>> No.23828626

DESU, it's kinda Hard to Explain...
Especially for me coz im not from Java...
But a most People Know are Big Event for Weeb ID is Comifuro & AFA...


>> No.23828647

NAH gitu dong
anyway, who likes funkot?

>> No.23828704

Uhh CF maybe? since AFA MIA and Enichisai pretty much dead since covid begun

>> No.23828835

shut up jukut

>> No.23828844

>feature a local corp who knows what they are doing with the inclining local scene
Maha5 is a japanese agency from a japanese company

>> No.23828858

arent comifuro got their last convention in 2018 or something? and there will be no more

>> No.23828987

this may be an indonesia-centered thread but it's still 4chan. consider yourself lucky we're spoonfeeding like your goddamn mother

>> No.23828988

>All these bitter posts from NijiIDfags on this thread
Aaaaaaaaa save me keviiiiiinnn

>> No.23829110

Man, i saw /ehe~/ thread really messed up
WTF just happened ?

>> No.23829219

>ehe~/ thread really messed up
dude, let us refrain from discussing that thread ok

>> No.23829251

Koboschizo. They are either a Pinoy shitposter or an Indo facebookfag. Don't interact with them.

>> No.23829255


>> No.23829290

Makes me wonder why do they migrate from kikebook to here

>> No.23829393
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1648556190861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLYSHIT warkop Bros are we failed at making this a containment thread?
This is why you shouldn't let moonkeks, zomkeks, and NijiIDniggers in the same thread. Oh wait... Why is this thread relatively schizo-free?

>> No.23829498


>> No.23829505

I'll bait this once it's because the perpetrators, surprise surprise, are not IDbros contrary to the popular belief of /vt/

>> No.23829516

Last time there's a few schizo migrate to this thread, so yeah...

>> No.23829585

B-but i am moonafags, and i am that >>23824959 anon

>> No.23829657

You know those "Banned VTuber Memes" accounts right? It's a gateway to /vt/ for them. They think that in order to fit in, they must shitpost and be cunts. They never set foot to other boards and they will be surprised to see that other boards are relatively polite, minus the slurs.
/warkop/ was not conceived as a containment thread, but rather as a place to talk about Indo chuubas. Someone suggested to make it in a NijiID thread iirc, and I suggested the same thing in a Mythia thread. And here we are.

Rolecall, who's your IDn oshi? Mythia.

>> No.23829709

die whorefag, because of you /moon/ fucked for months

>> No.23829754
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1610455737719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow MoonaCHAD here.

>> No.23829764

I know anon, my point is despite this thread having so many fanbases, this thread is way healthier than many HoloID generals
And the conclusion from previous thread lead to... You know
Btw you don't need to be offended by moonkeks, it's just a nickname for misbehaving moonabitos

>> No.23829775

Used to be Kanna then Chloe then Moona. Tried to enjoy Mine, Ranran and several others but I stop eventually and now prefer overseas chuubas like NoiR and Uruka except for HoloID

>> No.23829791

you're confusing it with ennichisai. the last ennichisai was 2018 and no longer held after that because they couldn't find any suitable new venue

last comifuro was 2020, right before pandemic season started, then there were couple of virtual events afterwards that featured some ID vtubers as guests/hosts. this year there will be offline event again on a new venue because the old venue were out of business due to the pandemic, but idk if they will feature vtubers or not.

>> No.23829857

oh, someone who also watches NoiR
I subbed to her because some anon promoted her in this board

>> No.23829870

Those banned vtuber memes gonna screenshot you wkwkwk

>> No.23829955

is okay im used to it

>>23829754 (picrel)
the fuck kekw

>> No.23829985

hows kanna doing? because she had huge fanbase too no? im curious if shes an indie or agency

>> No.23830031

I regularly post /vt/ links in fb comment section whenever hololive topic comes up. maybe it has something to do with that

>> No.23830053

seems she is busy with IRL job

>> No.23830061

U forgot tiktok

>> No.23830075


>> No.23830105


>> No.23830109

Rolecall ID oshi.

Risu Moona Reine Zeta Kobo.

Used to be Risu Moona and Siska, but not anymore.

Disclaimer: i found some other ID chuubas to be kino as well, though not my oshis, like Kanna, Sena, Shia, Taka, Esme, Boni, Siska, and Mika.

>> No.23830113

iirc she's indie, i also saw a bunch of narrative that she's actually emigrating from indo

>> No.23830139

>He's confessing about his containment breaching crime
To the usada concentration camp you go... This Anon needs rape correction

>> No.23830155

really? i always thought shes doing SNMPTN, highschool graduation and stuffs. I mean, my sister are, and the time aligns.

>> No.23830172

I might be the only one here who watch Anya and Kaela

>> No.23830187

lmao this guy is based.

>> No.23830191

I am seriously considering hanging you by your neck.

>> No.23830216

Yeah, I have also known her for some anons here. Her streams are the most comfiest stream that I know even if it's only last for an hour everyday 2 if you count b2
She's Indie and the last time she streams (about 2 months ago iirc) she said she's busy with irl stuff and since she's a wagie, I bet she won't stream anytime soon
Where does this rrat come from? Qrd?
are you sure you don't mistook it as Shia? Kanna is a wagie iirc

>> No.23830229

Why are you doxxing yourself? Are you retarded?

>> No.23830242

I don't watch Anya but I watch Kaela

>> No.23830246

crime?? why?
we have more friend to shitpost with. also bocil will be filtered, since they wouldn't under how to post here

>> No.23830272

Moona, Reine and Kaela

>> No.23830310

no im actually speaking out of my ass here. oghey anon.

>> No.23830312

Kaela is really funny, maybe her charm only affect oldfags like me. I know most of you are ~18 yo or younger

>> No.23830340

Im watching moon and kaela. as for kaela im kinda turned off on her debut, but she's one of my fave now.

>> No.23830351

those who breached the containment deserve the rope

>> No.23830404

Yopi and Epel

>> No.23830441

faggot.. come on

>> No.23830464

yeah, good interaction and healthy chat is rarely found in holoid. my humor also clicked well with her.
I used to watch Iofi now and then, but seems like everyone forget abt her after the new ID debuted

>> No.23830491

used to be iofi, but after id 2 debuted, i just stopped watching all vtuber related content and the on that made me fall in love again is kobo

>> No.23830562

did iomis event ended yet? with the clip art studio

>> No.23830574

so you think you mushbrained retard.
go run a suicide bombing attempt with your entire family so your shit genes will be exterminated from this world

>> No.23830642


I watch Kaela and sometimes also watch Anya. Kaela is my favorite in ID3 even I'm not sure why I like her

>> No.23830758
File: 108 KB, 850x1133, 1650465978588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, i watch kaela stream for skia moment

>> No.23830786

Surprisingly, i follow all HoloID Member...

>> No.23830883

>Containment breaker
Please buy a rope, make a noose with it and kys

>> No.23831026

I never get Yopi appeal but many of my friends irl really like her but I bet they're just a clipwatcher

>> No.23831169

Sorry, Moonafic, but I love Moona. Moona antis can go fuck themselves.
They won't lol
For the love of God, contain yourself.

>> No.23831234

are you that one guy who mald over Mika because she drinks on her stream yesterday? if yes holy fuck you are a fucking retard kekekekek

>> No.23831241

Moona, Risu, Anya, Kobo, Kaela, Nara, Ejak, Boni

Moona and Risu took my priority to watch when overlapped or ejak when he stream Niji&D

>> No.23831347

^this is your fault, anon
hope you regret what's you have done

>> No.23831353

>Drink on stream
What really? What kind of beverage that she took? Based if it was some local one like tuak, arak or ciu

>> No.23831395

no its amer orang tua

>> No.23831465

i'm not sure. i didn't watch the stream yet.

>> No.23831497

ah, classic & cheap
finally, ID chuuba who drinks on stream

>> No.23831507

Ah, woman... but I will go watch the VOD later after I finish with Shia and Zeta

>> No.23831594

she did? are there any backlash or just chill?

>> No.23831598

>finally, ID chuuba who drinks on stream
where have you been anon? ID chuubas has been drinking on stream for ages now, especially on twitch

>> No.23831641

it's technically traditional medicine, you won't get drunk from that with small amount. just like tape and durian.

>> No.23831670

I think Moon have shown vodca bottle on twitter before, kinda sure it's true

>> No.23831689

aren't mika viewers are EOP? Indo viewers basically don't know or don't care

>> No.23831699

NTA but I rarely go to twitch? How are they handle it? Are they act like how JP and EN chuubas when they drunk or just like underageb& at senopati every saturday night?

>> No.23831718

I don't use twitch and I mostly watch big names from Corpo

>> No.23831746

There's EOPs but Mika still have a sizable amount of Indo fans. For me, Mika feels like a more-energetic Hana.

>> No.23831749

but not on stream right, she also got some backlash from that tweet

>> No.23831750

that one dude gushing over her on kikebook surely care about her. but again, angry because of alcohol but enable coomerbait shit, such a double standard.

>> No.23831783

>vodka bottle on twitter
iirc the backslash is quite big?

>> No.23831868

>angry because of alcohol but enable coomerbait shit, such a double standard.
well that's basically ID viewers anon

>> No.23831888

Can't have backlash if they don't even care.

>> No.23831953

It's Indonesians in general, sex and (for some) alchohols are fine, but offer them bacons and they will speak of how it is haram.

>> No.23831980

Not as much as tebak agama vtuber iirc
Kek welcome to Indonesia

>> No.23831999

>angry because of alcohol but enable coomerbait shit
arent those typical of viewers with religious username?

>> No.23832073

don't forget about wibu rohis
>tebak agama vtuber
i still remembered the backlash very well...

>> No.23832107

Zeta won't be successful if she becomes a full GFE, being on HoloID avoiding interaction with men is nearly impossible.

I think Zeta just needs to not try too hard to look cute and practice her ponkotsu acting. Pon Zeta's acting is often not funny and sometimes even annoying.

>> No.23832110

i forgor, but most likely.

>> No.23832114

qrd on tebak agama?
is it from niji side?

>> No.23832126

Maybe Mika is Muslim inside that man's head

>> No.23832167

>tfw Bonni never got flak for it despite starting the meme
Bon, I know you are /here/, you are one hell of a motherfucker.

>> No.23832173

NijiID did that tweet first, followed by moona's alhamdulillah jesus thing i guess? not sure.

>> No.23832184

providing lonte entertainment but mad from being called lonte. That's why I only watch corpo vtubers.

>> No.23832225

boni and siska to be precise, they're the one who started that shit

>> No.23832321

I watch both of them, they're mature enough to fits my taste and being serious with their stream

>> No.23832344

But Mythia barely coomerbaits anymore. Try to watch her VODs if you are not filtered by the constant Apex streams. Yes, she's addicted to Apex nowadays.

>> No.23832372

what's up emak-emak komplek! what's the hottest and trending gossip for today?

>> No.23832375

She uses her PL personality with a little change in voice pitch. Maybe it's her being comfortable with streaming. Honestly, she is doing good. I like her bantering. Maybe we can wait until she can afford KU100 for the ASMR stream, her voice is so fucking segs.

>> No.23832391

>as successful as rushian
shes gonna need a long long way to go that far, but shes gonna shine with gfe

>> No.23832397

eh isn't that tweet replying to granny

>> No.23832478

is she still streaming with her boyfriend?

>> No.23832499
File: 73 KB, 720x1161, 1649162945153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See picrel
Think about it again this event was what forced Moona to stream mostly in english despite it's her third/fourth language. It was a blessing in disguise
Also I just realized Lyrica was always there when Moona committed a yab in the past... I missed their interactions and no, membering in birthday stream doesn't count
You will never be a sandnigger

>> No.23832505
File: 231 KB, 600x500, FLUaSy1VEAEo2Cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andi is a pelakor and gay, he destroyed my marriage with kururu

>> No.23832531

>wibu rohis
>watching Niji ID
doesn't compute.
They're watching Holo ID and Maha5

>> No.23832557

OMG gurl Andi is such a whore

>> No.23832594

Is it Keigo? They play Apex together sometimes. Akemi got "replaced" by Ari.

>> No.23832612

Of course it's Lyrica..

>> No.23832666

Andi is chad and gay incarnate. He would steal your oshi and sleep with Zen later, and nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.23832667

it was chill until niji ID schizos bring that shit to kikebook and riled up bunch of underage who were craving for drama. basically blown up out of proportion.

>> No.23832695

thanks anon, I was in the middle browsing my folder that consisted of 5000+ images just to search this image

>> No.23832725

Lyrica is no more, it's Millie now

Man, i miss her interaction with Moona...

>> No.23832728 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.43 MB, 3354x2175, 1630809593626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.23832768

as long as she didnt touch some religious topic, i think shes gonna be fine? also prop to her filtering her viewers with drinking stream

>> No.23832778

How about turn this to a /sea/ general?

>> No.23832798

I used to watch Iofi, left her after i sense her heavy favoritism against *that Kevin gang* especially during member streams during her early days. For now i mainly watch Anya

>> No.23832810

the fuck you on about, retard?

>> No.23832827

too far fetched, and also there are /svt/ already, aren't there?

>> No.23832833

i miss moona interaction with artia... ark part 3...

>> No.23832851

hey, the one who brings money get the love, ogey?

>> No.23832850

Do you like ywello?

>> No.23832861

Make your own then

>> No.23832888

I miss you but (sometimes) I hate you granny

>> No.23832908

Flips not welcome here. Too much schizo.

Also, OP here, should we make a new thread after we hit the bump? Any ideas on the OP image? Planning to use Shia.

>> No.23832918

>durr look at me im drunk hehe im so random and funni when im drunk durr
fucking cringe

>> No.23832931

seconded, she need a tribute

>> No.23832951

Use zen image

>> No.23832968

Dont forget Mana Renewal too, it's so sad they're can't collab again coz Political issues

>> No.23833000

Kevin the sea cucumber pays for her monthly gacha rolls, purisu andastando

>> No.23833011

which part that triggered your feminine inside faggot?

>> No.23833012

Unless we want to invite the Koboschizo, sure.

>> No.23833041

guys, tango or nabati?

>> No.23833040

sorry, anon, i too don't really like watching niji, but holy fuck you need to be some creep autist bastard if you mad over someone who drink on their stream.

>> No.23833042

Anon, alienating your fanbase is not good whatever the reason is. If Moona does that to Peter and Alfred or Risu to Six I think it will also filter me too
Eh really? I thought they don't collab, for now, is because Mana is busy organizing some rescue organisation/movement in Ukraine

>> No.23833068

Anon your reps...

>> No.23833072

>Flips too much schizo

is this a one of a few reason why there's a lot Threads being Chaotic ?

>> No.23833095


>> No.23833107

The last time we continue the thread it turned ugly.
I vote for weekly threads, at least until we can make it stable enough then maybe we can make it twice a week, but I'm not into everyday thread.

>> No.23833108


>> No.23833131

you dont bring money, you dont get love. your +1 view, +1 like and +1 comment is nothing. money is.

>> No.23833194

I will make a second thread for today, but after it I will not make any more thread until maybe Wednesday.

>> No.23833197

Kek yea i know that rules, just upset because she alienated 98% of her viewers for those guys and her old streams always revolves around them.
Is he still around nowadays? I rarely seen the old names except minyak sayur

>> No.23833206

me again. but im sure they're at least thankful for helping their algorithm.

>> No.23833226

I'm curious did you guys archive Moona's earliest unarchive stream especially when she sang some Indonesian song? I want to hear her sing seberapa pantas and sahabat sejati

I always laugh at Moona's tweets, her earlier tweets are so unhinged, she talked about her weird conditions, and also talked about her favorite booze lol, too bad ID can't do drunk stream, except for Mika on her twitch, but that's because the change of management

>> No.23833267

I Saw diplomatic relations between Japs & Ruski are kinda messed up recently, maybe because Japs always follow what murica said. Besides, it's just my speculation, don't take it so seriously

Besides, let's just ignore that topic...

>> No.23833332

what happened to Sir Alfred btw? dude single handedly saved HoloID from ultraleecher back then, okay maybe not alone

>> No.23833354

We're read >>23832798 again talking about mengen here. I don't even bother to comment on public streams

>> No.23833365


Certified by Jolly

>> No.23833372

japan has always been burger's bitch since post WW2. they're as much liberal as burger.

>> No.23833383

New thread. Oh wait, we didn't get autosaged? Ffs.

>> No.23833404

>>23833354 (me)
Read >>23832798 again. We're talking about*

>> No.23833429

got new username, still lurking on id1

early fags

>> No.23833441

When the next thread dead I will make a /sea/ general. SEA UNITY!!!

>> No.23833470

>Stalking Moona's rm account
>DM to her rm's account and ask to get what Rushia gives to some of her biggest gachis
>Sperging out on mengen with his alt
That's how I remember it but cmiiw

>> No.23833514

>Is he still around nowadays?
Who? Kevin? The last time I know it looks like his oshi now is Mika, that was what I know before the merger announcement and she full leeching off Mysta. I don't think he hang out in ID1 streams that much nowadays, maybe he knew that some people doesn't like him getting too much attention.

>> No.23833554

That's why If Moona collab again with Mana for now, it would be attacked by SJW just because Political issue or even worse...

Maybe it's not "Apple to Apple" compare, but look how British Gorv did to Chelsea just because their owner is "Russian"...

>> No.23833561

everyone remember alfred but tend to forget that guy named grey miller. guy went out there getting jumped by whiteknights. it was fun watching their battle.

>> No.23833604

we're surrounded by globohomo. shame, really.

>> No.23833608

>that donation on kobo stream just now
ok which one of you sent it?

>> No.23833644

that one faggot from the previous 2 thread

>> No.23833652

That guy abandoned them when he got a better target from Vshojo didn't he? Some people back then already saw this coming and were giving genuine concern only to be treated as antis

>> No.23833660

why? something spicy? also you stalk kobos donos gateway 24/7 anon?

>> No.23833680
File: 9 KB, 843x94, schizosontheloose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it this?

>> No.23833683

>only 15k

>> No.23833720

This is why i always assume Our Society is Really F*cked Up

>> No.23833731

>maybe he knew that some people doesn't like him getting too much attention.
I thought this is mainly Iofi's fault.
Yeah I mean this thread has not yet reach page 11 yet
At least, OP should make a new thread after warkop reaches page 10 but I think I'm gonna sleep after this got archived

>> No.23833740

nah that nigger knew he was ignored so he moved into the next target. If HoloID/EN welcomed him back then, he would still collab with them to this day

>> No.23833758

They mad cuz ex-NijiID got no shit on them when they did this whereas Holo got cancelled almost immediately

>> No.23833794

That one schizo on /ehe/

>> No.23833810

damn. this actually explains how schizophrenic nijiID tribalists are.

>> No.23833811

Iofi is too naive, she thought it was just friendly banter with her fans but some people perceive it differently, knowing that Hololive marketed their talents as idols.

>> No.23833814

>attention seeking moron only sent 15k
KEK, udah haus perhatian ternyata miskin pula

>> No.23833856

I've seen this schizo before...
He's really feel awesome while doing that shit

even fact he just donate 15k

>> No.23833893

Can sociabuzz block some gopay accounts?

>> No.23833915

Poor Kobo.
That retard thinks that he saved his oshi from getting too close with a leech, while in fact Zen has an army of management behind him filtering shit and Kobo has to read that retarded message and it could make her day worse.

>> No.23833961

Why does this feels like some sort of falseflagging attempt. Normally the message should be close to something like concernfagging

Or maybe i have browse this place for too long

>> No.23833983

Can Go-pay send someone personal information if Cover reported that guy to police?

>> No.23833988

From whom? Whatever it is, it's clear that it's from an anti.

>> No.23834006

>while in fact Zen has an army of management behind him filtering shit and Kobo has to read that retarded message and it could make her day worse.
Now gentlemen, is Cover so cheap they don't want to recruit at least one regiment of management?

>> No.23834013

>Only donate 15k
>Sperging like a true schizo
>Cock live rent-free in his head
He should join 51% asap

>> No.23834023

doubt it, he always with vsuju to begin with, talk shit about holofanbase several times, even ame got his name banned on her channel, his viewers are also wont convert to ollies

>> No.23834054

Why not doing Cowboy stuff at him ?

he shows the coordinates of his own location at Gopay Payment

>> No.23834058

sorry meant for>>23833740

>> No.23834060

If that's the case, Coco wouldn't graduate, anon

>> No.23834061

>ONLY 1$
1$ mere dollar. fucking poorfag. if you want to be toxic please don't be petty.

>> No.23834097

The real question is, what's the report reason? "Ada yang berkata kasar" doesn't cut it.

>> No.23834169

wouldn't it be funny if their identity got accidentally leaked haha

>> No.23834196

I don't know, Moona or someone said it themselves that Holo ID only has like 4 staff including M-chan, but Maha5 has more than that not including channel mods.
Maybe because Maha5 paid their employee with Indonesian minimum wage while Cover has to pay more because they're a Japanese company.hdv88

>> No.23834200

I am still waiting for Cover to actually send some schizos to jail, last time when Oil yab happened nothing done to that guy.

>> No.23834207

Yes, unfortunately. HoloID just don't have good mods. Everyday HoloID members are risking their mental health.

>> No.23834232

Pencemaran nama baik of course

>> No.23834272

Maybe "that guy" was gone cause by Petrus thing

>> No.23834293

>Kobo has to read that retarded message and it could make her day worse
if shes so close with ollie and with a message like this, its only will make kobo more intrigued to do collabs with zen as soon as possible to show her apology to zen personally and the crowd that she dont give a shit. retarded move from the donotor, no offense to ollie tho, i sometimes watch her as well.

>> No.23834311

Should have employed some silent mods like what exNijiID did.

>> No.23834317

Are they truly that bad tho?

>> No.23834322

i dislike them but i respect they hide the rarer info behind the point wall, makes them work for the info instead of just giving the info out.

>> No.23834327

Are you talking about alfred or zen btw?

>> No.23834329

Pencemaran nama baik, the meme law that has been used for less offensive cases.

>> No.23834391


>> No.23834409

Donations getting out of hand, cover need to track this guy down

>> No.23834446

>Cover has to pay more because they're a Japanese company.
Anon there's fuckton of foreign companies in Cikarang and they pay minimum wage. Just open a PT. in Indonesia and you gucci. Perhaps Cover wants to open in Jogja since UMR is cheap as shit?
>Pencemaran nama baik
Who's nama baik?

>> No.23834463

I believe Cover don't sue those kids simply out of mercy. Mythia spoke of how she can deal with her antis but she chose not to as she believed it will be too exhausting. But, unlike Mythia, Cover is a corporation with its own lawyers. They could surely sue some kids and win easily.

>> No.23834487


>> No.23834540

>there's fuckton of foreign companies in Cikarang
But they're a PT, and that's exactly what Maha5 is, a Japanese company opening a PT here.
But Hololive isn't a PT, they're a Japanese company with obligations to Japanese government.

>> No.23834547

Cover might send a C&D letter to his house as a warning and to scare him off

>> No.23834572

Did that guy still close to Ollie & Calli ?
or did he give up?

>> No.23834594

Ollie, Kobo and Zen of course. Zen can join if Maha5 wants a piece of cake as well

>> No.23834614

Yeah kids like that are actually a pussy in real life. Send a letter and he won't be able to sleep for three days.

>> No.23834633

He showed up on Ollie's birthday totsu and that's it. I think calli still hang out with him in real life

>> No.23834655

Never see Ollie interacting with him again but who knows if she still playing with him offstream

>> No.23834678

>But Hololive isn't a PT, they're a Japanese company with obligations to Japanese government.
Toyota is a Japanese company with obligations to Japanese government and yet they can open a PT in Indonesia. So is Daihatsu. So is Suzuki. So is Yamaha. So is Honda.

>> No.23834700

Wait, really? Alright, then I can watch her stream now. So much better than those shit streams.

>> No.23834701

Not anymore with Ollie but Mori's still close with him and please, go back

>> No.23834723

I bet hololive ID's office is indistinguishable from those illegal lending fintech's

>> No.23834737

Small indie company purisu andastah

>> No.23834778

I wonder why most EOP Fans dislike him & gigguk getting close with Holo ?

Is this a same case with Zen was hated by schizo coz getting close with HoloID ?

>> No.23834817

Reminder that with police reports, the means to do it means delik aduan, which means... they will dox themselves. No way around it. They're bluffing.

>> No.23834819

>cover doing anything
I might believe you if you are talking about m-chan and at most they probably just block or censor it
The best HoloID has ever got is Moona's antis quitting his job and went back to hometown for fear of his life

>> No.23834834

You don't understand what I mean.

Rentracks Inc. is a Japanese company, they open a company branch in Indonesia named PT Rentracks Indonesia, one of their business is Maha5

Cover Inc. is a Japanese company, they didn't open a company branch in Indonesia, but one of business of Cover Inc. named Hololive Indonesia. Understand now?

>> No.23834857

>Moona's antis fear for his life
That was TWbros doing, tho

>> No.23834869

Their main commodity is vtubers and its business can be done remotely. Why bother for an office? Even if it's for 3d, not everyone is living in Jakarta.

>> No.23834877

He had a hottake about holo and animetuber got their fair share of haters in weebs communities

>> No.23834894

Their office was basically the house where area15 used as boarding house lmao.

>> No.23834941

For 3D Studio and Merchandise Production, i guess ?

>> No.23834946

That's what lawyer is for? To deal with that kind of shit l

>> No.23834979

She's closer to her pre-2.0 personality now. Wish people starts calling her Kanjeng again.
Could you be represented by someone else in court? I mean, it's JKW's supporter that reports those who spoke bad about JKW online, not JKW himself.

new thread btw: >>23833341

>> No.23835001

>they didn't open a company branch in Indonesia, but one of business of Cover Inc. named Hololive Indonesia.
Let's use your own words with my annotations in parentheses.
>Cover (should) open a company branch in Indonesia named PT Cover Indonesia (which will contain) one of their business Hololive Indonesia
Tada. Man that was hard.

>> No.23835027

Is Rentracks a public company? Maybe that's why they can open their branch office here

>> No.23835133

Lawyers deal with that shit, true.
But do you trust the local Polsek to keep the report secret? Hell, I wouldn't trust them with my SIM without extortion. And boy you've seen how much these fucking tramps make.

>> No.23835195

Hard agree. With them not having a branch in Indonesia it makes things harder for them to do anything. But having a company branch solely for vtubing business is not efficient, PT Rentracks has other kind of business too in Indonesia beside Maha5.

I do hope PT Hololive Indonesia will materialize soon, it makes things like recruiting staffs or protecting the talents far easier. But they have to deal with everything tied with having a company branch overseas.

You don't have to be public to open a branch, simply you want to do business in Indonesia and dealing with the other Indonesian companies is enough reason to open a branch.

>> No.23835334

Isn't "Hardly agree" mean "difficult to agree with"?

>> No.23835335

Depends on the money you give them they might even protect your privacy like their live depend on it

>> No.23835409

Hard agree = strongly agree

>> No.23835476

Ooh new vocab

>> No.23835688

I feel like Reza is gonna take the Luxiem lite spot for now

>> No.23835720

Why tho?

>> No.23835724

The main purpose will be representation and legal protection. It will be much harder to defend anything when you don't have any representation with the local authorities.
Technically, I can trademark the name Hololive Indonesia right here, right now (or perhaps later in Monday since it's Cuti Bersama), sue Cover, and win the case in Indonesia so Cover cannot use the name Hololive, or I can extort them.
See: IKEA dispute

>> No.23835936

Feels like he's getting some new english speaking female audience in his latest karaoke, and the D&D with Fulgur and Shu might help.
Plus he's shameless enough to play up some amount of gayness for the fujos.
Out of the five NijiID guys I think he's the closest to being Luxiem lite, the first 3 are a bit more JP leaning and I think Bobon aims for a different niche.

>> No.23836006

I'm in Java right now, If Moona quits because of antis, I'm legit gonna fuck their life. Finding people in Indonesia is easy as fuck. At least my big clurit can finally be useful.

>> No.23836014

But unlike IKEA Indonesia which was physically in Indonesia, Hololive Indonesia is never in Indonesia, even HoloID members channels are Japanese.

>> No.23836035

Actually I have no idea what the other guys are doing recently post-merge, but I noticed Reza has been ramping up collabs and content

>> No.23836191

Google complies with government/court requests. I can simply report it to YouTube and the ID watchers will see "This video is not available in your country".

>> No.23836393

So if "Hololive" is trademarked in Zambia by a third party does that mean Zambians couldn't watch Hololive Jp, hololive ID and Hololive EN?

>> No.23836538

Depending on the local laws (like let's say, Liberia *might* recognize USPTO's trademark registration), and the enforcement (who's going to report it? and what's the proof?), maybe.

>> No.23836711

IKEA wins
Dunno why you use it as an example

>> No.23836896

Then I'll have to read both since the source contradicts here from my understanding.

>> No.23836908

I don't really understand but current government are trying so hard to attract foreign investments to create jobs, so I wouldn't be surprised if they retracted that archaic patent law to comply with the foreign investors demands.

>> No.23836973

Fucking Jokowi undermining our sovereignty

>> No.23837085

Anon that's a 2016 article by a random CNN reporter
>>23836711 and this is a 2020 article by jahja & p intellectual property counsel explaining why foreign companies don't need to worry with Indonesia.

>> No.23837170

I feel like only Risu and Moona can sing each other's song.

>> No.23837339

buset bro, bela vtuber kyk bela negara

>> No.23837351

Reminds me again is there any Holo besides Kanata who tried their song? How about indie from ID?

>> No.23837428

Bae did High Tide

>> No.23837488

Idk I'm only watching things within holobox (or so the numberfags say) so I only know about Kanata trying Ai Chiisana no Uta and Bae and Reine with High Tide.
They probably need to tone it down with the complexity for next originals. I need their own RIP success... (lemme be hopeful)

>> No.23837503


>> No.23837636

Say it like that again and I'll klitih you

>> No.23837763

Ah okay I will listen to it but I think at least they need one song that is easy to sing to people know them more

>> No.23837941

The red board have a bodycount. what makes you think that blue board doesn't have any

>> No.23838286

>Newfag doesn't know why this site become notorious in the west
Go back

>> No.23839174

A&U rekt moona, she still needs to practice

>> No.23839707

muka kek kontol rame lo

>> No.23839730

Alice&u is a fucking troll song. Risu made it to troll the other holomems, it's almost impossible to cover except for the select few.
