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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23780265 No.23780265 [Reply] [Original]

This is wrong, vtubers should never show their real selfs

>> No.23780311

>it's okay when Kson does it

>> No.23780321

>hobby exists
>shallow normalfag people enter hobby and demand it changes to their whims
tale as old as time

>> No.23780356

no, vtubers should show their real selves, if cute.
also holy esl batman

>> No.23780364

it's okay because she's hot

>> No.23780366

That rule only applied to corpo chuuba, fortunately.

>> No.23780414

Has Numi ever showed her feet? I want to smell them but most importantly her butthole.

>> No.23780445 [DELETED] 

Funny thing is Kson even admits she is a normalfag who doesn't understand why some of her fans hate it when she doesn't use an avatar.

>> No.23780462
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technically she never showed her 3dp as Souchou - vtuber avatar, all her full 3dp streams are under kumicho persona, aside from gunpla/ hand streams

>> No.23780484

But she doesn't show her face.

Vtubers are allowed to show the rest of their body (like their hands) in case they want to do cooking streams or box openings, etc.

>> No.23780488

Hey a vwhore!

>> No.23780491

hybridtubers are objectively the best of both worlds.

>> No.23780503

this but unironically

>> No.23780589

they're even allowed to show their faces if they want. there's no vtuber rulebook that tells you everything you're not allowed to do. it's all arbitrary.

>> No.23780618 [DELETED] 

Sluts are going to dilute your hobby and you will like it

>> No.23780688
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funny thing you say, even thou she was a vtuber before vtubing was a thing

>> No.23780690
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Nah, it's okay.

>> No.23780707

Uhh, no. I draw the line at faces. Not even Kson streams where she shows her irl face get an exception from me.

The thing is, why even have a vtuber model at all if you're just gonna camwhore your real face anyways. It's redundant.

>> No.23780785

NOOOOOOOOO all vtubers have to follow the agency vtuber rules that only exist in order to protect corporate profits noooooooooooooooooooo
*picture of funnyman who consumes bean juice*

>> No.23780799 [DELETED] 

When Pokimane floated the idea it was because then she wouldnt have to put effort in to making herself look good for the camera on days she didnt feel like it. It has nothing to do with being a character or giving a shit about the virtual aspect at all

>> No.23780804

wasn't her 2.5D model as Kson?

>> No.23780819

unironically, the real question is why not have a model. seriously, i can't think of one good reason why a vtuber showing their face suddenly makes the model redundant. it just seems like a silly thing to say.

>> No.23780836 [DELETED] 

Normalfag is a mentality that sticks with you no matter how long you are in the game or how successful you become.

>> No.23780846

that was Daiko, now dead persona, who was merged into Souchou

>> No.23780895

the Ksonverse is too complex for me

>> No.23780920 [DELETED] 

The vtubers who vaguepost about their real bodies are the vtubers I hate the most. At that point, it's purely attention seeking.
I can almost respect the ones that fully commit (kson comes to mind) but if all they share is their tits and ass, it's apparent that's all they have to offer.

>> No.23780929

Kizuna Ai literally revealed her real name and identity to the public. Stop being a newfaggot for fucks sake.

>> No.23780930

No it isnt. Thats why I dont watch Kson.

>> No.23780957

Is she a butterface or what?

>> No.23781034

What is this Mean Girls tier insult.

>> No.23781056
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if you don't like it, go back to watching anime, simple as.

>> No.23781091

Of course it's okay when she does it. She's been doing it ever since she debut'd as a vtuber. She was always mixing it up with real life streams and vtuber streams when she's not in the mood to put on makeup which is like 90% of the time and you literally have no right to dictate what content she's supposed to put out when she's been in this business far longer than anyone in this fucking board.

>> No.23781108

Nah, you've got it mixed up a bit. That one time she did claim that some of her Japanese fans don't like it but no one knows where she got that from. The Japanese fans themselves were confused by the statement.

>> No.23781133

>This is wrong, vtubers should never show their real selfs wearing shoes.

>> No.23781203

>be vtuber
>posts selife
>not a vtuber anymore
simple as that

>> No.23781272

Accurate cosplay of the avatar is an acceptable nod to the kayfabe.

>> No.23781292

For one, these vtuber Live2D or 3D models often aren't cheap. Some even cost thousands, or perhaps ten thousands of dollars.

If a girl just uses her real life face instead of using the model she paid for, it seems like a redundant waste.
At that point, she should just drop vtubing and become a regular streamer who shows her face.

>> No.23781390

>using your real face some of the time after paying so much for a model is a waste
>so at that point you should just never use the model again

>> No.23781401

That's how most EN vtubers act, they think the model is just a way to do streams without needing to have make up ready, they don't understand the soul of becoming a character

>> No.23781418


>> No.23781482

Let them be. There's no point trying to gatekeep a hobby that was already tainted the moment normalfags got their hands on it.

>> No.23782164

>newfags trying to change an industry that existed long before they heard about it
>more at 11.
People have been doing mixed reality vtubing for years. It was literally the foundations of the entire industry back in its experimentation days.
Fuck off back to /v/ and stay there. Or /a/. Whatever cancer board you came from.

>> No.23782540

>she was a vtuber before vtubing was a thing
Flat out false

>> No.23782598 [DELETED] 

>more at 11.
Go back to r*ddit fag

>> No.23782634

Vtubers showing their bodies from the neck down is a tale as old as vtubing. Fucking hell, even Kaguya Luna did it, newfag. Th video is still up on her channel.

>> No.23782759 [DELETED] 

It was popularized by people not doing it. Maybe bandwagon jumpers should stop doing the thing that was actually harmful to the industry.

>> No.23782924
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>showing body is bad when vtubers i don't know/like do it
>it's okay when vtubers i know/like doi it.
do you niggers really?

>> No.23783104

Hiding your face is standard japanese internet culture whether you're male or female, it has nothing to do with being unattractive. It's mostly a privacy and safety thing.

>> No.23783116

Say who?

>> No.23783140

Kizuna Ai revealed the person whose voice her own was sampled from. She maintained kayfabe up to the end.

>> No.23783224

I thought she showed up at that con recently in person and got on stage and all

>> No.23783295

Did she really dye her hair purple? That's a huge turn off for me.

>> No.23783314

Are you thinking of Lumi? As in Lumituber?

>> No.23783348

>Nooooo! My illusion is broken!!!!

>> No.23783432

Well...She started as a streamer in 2016 and in early 2018 she started using avatar live2d that she made herself.

>> No.23783435
File: 573 KB, 1280x1000, oh well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2view oshi started posting occasional selfies on her twitter account
>Pretty happy with it since her face is conventionally ugly and it lowers the competition for grooming

>> No.23783531

>and it lowers the competition for grooming
That's where you're wrong, it gives ugly dudes hope and even more of them start going for it

>> No.23783577

It's only wrong when it's used as coomerbait and not "here I am"

>> No.23783602

She was wearing a mask that covered her entire face IIRC

>> No.23783618
File: 278 KB, 618x548, firefox_i3tkLattTw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a newfag monkey see monkey do.
The initial reason why you would not show yourself as a Vtuber was because looking up the girl's faces used to be considered taboo.
Doesn't matter since after hololive went global doxxing became a week 1 sort of thing.
Inuyama Tamaki showed her face week 1 (IIRC she showed her face in the Debut too)

>> No.23783669

I agree

>> No.23783727

Yeah, you lied.

>> No.23784026

>show up in 2021
>declare yourself the "true" fans and gatekeep what a vtuber is
What does /vt/ think it is? America?

>> No.23784222

if they show their real selfs they are no vtubers at the first place, just trendhopping whores

>> No.23784292

holy shit youre a retarded midwit

>> No.23784387

immersion exists to be broken

>> No.23784472

This is it, this would be the next yab by hololive

>> No.23784530

if you have a hot roommate its actually good to do this

>> No.23784556

You have Google, use it

>> No.23784644

Showing your body is fine if you're similar to your model in body type/attractiveness. Full stop. No exceptions.

>> No.23785603

noodle legs

>> No.23785920

>becomes a virtual streamer
>gets rid of the only thing separating her from being a regular streamer
>"yeah guys I'm totally still a chuuba lol"

>> No.23785924
File: 3.21 MB, 2150x3035, 1650952574845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr Your waifu will never be real btuber again. Cope

>> No.23785964

Those aren't real

>> No.23786063

>Saw those pics randomly posted around and randomly fapped to them already
>Now I know where they came from
Thanks for helping me tag them more accurately

>> No.23786442
File: 316 KB, 2480x3507, FPcbpitaUAAMrm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay to show your body and face if you are good looking. The vtubers that don't show their meat bodies are disgusting pigs.
That's the message I'm getting.

Tamaki's a bit different, Norio was a high profile mangaka before and is the Yagoo equivalent of her company.

>> No.23786484

you're not alone

>> No.23786818

>Tamaki's a bit different
In a way, yes, but now that the vtuber market is more diverse. Almost everyone gets doxed before their first month is up, showing yourself changed from being something only very few do, to something you can do if you want to blur the line more between yourself and your character.
The problem is that things changed dramatically since the kizuna ai days, where they tried to keep up the virtual world facade as much as possible. We really have no rules on how to handle things as of now.

>> No.23787435

Nice pushup bra on that miss overcompensating chestlet. I get that she's trying to cosplay as her avatar like finnish kiara but she lacks equipment necessary for that irl lmao.

>> No.23787707

it's not "getting rid of" if she uses both.

>> No.23787755

Nice body but isn't this the retarded one?

>> No.23787915

no, that's the clinically pathologic masturbator.

>> No.23788036

its good because she is gorgeous

>> No.23788335

Ok domo, we get it, she sucked your dick at that recent con.

>> No.23790054

I want to see more of her irl self because she's actually sexy. Im cooming.

>> No.23790260

>take downward angled shot of yourself that just so happens to frame the picture around your breasts and reveals how sexy and desirable you are in real life
>haha I'm still a vtuber guys, don't hit on my silly boys teehee but also if you pay, I'll personally respond to you and say your name, lol

bitches like this are just trying to string your dick along for financial gain

>> No.23791163

that's all vtubers

>> No.23791900

>This is wrong
Not really - at it's core both vtubing and cosplay are activities for attention whores with nerd-adjacent interests. That's why virtually all drama involving western indie scene posted here reads like somethong from cgl.

>> No.23792056

and you're a newfagged nitwit

>> No.23792128

damn she fine

>> No.23792140

is this the one with the womb tat?

>> No.23792585
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 1631139594053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use my oshi to chinkpost.

>> No.23792604

Yes, but she clarified that she got it with ink that fades in about a year so it was literally for the meme.

>> No.23793154

Ahah guys I know my model is hot, wanna see me IRL it's even better ahah, thanks for the compliments I really like my black bra too ahah yeah you can donate ahah no you aren't allowed to be creepy over me are you mad I'm going to ban and sue you ass ahah jk jk but still donate I'm cute please.

>> No.23793270

anon I-

>> No.23793493

Be lot better if they didn't treat like big deal like they, showing them selves or doxxed.

>> No.23793590

Threat them like voice actors not idols and things be lot less retarded.

>> No.23796942

You what? You disagree? Do you not want to see the bodies of the few attractive women who vtube? Ae you gay or something? Why wouldn't you want to see an attractive female body?

>> No.23797014

This shit pisses me off so much. Hololive is literally the only agency/group/whatever that does an idol larp and it only applies to the HoloJP female generations.
Holding literally any other chooba to that standard is just plain retarded.

>> No.23797432

Post the womb tattoo she has

>> No.23797459

>irl pic
>irl pic covering face AND in accurate character cosplay
ill allow it.

>> No.23797550

She was forced into that situation to handle a rrat that gotten out of control and even then she maintained kayfabe as mentioned (>>23783140). The very basis of a VTuber is that the virtual being you see on screen is its own entity and their soul is to remain anonymous. But of course, nowadays everything that was the foundation of the industry has been thrown out the window and it doesn't seem that the current (post-2020) generation of fans cares.

>> No.23798044

its ok if theyre hot

>> No.23798149

How to out yourself as a newfag without saying you're a newfag.

>> No.23798934

It's been a long while since I heard a based opinion in this board that I disagree with. Very cool Anon

>> No.23799321

The real question is why a chuuba with this body has such problems finding love IRL. And the answer must be because folks who meet her get bad vibes outta her.

>> No.23800988

Based and redpilled

>> No.23801562

dyrbi though?

she could also be the type that fucks a lot but no man wants to do anything but pump and dump her because she gives off those hoe vibes. like "finding love" is a lot different from finding your next fuck buddy

>> No.23802809

I am pretty sure you just autistically restated what I said, senpai.

>> No.23804065

I was mostly interested to find out from others if she actually fucks though, I don't know shit about her but surprisingly not everyone agrees whether she does or not
