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23742465 No.23742465 [Reply] [Original]

Why are these Mori's only two personality traits

>> No.23742509

>Talks about Shrek but doesn't actually reference the movie and just does lazy he funny green man meme.

>> No.23742598
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Untrue! She also knows plenty about Adam Sandler.

>> No.23742744

Wow, the Shrek community is coming for Mori.

>> No.23742811
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What else do most rappers talk about?

>> No.23742813

Untrue, you forgot about lying about having beaten souls games until even her cuckbeats figured it out and she finally had to admit she watched playthroughs.

>> No.23742902
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>> No.23742994

No way.

>> No.23743024 [DELETED] 

I'm not a nigger, how should I know?

>> No.23743134

I bet she didn't even watched Uncut Gems

>> No.23743298

Have you seen her bloodborne playthrough? It's her watching summoned cuckbeats beating the game for her.

>> No.23743437

No, I don't watch EN very often at all and have never watched a Mori stream. Not to be a hater; I just don't enjoy what I've seen of hers

>> No.23743526

white women were a mistake

>> No.23743615

but anon, if white women didn't exist I would never have been born, and then I wouldn't be able to raise beautiful hapa children :(

>> No.23743616

That's a lie. She's pretty good at them.

>> No.23743730

I suspect she has actually forgotten the movie's plot because she hasn't seen them in years

>> No.23743817

Somewhat based (but only if you continue the tradition)

>> No.23743819

Oh yeah, summoning people in bloodborne and watching them clear the area for you and beating the boss takes an enormous amount of skill. She's fucking amazing.

>> No.23743836
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Most like or she would of at least bought up the best character.

>> No.23743854

ummmmm, you forgot Jojo references.

>> No.23743885

She watched them with Kiara, it's the infamous stream where Kiara asked her if she listened to love challenger after Kiara complimented her new song and she first dodged the question and then admitted she never listened to it.

>> No.23743890

Sad part too is Shrek meme like from fuckin' 7 years ago.

>> No.23743923


>> No.23743971

>two mori threads mentioning her drinking
What'd she do this time?

>> No.23744029

literally who gives a shit about the movie, it's mediocre at best. the best thing about shrek are the memes. they just don't stop coming

>> No.23744039

>Shrek is love, Shrek is life 2013....
9 years ago....

>> No.23744082

I mean I don't really care about the movie but if you're gonna talk about something that much, at least talk something else about it.

>> No.23744108

The only people worse than her in her branch, in which mind you she is the most experienced player, are Kiara and Gura. There is not a single ID or JP that she's better than.

>> No.23744195

I mean that I'm a white guy with yellow fever. I will be starting the tradition

>> No.23744206
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It's what she wants, congrats on being filtered. Don't come back

>> No.23744567

I haven't seen the streams. Is she worse than Ame? What about Okayu?
How many souls game has she beaten?

>> No.23745119

Yoi forgot getting split open by Connor's two inch monster.

>> No.23745456

Why are these Pekora's only two personality traits

>> No.23745480

Because you can't speak Japanese just like your Oshi.

>> No.23746114


>> No.23746159

not them but I choose The Fifth Element
