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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23731969 No.23731969 [Reply] [Original]

>I watch VTubers for entertainment, not to pretend they're my virtual girlfriend
Do Nijisisters really?

>> No.23732094

I remember trying to figure out how some of my friends actually enjoy watching streamers a while ago
Apparently they also like to watch our other friends play video games
One of them asked me if I'd like to fuck his girlfriend one time

What is some peoples obsession with watching people do things you want to do
It's creepy as fuck
Do shit, you were born to do shit not watch people do shit, christ you people fucking terrify me

>> No.23732241

cannot wait until lamy yabs

>> No.23732264

>One of them asked me if I'd like to fuck his girlfriend one time
I hope you rejected that disgusting proposal anon, thats not the way of the holochad

>> No.23732275

>Do shit, you were born to do shit
Then get a girlfriend.

>> No.23732452

"Nijifans aren't insane" is not the own you think it is.

>> No.23732459

Why are you watching football on TV instead of playing football, anon?

>> No.23732480

They're technically telling the truth but it's doublespeak. They're women and they pretent the vtuber is their virtual boyfriend.

>> No.23732532
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>turned down the opportunity to cuck his friend

>> No.23732602

I mean I do too but Nijisisters literally get away with pretending Ike, Vox, and Fulgur are their virtual boyfriend.

>> No.23732711

>Apparently they also like to watch our other friends play video games
anon, i seriously have trouble believeing you actually have friends if you consider this weird.

>> No.23732732

How is this a comeback, that never made fucking sense either. A lot of people watching streamers and sports and all that other shit tells me that schizophrenia runs rampant.

>> No.23732767

This reply makes literally zero sense

>> No.23732774

If you can't enjoy seeing others succeed the schizophrenic is (you), my friend.

>> No.23732799

Mate please take your antipsychotics

>> No.23732834

I speak only the truth. It's a sign of multiple personality disorders if you can't be happy seeing others happy.

>> No.23732843

Take your meds, bro. Treating vtubers as virtual girlfriends is literal insanity.

>> No.23732862

Please touch grass anon...it's for your own good....

>> No.23732905

The people touching grass are the ones attending sports tournaments IRL and deriving enjoyment from such things you cannot.

>> No.23732947

Anon I don't really know what do here, you've actually convinced yourself that your mental illness is normal and that "no, it's the mentally healthy people who are wrong"
I can't help you anymore
I'm sorry

>> No.23732980

In the event you aren't trolling me I have to say this is the most ironic post I've ever seen.

>> No.23733123

Anon, you realize you are literally arguing that humanity is inherently made up of cucks right?
Anon nobody normal is happy when their wife is really happy when another man satisfies her and makes her happy. Even in an open relationship, even when it's friends with benefits, even with literal cucks, they aren't happy when the woman is happy. They don't actually enjoy it. But the woman and the bull are really happy.

>> No.23733131
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>he rejects simple logic
Why are you in /vt/ to begin with, anon? Leave this cursed board and play apex yourself instead watching selen doing it for you

>> No.23733179

Well anon, if you consider the simple act of humans enjoying watching other humans kick a ball around an act of cuckholdry, I suppose most of humanity ARE cucks.

>> No.23733245

anon, you might be retarded. watching friends play games is a very common thing for people who actually have friends. and since >>23732094 finds that weird, he must not have friends, meaning his whole post is nothing but a lie. not like that isn't immediately obvious though.

>> No.23733249

All success boils down to happiness at some level for some amount of time logically speaking. I dare you to try and explain a meaningful difference in watching sex and watching sports in logical terms instead of emotional ones. It's clear we can't understand one another in an emotional sense but at least I can explain what my emotions are rooted in practical terms, can you?

>> No.23733254

>Helping people on the fucking internet
So delusional that it's sad.

>> No.23733290

NTA but I'm always the one being watched. I never watched my friends play games. I'm also either always participating whenever something is happening or trying to participate.

>> No.23733300

I really don't see the point in not watching vtubers to enjoy a fantasy reality where you can be at least ''friends'' with an anime character in your head

>> No.23733334

>I dare you to try and explain a meaningful difference in watching sex and watching sports in logical terms instead of emotional ones
Okay. One involves clothed people engaging in competitive challenges. One involves naked people touching each other's genitalia. Rarely if ever do these things overlap.

>> No.23733386

How is watching a Japanese woman play a literally unlosable story based game poorly a competitive challenge

>> No.23733399

I thought we were talking about sports.

>> No.23733439

that means you're the main character of your friendgroup.

>> No.23733522

Actually with the competitive things, it doesn't make sense either. They're the same. You watch them succeed in a competition. Okay, well guess what a guy having sex is? There's a reason tons of of people congratulate their friends when they successfully get laid.
So the sex is watching them "succeed" too. Your logical difference falls apart.

>> No.23733607

I've still yet to see a sport that involves naked people groping each other's genitalia. Though they might have that in some European country. They're pretty fruity.

>> No.23733685

I consider almost all sports functionally retarded in what they involve so this isn't really an argument
Why does it matter what physical actions they perform as long as they compete and succeed? I asked for logical reasons, not personal preferences or subjective attachments to one thing or another

>> No.23733708

How is it sex?

>> No.23733763

Because she tells me loves me and that I make her happy which is what woman say to me during sex.

>> No.23733933

Well anon if you didn't realize I'm not particularly taking this "argument" seriously. Anybody who hasn't sufficiently overdosed on /pol/ rhetoric should be able to see with their own two eyes that hitting a ball with a bat and sticking your cock in a vagina are two separate actions. But I think it's very interesting that people with your mindset exist in this world, so I'm happy peering further into what it is.
>Why does it matter what physical actions they perform as long as they compete and succeed
Because different actions have different names and different classifications. You see, the fact that we cannot see eye-to-eye on this much is exceedingly interesting. Under this logic the courts of the world should be dissipated. There is no functional difference between competitive murder and competitive sport.

>> No.23733950
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>shit taste in games
>play games terribly
>shit taste in anime
>shit taste in movies
>shit taste in music
>not funny (woman)
>just dumb and uninteresting in general
>drops all semblance of kayfabe

Please someone help me understand where the "entertainment" comes from? Or is it just you're being dishonest and insecure in admitting the truth?

>> No.23734017

That's the correct way to watch them. Anything else is mentally ill. Cope.

>> No.23734043

>I watch VTubers for entertainment, not to pretend they're my virtual girlfriend
Eyep, that sounds like me alright

>> No.23734149

Sorry whorolivecucks, Vox have already kissed me in his ASMR streams AND fucked and he's already groomed me into his cult. Yes he's my boyfriend

>> No.23734175

That can be said of literally any corpo or any person in general, really. The disingenuity dripping off you is palpable.

>> No.23734203


you are right anon I dont understand how anyone could enjoy holoEN

>> No.23734262

That's some pants-on-head retardation right there. Get help.

>> No.23734433

Holy mother of retardation, I'm so glad I'm out of this Holo-Niji console war.

>> No.23734714

You need to be older than 18 to post on this site.

>> No.23734797

Your post is meaningless because all you're doing is resting your argument on your internal confidence on the correctness of your world view. You are aware that's unhealthy, right?

>> No.23734831

No, you need to be just 18. Not even defending those posts but you're just as retarded.

>> No.23734841

Is it? I think it's far unhealthier to doubt what you can see with your own eyes.

>> No.23734874

Having sex is different from playing sports, yes. That is a correct world view. What is it you're not understanding exactly?

>> No.23735038

Vtubers are fundamentally performance artists. The thing is that their performance is selling the feeling of intimacy. The best gamers among vtubers still don't compete with professionals, the best singers among vtubers aren't even as good as your average teenaged pop star or a good chunk of the idols out there.

Not every fan is as parasocial as crazy unicorns who actually think they have a shot with a vtuber, but most everyone who says they're watching vtubers for the their entertainment skills are lying to themselves. Press them and most of the time they couldn't tell you at all what's special about their oshi any better than anyone who's blatantly open about their GFE.

>> No.23735133

We've evolved beyond needing to acclimate to just the likeliest single scenario, and it is now perfectly within our capability to be prepared as an individual for any eventuality and reality. Failure to do so is unhealthy in the literal sense in that it is a prospective threat to your well-being.

>> No.23735201

Somehow I don't believe that I'm in any danger by keeping security in my belief that sports and sexual intercourse are two separate actions.

>> No.23735218
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Which ones are okay with me pretending they're my gfs?
I want a consensual delusion, otherwise it's delusionary rape.

>> No.23735236

Why put a literal good for nothing who as a header

>> No.23735246

What is even so crazy about the idea of a virtual girlfriend? Affection from the opposite sex is a basic human necessity, so if someone is unable to acquire it in real life, they'll look for a substitute. Seems perfectly normal to me

>> No.23735327

Anyone who goes after her will get a free boat ride and a pair of cement shoes.

>> No.23735342

Why are you guys hyperanalizing watching streamers this much? Did seeing anons say they find Vtubers entertaining trip you off that much?

>> No.23735371

Anyone who sits down and thinks about the topic in any seriousness knows that it's not actually very weird. Hating on this stuff is basically just social media politics because someone hates X company, or wants to kill idol culture, or wants to think they're not a loser.

>> No.23735401

The greatest strength of vtubers is that they can be overly flirty or cute without it hurting the image of her actual selves, just having a pretty vtuber avatar doesn't cut it anymore

>> No.23735411

You still haven't addressed the fact that winning a game and having sex are still both fundamentally people becoming happy by succeeding by winning in a competition.

>> No.23735470

Neither approach is inherently wrong, though it’s highly dependent on the vtuber in question.

>> No.23735506

Yes. I don't care to either. I think the concrete fact that sports do not involve people sticking their penises in vaginas is enough to establish the difference.

>> No.23735622

Only because you can't step outside yourself when analyzing a situation. One can analyze a situation both as a human being and from an objective point of view; i.e. a ball and a penis are obviously different to us but from another point of view to the universe at large the objects and acts in question are irrelevant if they lead to the same conclusion.

>> No.23735650

>Vtubers are fundamentally performance artists.
No they're not lol. Not sure where you got this flawed premise. They're entertainers. Pekora's chat agreed, don't bother them about it.

>The thing is that their performance is selling the feeling of intimacy
Another leap in logic that only an ill mind could conceive. They're not "selling" anything except maybe their character, like many other entertainers. You being parasocial doesn't prove the opposite.

>but most everyone who says they're watching vtubers for the their entertainment skills are lying to themselves.
Uh no lol, most people who watch vtubers watch more than one and there is a reason why certain streams (karaoke, certain games, 3D streams, collabs etc) get more viewers than shit like zatsu or superchat reading (news flash: it's because the former are more entertaining than the latter).

>Press them and most of the time they couldn't tell you at all what's special about their oshi any better than anyone who's blatantly open about their GFE.
Of course they could, you just think they couldn't because you equate everything to GFE and cooming.

>> No.23735667

holobronies don't have friends

>> No.23735682

Well, that's a matter of personal philosophy. And I don't think any new age mumbo jumbo is going to convince me that penis-sticking and ball-throwing are the same actions.

>> No.23735909

>the objects and acts in question are irrelevant if they lead to the same conclusion.
So paying for sex and rape are both "winning in a competition" gotcha. And so is paying (or coercing) a team to lose to another team at a sports match. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.23735918

I might be schizo for pretending vtubers are my girlfriend but no one likes you autistic sperg faggots watching for entertainment, go kys

>> No.23735995

Don't kid yourself, no one that frequents this board dedicated to watching and worshipping vtubers has a significant social life, doesnt matter what tribe, me or (You)

>> No.23736251

>What is even so crazy about the idea of a virtual girlfriend?
Nothing, except these are real people who exist outside the avatar. You want a real virtual girlfriend? Go all the way. Marry Hatsune Miku like that one guy did. You won't because you're a pussy.

It is weird when the entity you're worshipping actually exists as a human on this earth. It's no different from stanning Pokimane or some other e-thot, who couldn't give less of a fuck who you are and doesn't interact with you outside of a screen.

>> No.23736395

no one like schizos lol and the majority of people in this space are watching for entertainment. Cope

>> No.23736508

Go ahead explaining that nuance to the average person while your favorite anime girl streamer moans on stream for chat you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.23736543

If I gave a shit what normalfags think I wouldn't be on this board to begin with.

>> No.23736551

Hatsune Miku doesn't act like a real girl. No normal person would consider that an adequate substitute.

>> No.23736738

>So paying for sex
Not really valid here because the reason sex is a competition at least for a guy is that being sexually desired enough for a woman to choose to have sex with you is what most men are trying to do in some capacity. Paying has no failure state possible, so it's not the same. If anything that makes my point even stronger because you don't congratulate anybody for fucking a hooker but you do for getting laid
>and rape are both "winning in a competition" gotcha
Same as above, men are stronger than women so there's never a chance you won't succeed

>> No.23736785

You literally peddle normalfag mindsets here, stop pretending to be different. You never belonged here and you would fit in just fine with normalfags because you are one.

>> No.23736822

You make the mistake of thinking it's any real insult to not fit in on a board of unironic Redditors, Kiwi Farms rejects and women.

>> No.23736829

>Well, that's a matter of personal philosophy.
Personal and philosophy don't belong together. A philosophy is a point of view and only analyzing the world from one at a time is not even a choice, it's more like an indication of mental capacity.

>> No.23736832

Almost like you'd have to be abnormal to have a virtual girlfriend.

>> No.23736960

>Personal and philosophy don't belong together. A philosophy is a point of view
And points of view are personal to the person who has them. Thus, personal philosophy.

>> No.23736971

>the objects and acts in question are irrelevant if they lead to the same conclusion.
Lol c'mon now. According to your own argument, the means don't matter, all that matters is the same conclusion, which is penis in vagina. Stop trying to move the goalposts, nigger.

>> No.23737063

If by abnormal you mean ugly and on the spectrum then yeah. That's still a far cry from someone who unironically goes through with a marriage to a TTS drawing.

>> No.23737256

>If by abnormal you mean ugly and on the spectrum then yeah.
Right. Like OP and his ilk. So we agree.
>far cry
Not as far as you think. The guy who married Miku wasn't even ugly lol, so at least he's got that on OP.

>> No.23737439

I kneel kindred...

>> No.23738888
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>> No.23739123

I'm genuinely curious and I don't mean any offense but would you actually like seeing your girlfriend have sex with one of your friends? I ask because I'm sure one of my friends is into that and he makes me feel weird whenever he talks about it.

>> No.23739167

wow you are so cool anon

>> No.23739423

True. Even normal streamers like pewd are viewers' e-friend

>> No.23740005

I know.
