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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23695892 No.23695892 [Reply] [Original]

Holobros, How do we stop this guy?

>> No.23695946

Let me marry him and I will bear his children so he can experience the joys of fatherhood and no longer need to stream to find joy

>> No.23695972

why stop him? he's not a threat, his main viewers would never touch hololive to begin with.

>> No.23696089

I-I don't think we can... I've been making China bait threads almost everyday and he's still inclining somehow

>> No.23696095

His fans are just cringe twitch viewers who transferred to vtubers

>> No.23696211

>101 copes Holofans said to themselves

>> No.23696249
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I didn't know chinese women watched twitch streamers.

>> No.23696272

Why stop him? I want him to reach 1M before Mito

>> No.23696312

The bugmen will do it don't worry they always go rabbied and turn lmao

>> No.23696321

Have you not payed attention to the Minecraft stream meta for the past few years? Vox is just dream for slightly older, hornier women

>> No.23696390

>payed attention to the Minecraft stream meta
take a guess

>> No.23696401

Why? He can do whatever he want as long as he doesn't touch my oshi

>> No.23696418

Isn't Cover going to debut EN male Hololive?

>> No.23696431

Don't care, watch whoever you like.

>> No.23696492
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>> No.23696520

Chinese women do not care about hololive at all after reddit dragon's endeavors. Not to mention that, as holostars, they'll never be pushed at all, if ever mentioned.

>> No.23696554

Just wait for him to make a mistake, maybe get caught having a GF or say something that would offend the chinks. Vox Yab will be the most glorious day on this board.

>> No.23696567
File: 106 KB, 264x246, B7A671F3-54F6-4B30-B28C-DA2CD7D1C705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t wait for Mori to convince the girls to collab with StarsEN

>> No.23696662

>Says increasingly nervous man for the 20th time

>> No.23696675

Perfect image. Both are cases of revenge. Remember when LazuLight used to get constantly shat on by /vt/ for being less successful than the most irrelevant Holo girl?

>> No.23696698

No need to stop him. Just let him grow in Bilibili.

>> No.23696699

EN is a shitty side branch let them die as they should have ages ago.

>> No.23696721

I thought they're going to be Hololive, not stars? They'll probably be in the same gen along with the girls just like NijiJP if Cover is serious about making them popular.

>> No.23696727

The only thing I don't like about this guy is that he's a shameless slut and I wish us straight guys got that in HoloEN instead of crumbs :( .

>> No.23696796

This but unironically.

>> No.23696812

>that ARS akasupa
Voxsisters told her to drop the ARS donating and she actually did, now she only donates in british pound. Guy has even gachikoi quality filtering on his side

>> No.23696824

?? Niji males did not get popular by being integrated with the girls. It's a totally different audience.

>> No.23696829

No, they’re hiring a head ops manager for “male branch division” for EN.
They advertised it as a Hololive audition to trick people into auditioning.

>> No.23696843

Hololive is for girls only. They marketed them as "Hololive" similarly to how the subreddit is simply called "Hololive" and not "Holopro". Holostars members are living in limbo where they get all the disadvantaged of being in Hololive but none of the advantages.

>> No.23696867

He stamped PRC stars on the fanart made by a Taiwanese artist and people still forgave him. I thought that one yab would do it, but it was buried swiftly. At this point he's probably immune

>> No.23696942

You have to think in Japanese way.
Their main branch HoloStar is separated
EN can't be exception without backfire from JP side

>> No.23696974

>block ARS
>allow BRL
not very good quality filter

>> No.23697008

Imagine they do audition again because some candidates resigned after knowing that

>> No.23697126

The MC server is a good example. Males are banned from entering Hololive servers once they’re linked up to JP. Another would be Holofes which is a female only event, it would just be weird as fuck for guys to be excluded from all these major events if they did a mixed gen.

>> No.23697172

why stop him? do you want to corner the chinese fujioshi market?
god be with you in your quest dollanon.

>> No.23697258

That didn't change.

>> No.23697446

more like gay

>> No.23697474

HoloEN management should force Kronii to do the same thing as Vox, GFE and lewd ASMR

>> No.23697558

Vox just wants to protect his Nijisanji friends and family after they were humiliated for 2 years by Holobronies

>> No.23697608

vox is a holobro

>> No.23697979

very easy, leave him in China, get the chinese Internet great wall for him.

>> No.23697980

Yes, and his oshi is Mori
Vox is confirmed a deadbeat

>> No.23698035

Kronii Paizuri ASMR will break the YouTube server

>> No.23700069

Not your personal army.
