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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.01 MB, 1262x711, 【大型企画】 箱対抗ー! 意思疎通勝負! #箱対抗意思疎通【島村シャルロット _ ハニスト】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23642786 No.23642786 [Reply] [Original]

>Hololive not invited

>> No.23642988

Groups you can collab with regularly outside of big events!

>> No.23642994

they can't afford hololive

>> No.23643114

These three have business in China

>> No.23643156

I only recognize the ASMR chuuba in that pic

>> No.23643959

Dont Holos go on Tamaki's interviews often?

>> No.23644070


>> No.23644114

they don't need to collab with these shitters since hololive is at top of vtubing industry.

>> No.23644128

The only interesting models in this pic are the tan chick with a fang crown in the bottom right and the plain jane in the top left.

>> No.23644146

Because Charlotte doesn't know any Holos personally.

>> No.23644295

It's an event for 2views so....

>> No.23644297

I think what you should be asking is why would Hololive join?

>> No.23644367

Only actual vtubers allowed

>> No.23644810

Is NijiEN there?

>> No.23645001

She knows Aki and Aki has watched her streams before.

>> No.23646617

wrong and gay
and here is something for the rest of the thread as well

>> No.23646687

They're too pussy to invite hololive because they need to prostitute themselves to chinks.

>> No.23646733

It's funny how holofags parrot the "Tamaki has business in China so she excludes Holo" when Choco, who was the first Holo to get blacklisted in China, is a regular on her channel.
In reality Holos have to find a ton of paperwork and it has to go through several managers just for a 1 hour long collab

>> No.23646765

I bet her husband is Chinese as well and swallows Chinese jizz daily.

>> No.23646858

Do you not know what "often" means?

>> No.23646897

Tamaki said Holos are too busy

>> No.23646959
File: 893 KB, 744x1052, 83290798_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how Holofags both laugh at other companies and claim "we don't NEED collabs, no, in fact outside collabs are BAD!" but they also will search for literally any reason why it MUST be the other companies blocking them, rather than Holo management just being retarded and insular.
Like jesus people, pick a lane. Are Hololive noble pariahs, cast out for standing up to the chink menace? Or are they just too good for impure outside collabs? Having both narratives just makes you sound kind of pathetic.
(Pic unrelated)

>> No.23647010

>an entire fandom needs to have one unanimous opinion

>> No.23647025

Yeah, fucking their bfs.

>> No.23647061

It's the latter, the rest is cope. Not even showing up to Ponkopo24 this year is proof enough.

>> No.23647094


>> No.23647205
File: 1.39 MB, 1500x2165, 83306510_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen anons endorse both narratives in the same reply chain. Pretty sure I've seen people say both in the same post, even.
It helps that they aren't directly contradictory, and in fact the retards who think Hololive is some kind of anti-chink bastion (as opposed to a business that would get back into that market in a heartbeat if they could without dropping other markets) also tend to think everyone else is bad (regardless of if they blame the chink boogeyman, the sjw boogeyman, the western whore boogeyman, etc.).
It's just that combined it comes off as:
>Everyone else is rejecting my chuubas, because my tribe would never be mean enough to block them
>But also we didn't want those collabs anyway! Everyone else is gross!
>Even if my tribe WAS blocking them it'd be good! (They aren't though, because then some anons /vt/ will make fun of us and call us insular and I can't accept that!)
It's just sad.
(Pic once again unrelated.)

>> No.23647575

>I've seen anons endorse both narratives in the same reply chain.
lmao at this retard thinking consensus on a website infamous for anonymous posting means anything

>> No.23647641

If you can't tell when you're talking to the same person vs. someone new jumping in you need to lurk for a thousand years before posting again.

>> No.23647728

It's pretty much just one guy pushing the "Niji EN must be the one blocking!" idea. Now that they have actual business in China with the EN branch it would make sense but collabs have been blocked since debut and it's obviously on Hololive's end.

>> No.23647750

>he still falls for elaborate samefagging
if newfags like you can't tell the difference you shouldn't be here

>> No.23647913

I want more small corpo collabs… Like half of Noripro fans watch 774 and vice versa anyway.
