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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 139 KB, 1170x1170, mysta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23608867 No.23608867 [Reply] [Original]

What the actual fuck, Mysta is based!?

>> No.23612109

He's very working class.

>> No.23612180

lel no

>> No.23612410

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-WzNPhycrk [Embed]
I don't get it, where's the based part?

>> No.23616913

If I haven't seen it then it doesn't exist. Mysta is a woman

>> No.23617150 [DELETED] 

This. What retards don't understand about tranny logic is that you can assert rational notions of biology as long as it isn't in reference to the alphabet soup crowd like Mysta did here. The second you challenge their cult-like ideology directly or indirectly then the online mob comes out. But this isn't one of those cases.

>> No.23617218

Homosexual men who aren't from California tend to be very based in regards to neo-gender bullshit.

>> No.23617429

then why is he a huge whiny bitch

>> No.23617482

Another one of these
>fags are sooooooo based
morons. You realize the overton window was successfully moved leftward on issues like this to get idiots like you to say this right? And now you have people talking about le based trannies too. What's next? Based groomers?

>> No.23617922

He's implying that if you have a penis you don't count as a girl which heavily invalidates trans women. Another transphobic actitude he showed on this clip is that he used gendered language by saying "I'm a man" when he should have responded with "My pronoums are he/him".

>> No.23618793

You lost the culture war a decade ago. Go fume about on >>>/pol/ instead of here.

>> No.23621416

Shut up, those are all different. Fuck off to pol.

>> No.23621518

do nijiniggers really

>> No.23621572

He isn't even a homo, he's just happy to pretend to be one for the fujo audience.

>> No.23622132

What the fuck is an overton

>> No.23622380

Not even the trannies would do such mental gymnastic, only the most demented, like (you).
Don't skip the medicine next time.

>> No.23627959

by this logic pussy doesn't exist for you

>> No.23629309

He's a fuckboy twink who bitches about meanies making the most basic of memes at his expense. If anything, he's living proof for why being raised by a Single Mom is child abuse.

>> No.23629655

he's a bi-slut like all the other bongs

>> No.23630653

The state of Mysta pussy

>> No.23635121


>> No.23635490

br*tish working class

>> No.23637118

>Not even the trannies would do such mental gymnastics
They already said is transphobic to assume that only females menstruate.

>> No.23637190

Close enough.

>> No.23637396

He's gay in the same way people on /v/ are gay
No woman will give him the time of day so he went prison gay to cope

>> No.23637424

>Homosexual men
It doesn't add up retard

>> No.23637695


>in regards to neo-gender bullshit.
Reading comprehension /pol/lock
Gay men and gold star lesbians outside of the California bubble are some of the biggest opponents to alphabet soup gender activism.
