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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 230 KB, 1500x878, chuuba pastor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23598204 No.23598204 [Reply] [Original]

so err, what level of irony are we on?

>> No.23598245

a shame its on twitch

>> No.23598309

>If you have boobs you can't read the bible
Christcucks are no different than muslims.

>> No.23598337
File: 192 KB, 460x688, image_2022-05-03_222058553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like saying abigail shapiro shouldn't worship god because she was blessed with fat tits.

>> No.23598372

Gross, what silly version of the bible is that?
King James as a minimum or you're 'tarded.

>> No.23598445

Is she reading the whole thing or just the romance stories?

>> No.23598447

>chat is so bored they start reminding each other to drink water

>> No.23598464

Lord, I am thankful for this bountiful harvest you have blessed me with. I am honored to partake in your wonderful creation, this woman's bosom. Amen.

>> No.23598468

Boobs what version of Christian you are? Arent there some versions of Christianity that doesn't care about nudity?

>> No.23598472

>inbr Ezekiel 23:20

>> No.23598592

Thanks for the hydration check, anon!

>> No.23599212

>King James
That is a very cute localization you have there, I like the creativity.

>> No.23601792

if you keep your tits on full display, yes.
there are christian chuubas with boobs but they're always covered and dress appropriately

>> No.23606191

I never read the bible but I know there's this story of a whore who was sentenced to death by stoning(?) and Christ himself shows up and says "may he who has never sinned throw the first rock".
Christcucks, your religion is trash. It has always been trash. You've been simps since day 1. Stop pretending to be puritans, you were never pure.

>> No.23606409

You never read the bible and you are not a christian.

>> No.23606525

The very first commandment in the Bible is "be fruitful and multiply". Boobas are a gift from God.

>> No.23606607


>> No.23606803

Uhhh....that is KJV, or a variant of it.

>> No.23607419

Not even a christian but you're retarded if you think that story is defending the whore.

>> No.23607543

im retarded, explain

>> No.23607648

judgment and punishment should be left to God.

>> No.23607650

In the original jesus was basically saying that the crowd should also kill themselves along with the whore

>> No.23608032

and this does not defend the whore because...?
we know god doesn't exist. leaving the punishment and judgement up to something that doesn't exist is more or less the same as forgiving the whore.

>> No.23608108

The bible assumes that its followers actually believe in God. Its lessons don't work if you don't believe in God.

>> No.23608247

>we know god doesn't exist
Wrong. It's just incredibly likely that he doesn't exist, you don't know shit.

>> No.23608429

Wrong. It's the anthropomorphized superordinate value that rules your thoughts and actions that is your God.

>> No.23608627

Breasts are not a sexual organ so if you think a woman showing her breasts is sexual, you have a fetish and you are a coomer degenerate.

>> No.23608692

The ass and anus are also not sexual organs, if you think a woman showing her ass is sexual then you have a gay fetish and are gay.

>> No.23608813

i agree women should be topless like men

>> No.23608862

God himself hade those sweet pair of bazoongas to feed her children into strong faithful christians. Don't corrupt them thinking for a second they're for your or anyone's enjoyment.

>> No.23609066

Big boobs doesn't = lots of baby milk

>> No.23610951

The story ends with Jesus telling her to "Go and sin no more." Jesus is giving her a chance to repent and turn over a new leaf. He's not approving of her past actions. He merely wishes for her, and all humans, to accept God's mercy and start a new life according to His grace, instead of simply condemning humanity for their sins without an opportunity for repentance.

>> No.23611030
File: 110 KB, 400x400, 1650646511244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lord have mercy upon you and the bare skin you show, because what I'm about to do can't be helped

>> No.23611201
File: 330 KB, 1920x1080, FQBXZciWUAU0i4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23611317

Yes. I can get hating on Christians, but Jesus is honestly a baller and is constantly dunking on people wherever he goes. I like him

>> No.23611662

what a reddit sentence

>> No.23611761

>Breasts are not a sexual organ
You have to catch up anon, we're not monke anymore

>> No.23611974

Oh come on, try harder than that.

>> No.23613262

Where's my Christian loli-tuber?

>> No.23613333

your gay atheist take on Jesus being "baller" doesn't need or frankly deserve any more effort on my part

>> No.23613378

Jews don't worship God

>> No.23613381

I'm not an atheist, though.

>> No.23613441

oy vey!

>> No.23613457

whatever the hell you are you're not christian

>> No.23613510

Very true, I dunno how on earth you figured that one out

>> No.23613618

the bit you're doing isn't funny, not even ironically

>> No.23613695

If you want to hear my -ist, I'm just a theist I guess? You are weirdly involved in this and I hate to tell you this, but now I at least think it's funny

>> No.23613779

>weirdly involved
ok and?
>I'm just a theist I guess?
So you don't even know?

>> No.23614051

I know I don't need to follow a specific religion to worship or experience god who I'm certain exists, which I am sure sounds very offensive to you and I apologize for that. Feel free to pray for me. I like Jesus, like I said. I'm sorry I called him a baller.

>> No.23614219

So what bible do you read for God's word? How do you pray? Are you just a half-serious Christian but don't want to call yourself one? Do you, like, read the Talmud and the New Testament and say "both sides have a point"?
You initially were just pissing me off by being unfunny but now you're confusing me.

>> No.23614622

I think that god is omnipotent, without beginning or end and transcends physical reality and as such can be found in most religions which again, I realize probably comes across as incredibly offensive. So no, I'm not a half-serious Christian afraid to call himself one, although I feel like he had a lot of very worthwhile things to say and that there is a lot of value in genuine Christianity for lots of people.
And yes, you will absolutely hate this, but I've read lots of Jewish and Christian texts and commentaries and have found value on both sides. I admittedly don't know much about Islam. I also think Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto, Native American and Mesoamerican religions have stuff worth reading about.
I just truly don't believe that my soul is in peril by not following one faith. I just have faith in the existence of a higher power and try to be kind and helpful to people, and I pray every so often. Again, I mean no offense and I really ask that you don't condescend to me for holding these beliefs; they're mine and I don't proselytize them. I don't encourage people to turn against Christianity and don't even have the influence necessary to do so if that were something I was interested in. As for how I pray, I just know that something is listening when I pray.

>> No.23614943

I just don't understand where you get any of your morality from if you have such a practical(?) way of believing in God.
I'm not really offended by you reading about other religions or whatever I'm just confused how you shape your worldview if you're taking pieces of existing religions to do your own thing.

>> No.23615230 [DELETED] 

Her nudes are fantastic

>> No.23615243

I genuinely believe that morality is inherent to being a human and that immoral people consciously choose to be immoral. I believe this to be the underlying truth of most religions and mystical traditions. I don't believe that religion is where we get morality from, but I do believe that it is effective in motivating people to be moral or, more accurately, that it can be effective in that regard. Obviously, some people have managed to find ways to be immoral to the point of cruelty under the guise of piety.
I won't pretend that it is easy to look at the world this way or that I have all of the answers, and I certainly haven't figured out how I want to raise my children once they're born.

>> No.23620303

Over 9000

>> No.23620784

my take is that if you need a book or person to tell you what is moral you are doing it wrong. obviously this does not provide a satisfying explanation for the basis of morality, but that's where the faith comes in.
t. another theist (sort of)

>> No.23620958


It literally is King James you complete fucking retard.

>> No.23621447
File: 386 KB, 1448x2048, Abigail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahaha I'm lewd look at me I'm lewd sex sex sex
That attitude is the primary reason why Western vtubers generally suck.
I don't know who that vtuber is and what's her personality like. If she's reading the Bible unironically because she honestly wanted to do it, like Abigail does, then that's great and having that model doesn't matter at all.

>> No.23621615

>I'm just a theist
Go back.

>> No.23621812


It's a tranny.

>> No.23622214

Tho shallnt call someone a cuck, if u love ur mother who alreafy sucked a mans cock.

You understand now anon?

>> No.23623988

But I've been here longer than you have, anon.

>> No.23624123

Morality is neither religious not inherent. It's social and cultural, with differences in morality appearing along those lines. Conveniently it's also the only explanation that accounts for all observations and predicts human behavior and moral justifications of in-groups acting against out-groups. I mean YOU can believe in anything you like, I'm just saying this is what makes the most sense.

>> No.23624896
File: 55 KB, 665x120, 1648117023541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23626466

low IQ pure reductionist take which is unable to explain phenomenology
it's not implausible you can reduce everything down to chemicals and QM predictions which give some emergent social trends among primates, but that does not reify my conscious experience

>> No.23626867

>can't recognize the version because he never reads it

>> No.23629851

Damn you're bad at reading

>> No.23630195


>> No.23635071


>> No.23636606

whole thing, stream is cool

>> No.23636673

you seen her preggers booba? She could feed all of Israel with those milkers.

>> No.23636776

rectify deez nuts up your rectus bro
if you genuinely believe morality cant be achieved without being religious then i wonder how you've survived this long on earth, you gotta be in like missisipi or some shot

>> No.23636778

Too Long, Didn't Read.

>> No.23636923

How are tits sinful?
God made 'em, and wouldn't have made us attracted to them if he didn't want us to enjoy them

>> No.23637060

>we know god doesn't exist
Absolutely brainlet post

>> No.23637313

Jesus making a whip out of bead out of cords and chasing out money changers animals and flipping over tables was on of his most based moments
>In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables. So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!”…

>> No.23637387
File: 210 KB, 1026x750, watchthestreamyoudumbfucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally almost none of you watched the stream shes supposed yo be an Orphanim but like sinners you focused on her boobs

>> No.23638109

That story is fake, it was added by the catholics or something.

>> No.23638167

This but unironically.

>> No.23638304
File: 140 KB, 417x323, 1624773413098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish angels are so fucking trippy, what on earth were they smoking?
also her outfit emphasizes her booba, no shit we're focusing on her booba

>> No.23638381
File: 88 KB, 622x617, otkuda-ty-eto-skazal-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23638712

Loads of cannabis and probably DMT.

>> No.23638754

It's not that crazy, it's just how people were back in the bronze age

>> No.23638778

That's not her though

>> No.23638794

Chariots and birds both freaked out desert people

>> No.23639382

>has booba mole
I will look as intended

>> No.23639588

This world contains many things God does not particularly like because it's been tainted by Sin and Death following humanity's rejection of God in Eden and the Fall of Man. Unlike the original creation, Heaven and Earth are separated. It is a good world at heart, but humanity's love for evil has introduced corruption, decay and suffering to be infused into the domain prepared for them. In the current state of creation, the Devil is the prince of this world, i.e. its ruler, according to Jesus. The promise of Christianity is that God has not given up on this fallen world of sin and evil and will dramatically intervene at some point in the future to cleanse the world of sin, restore its original perfection, and bring justice to those who profited from wickedness while granting the eternal life and union with God originally intended for humans to those who cleansed themselves of the taint of sin through baptism and faith in Jesus Christ.

>> No.23639742

I went in hoping I would burst into flame but all I got was sleepy asmr readings

>> No.23639784 [DELETED] 


>> No.23639813


>> No.23639823

I wish, those Muslims at least know how to follow their religion

>> No.23639865

What translation is best for this original experience?

>> No.23639920

Original Japanese raw scans ofc

>> No.23639937

do your bible reps anon

>> No.23640005

I for one thank Jehovah every day for her fat milkers.

>> No.23640113

stop coping it's an amerishit version for low IQ tards

>> No.23640173

>be KJV fetishist
>can't even recognize obvious KJV prose
lol do you KJV fags even read?

>> No.23640247

>Do christians on /vt/ read the Bible

>> No.23640299

>american KJV is apparently KJV
Use less internet

>> No.23640417


>> No.23640760

It's not the American version you illiterate mongrel.

>> No.23640910

Stop greeting like a wean it clearly is

>> No.23641002

not even christians read the whole bible, and not because they dont want it

>> No.23641105

>they rode UPON the camels
>For she had said UNTO the servant
>What man is this that WALKETH in the field
Cope. And maybe book an eye exam while you're at it.

>> No.23641239

Literal cope, use less internet

>> No.23641267

I accept your concession.

>> No.23641297

You're that retard? You've been wrong with every argument you've ever had on this site.
There was no concession, you're deluded.

>> No.23641392

You faggots argue about fake anime tits on a shitposting imageboard. Y’all dont know shit about any god lol

>> No.23641581

>You're that retard? You've been wrong with every argument you've ever had on this site.
take your meds and/or exorcism
>There was no concession
There was indeed, you refuse to prove me wrong, because we both know you can't.

>> No.23641645

Take a trip from your treehouse to the civilised country of England, pick up a bible.
A few sprinkles on an american version of KJV on an american website will always just be a cope.

>> No.23641744

And once again, you refuse to prove what you're saying. You can't, because you're wrong and also an idiot.

>> No.23641776

Cope, go tell some faggot you accept their concession out of the blue

>> No.23641859


>> No.23642974

Not all angels are described in the same way. The angels in the book of Daniel look exactly like the humanoid figures you'd expect normally. This "bible accurate angel" meme is extremely stupid.

>> No.23643165

Just the difference between the vehicle angels use and their actual bodies when not in the vehicle

>> No.23643208

You do realize the Synagogue of Satan does not worship god right?

>> No.23643288

The application of the word angel to all these groups is the source of the retardation because angel isn't a type of being to begin with.

>> No.23643536

>muh joos
You do realize that christfaggotry is a jewish religion, right?

>> No.23645551

God really was nice for giving her very big tits!
