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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23585308 No.23585308 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there barely any outrage regarding Kronii still having activities in her past life and using Hololive as a stepping stone for her dream job compared to Mori?

>> No.23585353

Want to retype that post with more grammar, esl?

>> No.23585357

melhomie deflection thread

>> No.23585419

She doesn't ruin collabs with her shitty personality and lack of humor, so who cares.

>> No.23585427

How about you take your schizo meds and give us some details?
We can't read your fucking mind.

>> No.23585473

I only saw her upload a Nier cover with the description caveat that she's not going to upload much ever again, what the hell else are you even talking about.

>> No.23585494

You're too stupid to realize that sentence is grammatically perfect.

>> No.23585519

Vt is retarded

>> No.23585588

Board keeps making a big deal whenever Mori does something in her past life (as well as other girls like Kiara but they happen rarely) but when Kronii does it there's barely anything.

>> No.23585711

Another Sarakek deflection thread

>> No.23585750

This. My only problem with Mori is that she ruins collabs.

>> No.23585772

Kronii knows how to keep her past life far away from her current work, unlike Calli.

>> No.23585781

Yeah, I heard Mori will attent some convention as her past identity.

How will that work? I doubt she can go in person.

>> No.23585889
File: 419 KB, 454x427, 1648629199303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, half the Hololive talents are still active on other accounts for various reasons, but most of the time you won't see or hear of them unless you go looking. Meanwhile Mori does the Trash Taste podcast as a VTuber, then later appears in person as 666D6.

>> No.23586171

There is plenty of outrage against Kronii, she's just not as horrendously offensive about it as Mori is.

For instance Kronii is actually quite good at collabs whereas Mori is Mori.
Plus, at least Kronii is honest about how she doesn't really like streaming. People complained to her that she was always playing Minecraft off-stream (on the EN server) and felt like she was depriving them of content and she pretty much said "yeah well interacting with chat is stressful and I can't enjoy the game when I do it so if I wanna play games I do it off-stream, deal with it".

Mori is a pathological liar who constantly has to pretend and fake everything. Even at her absolute worst she tried to act like she loved Hololive despite literally not being able to name a single senpai she wanted to collab with or a single song she liked. She didn't even know who Suisei was until Suisei sang Red, that's how bad it used to be.

>> No.23586199


>> No.23586242

because nobody really cares about council, whereas myth is the golden egg

>> No.23586434

A stepping stone for her dream job of anime/game voice actor where she gets less recognition and way less money? You are trying too hard to make Kronii into Mori, wait till something actually happens which it always does and try again.

>> No.23586479

You people are fucking crazy. Calli both in and out of character are really enjoyable. I feel like none of you can handle actual human beings.

>> No.23586540

She said in her members that she wants to land roles not as "Kronii" but as her real self.

>> No.23586556

Might be possible in Japan, but is the West ready for that?

>> No.23586571
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If i'm reading your sentence right, it's mostly because Kronii is too fucking lazy to be a manipulator or saboteur. She has nothing uniquely "her" so she can't walk from Hololive and be a high value opportunity, she has no personality and she's very much aware of her booba buff being the only reason she's above Sana in subs, and lastly, she would burn far too many bridges on the way out while having none built at all

To put it bluntly, she's the equivalent of a wagie threatening to walk out of their 15/hr job, but then stops complaining as soon as the paycheck arrives

>> No.23586596

Ok? And? Did you expect her to get voice roles as kronii?

>> No.23586658

Opinion discarded, go back

>> No.23586692

because pink woman bad what are you fucking stupid?

>> No.23586693

>she's very much aware of her booba buff being the only reason she's above Sana in subs
How does that work when Sana's got bigger boobs than her? Not to mention how Choco and Mel are the shitters in their gens despite their models.

>> No.23586719

Ultimately it's all Mori's fault. She showed that it was fine to be active on roommate with no consequences so everyone else looking up to her follow suit.

It doesn't help that its also actually smart (tho it seems like betrayal to the fans of their current model) for them to have a backup plan in case they get rushia'd

>> No.23586723

Choco and Mel showed up too early, and Sana needs to actually stream to fully utilize her buff, but she also is extremely debuffed by being this retarded ass "not gyaro, but also not colored girl, just tan" shit that kinda negates her colossal tits

>> No.23586725

>so everyone else looking up to her follow suit
we have to genocide EOPs. its the only way

>> No.23586796

Tell me about this rrat I don't watch Kronii

>> No.23586829

Sana literally doesn’t stream

>> No.23586873

Not a rrat, she's lazy as fuck but thinks she can walk any time
You can hear it in basically every stream

>> No.23586930
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Fuck. If I was a Kronie that would piss me off...

>> No.23587065

most kronies don't know about her pl, which is actually hilarious considering how obsessed they seem they are with her

>> No.23587095

There is none.
People tell you about Mori more.
More about Mori, ehe.

>> No.23587137

It's those that end up the worst if they leave. Not because it's impossible to make it on their own, but because they have no drive they'll get nowhere without someone even lightly pushing their back.

>> No.23587191

People don’t like Mori. People like Kronii. Does that answer your question?

>> No.23587344

The plan kinda falls apart when you realize that the roomie will never be as popular or successful as the corpo gig. She would also lose a lot of the stuff protecting her from the full brunt of her antis or from fellow ecelebs who want to take a shit on her for her lame ass music. Being a holo has its privileges.

>> No.23587375

It doesn't matter, since Cover wants the girls to treat Vtubing as a side job.

>> No.23587483

We can only have 1 target a year. 2021 was Kiara, 2022 is Calli, 2023 will be Kronii. Just have patience.

>> No.23587492

i actually liked her PL content came for the design lean PL and stayed because of it

>> No.23587582

>Fucking ruins collabs
>Is a known drug addled bitch
>Has the most obnoxious fanbase
>Has been caught in 1080p lying to fans
>Lost her fragile little mind over a single superchat and had to be put on spurg wrangler mode by her manager
>Frequently has allowed her PL to cross into her current incarnation
>Has a shitty personality.
Yeah that's about it I don't really watch enough EN boogaloo to know more than that

>> No.23587624


I think Kronii has more subs because she actually streams where as Sana doesn't seem to actually show up much.

That and the rest of EN seems to really like Kronii and had nothing but good things to say about her when they met her.

>> No.23587631

I actually prefer Mori over this lazy fuck

>> No.23587643

She had more subs before debut.

>> No.23587665

Because we're not all schizo fucks like you anon. Get a life, touch some grass, pay your goddamn taxes, and do the human race a favor by never procreating

>> No.23587864


>> No.23587904

Except Sana who said her personality is dry as the desert

>> No.23587962

Not to pick sides on the battle of the deadweights, but Sana needed Ina to get her into Council, whereas Kronii used her CV and at least something close to a personality to get in, so lets not take Sana for scripture

>> No.23588000

Kronii, even if you dislike her, is pretty inoffensive and easy to ignore, because she doesn't stream all too much and most importantly isn't involving herself too much with other Holos. Mori on the other hand shows up in too many collabs with Holos you actually like, and you have to suffer through watching her because of it.

As for roommate activities, the amount of activity is not even close to comparable.

>> No.23588007

Is this to make sure that for the ones living in Japan their contract hours won't reach the limit after which would Cover need to pay taxes, healthcare and pension for them?

>> No.23588052

Kronii is fine. The only actual complaint with her is that she could stream more often.

>> No.23588396

>most importantly isn't involving herself too much with other Holos
She spends more time on other people's channels than on her own.

>> No.23588541

t. deadbeat

>> No.23589299

This, if Mori was good at collabs and did not actively ruin them, then she would have far more goodwill around here
Yes the “Male”, TT and “lean” drama would still have had a reaction, but atleast you could have pretended she did not exist by not watching her and not having her whiplash the viewers every collab by both making it all about her and not ever preparing
Proof of this is that even when vt really could not stand her her first few table top streams were loved

>> No.23590287

One is a crackhead and the other a depressed VA who only does a little crack

>> No.23590611

This but Mori REALLY, REALLY wants you to know her other persona, they bleed into each other all the time. Kronii doesn't do this, that is why nobody cares about her VA job.

>> No.23592684

>>This but Mori REALLY, REALLY wants you to know her other persona
does she? post a link

>> No.23592778


>not even streaming on her old channel
>0 activities on rm compared to Mori
deadcuck deflection thread

>> No.23592848

lmao bro Kronii presents herself as some impersonable weird uncaring outcast loner type but she's actually a giga-Stacy that makes everyone laugh and takes charge, this was evident both during the off-collab and from every personal account of the off-collab

meanwhile Sana doesn't stream, got into Holo through cronyism, and is canonically a fat bitch

>> No.23593411

>the rest of EN seems to really like Kronii and had nothing but good things to say about her
They're not going to expose their tensions with their co-workers to the world unless they want out of Hololive like Sana. They may as well like her, but their words and actions as representatives of Hololive are not confiding any real personal impressions 99% of the time.

>> No.23593799

>Choco and Mel showed up too early
Bullshit, Noel was #1 out of the starting gates for Gen3 for one and one reason only. I don't buy this bullshit narrative that 2018 was too soon but 2019 and 2021 were just right.

>> No.23594049

Not really, but nice hyperbole.
But even if I would dislike Kronii (I don't), the "other channels she appears on" are still not those Holos I actually watch and care about, so I could ignore her pretty easily. (Sucks for those that dislike Kronii but like the Holos she regularly collabs with, but how many of those people are there anyway?)

With Mori, it's a little bit worse, because I actually like to watch some of the Holos she regularly collabs with, so I'm unfortunately being reminded of her annoyance more than I would like.

>> No.23594145

They wouldn't invite her to so many collabs if they didn't like her.

>> No.23594286

Mori gets invited to a lot of collabs too and she's visibly hard to interact with at times. It's all about the numbers they bring and not having to work too hard for them when there's someone else helping.

>> No.23594335

Or maybe they like Mori.

>> No.23594384

Any fucking idiot can tell Mori is funneling people. Nobody else is doing that in EN.
Even the casual reddit and youtube comment crowd know who her roommate is because of this.

>> No.23594393

Maybe yes, maybe not. I don't know them or what happens behind the scenes.

>> No.23594403

Because she isn't a horrible cunt like Calli. Simple as that. I don't hate Kronii, I despise Calli

>> No.23594516

Because she is the "cool" kid who does concerts and hangs with rappers, loves to do drugs and drink, and live the "life" many introverts think is cool.

Then they hang with her and find themselves drinking until the morning and doing super fucked up behavior. Anyone who is Mori's friend, realize this quick and drop off the map.

IRyS, Bae, both have experience this and the whiplash hanging with Calli brings.

>> No.23595077

>[schizo babble]

>> No.23595124

NTA. The thing the other anons don't get it isn't just because big breasts. It's because Kronii artist is the one who did the characters for the Fate Extra game series.

All of which were hot as fuck and it was a huge buff to Kronii because the art was obvious.

With Sana as others pointed out she doesn't look like a gyaru or black just white with a tan. And her model has problems with the ears,side of the head with her hair, and her chin disappears at certain angles. Plus she didn't stream a lot.

There is no outrage because if you try to link or bring up Kronii RM the post will be deleted fast as fuck by the jannies. Also because people who went to see her roommate didn't like what they saw and pretended it doesn't exist.

>> No.23595156

Any compilation on what you said about Mori on youtube? Kinda curious

>> No.23595355

But Rushia literally proved you don't need a back-up plan. I feel like you people defending Mori's scandalous behavior are really just pretending to be retarded. Either your fans will follow you or they won't, most Holomems have fans that literally followed them into Hololive. Being a cynical whore doesn't actually make you smart because you are only going to siphon off people who would have followed you after Hololive anyway and in the case of siphoning them to non-vtubing work, then you're deliberately courting an audience that doesn't like your Hololive work anyway.

>> No.23595454

Posts like this are the reason deadbeats are so hated.

>> No.23595468

Americans really are mentally challenged

>> No.23595608

Why does she even want to be a voice actress. Do they even pay them good?

>> No.23595696


>> No.23595703

I know right? No one has ever been passionate for something that doesn't pay well.

>> No.23596024

Are you a fucking retard? Literally take the sun allergy for example, fucking type that into Twitter and do some basic ass research you fucking baboon

>> No.23596067

damn mori is telling me to do twitter searches? where?

>> No.23596169

Right, your clearly a troll so I'm reporting you for trolling outside of /b/ enjoy the ban retard

>> No.23596195

>using Hololive as a stepping stone for her dream job
please watch her streams anon...

>> No.23596383

>actual human beings
Mori is a professional entertainer working under a parent company with policies and guidelines regarding expression. "Mori Calliope" is a performance. She's free to be as obnoxious and tactless as she wants off stream but if she can't even do that she should fuck off from collabs with chuubas that know how to play the game and who I enjoy because of it.

>> No.23596744

The whole vtube scene is a flash in the pan and every single corpo chuuba, including your oshi, is going to graduate, and will be forced to give up their current identity completely.
I really don't begrudge them for wanting to develop something that is more permanant for them. Not to do so is actually really irresponsible.

>> No.23599659

Why are you so mad about anime girls

>> No.23599832

Nonsensical thread. If you're not watching streams for the fun and games you need to find a new pastime.

>> No.23600345

how come every hardcore mori anti types like a twitter tourist?
its actually really uncanny

>> No.23602376

This doesn't seem like it should be on this board... also, a lot more of the girls than just those two still are active on past life accounts. You should really do research before throwing shit at the wall

>> No.23602551

Why is every cuckbeat a literal redditor?

>> No.23602577

Bro what, calli's roommate was literally active and performing last month

>> No.23602585

She doesn't stream for one.

>> No.23602654

Nevermind I read the OP wrong. Maybe it's boobs or something idk.

>> No.23604877

Mori and Amelia's collabs were fun

>> No.23606891

Honestly the biggest issue seems to be that so far every “reborn” hololiver also have a creative burnout around the same time they reborn and just fizzled out

>> No.23607307

ESL retard

>> No.23608583

>tfw want to syphon as much money to my oshi as I comfortably can before that happens
>tfw she is onto me and is subtly discouraging me in a nice, but cold way
>tfw this is how we look out for each other in our own, messed up ways
Just fucking let me spoil you all I can before we never interact again...

>> No.23609587

Honestly, Kronii seems to do less past life stuff than some of the JPs like La+.

>> No.23609856

Kronii only streams like 8 times a month and doesn't fuck up any collab or group dynamics

>> No.23611515

She's above Sana because she streams and Sana doesn't.

>> No.23611560

Choco got her ass beat by Youtube-kun, and Mel doesn't stream much + was away for a long time.

>> No.23611942

She said that because she wanted to get VA roles based of her own talent and not because of nepotism due to being in hololive

>> No.23612335

Too many run-on sentences you illiterate fuck

>> No.23612387

That's a retarded take on networking but whatever.

>> No.23612402

I wish Kronii would actually be more active on her RM. She was much more relaxed and happy last time she played with her friends.

>> No.23612443

That’s not a thing. It’s an invention of English classes. The English is grammatically correct, you would know that if it was your first language.

>> No.23612630

The backup plan is cope. Mori’s “past life” doesn’t exist, that’s who she is. Calliope is a side gig that brings in the dough. She has said so herself. It will never die, in fact I expect it to continue to ramp up during the rest of her tenure with Hololive.

>> No.23615247

The best example of Mori being Mori is when she didn’t show up or do anything for Ame’s 1st birthday but she made sure to show up for some indie’s birthday stream that happened at the same day.

Kronii is some depressed gook that fights the urge to neck herself every time she gets out of bed. She didn’t stream or hint about the roommate activity and wants to separate her Hololive account from the roommate one which is why she said she wants to make it as a VA without relying on Hololive.

>> No.23615457

I watched that entire Minecraft stream, Kronii sounded and acted the same way even fading into the background for minutes at a time. Honestly that stream was pretty boring.

>> No.23616188

I dunno, I'm still mad. I was super hyped about getting a Wada Arco vtuber, and I got Kronii.

>> No.23616313

Other talents were active with their roommate before Mori was. Noel's roommate still regularly puts up videos, though I haven't checked in a while.

>> No.23616844

My rrat is she doesn't enjoy streaming as much as she thought and is trying to find a second job so she can quit.

>> No.23616891

This rrat is for kronii

>> No.23617136

>Her first music video
>Dice roll every 5 seconds
>Dice constantly in the background


>> No.23617399

That's every chuuba after facing their first wheelchair-bound horny fan with rainbow-colored hair and a diaper.

>> No.23617430

bullshit, I'd only believe this if moris rm was attending a convention that multiple hololive members will attend at the same time

>> No.23621829

>Reddit forced meme term
Into the trash it goes.
Why can't you redditors just call them tits?
