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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23552076 No.23552076 [Reply] [Original]

Is Koyori... ok?

>> No.23552224

She's always okay.

>> No.23552230

normal week for her

the ones who arent okay are the joshikuns who find the time to watch all of it

>> No.23552421

Poor girl, all this and she STILL can't get a 10k floor

>> No.23552445

hey man, it's golden week and also koyo day is happening (5 = こ, 4 = よ)

>> No.23552505

That would be me. The other days I had to stay up until 7 am watching re2, ended up missing my reading reps. It's a mess.

>> No.23552538

she's had an 8k median for 3 months, and if you gather holox and council, she's 2nd after laplus in total views, she's doing fine, not everyone has to be the next pekora

>> No.23552566

It's because all of this that she cat get 10k.

>> No.23552608

she's not a cat, she's a coyote

>> No.23552912


>> No.23553239

More or less, and I'm sure she is aware. Fomo is real, and plenty of people will choose not to sub/follow if they don't think they can keep up.

Not like it matters, since Koyori clearly streams a lot because she legitimately loves doing it.

>> No.23554088
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yeah she's fine for now

>> No.23554340

Why are so many numberfags breaking containment all of a sudden?

>> No.23554529

This is what a slightly above regular streaming looks like. Sorry for spookin you EN enjoyer.

>> No.23554533
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>617 hours in 4 months
She really need some break

>> No.23554706
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Koyori has said that she truly enjoys streaming and it de-stresses her instead of stressing her out. I personally worry that she might burn out at some point, or if not that then her voice might get fucked. Talking in a squeeky anime voice all day does that to your vocal chords.

>> No.23554748

according to this post, it's a bit more than slightly above regular >>23550599

she's fine, she goes crazy if she doesn't stream, she literally got a laptop so she could stream from her parent's house when she went to visit for a day, and the first thing she did after moving and having a break for 1 day was to setup the stream machine and stream from an unfurnished room, let her stream

>> No.23554827


>> No.23554917

Maybe she doesn't need a break, but her manager sure does want one

>> No.23555338
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>> No.23555401

Streaming is her coping mechanism for not being able to find a gf

>> No.23555473

She's going to date Mio

>> No.23555490

She hasn't taken a meaningful break since november.

>> No.23555530

Based. Her gachis are lucky and I hope they are happy. Great holo talent

>> No.23555534

then they go around criticizing that hololive does not give them a break xd

>> No.23555564

Agreed. If there’s likely a Koyori stream I can catch later, I’m less likely to watch the current one over another member who streams less often.

>> No.23555576

She streams 36 hours a week on average.

>> No.23555578

who does that

>> No.23555694

the people of nijisanji mostly

>> No.23555916

She might as well do 24h streams at this point.

>> No.23556004

>24 Hours
>10 streams

>> No.23556068

fun fact, one of those happened because of koyori, since she invited her to the amongus roleplay thing she organized

>> No.23556094

Imagine that all of HoloID3 have more streamtime than her despite being a month old

>> No.23556118

This is what every vtuber schedule should look like, you fucking lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.23556201

hey wassup guys

>> No.23556268

She really is an amazingly hard worker. She's probably one of the hardest working vtubers in the industry. I truly hope she doesn't burn herself out, but it seems like she really does love this and so I'm not too worried. For most of her life, it's clear she's always struggled extremely hard to be successful. I'm really happy for her that she's finally found it.

If you haven't given her a chance yet, I highly recommend her English learning streams. She tries to translate weird sentences and then checks them against DeepL and chat. They're a lot of fun and she's pretty

>> No.23556409

Pekora and Miko are crazy.

>> No.23556564

If Koyori can get the numbers, she could be a monster streamer and blow out everything.

>> No.23556623

I want to tell Koyori to please take a break even just for a day or two
But I don't want to be a Listenersan...
But I do want her to still have energy for years to come

>> No.23556752

sadly, i think this streaming style is not destined to get the huge numbers, i really like her and i manage to somewhat keep up, but i think this style makes her a bit inaccesible

>> No.23556994

Pizza papa…

>> No.23557672

Why are JP schedules always so ugly?

>> No.23558418

Because EN schedules are so lackluster that they have to add pictures and stamps and other shit to fill it out.

>> No.23559600

Because you are an illiterate dog who can't read, so it looks like visual noise.

>> No.23560735

No, she keeps running away from mahjong.

>> No.23562566
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How about this schedule?

>> No.23563094

I'd like to see an ayame-koyori collab and obseve who infects who

>> No.23563224

Man... she's slowing down

>> No.23563389


>> No.23564378

Because you're used to empty space with the EN girls

>> No.23567428

Can someone share Ayame's schedule for this month?

>> No.23567697
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 4A989F60-71E3-4B9F-A426-C0D2E6B72504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chuuba works a 40 hour week
>ENfags lose their fucking minds

>> No.23567858

She's also real cute, have you considered that?

>> No.23568079

It makes sense, you're supposed to be streaming at least that much if this is your job. How can you say that you respect your fans if you provide like 3 hours of content every two day?
All the big streamers have consistency and volume, you won't see xqc stream 2 hours then take a 1 week break.

>> No.23568273

as a hag, she knows firsthand the crushing reality of having 0 prospects in life so she's giving this holo golden ticket shit her all. some of the ENs (cough KRONII cough) should be taking notes.

>> No.23568331

if by "monster streamer" you mean "slightly below average twitch streamer", then sure

>> No.23568423

>doesn't stream enough
>/vt/ bitches
>girl streams 'too much'
>/vt/ bitches
You are never satisfied.

>> No.23569740

It's fine if they want to stream that much because they're psychologically enslaved by the content creator rat race and have deep feelings of insecurity and fear over losing their audience or becoming irrelevant. That's their prerogative. However, once the fans start talking about cringe shit like demanding to be "respected", they've definitely crossed the line of self-entitlement.

>> No.23570006

Based, youtube streamers are so lazy

>> No.23570120

Drivel. Especially in the case of hololive where the talent takes a spot in the gen and yet refuse to take it seriously, that's entitlement. They won so they can't be bothered to put in the work since their place is secured.

>> No.23570278

I really, really hope she doesn't burn out, I love watching like 1/10th of her streams cause I ain't got time for more than that.

>> No.23570488

how does sex with koyori feels like?

>> No.23570708

Regular streamers do 6+ hours daily with 1 maybe 2 days off. They’re aware streamers have a shelf life and they go all in. So it’s strange that vtubers, who might have an even shorter shelf life, are sticking to 1 to 3 hours.

>> No.23571445

Exhausting, frankly. The drugs do help.

>> No.23573824

she streams the amount that most humans work on their job, if we consider that meetings ect happen offscreen she seems to be the only one that actually puts in an above average perfomance with someone like watame to kiara level of streamtime probably does the same as a average job. most vtubers just seem incredibly lazy once you realize those numbers

>> No.23574595

she doesn't even put in the most hours per week out of the major corpos
Chihiro and Uyu always have her beat because they're basically streaming for the entirety of the time they're awake

>> No.23577527

this post is so fucking stupid, this isn't even what the op is about, no one has said "she's the one with the most ever" but you decide to post shit like this anyway, you insecure fuck

>> No.23579370

Youtube is not Twitch, Vtubers produce videos by streaming therefore 1 - 3 hours VoDs is perfect to get pick up by YT algorithm. Twitch doesn't have algorithm, you need to get high CCV to get your stream recommended to other people. That's why you see streamers on twitch let their stream running all day.

>> No.23579464

it's relevant because it means she's not exceptional in how much she streams, which means she is ok
it's not that hard to get that

>> No.23581294

This is what PEAK performance looks like

>> No.23583074

It's all fine and dandy until her voice gets fucked.

>> No.23584437
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This is my coyote

>> No.23585509

She said she streams a lot to distract her from her stress and depression, right?

>> No.23585577

How does she not lose her voice?

>> No.23585709

A man who knows that if he fails to entertain, his fanbase will move on to another man who does entertain them. It's completely different for big female streamers because simps will stick by their side come hell or high water.

>> No.23587792
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Koyori Thread!

>> No.23589827

you know they also work behind the scenes, right? they have lessons and recordings and stuff.

>> No.23589902

velvet throat

>> No.23590581

Awful and awkward, if you're a man.

>> No.23590644

Shut up listener-san!

>> No.23591014

so... she is addicted to streaming?

>> No.23591061

dw, im going to be the one that saves her.


>> No.23591066

she was supposed to be a scientist in lab coat, right?
how smart she actually is?

>> No.23591092

maybe she's infertile..

>> No.23592977

not that smart afaik, although she calls herself the brain of gen6

>> No.23594419
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Shes doing what Sana did but in reverse. Streaming a lot early in her career while the iron is hot.
She might not be the best in any Field but once again this is proof that hard work and dedication overrides talent. If Koyori continues like this she might become a top 10 holo streamer by the end of the year.

>> No.23594509

Maybe you're a faggot

>> No.23596372
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what do you mean might become?
she already is the overall most watched after pekora and miko and is becoming one of their biggest SC earners too with having been 6th in Hololive at worse and in march even being the biggest earner

>> No.23596446
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This is unethical practice
