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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 310 KB, 1458x2048, EtOCBJ8UUAQnPpN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2353039 No.2353039 [Reply] [Original]

Sheep thread

>> No.2353456

So that recent recording wasn't for original song, right?

>> No.2354162

No, but she will be recording it soon. Sounds like we're getting a cover in the meantime

>> No.2357158


>> No.2357568

We need more pictures of Watame in this thread.

>> No.2357713
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>> No.2359569

The Wednesday thing could also be a promotion/crossover related.

>> No.2360402 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2360428

w-what's going on here?

>> No.2360507

Preparing for milk extraction

>> No.2361548
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>> No.2365313

imagine if Watame was shaved like that sheep...

>> No.2366380

What do you think the pillow covers were made of?

>> No.2366549

When she talked about upcoming recording I think she said "I need to learn the lyrics", so it's probably that.

>> No.2368338
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I want to own Watame too.

>> No.2368742


>> No.2368821

How many trips to the dentist has it been now? Four? In less than a month? I have concerns.

>> No.2368991

I had to go 4 times to fix 1 tooth, it was root canal though.
She said what they were going to do today, but I couldn't catch it.

>> No.2369115

1 for the initial appointment, 2 to fix the cavities and 1 for the cleaning for today.

>> No.2369392
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The fact that I will probably never own this hurts more than any physical wound ever will

>> No.2369601
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>> No.2369887

You could probably own it if you wanted it very much, but at that point you might as well send money directly to Watame.

>> No.2369961

yeah, if it was a simple booth order I'd be gold. Nothing much I can do now except bitch and moan on the internet

>> No.2370346

Watame's reaction to saying stuff she shouldn't.

>> No.2370378
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>> No.2370557

Ehh, why are people following me on twitter, I have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.2371772

Stream at 23

>> No.2372033


>> No.2372122

Cute Mon Hun addict sheep

>> No.2373591
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>> No.2374659


>> No.2374996


>> No.2375033

That's new isn't it, it would be funny if it's from her original song.

>> No.2375636

Chat is happy when someone they recognise join in.

>> No.2375771

Yeah glad to see some long term members get in rather than random MHers. Passworded game entry is kind of shitty in this game.

>> No.2376967

Watamate is evolving.

>> No.2377084


>> No.2378024

It probably works better because randoms don't see password on screen, so they don't even try joining in.

>> No.2378134

Oh no, Watame is getting sleepy at night.

>> No.2378645

PVP with bombs.

>> No.2378868

lots of shitty cavities fixed fast are barely a concern

>> No.2379023

I was prepared for a very long stream today and it somehow became a very short stream.
It seems that today a lot more relevant people managed to join in.

>> No.2379248

Who was it? I saw Walrus but didn't notice the others.

>> No.2379499

I posted that when he joined, but overall there were 2 people with WD, then I saw couple people who posted on twitter and then few people who sent SCs about playing together who I might or might not recognise.

>> No.2380028

The other one I noticed was やぎねこ and the 水無月 was a different person from the one that sc. One of the SC I remember was from someone new and was feeling quilty since he took a slot from the Watamates but was glad with how warm and welcoming the mates are.

>> No.2380245

Oh she already scheduled it.

>> No.2380281
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>> No.2380350
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Wait, I remember someone making this joke here.

>> No.2380384

tastes like salty mutton

>> No.2380434

i did and that joke is so obvious i'm really surprised some fag did it only now

>> No.2382068

My first WNF was 19, I can't believe we are at 50 already.

>> No.2384386
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>> No.2385321

I had to check but mine was 5, no matter when you started this is still a great milestone and I'm really happy for her

>> No.2386460

Can someone fill me in on what cut the holos get from merch sales? I was initially uninterested in the cushion, but after seeing someone claim they get 100% (which sounds too good to be true even for net revenue) I felt somewhat more inclined to get one or three. Especially since I apparently had no qualms about paying for V-Carnival.

>> No.2386583
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>> No.2386638

Quite frankly nobody knows and anyone who says they do is lying. All we know is that for merch and voice packs etc. Youtube doesn't take its 30% cut, which is good at least.

>> No.2386801

They definitely get bigger cut than from SC, but how much it is who knows. Watame uses merch money to fund her music, so if you want to support her music buy merch.

>> No.2393385

A nice thing about the voice packs is that they don't really have any cost overhead for production.

>> No.2393681

>Getting about 1000 new subs a day

You ARE calling off work to watch her 1 million sub stream, right?

>> No.2395351


>> No.2399133

I wouldn't miss it.

>> No.2399714

It seemed like people didn't have problems getting clear files, but I wonder how it is with acrylic stands.

>> No.2399756

Why is she so obsessed with armpits?

>> No.2399825

Before her 3D model debuted the chat asked to see her armpits, so she showed them when it happened

>> No.2400845

Because she's a sheep of culture

>> No.2401020

But she would tell me to go to work...

>> No.2401244

It's going to be around August at her current rate, hopefully she inclines at some point before then but whatever, she's still doing just fine and will hit a million at some point this year pretty much no matter what. I "work" from home anyway so I can just watch her when it happens, no need to take any days off

>> No.2401270

She said she will sleep without alarm today, I wonder how many hours it will end up being.

>> No.2401308

I would never tell her this because that would be cringe, but her laugh always make me feel happy

>> No.2401504
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>> No.2401538

I did tell her this through a superchat before and she was very grateful and it wasn't cringy

>> No.2401618

Keep telling yourself that, I probably could never write half of the shit I wrote if my native language was Japanese. Somehow cringe shit is easier when it's not in your native language.

>> No.2401812

I don't care as long as it means I'm allowed to fuck her armpit.

>> No.2402106

Telling someone you appreciate them isn't cringe. Who gives a fuck? Not sure why anyone cares. Even more so when it's online.

>> No.2402356

I said it wrong, I know that it isn't. I just have terribly hard time writing that stuff for some reason.

>> No.2402897

Watame awake from her slumber.

>> No.2402948

I wish I could be her showerhead for the next 30 minutes

>> No.2403030

I just want to sniff the bed she just spent 15 hours sleeping in desu

>> No.2403154

I don't often watch Watame but saw her Caregiver stream the other day by accident and just her talking was quite soothing if it weren't for the occasional screaming and spooky noises. Reminded me of Lamy Minecraft. Any Watamates who can recommend some good similar streams without BGM, that aren't specifically ASMR?

>> No.2403406

Ehhh. Don't need to over-complicate it. I'd just say type something simple somewhere, copy-paste, shoot it off and don't think about it.

>> No.2403517

She almost always has a BGM, but she sometimes uses particularly soothing ones like this.

>> No.2404314


>> No.2404894
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>> No.2406231


>> No.2406318

Hardly started and already fucking up.

>> No.2406319

Episode 50 let's go!

>> No.2406703

Me in the left corner.

>> No.2406816

To the moon.

>> No.2406959

Laughing too hard at all the guitar spam in the chat to sing, god I love her so much

>> No.2406975

The wall of guitar.

>> No.2407190

Bouncing rockstar sheep

>> No.2407309

Bee time.

>> No.2407363

So how powerful is Watabee compared to Watamelon, Watamage and Watashogun

>> No.2407403

There's a reason why Watabee is sealed most of the time.

>> No.2407438

Look at it go.

>> No.2407469


>> No.2407536

I got stung.

>> No.2407554

In the heart?

>> No.2407842


>> No.2407851


>> No.2407901


>> No.2407990

Watame is hot.

>> No.2408021

Several times.

>> No.2408040


>> No.2408046

Opera sheep.

>> No.2408083

I want her to sing Mononoke-hime again so much

>> No.2408197


>> No.2408222

Chat broke youtube.

>> No.2408258

why aren't you?

>> No.2408551

Villain sheep.

>> No.2408682

Smelly song

>> No.2408750
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This makes me laugh.

>> No.2408888


>> No.2408930

Released 8 days before the Reiwa era started, so very close but not quite

>> No.2409515

>memory at 90%
Youtube chat is scary.

>> No.2409930

Night fever chat is becoming scary.

>> No.2410202
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>> No.2410686
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>> No.2410701

Tell me about the sheep. Why does she cry so much?

>> No.2410969

I wonder if she will finish in 6 hours.

>> No.2411005


>> No.2411069

Sheep had a hard life. And she genuinely adores her fans and being with us so gets emotional easily

>> No.2411139

Damn this tricky sheep.

>> No.2411184

It's fine, I was crying too.

>> No.2411294

Wakimizu flavour Watachips, sounds delicious

>> No.2411420

She's got what, 3 streams backlog to read? Yeah we're going to be here a while. Not as if that's a bad thing though

>> No.2411933

She said she wants to at least read old superchats today, but knowing Watame she will do all of them.

>> No.2412257


>> No.2412591
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>> No.2412743

90-99C cpu for me

>> No.2413954

Someone in China is currently being sent to military service

>> No.2414002

It seems she was recording song during recent recording, I wonder if it's going to be something like Imagination.

>> No.2414078

What the fuck was that shit

>> No.2414146

Wheelbarrow-kun forgetting that the chinks fucking love Watame and the last one who tried to spam her got his dox passed on to the Taiwanese

>> No.2414218

I kind of wish chat on screen didn't exist because I can't filter it to members only.

>> No.2414512

I hate when I get reminded there's 15 year olds watching Watame

>> No.2414552

You hate getting reminded that you're getting old?

>> No.2414575

Origami ASMR became like some kind of legend.

>> No.2414586

I already am old, but yeah pretty much

>> No.2414995

>sexy hitsuji

>> No.2415224

I don't really mind it as much as long as they're not antagonizing the sheep/spamming. Most of them chill out or move on.

>> No.2415580

Hi sheepbros. Coming over from the Risu thread. What did you think of the cover?


>> No.2415852

Seemed alright. Doesn't beat the sheep's version for me, but was a fine cover of it. It is really weird hearing it in English after listening to the standard JP version as much as I have though.

>> No.2416162

Wait what was the NG superchat? I missed it

>> No.2416212

I think it was "please say Mike hunt is cute".

>> No.2416243

EOP genocide when?

>> No.2416289

It was korean, genocide them.

>> No.2416297

Was a Korean name/currency, though that is not necessarily indicative of anything. The spammer earlier also had a name in Korean. Could have been pissed off at their ban.

>> No.2416419

Plans no limit for birthday signatures.

>> No.2416709

That's going to be a lot of work. She's got a much larger core than she did for last birthday. I hope she paces herself well.

>> No.2416741

She talked about maybe doing zatsudan during it or something.

>> No.2416789

While signing I mean.

>> No.2416863

watabee is evil

>> No.2417517

Everyone is bullying Watame with food.

>> No.2418002

>2 minutes between post and reply

Everytime. Teenagers get triggered so easily

>> No.2418073

Huh? I'm not that young too.

>> No.2418112

me and the boys told her not to say it

>> No.2418146

I really got no idea about those kind of things, I saw that SC and thought nothing about it.

>> No.2418206

she genuinely loves the fanbase.
i think out've all the holo fanbases she has one of the best. probably the one i'd want most. if i were her i'd genuinely be okay with meeting them in real life if hololive ended tomorrow.
marine is definitely competitive for that title but how she built and keeps the fanbase is definitely not ideal, having to expose her sexual side and be sexualized. i can understand she has a high sexual energy and is okay with it, but it is something she had to do and has to do to keep the fanbase, which makes it worse, in my opinion, than watame who's fanbase is there for a cute girl being kind and honest as well as expository of her feelings.

>> No.2418402

let me give you an immature list with some i know and some i have saved, all with many layers of irony from youth:
spell icup/i cup
ive been diagnosed with ligma
are you sugondese?
my father mike hunt just loves your streams, can you say happy birthday mike hunt?
replace mike hunt with any of these:
Huge Jasshole
Jun Gul Bunnie
Anita Cox,
Anita Han Job
(Lots of Anita's)
Harry Pubz
Myturbin Ismelly
Gabe Oytoucher
Harry Wang
Lou Skunt
Gabe Athouse
Fawn Delmijunk
Eden Beaver
Clea Torrus
Clint Torris
Jack Meyhoffer
Howie Feltersnatch.
Nick Gerz,
Ivana hanjob.
John Gulbani.
Nick Gherz
Robin Stite-Slot
mike hawk
Moe Lester
Ben Dover
Harry Gooch
Mike Rotch
Amanda Huggenkiss
Jenna Tolls
Jenna Talia
Hugh Jass
Gabe Itch
Heywood Jablowme
Rae Piste
Hue G. Rection
Phil McKraken

god my autistic humor in highschool has made me a perfect hire for hololive to prevent disaster. i never expected all my internet autism and shitposting to pay off.

>> No.2418428


>> No.2418463
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The face of satisfied sheep.

>> No.2418541

Ah the usual toilet reports.

>> No.2418581

i'm gonna save it as reported.png tbqh

>> No.2418642

how big is the backlog of supers?

>> No.2418694

She's at today's, but haven't reached aishteru SCs yet, I think it should be more than halfway through today's at this point.

>> No.2418717

too busy eating yummy yummy ass

>> No.2419232
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>> No.2419403


>> No.2419505

Soft sheeps.

>> No.2419552
File: 2.05 MB, 1292x1291, 6724042352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sheep is an absolute machine. Every time I open YT she's still going

>> No.2419713

Job or not the Watamates are a sizable chunk of her social life at this point. I'm glad she's enjoying herself.

>> No.2420046

only an hour more of supers right?

>> No.2420086

Sounds about right.

>> No.2420280

I wish she wouldn't do that, because it's not healthy, but I want her to be happy.

>> No.2420404

Happy birthday lolicon-san!

>> No.2420618

Eh. Let's be honest, there are a lot of holos to pick from. If you decide to watch Watame chances are you have something in common with her personality wise or interest wise, or both. Especially since she doesn't rack in many viewers so there isn't much of a bandwagon effect.
Since we can assume this is true for at least a decent portion of the audience, I don't think it's too unhealthy. One of the better, if not best, fanbases of hololive.

At the very least it may be a way of living that works for her, you know? I know good people who've killed themselves or started smoking. It's very surprising and likewise depressing. I couldn't imagine anybody disliking them or really living the same without them. I'll project a little and say despite the great love given to her she may not find it elsewhere in life, despite how obviously a good person she seems to us. I mention these people of my self because society can be cruel or distrustful, especially if these people have faults like low self esteem or some form of social anxiety/autism. All things considered she's O.K.A.Y and you shouldn't worry!

>> No.2420719

You know we're starting to get close to the end when the chat turns from oyasumi to ohayo

>> No.2420772

To the end of night?

>> No.2420968

More like all night fever.

>> No.2421670

Ever since her streams moved an hour later from daylight savings I can't even keep up with her late nights even in a much earlier time zone

>> No.2421835

I was prepared for such long stream today anyways.

>> No.2421962

Rub the horn.

>> No.2422242
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>plays video games and eats potato chips for fucking 8 hours straight
watame is literally anon, I love her

>> No.2423571

mama sheep ojii san please stop touching my daughter's breasts and eating my friends ass

>> No.2424432
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one of my favorites

>> No.2426091
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>> No.2427511
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Sheep are for eating

>> No.2432613
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>> No.2434968

Regular archive chat doesn't even work properly for me because of aishteru spam.

>> No.2436113

Oh she's on that NND thing again today so no stream on a website that actually works. Shame but I'm looking forward to tomorrow's collab

>> No.2436389

>so no stream on a website that actually works
I wonder about that, she might do short stream today because tomorrow there won't be a stream on her channel either.

>> No.2436681

Oh wait, there's porno live.

>> No.2436715

>Watame not streaming because she's busy watching porno
Erotic sheep indeed

>> No.2437047

The thing that Watame was laughing on twitter about.

>> No.2437080

Watame did nothing wrong

>> No.2437126

300 more

>> No.2439171
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>> No.2439629

What time is collab tomorrow, 20?

>> No.2440036

What do you think her most searched tags are?

>> No.2440701

It's too bad since she was killing the song too. At least it was a funny problem.

>> No.2441165

No stream today.

>> No.2441294

I have no plans today, what I'm supposed to do

>> No.2441347

If you guys ever hurt her I will kill you all.

>> No.2441563

lolicon, sweat, armpit_licking
Archive reps, I'm sure there's at least one old stream you haven't watched before, well now's the time
I don't think any of us in this thread would ever do that, not even unintentionally. But I'd join you if someone did

>> No.2441640

any link to the whole collab with Subaru and Polka?

>> No.2441673

Only one episode ever got uploaded to nyaa so don't hold your breath

>> No.2441682

Archives, Japanese reps, anything else productive.

>> No.2441710 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2441764

i think it only ended an hour ago, so shouldn't be too far outside the realm of possibility

>> No.2441842
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>> No.2441854


>> No.2441926

Learn to ignore things instead of replying to deleted posts.

>> No.2442099

Was the 2nd episode with Watame of that NND thing ever uploaded? I only have 1st one.

>> No.2442278

All I've seen is a number of people looking for it unsuccessfully.

>> No.2442299

Huh, I was thinking of buying membership and ripping both of them, but it seems that you can't even watch that episode anymore.

>> No.2442441

Truly the NND experience.

>> No.2442610

It seems there's actually archive and 1st month of membership is supposedly free if you use anything but paypal, but NND is declining my card for whatever reason.

>> No.2442771

Nevermind, free means you get free 2nd month, of course it was way too good to be true.

>> No.2442900

Bad sheep is watching porno.

>> No.2443470

Me on the right

>> No.2444028

Sprinting Jingisu-mate.

>> No.2445683

Free akasupa.

>> No.2446344
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>> No.2446875

Send her SC, maybe she will remember to sing it next time.

>> No.2446942

I downloaded few of her very old utawakus, she really did struggle with high notes, huh.

>> No.2447440

Her early stuff was pretty rough depending on the song. You can definitely see she has worked hard to improve herself and show that she belongs to be here. She's a much stronger singer now for her efforts, it's unfortunate some people still write her off.

>> No.2447810


>> No.2449010

Feed the sheep.

>> No.2449736

What kind of time is this, sheep is turning weird.

>> No.2449871

Shit that's 5am my time, I need to get to get to sleep right away

>> No.2450203


>> No.2450723

Noel is going for 1 million subs at 7pm tonight, I think a lot of the girls will be trying to avoid overlapping with her

>> No.2451420

Of collab is today. She wants some time with her Watamates.

>> No.2451657

>Bonjour, je m'appelle kuma
tfw no french sheep

>> No.2452184

Off-collab confirmed by the sheep to be at 22:00.

>> No.2454404


>> No.2454718



Did she fall for it or does she not give a shit anymore, like Korone.

>> No.2454803

Who cares about that fag, I'd rather she ends up on his dumb clip collection then he leaves her alone than her having to meticulously scan through every name to see anything that could potentially be a minor yab

>> No.2460361

This is like the 4th time and she didn't even 'fall for it' the first time because she watched clips of Korone.
She just doesn't care. In the timestamp you linked she says the guy is basically a regular now and ponders aloud whether it tastes good.

>> No.2460736

what does the pointing up emoji followed by the wata emoji mean? just "#1 sheep" or something?

>> No.2462229

Almost woke up on time. https://youtu.be/aE12VJeIH40

>> No.2462242

>just woke up
>didn't realise watame was streaming
>finally found it
>missed otanjoubi song

>> No.2462265

I can't get over how she'll drop everything to sing both Happy Birthday and Happy Day whenever she gets a relevant Supa.

>> No.2462292


>> No.2462372
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>tfw birthday is in october
>she might be too big by then

should i just lie in the near future? i don't want to lie to her though...

>> No.2463337

Didn't know monhun was a horror game.

>> No.2464278


>> No.2464556

She would read it. She even reads stuff non-members post now. I don't see how she'd be too big for it.

>> No.2466070

Did she say for how long she's planning on streaming?

>> No.2467047

Feels weird watching stream at this time.

>> No.2467421

Gang signs.

>> No.2467445

Yeah, I don't think Watame slept much today.

>> No.2467856


>> No.2469709
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>> No.2470109

Seems to be a trend with the sheep. Four or twelve.

>> No.2470227

I think usually it is 6-8 hours and if it's less she usually has a nap during the day.
I remember her mentioning that she lived like that when she had a normal job. Hardly slept during weekdays and then sleep whole day on weekends.

>> No.2472235

Cute sheep

>> No.2474142
File: 304 KB, 600x338, 1588294597592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2475576

Stream went down for me just as they killed it, I fucking hate you Susan

>> No.2476835
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>> No.2478769

Not sure if she's going back home after all, she was definitely enjoying Coco's bed

>> No.2479086

She did.

>> No.2479324

Must've gotten a taxi I'm guessing because I'm pretty sure the trains don't run this late

>> No.2479379

Yeah, after anniversary she went with taxi too.

>> No.2479569

Watame needs to buy a bed similar to Coco's

>> No.2479804
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Watame is like a small animal, you feed her and she sleeps in your lap.

>> No.2480215

Same artist that did the illustration for bubbly love?

>> No.2480255


>> No.2480316
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>> No.2480621

Watching porno is required for Wataoji

>> No.2480766

How come other holos have tons of porn but not Watame?

>> No.2481027

Watame is NOT for lewds

>> No.2481146

Because all ero artists have shit taste apparently
Go back

>> No.2483813

Because as it's been said before. Watame has wife and daughter energy at the same time.

>> No.2483867

I want little sister Watame.

>> No.2483905

That is why she was built for lewds.

>> No.2484092

Daughterwife sister

>> No.2484411

She truly is our lovely daughter

>> No.2484434
File: 291 KB, 2047x1447, 1602163737912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2485632

Watame energy. I enjoy the risque art, but don't have interest in seeing full blown porn of the sheep. I'm not one of the people insisting she isn't sexy either. I think she has a lot of appeal.

>> No.2486987

You don't parade around porn of your wife/daughter, that is degenerate cuck mentality.
You want tasteful lewds that leaves more to the imagination.

>> No.2488493

Sheep vocal training today.

>> No.2489618

>spending money

>> No.2490541

Watame is not for lewd

>> No.2490758

>sheep wants to be lewd
>company won't let her

>> No.2493076


>> No.2493472


>> No.2495867

Stream at 23

>> No.2495930


>> No.2496460


>> No.2497690

Watame became a cat too, horns are detachable aren't they?

>> No.2498788

Only if she decides to snap them off with her brute strength.

>> No.2502242


>> No.2502801


>> No.2505464

I don't understand boobpads.

>> No.2506100

It is

>> No.2507022

A bunch of the girls revealing their merch recently makes me realize how lackluster Watame's have been so far. Still undecided on getting the cushion or just waiting for something I want more down the line.

>> No.2507079

It's such a meme that I would rather have anything but that. >>2505464

>> No.2507153

They're more comfy for your wrist. And you can rest your hand of Watame's squishy sheep udders, what's not to like?

>> No.2507180

It doesn't change the fact that it's probably the only merch I wouldn't buy.

>> No.2507215

hold out for the plushie, it'll be god tier

>> No.2507264

Fair enough, it does take a pretty high power level to get something like that

>> No.2507568

No need to make excuses, you wouldn't buy whatever she released anyways.

>> No.2507774


>> No.2508409

What are you even hoping for? The cushion is pretty good quality.

>> No.2508568

Face became big because of too much dango.

>> No.2508935

What kind of answers was she expecting when asking why people joined membersheep

>> No.2509143

honest ones

>> No.2509427

Everyone is feeding Watame.

>> No.2509488

Brosnan-san, please no more!

>> No.2509568

No filter Watame.

>> No.2509663

What day is that voice training video? 16? I'm extremely bad with numbers.

>> No.2510074

Watame stopped using her gaming chair pretty fast.

>> No.2510115

>short legs
>big head
>feet smell good

>> No.2510689

>sending SC with magic card

>> No.2510798

Oh no my wallet is opening by itself bros

>> No.2510808

Well we're getting a late night if she reads all these today

>> No.2510896

Sheep Yakuza would be fun

>> No.2511071

Watame buying boobs live on stream.

>> No.2511341


>> No.2511472

I never thought I would enjoy Watame stacking sand blocks this much.

>> No.2512565
File: 268 KB, 2047x1447, 1597062276329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2513398

That's me in the spot light

>> No.2513445

Armpits are erotic. I would drink her armpit milk.

>> No.2513799


>> No.2514011


>> No.2514895

>says something about going to sleep while digging more sand

>> No.2515181

I wonder for how many hours it will be in page 10.

>> No.2515327

In the end I probably like Watame talking with chat streams the most.

>> No.2515400

