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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2336760 No.2336760 [Reply] [Original]

A lot has happened the past few months, both small and big. Any specific criticism you want to give to Cover/it's talents as a whole or in regards to past events?

>> No.2336787

first of all I'd just like to say NOOOO YOU CAN'T

>> No.2336795

Let coco collab with ENs
Grow some backbone in defending your talents from rabid anti hordes instead of forcing them to apologize for shit (Miko/Marine)
More and higher-quality merch, consider getting into figures

>> No.2336843


And give more glasses, FBK deserves to have her fetish indulged in

>> No.2336849

Stop putting EN on such a tight fucking leash. 3/5 of them speak nip anyways.

>> No.2336880

Watame figma
Watame boobie mousepad
Watame sololive
Watame album
New outfit for Watame
Watame 3D bikini

>> No.2336881

My criticism is more to Youtube for letting a bot spam script work without patching to fix it for 7 months. Cover is doing it's best, even if some decisions frustrate me.
I do think that biting the bullet and letting EN collab with Coco would probably accelerate the situation towards a solution.

>> No.2336890

Let Coco collab with EN. Let EN do whatever they want. Use streamlabs if you're so afraid of losing youtube monetization because of their leftist commie policy. Prepare for an alternative platform so you can slowly build a audience that is not completely reliant on youtube monetizations.

>> No.2336893

naked dogeza for Mel's manager and let them fuck the girls from now on.

>> No.2336896

Encourage more 3+ people off-collab karaokes. It's actually a good team chemistry exercise

>> No.2336936

Let the Coco + EN collab happen. Coco doesn't even get dislike bombed anymore, and you've allowed your most precious talents to collab with Coco. Why block this one?

>> No.2337046

I think Cover should fire any Koreans that work for them.

>> No.2337063

ENMA is chinese

>> No.2337066

More merch and more manufactured scandals please. I need something to waste my moneys on and more pointless topics to talk about on /vt.

>> No.2337084

>Anti thread.
>Same antis will later pretend that only the Chinese engage in anti behavior.
Hypocritical losers.

>> No.2337107

As long as Ina stays I don't mind.

>> No.2337126

>forcing them to apologize for shit (Miko/Marine)
this will actually cause a mirroring of CN if a real twitter mob ever organizes against EN; repeated asskissing that only emboldens and encourages the cancel hyenas until Cover shuts it all down

>> No.2337142

So many but the biggest would be synergy between all branches. Cover has a problem with pivoting when something is successful. They are traditional in their actions so they are slow to act. Look at early holostars and ID and they were just doing their own thing for the most part while JP had all the attention. They seemed to be ignored for the most part since they didn't bring as much as JP did. Until EN came in, they were trying to even get 1k subs a week but now they are bringing actual eyes on them. Maybe not as much as EN or JP but more so than they were before. More cross language collabs, even if you have to bring in another member or the managers to interpret, it can help boost everyone up across the board. I honestly didn't mind EN having it's own minecraft server but their was a weird barrier for them to even enter JP even though ID can go into it just fine. They could have their own language specific minecraft servers but they should've also made one where all branches and can come in to play.

>> No.2337158

Need to improve their 3D obviously

>> No.2337159

Did you know that Nijisanji had their World Server and it's a literal graveyard? Nearly all of their branches had their own server and they prefer to play in their own.

>> No.2337160

Ina has to go too. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

>> No.2337171

No way. YAGOO himself said CN branch was unprofitable. The whole yab just gave them an incentive to close it down for good. Meanwhile you have someone like Mori in EN who earned $54k superchats on her birthday stream (in contrast Marine earned like $60k on hers) and her albums always top the charts on iTunes.
You're delusional to think EN is comparable to CN. Chinks didnt even watch their own streamers, they threw all their superchats to Aqua and Fubuki.

>> No.2337189

Go stream you oni whore

>> No.2337205

Her chat still goes through a MASSIVE amount of spam. Enma doesn't want to deal with that and just forbids Coco from collabing with anyone from HoloEN. Just like they kicked Haato from HoloEN minecraft server.

>> No.2337247

Then why not just go members-only chat? That should deal with (most of) the spam.
Unless Enma thinks of the "long-term" effects?

>> No.2337256

It might not end the same, but it'll be a mess regardless. Cancellations intensify with concessions, and Cover's go-to response to controversy is throwing the involved talent under a bus with naked dogeza, suspensions and restrictions. It didn't appease Zhangs, but it'll actively incite wokies. You may very well see Cover force EN to apologize, get an even greater backlash, and force EN to apologize harder.

>> No.2337433

bugmen are retarded enough to get membership just to spam Coco's chat. If Coco collabed with, for example, Kiara, chinks would harass her for weeks after the collab.
Don't get me wrong, I do think HoloJP and HoloEN should collab WAY more (and Holostars too, but that's another topic), but I understand Cover's decisions to forbid them from doing so.
I think the most reasonable way to solve this problem would be dropping ca. 84000 nuclear bombs on China to make sure you cover the entire area.

>> No.2337452

Restricting chat is a small picture answer to a big picture problem

>> No.2337480

dealt with the taiwan situation poorly and now i'm going to be forced to watch ch*nese vtubers when they win ww3

>> No.2337509

Jesus. I forgot how successful Mori is. Hopefully they can replicate this 2 fold with Vsingers

>> No.2337543

>I do think HoloJP and HoloEN should collab WAY more
You can thank Gura for that not happening.

>> No.2337553

support the males more please

>> No.2337556


>> No.2337594

Cover and talents? Nah, I would drop nuclear armageddon on this fanbase anytime though.

>> No.2337626

bad overexaggerated rrat. for how little they bring in they actually support the homos pretty well.

>> No.2337674

And Cover is retarded enough that they still haven't hired mods for each person especially Coco. All their chats would be so much better if cover actually hired paid mods but their too lazy too.

>> No.2337675

Anon, Cover does the absolute bare minimum for the boys.

>> No.2337699

They're playing it pretty safe with EN and who can blame them. Western social media is just full of trannies who try to "cancel" everything. It's better to try not to piss off anyone and potential stir up a shitstorm that COVER can't handle. Especially considering that YouTube is owned by those same "woke" trannies.

>> No.2337706

If that were true they wouldnt get brand deal/sponsor streams, multiple outfits, and 3D models

>> No.2337713

En collab with Coco and Chinks will spam HololiveEN for eternity. We warn you

>> No.2337723
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Sue Mel's manager for rape. put him in jail

>> No.2337749

>Didn't censor chink
Weak bait, no (You)

>> No.2337761

Good point

>> No.2337794

Cover do their best Anon.
Bigger company than Cover kneel to China but Cover not do the same.

Just only this feat is legendary enough.

>> No.2337835

>thinking that you're still alive and could watch vtubers after they won the war.

>> No.2337855

>he doesn’t know
Yagoo follows Obama on Twitter

>> No.2337888

But Miko follows trump...

>> No.2338126

Nobody who gives a shit about woke politics pays attention to hololive, anon, and cancel brigades run out of steam way faster than you think if there's nothing substantial for them to sink their teeth into. You'd need something big for them to care, like Mori accidentally releasing one of the little boys from her basement live on stream.

>> No.2338140

And Polka's past self would comment and agree with Trumps tweets.

>> No.2338175

Hololive has the worst mods in the streaming industry, coco would not have a problem if hololive mods were worth a damn

>> No.2338206

Coco already has effective mods but went back to members only when they discovered that account sellers were egging on the spam for profits

>> No.2338244

The biggest sin that cover is guilty of is that the girls have to help each other with tech support. This is something they could easily help them with but they don't.

>> No.2338267

>anon forgets stuff that happened less than a year ago
do your brain reps

>> No.2338281

Why Ayame a whore?? Whats the RRAT??

>> No.2338304

as the most sane people would do

>> No.2338318

Antis sell spam ID and program and make profit from it if we ban them antis just buy another ID and Antis Id seller get money

>> No.2338346

Giving EN management any kind of power at all is a horrible mistake
They narrowly dodged a bullet with CN and then decided for another try of russian roulette
The day the EN managers get doxxed it'lll erupt into a firestorm that will destroy the company

>> No.2338393

Then what, you're going to email this to them and expect them to take action?

>> No.2338399

Anon, it's cute that you think Cover's tech literate enough to help them, they outsource almost everything.

>> No.2338427


We don't suck corporate cocks here.

>> No.2338444

>Dodged a bullet

>> No.2338448

No more EN gens. English vtubers will be the end of vtubers and we won't be able to have nice things. It's bad enough they give sjws like Calli and Kiara a platform to grow on.

>> No.2339496

Why the fuck do they take 30% of the income when they BARELY do SHIT?

The talent's need to unionize already.

90% of the content is made by or paid for by the talents themselves.

The ONLY things the corpo does of any significance is:
1) give them "managers" which seems to be more of a hindrance than a help
2)punish them for random bullshit "fans" complain about
3) keep them from being able to speak their mind/constantly censor or private any videos where they show emotions other than 100% saccharine happiness
4) put on giant overpriced concerts (which im sure they don't get a good portion of the ticket sales for, i mean cmon)
5) and finally, keep the rights to their characters so that they don't have the ability to leave/renegotiate terms.

Meanwhile the things they don't do that they should:
Supply equipment, like for FUCKS SAKE how do they let people start with fucking POTATO PCs still? Literally every talent now gets monetized before their first month is over and pulls in like 10-20k on their first super chat stream. Give them a GOD DAMN LOAN TO BUY situation as part of their contracts already FUCK. They hamstring their talents by putting them out there without the proper equipment to START. It would literally cost them nothing in the long run. They can take it out of their pay if they are successful and take it back if they quit.

ACTUALLY PROVIDE MODERATION. Like FUCK, again they are taking 30% of their income for the rest of their career to give them a model (which would be paid back before the end of their first month) and such a pitiful amount of help with anything else.

>> No.2339941


HoloUters Vol. 1 and 2 (The Holostars group karaoke sessions) were so damn good, I agree with this, this sounds great.



>> No.2339998

They USED to do the bare minimum

>> No.2340003

That's not how the industry works yo.

Japanese Idol/vtuber agencies work like the MOB, the more senior higher ups who have paid their dues get paid the big bucks. It's a purely seniority based system where the top gets to take a % cut from everyone else on the bottom. It's more strict than union rules, everyone has to wait their turn. You wont get fired as long as you are loyal to the company and don't do anything to dishonor the brand.

Any talent who wants to have chance at the big leagues need to sign up with one of these agencies to stand a chance due to the large built in audience base. Idol chasers mentality is like sports fans, they have a fav team / agency and they are very loyal. But this means talents are the ones that owe their existence to the agency they sign up with. So it's up to them to provide for themselves any essentials the company does not fell like paying for. Think about it, do hostess clubs provide the clothes and makeup for their girls or do the girls have to pay their own way?

And at the end of the day 30% of something is better than 100% of nothing.

>> No.2340016

Enma needs to accept that Haachama's a part of HololiveEN

>> No.2340107

They do get loans for equipment but you have to actually tell them that, if I remember correctly. I think Gen 3 and 4 have mentioned this a bunch of times already in earlier zatsudans. Pekora and Marine talked about loaning money from Cover to upgrade their setups back in 2019 to be paid off via their earnings. Kanata got a loaner laptop to start with, later switching to a powerful desktop. Towa and Watame also got upgrades.

>> No.2340415

>3) keep them from being able to speak their mind
Be careful what you wish for. We have enough independent en tubers who are just sjws who want to change Japanese culture

>> No.2340645

This bothers me the most out of all the shit above. Haachama tried so hard to become holoEN 0.gen, making a bunch of streams, memes, tweets and En collabs about it.
She has so many overseas fans as well, why would they shut her out like that?

>> No.2341348

t. retards

>> No.2341446

Haachama isn't owed to be Hololive gen 0
No one deserves anything

>> No.2341612
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>> No.2341664

I still literally hate Calli

>> No.2341778

Enma hate

>> No.2341799

You’re a faggot

>> No.2341880

I followed a few Japanese pro-trump Twitter accounts, weird stuff. Based polka tho

>> No.2341933


>> No.2342934

30% is huge in the entertainment industry, most idols barely get a change in their lifestyle after months because they don't get shit, holo girls have it amazing by comparison

>> No.2342999

I'd cheer for cover if they fired them all if they attempt it. Communism, not even once.

>> No.2343079

That has changed since last december. They have been getting more love from management lately.

>> No.2343092

Yo dayo! *SHITS*

>> No.2345522

To be fair, I would also try to get inside of Mel if I was in close contact with her regularly.

>> No.2345653

They were all borderline nonsense! What a dumb rrat

>> No.2346563

Bullshit, they would make Coco and Haato collabs Membership only streams if they were such a problem

>> No.2347043

Kiryu did a pretty bitch move. Answer the question and be done with it instead of beating around the bush and accusing people. That pushes the EN Vtubers on the spot and they have to deal with the idiotic fans spamming in EN chat because she couldn't just say "I'm always open for a collab." Now they have to say "Oh, I don't hate her." because she's so "outspoken" and "brave". She needs to check her ego. She's a grown woman.

>> No.2347173

>Prepare for an alternative platform so you can slowly build a audience that is not completely reliant on youtube monetizations.
Imagine being this stupid. Yeah, just switch platforms bro. Twitch deletes where youtube demonetizes. You think they wouldn't get slapped with fines if they hosted shit on their own platform? There's a safety net to hosting in youtube. You're probably the same subset of people who think "my favourite streamers should stream whatever they want without having to worry about permissions". Tough shit. There's no reason why an individual or an internet work based corporation should be exempted from the procedure followed by tv stations especially when they monetize their shit.

>> No.2347191

Fuck off chink

>> No.2347237

She did all she could with that, 90% of the vtuber audience is just too retarded to understand any form of implied messaging, and she can't explicitly say "yes, EN managers are not allowing me to collab"

>> No.2347415

>Answer the question and be done with it

She said what she could retard.

>> No.2347423

And that was smart of her, she spoke up when EN management was trying to cut her off

>> No.2347430

Use all the holobux to buy NND and give it none-dogshit servers.

>> No.2347480

Japanese culture is bullshit. She gets some leeway as a foreigner (especially since he is a high performer & seemingly quite well liked by her coworkers) but there is still a limited amount that she can say without repercussions

>> No.2347497

By needlessly stretching it out. I'm guessing you're 90% of the vtuber audience who can't pick implied messages and nuance from the choice of language and delivery.
Then there was no need to throw out "maybe some of the EN girls hate me". It was rambling.

>> No.2347570

There was a need to do it, because the goal was to force the girls to speak

>> No.2347620

>By needlessly stretching it out
You've only watched subbed clips I assume. People were asking her that in SCs for about 20 minutes straight. She did her best to answer while also dancing around what she couldn't say directly.

You are also a retard because she never said the "EN girls" hate her, only "somebody" which was to imply chink spammers and ENma avoiding things.

>> No.2347754


>> No.2347774

>because the goal was to force the girls to speak
Exactly why it was a cunt move.
Oh it's another "you only watch clips", "you only watch sub", "that's not what they said" EOP larping as if they understand Japanese.

>> No.2347820

Take it easy, Bao

>> No.2347916

If you think she was "stretching it out" when the chat was the one bothering her about it for so long then the only thing I can guess is you've only watched cut up clips.

>> No.2347922

Stop quarantining Coco and Haachama. The chink spam is unsustainable and already dying off. If it spreads to other girls' streams that thins it out and reduces the already minimal impact it has.

Tim Pool became a millionaire by hosting like 20% of his content on his own site and he was just a guy with a webcam. There's no excuse for a brand as big as Cover to be 100% reliant on Youtube. The Twitch streams are a step in the right direction, so I'll give Cover a bit of a pass for now.

>> No.2348000

Changs don't care about her, dumbass newfag
