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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23229915 No.23229915 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>23190888

Upcoming shows/events:
>(04/29-05/08) hololive Golden Game Week
>(05/01 + 05/08) 17:30 JST hololive IDOL Road Radio with Kanata

>Gira Gira
>Sakura no Ame with Miko, Aki, Polka, and Iroha
>Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan with Aqua and Suisei

Check out Towa's recommended manga (Shueisha x holopro collab):

Previous shows/events:
>Vtuber Saikyou Ketteisen S4 with Aqua and Suisei
>「[Nightmare Redux] Start of the Spring Guillotine Festival!」
>V no Uranai-kan
>hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish
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>> No.23229928
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(Official Shop) https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_%E5%B8%B8%E9%97%87%E3%83%88%E3%83%AF%22
(Overseas) https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/tokoyami-towa
(hololive 3D Acrylic Stand) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_3dacrylicstand?variant=42846164877532
(holo Aroma) https://codemeee.store/pages/holo-aroma-2nd
(Hololive Wafers) https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2022/4549660699910000.html
(1st Anniversary) https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2885961 (Voice-only)

Solo Originals:
>Scream EP
(Preview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm0KHnGOsyM
>born to be real
>My Roar
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc05le75CfI
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0

Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk
>Prism Melody


>> No.23229959
File: 417 KB, 1000x1400, A49508A0-9C2D-4995-A0B0-970712B9C3AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love towa!

>> No.23229967

I always think of this clip whenever towa doesn't notice me In chat... https://files.catbox.moe/4y7zgt.mp4

>> No.23230010

I miss Towa...

>> No.23230018

I miss Towa...

>> No.23230024

I kiss Towa...

>> No.23230034

I piss Towa...

>> No.23230038

I miss Towa...

>> No.23230042

Towa's not coming back...

>> No.23230059

I miss Towa...

>> No.23230072

Now that Towa is dead...

>> No.23230214
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>> No.23230313

Towa is never dead

>> No.23230342


>> No.23230368

SRT Tomahawk...

>> No.23230395

sui mengen at the same time as twi mengen...

>> No.23230397


>> No.23230409


>> No.23230450

so is that ow2 stream tomorrow still happening?

>> No.23230488

I will never fund her smoking addiction.

>> No.23230504


>> No.23230525

Member-only Smoking Session with Towa...

>> No.23230639

it was still on her whiteboard today so yes

>> No.23231266
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>> No.23231343


>> No.23231459

where are her piercings

>> No.23231644

That's a very cute Towa

>> No.23231670

Towa baby...

>> No.23231701

Runa... Small Towa... ToT

>> No.23231930
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Double barrels!

>> No.23232015


>> No.23232092

become purple cunny

>> No.23232163

where did their clothes go, they’ll get cold!

>> No.23232327

When Runa spoke for the first time yesterday in the overwatch collab, I thought an actual anime character joined the collab. Like, all the others sound like Japanese people and Runa sounded like she materialized from a CGDCT anime. She sounded very cute.

>> No.23232789


>> No.23233328

I think Towa should tongue kiss me...

>> No.23233563

can't wait to get scolded by Towasama on mengen again...!

>> No.23233781


>> No.23233879


>> No.23233895


>> No.23233962

Twi is back!

>> No.23234161

3D twap...!

>> No.23234213


>> No.23234240

She's so cute...

>> No.23234251

So fucking cute...

>> No.23234333

She looks extra dumb/cute, I love her

>> No.23234485


>> No.23234557

I really wish I was in Towa's arms right now

>> No.23234661

drawing dumb pictures with twap....

>> No.23234723

I want the SOUL yab to stay...

>> No.23234750

I couldn't even remember what it was until I zoomed in on it...
but it should still stay

>> No.23234774

She really has been acting extra cute since she came back from her break

>> No.23234842

Towa daughter...

>> No.23234872

She missed us just like we missed her!

>> No.23234954

cute towa...

>> No.23235279

Towa can't speak Japanese...

>> No.23235339

Towa "speaks" Japanese but most of her emotes are English, whatzamean...

>> No.23235376

She loves us.

>> No.23235437

Kaigai-nikis can't stop winning.

>> No.23235459

Half of her emotes are just going to be things for when she's losing in Apex at this rate...

>> No.23235466

Ellipses emote when

>> No.23235478

Towa hasn't forgotten us...

>> No.23235540

Towa should make full English streams... Could take Lui with her...

>> No.23235562

I just kissed my screen

>> No.23235603

towa is being extra cute...!

>> No.23235624

trying to do homework with Towa but she keeps getting distracted and making funny faces and weird noises at you...

>> No.23235686

The imouto experience.

>> No.23235690

stamp when?

>> No.23235705

Owen Wilson?

>> No.23235773

Kissing her to make her stop!

>> No.23235968

Fat fuck!

>> No.23235975

Yesh more Bibi....

>> No.23236069


>> No.23236084


>> No.23236097

She's being lewd and showing us her tail...

>> No.23236105

Towa really missed us

>> No.23236135


>> No.23236144

DAT nonexistent ASS

>> No.23236181

Not even an hour...

>> No.23236192

Too fast Twap...

>> No.23236213

>that tight and well defined pelvic triangle area

>> No.23236263

Oh Towa what have you done...

>> No.23236274

Everyone was worried she would cry and vent or something when all she wanted to do was get some stamps...

>> No.23236307

>tm spam teasing tmt stamp maybe

>> No.23236322

I'm now anti

>> No.23236332
File: 180 KB, 850x1202, __tokoyami_towa_and_bibi_hololive_drawn_by_tostantan__sample-7440956590b0a8ab0b9eade4a50e081e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a limit to what shapes Bibi can take?
Say if holosummer were to return could it turn itself into a swimsuit?
Could there be a Towa with a Bibi onepiece/stringpiece?

>> No.23236337


>> No.23236351
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>> No.23236365
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>she fucking said it
Unmembered,unsubbed and dropped

>> No.23236377

towa is making fun of religion... yab...

>> No.23236384

Comically gigantic beach hat

>> No.23236389

Truly devilish.

>> No.23236404


>> No.23236506

if that fat fuck gets to be towa's swimsuit i will actually murder him

>> No.23236507

Worshipping a devil...

>> No.23236536

twap leaning back and stretching is the cutest thing ive ever seen

>> No.23236541

This dork...

>> No.23236577

Noooo what did I miss? I went out of range of my bt headset. People are still spamming "tmt" emotes.

>> No.23236727

fuck she's so cute.

>> No.23236758

...now why would the membership chat that is normally somewhat restrained suddenly start saying it anon?

>> No.23236827

member stream to get some stamp ideas, discover the depths of the youtube emote system and play RPS. lol

>> No.23236841

I won!

>> No.23236850

A fuck I chose scissors...

>> No.23236863


>> No.23236864

I tied...

>> No.23236878

I lost...

>> No.23236888

draw with towa!

>> No.23236890


>> No.23236933

She's playing with her face so paper is the only play, since you get to caress her face. Unless you want to punch her or poke her eyes

>> No.23236964

I want to scissor Towa...

>> No.23236971

Twap ryona...

>> No.23236999

I can't say I've ever held my opponent's hand in regular RPS but if you say this is how it works then I trust you

>> No.23237006

I love Towa with all my heart but her 3D model is really punchable...

>> No.23237008
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>> No.23237016

Only 3 days off for golden week

>> No.23237061

Her smile looks like the Dragon quest's slime's face.

>> No.23237063

3 whole days with no towa.....

>> No.23237070
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I can survive that. As long as I know she's happy.

>> No.23237076

Bad ryonaposter, it's caressable.

>> No.23237127

yab male on stream

>> No.23237140

That's fine.

>> No.23237165

Better than I expected.

>> No.23237173

I can't superchat.
What happened?!

>> No.23237201 [DELETED] 


>> No.23237205

She turned them off

>> No.23237209

Slavzoku... your RUB...

>> No.23237230

I don't think it's about ryona, since I don't want to hurt her. It's like, if I could punch her with all my strength and she would just recoil a bit without being hurt at all it would be really fun

>> No.23237254

Punching Towa and she swings back and forth like a inflatable tube...

>> No.23237290

She turned them off because people kept superchatting and she didn't want to keep reading forever I guess

>> No.23237323

she hates us...

>> No.23237330

Towa gets uppity when she gets too much money.
Poorfag mentality.

>> No.23237343

That's kind of the feeling her 3D gives with her moving back and forth all the time...

>> No.23237350

>didn't want to keep reading forever
she hates us...how devilish...

>> No.23237371
File: 302 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20220427-170217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two years with Twap...

>> No.23237398

Congrats anon, happy birthday

>> No.23237400

Sounds like she isn't beating herself up about startend, I am glad.

>> No.23237405

>Light mode

>> No.23237409
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I will soon be there too, family...

>> No.23237443
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>> No.23237449

I cancelled my membership because it was hard to maintain it and now I look like a pleb with only about a year...

>> No.23237462

She's already talking about next tournament... she really does bounce back fast.

>> No.23237473

Soon you will be in the EOP club...

>> No.23237490

the rollercoaster of tournement highs and lows really never end...

>> No.23237545
File: 6 KB, 426x91, 7916985964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d debut anni....

>> No.23237594

More like JSL club and friends.

>> No.23237649

Mine is only 3 months old mostly because I was unable to watch her streams live due to timezones, decided to join in her last live... 3 months later Im waking up at 4am to catch her karaoke live on a workday...

>> No.23237713

every kenzoku are destined to be jealous menheras huh...

>> No.23237718

>She's turning the sc later
Towa loves me...

>> No.23237764

For my defense I was like this before meeting her

>> No.23237877


>> No.23238123

Towa's 3D for some reason always makes me want to lick her...

>> No.23238172

I want to kiss her, lick her, caress her, hug her

>> No.23238180

did that person lose the janken?

>> No.23238285

>The only parts of VSaikyo she enjoyed was when they weren't streaming

>> No.23238309

towa has performance anxiety in front of 100k people...

>> No.23238337

A lot more fun just hanging out with startend than streaming a stressful game to a metric fuckton of people

>> No.23238353

she has to start by practicing streaming her private sessions to smaller groups (like me)

>> No.23238451

>Talking about the first manager
So how many has she slayed then?

>> No.23238521

Isn't she on her third one?

>> No.23238545

Fourth I presume, but this one and the last one seem nice.

>> No.23238582


>> No.23238593

I miss Bora...

>> No.23238603


>> No.23238610


>> No.23238612


>> No.23238623


>> No.23238627

Nice or they learned to stay out of the devil's way.

>> No.23238640


>> No.23238642
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>> No.23238729

So she's participating in the coming CR cup? Or is she just talking about the old ones?

>> No.23238809

She doesn't have a team yet but very likely she'll be in the next cr cup, she's talking about the old ones now tho.

>> No.23238814

She has left it up to ojiji as normal. She will probably hear something from him soon. Probably.

>> No.23238826

She doesn't have a team yet but basically it's up to Ojiji to find a team for her

>> No.23238850

ojiji please put towa with more cute girls (selly)

>> No.23238896

Thanks. If I understood correctly Ojiji made the other teams, so she should have a good team this time too

>> No.23238970

Towa is jealous of boys nice voices... Towa wants a nice voice like other boys.

>> No.23238989

lol, so Cpt did ask her. I guess Manta got NG'd

>> No.23239009

i think towa has a nice voice...

>> No.23239023

based manager

>> No.23239026

If selly is a cute girl then why do I want to have sex with him

>> No.23239039

Towa has a nice voice that she never uses...

>> No.23239058

Japanese seem to really hate Manta so I would like to think Towa would have avoided a team like that.

>> No.23239067


>> No.23239068

Ojiji is better at ships than TSM_Hal.

>> No.23239096


>> No.23239129

i like all her voices, even if i prefer the deep one...

>> No.23239176

I want to suck Mamaaano's nice mamaaaaries.

>> No.23239199

SC reading always ends up as story time, I love it.

>> No.23239229

towa reading bedtime stories until i fall asleep...

>> No.23239260

Ojiji's always just gonna give her pros so we'll never get retard team for CR Cup...

>> No.23239264
File: 529 KB, 555x698, 1620285337168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny feminine men are meant to be used as onaholes. Ancient Greeks knew it the best.

>> No.23239279
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>> No.23239285

Towa usually gets one pro and one cute girl, I like this balance.

>> No.23239322

Tokoyami "bad at zatsudan" Towa.

>> No.23239336

What's the issue with shiromanta?

>> No.23239372

That's not what I want to do to selly...

>> No.23239388

Towa has to use her devil powers to create cute pro girls so she can do tournies with two girls.

>> No.23239415

He flirts with females.

>> No.23239569

That makes sense, thank you

>> No.23239577

The Darusaka dream team...

>> No.23239678


>> No.23239751

Yeah better to stay away from a sleazebag who does that publicly.

>> No.23239814

I wonder if it would have been such a big issue if the female in question wasn't Chihiro's sister. I am sure spending a cr cup in Towa's team would have helped his rep but i think if her manager decided it wasn't worth the trouble it was a good idea.

>> No.23240026

These member superchats won't appear publicly... Please think of the numberfags..

>> No.23240028

I like Towa.

>> No.23240055

All warfare is based on deception anon

>> No.23240087

I'd like my fellow Kenzoku to apologize for being the only reason I haven't had threesome sex with Tawo and Rurudo. Thanks.

>> No.23240108

Kenzoku haven't been able to dump their wallets in a mengen in a while, it's been pent up.

>> No.23240144

Blowing your load on Towa...

>> No.23240148

Towa is the least numberfag when it comes to earnings.

>> No.23240188

Sneaky kenzoku like to do this.

>> No.23240242

I want Towa's number...

>> No.23240286

i want to be financially irresponsible for towa...

>> No.23240298


>> No.23240328

They're making Towa stay with us longer, that's the most important number.

>> No.23240333

Towa's long fingers...

>> No.23240350

She is but she still does really well for someone with her content.

>> No.23240355

Interlocking with Towa's long fingers...

>> No.23240375

And trimmed fingernails...

>> No.23240396
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>> No.23240403
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Why is Towa long?

>> No.23240428

Long tongue...
Long fingers...
Long Towa is long...

>> No.23240445


>> No.23240451

She realized I need a strong physical presence in my life

>> No.23240469

Towa taught me Japanese...

>> No.23240516

Lily is going to use that as masturbation material

>> No.23240569

Me too!

>> No.23240582

long banana...

>> No.23240712

LunaTowa teetee. I love those two girls

>> No.23240775

yonkisei no kizuna...

>> No.23240808

I miss Towa...

>> No.23240813

I miss Towa...

>> No.23240817

i miss towa...

>> No.23240825

I miss Towa...

>> No.23240830

Yonkisei no kizuna (only through Towa)

>> No.23240832

wheres her belly button ring?

>> No.23240884
File: 791 KB, 1112x634, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her pierced belly button turns me on

>> No.23240980

I kiss Towa...

>> No.23241031

I miss Towa...

>> No.23241038
File: 1.55 MB, 2894x4093, 97875807_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa really loves me...
I really love Towa...

>> No.23241037

I need to marry Towa...

>> No.23241123

I miss Misheru Rouran-san

>> No.23241142


>> No.23241150
File: 312 KB, 1378x2039, FRW4tveVIAQHtHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23241167

Me on top

>> No.23241294

so its ojiji that want her in huh, hope this help that one anon who worry that she won't be invite anymore.

>> No.23241356

This week streams were nothing but masturbation material...

>> No.23241391

>The player that has always a champion on every CR Cup she's in
No wonder he wants Towa to play almost every CR since her first one.

>Captcha: YWRPR

>> No.23241392

Was anyone worried about that? We've always known Ojiji really likes her. Some of us thought she might not be in a mental state to want to join this one but she's already bounced back completely.

>> No.23241411
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>> No.23241436

towa is pure and has done nothing lewd recently!!!

>> No.23241443

You would say that about anything she did...

>> No.23241466

That was unintentional, anon...!

>> No.23241483

He always wants her in cr cup, her teams always deliver kino and everyone likes her.

>> No.23241497

Sometimes it's impregnation material...

>> No.23241688

There was nothing unintentional of the way she did that to the camera!!
It unironically gave me a boner!

>> No.23241699

In cr cup lobby chat Towa has been compared to a Mama for CR KR. She is a safe pair of hands for Ojiji's precious boys. This time we might get wokka again though. That could be interesting.

>> No.23241730

Voruto reunion team would be really cool if the points worked out for it and Nose was game.

>> No.23241854


>> No.23241882

>towa showing her ass and tits...
>towa scolding us for looking...

she knows what we like!

>> No.23241894
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>> No.23241902

Towa needs to take responsibility for the child she gave me. I don't know whose it is, but I'm tired of taking care of it.

>> No.23241923


>> No.23241953

Anyone got the full recent Towamama made by ImoNorio?

>> No.23241974

Towa kun...

>> No.23241983

Towa's so dumb...

>> No.23242011

Why didn't she eat the other one...

>> No.23242038

She left it for Lap to eat.

>> No.23242133

I hope that's gonna be a normal crcup, not like the previous one with 3 days scrims and some team announcing members on day before scrims start. Well, iirc it was due to overlap with real esport scrims so it shouldn't be a problem in this time but who knows...

>> No.23242181

I think everyone hated that last time so I don't think ojiji would do it that way again.

>> No.23242374

Last CR Cup was fucked because it got rescheduled, this one will hopefully be fine.

>> No.23242409

Why is the board moving so fast today?

>> No.23242421

Oh yeah, I forgot ojiji's retarded Christmas CR Cup idea.

>> No.23242441

Best not to pay attention to outer/vt/.

>> No.23242450

Everyone's thinkin about Twap...

>> No.23242493

I love Towa a whole lot!!
She loves me, too!!

>> No.23242532

Just got back home, how were streams? Worth watching?

>> No.23242553

Yes, very.

>> No.23242563

she announced her marriage to me

>> No.23242651
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>> No.23242749

this time doesn't has landmark lottery so each team is free to hotdrop eachother for better spot. i remember wokka and hal team fight and die early in every round cuz they were contest for thermal until hal give up, i dont want towa to face that...

>> No.23242753

God I wish Towa would suck my blood...

>> No.23242776

Becoming Towa's ghoul...

>> No.23242802

Still no venom cover...

>> No.23242814

Same. I already regularly give blood so I'm ready for that!

>> No.23242821

the menba stream was full of cute towa

>> No.23242852

Towa wouldn't leave you left with any blood...

>> No.23242864

With a pro to guide her she might appreciate that actually since drop contests are a weak area for her.

>> No.23242879

That's fine, getting to die in her arms is a good death I think

>> No.23242888

Towa would keep you alive as a pet!

>> No.23242890
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Hearts on 999K...!
Almost 1M!

>> No.23242911

good enough to sleep to?

>> No.23242927

I like fighting for landmarks. It's fun. She has had to deal with it before.

>> No.23242958

If we had been a bit faster we could have gotten it to a million during the stream and Towa would have had to stay longer because of all the おめでとう supas...

>> No.23243006

Some of us didn't watched enough...

>> No.23243067

Thanks to you too, Towa.

>> No.23243191

Yeah, their landmark wasn't really good with so many strong teams all around them. I really wanted hal to win this. They basically showed all cr pro crew in a one corner.

>> No.23243198


>> No.23243269
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, OeBFtXm4nyL8HpYTnPrQ274Zl1Vox7jflA5zzb95FA9WG_FiLVR3cY4CTbTyXqLr_KDdmcE06ssNL3BjE7CB53e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.23243569

she sang silhouette...
how sweet of her...

>> No.23243740


>> No.23244037

man I love towa

>> No.23244081

This but Bora...

>> No.23244179

Man I love Selly

>> No.23244196

I wish I was Bora so I can hear Towa talk with me all night...

>> No.23244567
File: 370 KB, 1538x2048, 1637327609931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23244757

Could have taken that someplace other than in front of the gura jar...

>> No.23244761

Twi, Mini Twi and... GURA IN A JAR?!

>> No.23244815

Cute but also what the fuck is that jar?

>> No.23244819

oh no

>> No.23244852

no no no
it's "OH NYO~"

>> No.23244898

Do not let that jar near the radiator anon, don't make that mistake

>> No.23244904


>> No.23245091

Considering there doesn't seem to be anything on Gura herself, my guess is that it's candle wax and not cum

>> No.23245415

I... I do love Towafriends but anon...

>> No.23245475
File: 26 KB, 773x132, 1643599189434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23245586

Kenzoku showing off their masculinity... Strangely hot...

>> No.23245606

Sorry, I don't play FPS.

>> No.23245617


>> No.23245718

i love all kenzoku and will fuck them no matter what!

>> No.23245761

I'm only interested in Towa banana.

>> No.23246256

imagine a towa where she

>> No.23246343

don't keep us in suspense, anon...

>> No.23246583
File: 1.92 MB, 2124x3000, 1634160655866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23246584


>> No.23246610

Cute boy.

>> No.23246625

A classic: https://files.catbox.moe/5pv4hx.webm

>> No.23246668


>> No.23246711
File: 1.32 MB, 2400x3200, FRXZ9awVgAIAr9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many cool papakin arts lately?

>> No.23246717

Towa could get all of hololive pregnant and she would get away with it.

>> No.23246931

Towa could get me pregnant but I wouldn't let her get away with it.

>> No.23246946

she will

>> No.23247408

i think i’m in love with lady twi…

>> No.23247587

I can't love somebody who doesn't exist.

>> No.23247745
File: 2.77 MB, 229x500, 1642348596682.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Towa doesn't exist, explain this!

>> No.23247797

Towass doesn't exist...

>> No.23247851

1.1M viewers in the OW Twitch game directory holy shit
Super excited for the ShishiTowa collab later.

>> No.23247898

how can somebody who doesn’t exist make me so happy…

>> No.23247983

she's in your head...

>> No.23247987

So this explains the hype.

>> No.23248082

i don’t care!

>> No.23248090

The power of twitch drops, plus its a lot more popular in EN than JP.

>> No.23248100

I really hope they gonna play it on Twitch.

>> No.23248125


>> No.23248166
File: 2.86 MB, 942x1080, 1640637192151.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23248210

Towa has no muscles in her tail... That's a bit lame...

>> No.23248222

Anon has numbers on the mind.

>> No.23248251

Superior streaming platform, especially with OW beta drops now...

>> No.23248272

>Superior streaming platform
In what way?

>> No.23248271
File: 600 KB, 630x800, 1627800206003.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They spent all the tech on the thighs.

>> No.23248318

She's a devil, it moves through the power of hell.

>> No.23248356

Towa will never massage my prostate with her tail ...

It sems to only move through the power of gravity though

>> No.23248540

quality is much better on twitch holo streams
integrations, built-in anti raid measures, r9k mode, proper sub gifting, separate badges for vips, prime subs.
the only major downside is lack of permanent vod saving - 60 days for partners.
