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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2316873 No.2316873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: good vtuber models wasted on dudes

>> No.2316930

Wasted on dudes afraid to admit they're dude*

if the guy has the guts to use his actual man voice without pretending to be a girl, then he earns my respect.

>> No.2316954

the only shame is #rentfree in OP

>> No.2317014

I wouldn't call zen's design good, feels like something from a western flash sex game.
Artemis on the other hand is a shame, the design is amazing, but the streamer is boring as all hell.

>> No.2317028

this. if zen actually grew some balls and admitted to being a dude, i'd watch but this tts dogshit is genuinely grating.

>> No.2317046

Isn't the right one openly a babiniku? He uses his regular voice and doesn't even try to sound like a girl through voice changers or TTS

>> No.2317053

what's the name of the doll one?

>> No.2317078

Didn't know who he was. If he doesn't use a voice changer or TTS, I might just have to check him out.

>> No.2317081

Joel, doesn't really hide the fact he's a guy. In fact I'm pretty sure its part of his lore, shouldn't be up there honestly.

>> No.2317106

>Female model with male voice
Very cringe (Just stop and go away)
>Female model with voice changer (or no voice) and not admitting to being a guy
Cringe asf (kill yourself)
>Female model while ADMITTING to being a guy and still using voice changer. All while still pulling off the act well
Fucking based beyond all measure

>> No.2317115

Just fap to the lewds and ignore the fact that their channel exists.

>> No.2317140

Only dude I see there is the one on the right; we have no idea about the other two

>> No.2317175

>we have no idea
How fucking new are you?

>> No.2317176
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>> No.2317190

He’s cool but i do wish there were a cute girl voice coming from that model

>> No.2317197

Anon, I’m sure you’ve seen the doxxing of Zentreya and Artemis- oh wait
Those don’t exist

>> No.2317231

High levels of speculation is not evidence of anything. Only you falling for rrats.

>> No.2317234

Might I interest you in a channel shared by a babiniku and a cute brit girl

>> No.2317254

Yep, you faggots are fucking new. Lurk more.

>> No.2317321

joel is pretty funny. never watched zen but I know theyre really good at drums. artemis is artemis I guess

>> No.2317421

>lurk more
Okay, I have lurked since /vt/ was made, and not once have I seen anyone make good arguments for why people think they are dudes/trans women (also second group are not dudes)
>the voice, I can just tell
Ah yes, the elusive voice, also known as something that anyone of any gender can have any type of
>she doesn’t share her voice I can tell
Maybe she’s just, you know, anxious because she doesn’t want to share what she sounds like even despite being a girl?

>> No.2317482

If I posted it I would get hit with another 3 day ban. Also, fuck off shark.

>> No.2317484

Shartemis - lolcow thread 4, greasy combover with sideburns smeared over his face, broad shoulders and a masculine face, to go with the masculine voice. Recent on “hiatus” to get his cock chopped off.

>> No.2317523

>good vtuber model wasted on a boring dude
>shit vtuber model for a shit tts streamer dude
>okay-ish vtuber model for a based dude

>> No.2317551

Same, he gets the photo taken down consistently which pretty much confirms it, otherwise why would he care.

>> No.2317561


>> No.2317592

Funny how all three happen to be awful people.

>> No.2317599

Look at it this way; if you want people to believe you, give some indication of where they can find definitive proof of what you want them to believe.

>> No.2317634

You gotta be pretty gay to not have sex with itolife's model.

>> No.2317660


>> No.2317682

>I have lurked since /vt/ was made
I'm so fucking tired of this line, vtubers didn't start with /vt/ you have 4-5 years of threads to catch on if you don't want to be called a newfag, but you obviously this fucking board is newfag central and doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.2317698

I have no clue who the 3rd one is. What did he do?

>> No.2317720

I was so angry that I had a stroke, yes

>> No.2317723

You're an insufferable faggot, but even Zen fans like me accept she might be a guy. We just don't give a fuck. Only uptight jackholes like you give a fuck because you have an issue being sexually attracted to a character that may be played by a dude.

>> No.2317754

It really makes no sense. In the grand scheme of things this place may as well of been made yesterday.

>> No.2317787

>which pretty much confirms it
Why the fuck would /vt/ mods / jannies know? You're putting a very interesting level of omnipotence to people who routinely take down threads for random faggotry.

>> No.2317797

>You're an insufferable faggot, but even Zen fans
Stfu faggot I couldn't careless about your shit opinion. The guy is boring and gets carried by the chat. He's also a shitty motherfucker that abandon so many groups and communities to boost himself up. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2317822

Don't taint Joel by listing him with these two, he's unironically based if you can get past the fact that he's a babiniku

>> No.2317839

Why are you pretending you care?

>> No.2317865

Codename: “troontemis” type that in somewhere.

>> No.2317875

>He throws in the caring card
Why do you care about what people have to say on a Mongolian basket weaving site? You fucking shits really need to go back to /trash/.

>> No.2317925

the worst thing Joel's done to my knowledge is exist in the same stream as Artemis. Unless some one has some damming information to prove otherwise, Joel is based and should not be put in the same camp as the other two.

>> No.2317942

Answer my question first. You spewed a bunch of negative shit out about Zen for literally no reason and it had nothing to do with anything you've talked about so far. The thread subject is about males hiding behind female avatars, which I grant is absolutely a possibility with Zentreya, then you just go off like a faggot. The hell is your problem? It sounds like you have a much bigger set of issues beyond dudes playing girls.

>> No.2317947

Imagine thinking artemis desing is a good

>> No.2317957

that one actually does look good.

>> No.2317973

What has Artemis done and why is it so bad? (Not ‘pretending to be a dude’, if she says she’s a woman then she’s a woman; anything else aside from that that’s so horrible)

>> No.2317977 [DELETED] 

Why do you think gets it taken down? It gets reported as doxxing every time. Why would anyone bother to do that if it was bullshit? Its only an image, if it’s not true it isn’t doxxing. Post it and see what happens.

>> No.2318010

>You spewed a bunch of negative shit out about Zen for literally no reason
Oh stfu I didn't say anything other than lurk more. As in this right here >>2317254 You're a fucking schizo.

>> No.2318017

>>2317787 #
Why do you think it gets taken down? It gets reported as doxxing every time. Why would anyone bother to do that if it was bullshit? Its only an image, if it’s not true it isn’t doxxing. Post it and see what happens.

>> No.2318122

Yeah, you're an innocent lamb. I think I hit the nail on the head about your faggotry. Just embrace your gayness, anon. Fap and be happy.

They'll probably take anything down that's reported for doxx even if it isn't. Some anons are careful to post IRL pictures of people without identifying them, but those still get nuked anyway. I seriously doubt the mods / jannies are trolling every thread just looking for doxx info, and then they have to cross reference it in their giant black book of all things IRL Vtubers.

All it says is that Artemis fags report it because they think it's a doxx, because people keep claiming it is, because lolcow is somehow reputable as a source of information. It's not rocket science. The mods don't know if it is true or not true, they just nuke it to be on the safe side.

>> No.2318132

Bros, no

>> No.2318139

Open babiniku which is cool and he's honestly pretty entertaining but he grows his channel by leeching and lying. I used to like him a lot but he mass advertises himself on other vtuber discords, jumps in on the hype of every new vtuber and only keeps talking to the ones that stay popular, and gets in on the popular side of every drama or topic.

People give Artemis shit but Artemis is harmless. Joel's the only one of the three that actually does shady shit currently.

>> No.2318157

>Yeah, you're an innocent lamb.
Did I ever claim to be one? Yea, you're a schizo.

>> No.2318172

The image gets removed immediately and you get banned. Pretty extreme reaction for posting an image on an image board, even without context.

>> No.2318189

Zen has schizo fans...oh wow.

>> No.2318214

Not even Kson images get removed as fast.

>> No.2318236

Doxxing is one of the global rules, tho, so I don't know why you think it is odd you get banned for it. It is possible the image itself has been put into the filters because it got posted so much, so the mods don't even have to have it reported, it just nukes you immediately.

>> No.2318382

It also said it doesn’t want people to post/discuss it on here, because this site is transphobic. That makes total sense. So we shouldn’t even have to see that thing, yet it keeps popping up like a chemically castrated cock dying on the vine.

>> No.2318471

Are you referring to Artemis? I don't give a fuck about Artemis. Talk about him/her/it if you want or don't. It won't effect me either way.

>> No.2318600
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What about good vtuber models wasted on pajeets

>> No.2318608

worst part is they all have the deepest fucking voices, not even twink voices

>> No.2318636

It self-posts images with Gura like they are equals, and bumps it’s own dying threads to astroturf. We should just ignore it and wait for it to die from obscurity. It just wants to be discussed here, so it can play the victim for sympathy.

>> No.2318760

>good models
>all of them suck

>> No.2318797

zen without text2speech would be soulless

>> No.2318826
File: 1008 KB, 1280x768, widegecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gecko has the widest soul.

>> No.2319567

Not only are the models wasted, but the entire vtuber community is degraded by the existence of trannies.
Can't wait to see the transphobia smears against real female vtubers who refuse to TeTe collab with aggressive trannies.

>> No.2319691

She was caught watching a pirated stream of hololive bloom on twitch.

I guarantee that the majority of people here are guilty of the same exact thing but they just use it as an excuse to shit on someone for being trans.

>> No.2319917

they may be guilty of the same thing but that troon definitely had enough money to buy tickets to the damn thing

>> No.2320067

It feels like it was literally a month and a half or something.

>> No.2321476

Huge waste, I don’t actively hate on them but I can’t get into these fakers. I like holostars because even the crossdressers were genuine

>> No.2321537

Zen's original 3D model was actually good. I miss it.

>> No.2321557

>hasn’t heard artemis’s voice
only the most brainwashed zoomer can’t tell it’s a mans voice

>> No.2321644

I know Artemis is a guy but I’ve seen that pic way before somewhere else

>> No.2321761

Because it isn't her. No one has provided a name for the person (that is, Artemis's irl name) despite having the picture. The "evidence" that it is her is based on her having the same shirt but it's not like only 1 of that shirt exists in the world.

>> No.2321813

>all 3 in my top 5 vtubers
Sorry for your shit taste OP.

>> No.2321822


>> No.2321829

If you want to shill Kano then just do it, you don't need to be coy about it.

>> No.2321880
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Text to speech can work.

>> No.2321915

The day you catch me watching a dude behind an anime girl is when it's a hulking Andre the Giant-sounding gigachad speaking through the mouth of a loli.

>> No.2321940

lmao tuned into zen's stream for the first time and the time it takes him to type for TTS is so hilarious. the pauses are so awkwardly long and the voice is so monotonous; how did this dude get as far as he did? 2k viewers is amazing though, these idiots have amazing patience

>> No.2322065

>type for TTS
It's voice to text to speech retard. Otherwise she couldn't play games while talking.

>> No.2322081

I'm not a fan of Artemis' model at all. The green tongue with black hair just reminds me of trannies' fashion sense.

>> No.2322110

you're retarded for even assuming this anon

>> No.2322126

An obvious male adopting Ojou-sama mannerisms would be fun too, I guess.

>> No.2322371

>green tongue

>> No.2322413

Or blue, or whatever colour it is

>> No.2322505
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