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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23126417 No.23126417 [Reply] [Original]

Everywhere i go, I see people flaseflagging as IRySocrats. Did something happen while i was gone?

>> No.23127628,1 [INTERNAL] 

The entire board is falseflagging.

>> No.23126748

i just hate her unicorns/goslings

>> No.23126785

No, anons just cycle through anyone with zero/minimal yabs so they can artificially create drama for (You)s. Potentially including yourself, OP

>> No.23126796

She should redesign her face or something.

>> No.23126816


>> No.23126830
File: 226 KB, 463x839, IRySponsibility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falseflagging how?

>> No.23126844

Care to give a reason, certainly-not-a-deadbeatchama?

>> No.23126967

> certainly-not-a-deadbeatchama
nice boogeyman

>> No.23127055

In the case of Hololive Vtubers who are relatively drama free, people will try to flaseflagg as their fans to get a bad rep for her and her fanbase. Another example for this is Ina.

>> No.23127169

Weird because I never seen a single thread about irys other than her general, unironically there's a lot of thread about her lately because of some retards repeating the same word again and again. Always the same shit.

>> No.23127243

Sure, but that doesn’t sate my curiosity.

>> No.23127331

>why do people suddenly X
There is an anti discord. How many times do I have to tell you?

>> No.23127422

>i just hate her unicorns/goslings
You could say that for every vtuber

>> No.23127488

A lot of falseflaggers around for Ame and Irys.
See this. It's all gosling haters.

>> No.23127518

What is this shit about deadbeats hating goslings? They have literally their own term for it, "ghostlings"

>> No.23127628

I have seen a lot of flaseflagging not only in the catalog threads but also in specific threads.
Like the Suisei, Gura, Mumei and the Fauna threads where the people will insult their oshi and the fans and will end the statement with
>t.Irysocrat or Teamate
Its a very common thing going on right now as Ame is in a very good mood and is really motivated and IRyS has a good girl image

>> No.23128054

anon why are you going into these splits to falseflag as an irystocrat? do you not have anything better to do?

>> No.23128084 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1104x1488, 16342528374724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why do people suddenly X
> There is an anti discord. How many times do I have to tell you?

> I have seen a lot of flaseflagging not only in the catalog threads but also in specific threads.
> Like the Suisei, Gura, Mumei and the Fauna threads where the people will insult their oshi and the fans and will end the statement with
>t.Irysocrat or Teamate
> Its a very common thing going on right now as Ame is in a very good mood and is really motivated and IRyS has a good girl image

> A lot of falseflaggers around for Ame and Irys.
> See this. It's all gosling haters

>> No.23128160

Anon, I am not an IRySocrat. I dont even have an oshi yet. IRyS is one of my fab vtubers and so are Suisei and Mumei.
I like the saplings very much as i think they are wholesome and like talking with them.
For Gura, I dont know why the fuck i go there

>> No.23128308 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 380x807, BFF0CBF9-B265-482C-9163-D1B7375BC8FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23128378

SEAstocrats keep shitting on Calli in their split.

>> No.23128430

ummm based?

>> No.23128702

IRyS's papa is a famous artist. The problem must be the one who did 3D.

>> No.23129810

Not weird, in fact, based. Mori ruined a lot of things

>> No.23132047

Shitting up a split isn't going to stop her

>> No.23137086

Falseflaggers shift talents just to see if something hits
Doing the same thing for too long gets them called out

>> No.23140103


>> No.23140682

It's ramadan and indogs have to wake up early. Coincidentally, some of those indogs direct their ire to Irys because her association with Mori.

>> No.23141874
File: 101 KB, 243x298, I Love Mumei!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know... All I know is that I love Mumei!!!

>> No.23144039

there are funny goslings that people can point and laugh together and there are unfunny nasty goslings that you just never want to be around. irystocrats are the unfunny nasty saviorfag ones

>> No.23147603

indogs love Mori, just look at her top listeners chart

>> No.23148259

Watamate here, I also like Irys a lot and these schizos are doing a very shitty job at trying to make the board dislike her. Irystocrats are well adjusted goslings with chronic blue balls.

>> No.23148674
File: 973 KB, 915x690, 1650937386093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of me before I take responsibility.

>> No.23149047

I nut before every IRyS stream.

>> No.23149435

Dramaniggers have been desperate for a yab to latch on ever since Mori got the UMG deal and humiliated them publicly.
After trying and failing to timeloop old rrats or turn Shrekposting into a yab they turned to falseflag as irystocrats.

>> No.23149665

I only hate Mori desu

>> No.23149746

Everyone will have falseflaggers.
You will get mad at every fanbase.
You will not be happy.

>> No.23149985

same desu

>> No.23150191

IRyS is cool, but the SEAniggers that make up /HiRyS/ hate every vtuber that isn't IRyS.
