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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 127 KB, 682x682, SataNina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23106969 No.23106969 [Reply] [Original]

>Demands you to respect other people's pronouns
>Can't even respect other people's religions
If it wasn't obvious before that this person is satanic, then it sure is now.

>> No.23107011

Based,evil rules the world.

>> No.23107060

Jew spawned religions don't deserve any respect

>> No.23107095

Go back to bed, Pomu. Shitposting on /vt/ won't revitalize your dying, dead womb.

>> No.23107115

based, religions are for schizos

>> No.23107599

commie hag

>> No.23107930
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Anyone who was not braindead woketard could have seen that coming since her twitch leaks git exposed. Not even a christcuck but see what youve done to yourselves Nijiniggers.

>> No.23108178

I'd call her based if she made fun of Islam but of course they always go for the lowest hanging fruit.

>> No.23108194

What'd I miss?

>> No.23108204

hypocrite hate!

>> No.23108264

The only mistake nijien management has done to this day is to hire that person for nina kosaka's role

>> No.23108468

twitch leak gits?

>> No.23108474

>how DARE you not respect my religion that I only started "believing" in because it's contrarian now?

>> No.23108488

Pronouns are respectable.
Religion was an excuse to kill each other.

>> No.23108541

Religion used to be based back when it was the only way for people to try to make sense of the world, but now it's just a way for powerless seething retards to try and control other people's lives

>> No.23108555

Why should I respect your made up pronoun? I call it like I sees it.

>> No.23109068

>muh god of the gaps

>> No.23109193

is some kind of tranny behaviour to pretend you can read minds.
Though reminding me how I rationally concluded God existed is fun. I was around 15 and lying in bed, thinking about the universe and when I did conclude that it must have had a creator there was this odd sensation that washed over me. Best way to describe it was love.
It was a fairly powerful effect.

>> No.23109231

humans deserve respect. cults run by pedos and jews do not.
I don't see the issue here?

>> No.23109246

You mean Yugo.

>> No.23109287

>Religion continues to exist because of schizophrenic teens
Can't make this shit up

>> No.23109333

Jargon they were my thoughts and unlike yours just now, were rational.

>> No.23109352
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>NijiEN male
>hire Japanese woman
What did they mean by this?

>> No.23109357

it's not based now, but when they were like "how does the sun go up and down? there's some badass sun god that pulls it with his chariot while joyriding through the sky" it was pretty cool

>> No.23109386

If you genuinely believe because of that, that's fine.
My issue is that those kinds of beliefs can't be reproduced and can't be proven empirically or objectively.
If you're belief in God is SOLELY belief, that's fine.

It's a problem when you try to bring actual logic into debating or proving God exists to others, it doesn't work.

>> No.23109536

satanic commie hag

>> No.23109602

You're so above it all my dude. Can I suck your cock?

>> No.23109641

I don't see how that has literally anything to do with what I said but alright, open up

>> No.23109666

off topic but calliope is hot in guras outfit

>> No.23109719

'Religion' and 'rational' don't belong in the same sentence unless the latter is prefixed with an 'ir'

>> No.23109732

can someone fill me up on the drama? I don't follow her but I like the drama, links are greatly appreciated

>> No.23109744

mid and wit belong in the same sentence when it comes to descirbing you.

>> No.23109810

Her pink hair works surprisingly well with the blue outfit

>> No.23109867

She’s not satanic, she’s just a communist.

>> No.23109887

Called Jesus a whore. Because Christians are cucks this wont actually go anywhere though.

>> No.23109928
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>literally I'm 15 and this is deep
The state of christards

>> No.23112299

jesus christ, imagine if she said the same thing about muhammed. irregardless of whether you like christianity or not insulting a religion's prophet is definitely not company friendly and shouldn't be tolerated by niji, especially when you have so many phillipino and russian fans, countries with huge amount of christschizos.

>> No.23112464

Assuming I’m not just being taken for a ride by /vt/ right now, how did this even come up? I’m not a Christian or any flavor of religious person but I have read the Bible and a grip of extra-canonical literature and nothing about the guy comes across as particularly whore-ish. Seems like he was a pretty nice guy with a lot of good things to say.

>> No.23112667

she was told a Spanish word by Reimu that she was told was a nickname for Jesus, and when she talked about it Ironmouse told her that where she's from that word means male whore, and then Nina was confused and asked if that meant people call Jesus a whore in Spanish speaking countries
literal nothing event

>> No.23112931

I see. Weird, forced drama on /vt/. Wowee

>> No.23112944

Would you say you were enlightened by your own intelligence?

>> No.23113421

I don't respect either of those things.

>> No.23114834

Anyway, i won't respect the pronouns.

>> No.23115170

respecting real people over old dead ideas? based as fuck

>> No.23115434

Satanic would imply the worship of Satan not just calling Jesus a whore

>> No.23115598


I hear cunt stapler streams are getting really popular. Nina should make one of her own. I always wanted to see a wahmen like her covered head to toe in stapler pins.

>> No.23116640


>> No.23116852

How did you rationally conclude which religion to follow? There's plenty that have a creator deity - and maybe all of them are wrong and the creator actually prefers people who don't pray to him.

>> No.23117805


You are actually retarded.

>> No.23118316

Alright I get it. Here’s a (You). Now could you stop using the local scripts to shit up the board? Also, reset your PC. You haven’t done that in about a couple years.
Besides that, your room is a mess. Please vacuum the dust and grime sticking to the floor.

>> No.23118694

You can't really call those ones making up pronouns and using singular they because they think they are deers "humans".

>> No.23119361


>> No.23119474


Its a quote from nina shitting on pomu on stream dipshit.

>> No.23119619

Christfags don't actually care about their religion, they'd sin till the day they die and wonder why they ended up in Satan's sex dungeon and why their cuck prophet didn't save them, Muslims and Jews actually respect their beliefs.

>> No.23121037

I agree, just like xe/xer pronoun bullshit

>> No.23121162

>fedora tipping trannies
/vt/ is truly a hell on earth.

>> No.23121330

her being woke is garbage but her going against christcucks isnt really cringy. christcucks are as delusional and moralfaggy as woke fucks. every moral fag should die asap

>> No.23121492

those two aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.23121774

Nah, well i'm not stupid but I have a certain openness and enjoy novel thoughts to a point I coincidentally went down a rational road while thinking about the circumstances of our planet in our solar system.
by the way they act, it was never going to be Islam kek

>> No.23121973

Which NijiENs are religious?

>> No.23122090

>Muslims and Jews actually respect their beliefs.

>> No.23122131

Kill all tranny loving vtubers. Christ is King

>> No.23122235

There's nothing rational about thinking about something and following your feelings anon. You're free to believe in whatever you want and don't have to justify it, but don't pretend it's rational

>> No.23122448

ESLs (which is hilarious considering the streamers in question are also ESL) on /vt/ just keep taking jokes at face value.
Like how people on this board still think there's an "all out war", or that they think Pomu REALLY hates Nina, even though the two girls have talked about how they swap IRL photos of themselves on discord and chat about fashion stuff.

>> No.23122734

Yeah, deism is pretty normal for rational people but it's considered heretical to religious people.

>> No.23122873

Christcucks are even worse since Jesus isn't their "prophet", he's literally their God. Muslims defending Mohammed would be like Christians defending Paul (someone most modern Christians actually don't like). Jesus is the Christian equivalent to Allah.

>> No.23123594
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I am not mad. I am just sad bc she is running away from Allah's mercy

>> No.23123828

Can we finally genocide Catholoids? The world will be much better for it.

>> No.23123871

> Made-up pronouns.
> Made-up cosmology.
> Can't be proven by empiric tests.
> Made to give people a sense of meaning and belonging.

I see zero difference. And I don't believe neither in religion nor in people's pronouns.

>> No.23124110

Based Satanist.

>> No.23124376

Satanism actually only borrows from the supernatural in its name, with Lucifer being a symbol of rebellion against authority, and is less of a religion and more of an effort to push for empiricism.
We do not take responsibility for any demon worshippers, nor for SNS witches. Please do not slander our name or we will get our lawyers involved.

>> No.23125080

>Muslims and Jews
Both have countless workarounds to bypass theological restrictions.

>> No.23125445

>ESLs (which is hilarious considering the streamers in question are also ESL) on /vt/ just keep taking jokes at face value.

It's almost always SEA that is literally unable to understand a joke

>> No.23125562

stfu faggot

>> No.23125662

How about you make me? Gonna french kiss me and cut off my airflow until I pass out? Cause I would ABSOLUTELY hate that...

>> No.23125780

That's it you get over here and prepare your mouth.


>> No.23125805

but i don't care about your culture war bullshit

>> No.23125861

Evil and Chaos is for faggots and trannies.

>> No.23125931

hololive really falling behind in the bait thread department

>> No.23125961

Don't you guys get it? Wokeism is the new relegion. They act JUST LIKE the hardcore crazy Christians back during late medieval times.

>> No.23126011

>godless progressive
like most canadians

>> No.23126040

>support hololive
>never have to deal with woke shit
feels great desu

>> No.23126044

You act like we aren't heading towards killing people over pronouns. Motherfuckers want you arrested and your life ruined over it. We aren't that far off.

>> No.23126062

Based and pagan-pilled.

>> No.23126097

>odin was literally an islamic god

>> No.23126184
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We hate Nina again?

>> No.23126241


>> No.23126286

Hololive are professionals. Nothing to do with idol shit. The number one rule is no politics during streams. They just stream and have fun. Don't have to push anything on you and the company tells them not to.
Now nijishitji. Look at them. Unprofessional. Unable to keep their politics out of their streams. Think they're better for it. Want to condition and change you to think differently. Company doesn't give a fuck because they aren't professional.
Next time you ask yourself why niji will never be as successful as hololive remember this.

>> No.23126361

>Hololive are professionals
>The number one rule is no politics during streams
now i know you're a tourist

>> No.23126363

Based. Pronouns and self body modification are more important than fake religions made up to control the masses

>> No.23126381

Name me ONCE when a holo has brought up politics or anti religious shit during a stream nijitwat.

>> No.23126477

It's in almost all holo's videos/stream description that they do not discuss politics. They put that in there after the Taiwan shit.

>> No.23126481


>> No.23126576

The fuck are you on??? Odin is older than islam. Thats like saying the spartans were actually part of the church

>> No.23126653

Pronouns aren't "politics" you braindead polfag

>> No.23126691

both are cults, you amerimutt woke nigger

>> No.23126730


>> No.23126788


>> No.23126833
File: 41 KB, 447x475, 8A18D7DA-283C-497D-8F8D-539A688095A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my oshi respects my pronouns
Based. Seethe, cope, and cry about it

>> No.23126883
File: 120 KB, 1340x249, 1622894021265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Odin older than islam
Odin isn't even older than Jesus. Odin as a nordic religion was a new pagan religion. And came from TURKEY. He was part of the pre islamic pantheon allah came from which Mohammeds tribe had worshipped for generations and imported into europe. Like Thor... Thor... From TURKLAND.
You pagans are so fucking dumb. It's hialrious. If you were serious and not just larping athescum it'd be kinda funny but instead it's just pathetic.

>> No.23126965

jewish propaganda

>> No.23127036
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>written by nordic professors
Tumbling down.

>> No.23127267

>/pol/ trying, and failing to get Nina cancelled again.
It's funny to see them use cancel culture and fail.

>> No.23127320

>Honorable and pride people
Those fucking roaches? This man was hitting the pipe pretty hard.

>> No.23127458

This was during the time of the Ottoman empire. Not quite turkey at the moment.

>> No.23127649

He was just Swedish

>> No.23127995
File: 145 KB, 1280x603, hulegu__blessing_of_heaven_by_burenerdene_d7cux67-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise Tengri.

>> No.23128208

>Pronouns are respectable
The only respectable pronouns are he and she

>> No.23128337
File: 174 KB, 1081x955, 1628079510798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfathomably based, I will now watch your oshi.

>> No.23128874

most muslims are retarded and they think Mohammed is the only important prophet and they act like he's a God even though that's not what they believe

>> No.23129153

You do realize even in your world, Odin's origins come from something Jewish influence discarded, right? So it's still not Jewish spawned, it's something their influence tried to bury (apparently twice in your world, first with their Muslim servants and then with their Christian servants).

>> No.23129271

even if this theory was true, isn't this about the pre-Islamized Turks who migrated from asia?

>> No.23129392

What, Anatolia wasn't Turkey at the time of Mohammad, nor were the Arabs a Turkic tribe, nor is any of that compatible with Odin being younger than Islam, the point you actually stated you were trying to make, since by your own statement
>He was part of the pre islamic pantheon allah came from
>pre islamic pantheon
>pre islamic

>> No.23129409

i like her, she's pretty funny and she has a nice voice :)

>> No.23129450

alhamdulillah may we be delivered from the bad post

>> No.23129484
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This is some amazing cope from athescum. The reason you brought this pagan shit up is because you hate christians not because you're pagan. You haven't read the eddas. Know the etymology or origin of the religion. Know it's customs or beliefs. You're just atheists who got too triggered by the fedora shrek meme.
>s-still not jewish spawned!!!
Oh really? Who do you think the jews are sweety?
Ahhh there's the cope. Turks. Turkish. Thor was a turk. Even Lagerbring makes it clear they're not Geto or Tracian but TURKS. How does it feel?
>he doesn't know about the pre islamic pantheon
Pfffthahaha! Have you never read the satanic verses from Islam? It's literally about the pre islamic pantheon that odin belonged to as a lesser god.

>> No.23129570

vtubers are just another symptom of a godless society. things are only going to get worse as the anime girl that demands you give her money tells you to not believe in anything but her.

>> No.23129647

probably Millie, since she's a flip

>> No.23129661

You again aren't making any fucking sense. Do you understand what the phrase pre Islamic means? There is just no argument here, something cannot both be younger than Islam and simultaneously older than Islam.

>> No.23129723

These two hags are swapping nudes and I'll never see them...

>> No.23129733

What are you talking about you illiterate schizo? Older than islam? The pre islamic pantheon isn't older than islam.

>> No.23129794

>The pre islamic pantheon isn't older than islam

>> No.23129818

Do you know what pre means ESL?
PRE islamic = Before the islamic.

>> No.23129866

dude I'm turkish, you have no idea what you're talking about. I think you're trying to say that Arabs had a pre-islamic pantheon and Allah was one of those gods but that has literally nothing to do with Turks since Turks used to live as nomads, raid China and worship Tengri at that time. It's possible that a group of Turks migrated to Scandinavia and somehow influenced the Norse mythology since Turks left Asia and migrated to Anatolia and Europe but as far as I know Odin is olden than even Jesus.

>> No.23129924

Yes, that makes it older than Islam.

>> No.23130049

His first recorded mention is in 98AD so there's no way of knowing whether he is actually older than Jesus but its presumed that the Germans didn't create their entire religion in the short period between 1AD and Tacitus writing about them nearly a century later.

>> No.23130065

I've heard all this shit before. Modern turks are an admixture primarily of the pre islamic nomadic tribes of which Mohammeds tribe was one. There were many before he consolidated them into worshipping just allah who was one god of 300+ other gods in that religion.
You have no idea of your own history. Being turkish doesn't mean you know about the pre islamic pantheon or the fact allah is a name and not the word god.
>anatolians were white aryans!!!!
Oh fuck you're going into full turk schizo territory already.
Yes that's what I'm saying. Pre islamic pantheon. The pantheon the arab lands worshipped before islam. Do you speak english???

>> No.23130158

This thread sure went places!

>> No.23130546

Anon, pre-islamic Turks and Arabs are completely unrelated. Turkic Gods and pre-islamic Arab pantheon are also unrelated. Nomadic Turks weren't Arabic, they were Asian. Your argument makes no sense.
>>anatolians were white aryans!!!!
>Oh fuck you're going into full turk schizo territory already.
take your meds

>> No.23130736

>take your meds
>literally talking about schizo turks are aryans nonsense
>They're completely unrelated
No they aren't. You didn't even know about the pre islamic pantheon until I told you, stupid fucking roach.
>nomadic turks were asian
Oh fuck you are actually schizo.
No your ancestors were islamic nomads you stupid fuck. It's amazing the nonsense I heard turks come out with without a single regard for the historical consensus on their own history. It's hilarious.

>> No.23131047

nomadic turks never even encountered arabs until after mohammed died

>> No.23131103

yeah. you wanna get out of here, and fuck in the unisex restrooms?

>> No.23131131

This is some major cope. Are you seriously suggesting ancient turks are fucking mongolians or something. This has to be the most schizo belief I've ever seen.

>> No.23131162

Confirmed threadreader

>> No.23131201

mongolians weren't the only nomadic group in asia

>> No.23131255

So Nina is their Mori huh

>> No.23131325

>Th-the-the mongolians weren da
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking roach. You dind't even know what pre meant earlier. Now you're saying that chinese nomads were the origin of the turks despite there being ZERO dna proof of turks being ancient chinese and plenty of dna proof linking turks to early arabian nomads. I mean you're almost 1 to 1 with them. You have the same inherited pre arabian pantheon that stretched plenty into eurasia and turkey because they were ARAB NOMADS.
You have no clue about your own history. Fucking disgusting if I'm honest.

>> No.23131356

Why do you just magically associate paganism with Odin anyway? Do you even know what pagan means?

>> No.23131383

>W-were not odinists!!! We're hellenistic pagans!
Oh fuck off bro. You're an atheist, stop larping. You probably know less about greek paganism than odinism.

>> No.23131452

>You have the same inherited pre arabian pantheon
You keep repeating this but you never actually explained what you're talking about. What do you mean by pre-islamic or pre-arabian pantheon?

>> No.23131461

>So Nina is their Mori huh
unlike mori, nina does the best numbers of female nijisanji en

>> No.23131482

at least Mori actually has other talents outside of getting drunk

>> No.23131481

I mean, you're just an atheist associating yourself with a political label and getting defensive about something you don't even believe.

>> No.23131516

Nina worships Satan and so does Fauna and it breaks my little wee Christian heart

>> No.23131583

You do realize every non-Christian worships Satan in a Christian worldview right? Everyone you've ever admired in pop culture worships Satan. Virtually every relevant historical figure too, minus the ones only famous for being martyrs I suppose but even plenty of them.

>> No.23131668

I've explained it over and over again. What about pre islamic pantheon do you not understand?
There was an entire religion that spanned across all of arabia that incorporated 300+ other gods of which allah was one. Mohammed's nomadic tribe worshipped allah and his daughters menat and manassi. Mohammed decided one day there shouldn't be any other gods in this pantheon and went on a murder rampage killing and converting all the nomadic tribes who would not worship just allah. This is the topic of the satanic verses. Because he came across a tribe who were also allah worshippers but also worshipped menat and manassi, allah's two daughters. So he says to his army, "leave them alone." and his army who had been converted and many of their villages and people killed were about to have a full revolt, so mohammed comes back and says "ah satan made me say it lol" and forced them to stop worshipping the daughters.
This is the entire topic of islam and spread across most of eurasia which is why islam was so amenable to so many in that region because they already worshipped allah as one of the many gods in that pantheon.
>t. atheist who thinks he can win over religious christians by claiming greek paganism and odinism is pro white
You're a fucking moron lol.

>> No.23131873

why does this board have a new thread about Christianity up every single day

>> No.23131901

okay but how does that relate to turks and odin?

>> No.23132113

Atheists are shit scared because Christian zoomerism is on the rise.
Odin was another god in that pantheon as was thor. The gods in the pantheon were almost always historical heroes such as thor who was believed to have been a turkish king. Odin as well was at one point a real person in the pantheon. And the people in turkey who are TURKISH ANCESTORS worshipped this religion.
It's one of the most documented proto religions and was well known and written about by historians up until the end of the Ottoman empire when more hard line Islamism came along and basically sand swept over this neat inconvenience about the religion.

>> No.23132145

I don't give a fuck about winning over "Christians", I hate liberals, converted or otherwise. All I know is your predecessors are enemies of my ancestors and you are servants of my current enemy. I was simply pointing out the retardation of your claim. If atheism is the act of professing belief in something but not living it out, then everyone's an atheist. It's really a completely arbitrary matter of perspective, either Japan is one of the most religious places in the world because religious practices are so embedded in their culture or they are one of the most atheistic because none of them would profess a belief in a god.

Also, as for your beliefs about the origins of Allah, literally that exact same scenario explains the origins of your Jewish God Yahweh. So you undermine yourself there.

>> No.23132385

Your ancestors were christian you stupid cunt and went to church. You don't give a fuck about your ancestors and you don't give a fuck about their religion. The only thing you care about is your selfish bitterness regarding Christianity. And that wouldn't be so bad if you were smart but you're a fucking dimwit retard who claims to be part of a religion he knows nothing about.
>Th-that explain yahwehhhh!!!!
No it doesn't. Yahweh was never part of a pantheon. You'll wheel out that old graffiti in some ancient syrian town depicting yahweh and his wife (although it has a beard and penis) and neglect to mention that it was made by an invading syrian army who knew nothing about the hebrew religion and though it'd be funny to take the piss out of the hebrews they beat.
Again you prove yourself to be historically illiterate, bitter and outright dumb.
Atheists aren't sending their best.

>> No.23132409

>Jesus is literally their God
Funny you should say that, almost as if a massive schism happened because of the constant arguing

>> No.23132589
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There's a lot of things you can call Jesus but a whore?
Is Nina retarded?

>> No.23132677
File: 238 KB, 494x478, 1627434756217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting in an epic bread!

>> No.23132717

She's just projecting like most atheists lol.

>> No.23132950

I dunno, it was just a dumb joke about how the word "chucho" means several different things in Spanish across Latin America. It's not the end of the world.
t. Christian

>> No.23132963

I feel like this is pointless because you keep making random accusations about me but even you have to acknowledge Christianity did not come into existence with the very first human and your beloved Chosen Ones in which it spawned were only representative of a very small minority of humans. So most people's ancestors were not Christians, they were (at best) converts but more often the enemies of Christianity. By your logic, if I decide to convert to Islam, now my children have to be Islamic to take after their ancestors. That's not really the way to respect your ancestors. There was no such thing as "Christianity" in the past few hundred years anyway, that's a modern invention for political purposes. Your beloved one true church was killing "Christians" all over Europe so even if we only were to appeal to our most recent few hundred years worth of ancestors, it would be spitting on their face to show any allegiance to your satanic cult which all my ancestors rejected.

>> No.23133003

Dude you are falling apart and I'm loving it. Keep seething because this is great entertainment.

>> No.23133017

Okay now you're starting to make some sense. I'm assuming when you said Turks you were talking about the people who used to live where Turkey is right now i.e. Anatolia. Because I was talking about the nomadic Turks who lived in Asia, meaning Huns and Gokturks, who worshipped Tengri and not the pre-Islamic Arabic gods.

>> No.23133208

Nina is like a cross between their Mori and Kronii except she's very content and also can't sing.

>> No.23133228

>Nooo my ancestors were being forced to go to church and get married and say the lords prayer every night!!!!
This is some fucking incredible levels of cope I just can't. I heard pagans come out with this stupid shit so much and the reality is that if you went back a couple of years and said that to your ancestors they would put an axe through your skull for defaming christ.
Let's take a look at the reality. Your ancestors were probably pagans for a round 5 hundred years MAX. And have been Christian for oooo let's say 1.5k years. And yet you give more prevalence for the flash in the pan religion you don't understand or know about in comparison to the one they stayed true to for far longer. Not because it makes sense, but because of your own personal issue with Christianity. You don't give a fuck about your ancestors.
>Christianity didn't exist till 200 years ago
I mean the schizo shit I hear from atheists is so fucking incredible sometimes it's hard to really fathom how dumb and historically illiterate they are. This is up there though. Really up there.
>t. seether

>> No.23133306

/vt/ is /pol/ overflow

>> No.23133448


>> No.23133469

Holy shit.
Every day it gets harder and harder to hate on Nijisanji.
It seems like every yab from them just make them look more based.

>> No.23133529

>Christian zoomerism is on the rise
Did you also believe /pol/s talk about the new generations becoming more conservative?

>> No.23133560

NTA but what the fuck are you talking about?
If you where born in the Western World and have European blood there's a very high chance your ancestors where Christians since the conversion of European pagan tribes to Christianity started happening around 400AD I mean hell Rome had their first Christian emperor in 324AD. Unless you start going back thousands of years before Jesus but at that point you're just being retarded

>> No.23133574

What did I walk into? Is this the /vt///pol/ crossover no one asked for?

>> No.23133683

Millie is a proud Cuckolic.

>> No.23133686

literally not a single post in this thread is /pol/ related.

>> No.23133743
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>History of Paganism and Christianity
>IT HAS TO BE /pol/
You like Selen too?

>> No.23133770

t. Never read Plotinus

Time to step into the real world and ditch Carl Sagan and Neil de Grasse Tyson for some real thinkers, kiddo.

>> No.23133806

You are an absolute retard who doesn't even know the first thing about Christianity and you definitely know nothing of my ancestors as they aren't part of the main three Christian traditions. You making wild assumptions based on your own nonsense and telling me to believe that is the very opposite of me honoring my ancestors. I have never once told you to follow my ancestors, in fact I wish you respected your ancestors even half as much as I do mine so you'd stop saying such retarded nonsense. I never even claimed to be pagan, that was someone else, I just supported removing Jew worship from daily life and practice. I don't know if my ancestors worshipped Jews, if they did, luckily they didn't pass that on to me and in Jewish-sponsored history taught in public they are only briefly mentioned as helping run the mythic concentration camps so I'll take comfort that they are remembered as the good guys in history at least.

>> No.23133819

to be fair, thats what all catalog shit devolves into

>> No.23133843
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>designed as devil/oni
>Christcucks sperging when devil is doing devil thing
The absolute state of Nijinigger

>> No.23133923
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>LARPagan seething

>> No.23133933

The zoomers are still just as socially liberal but they've seen what rampant democracy and consumerism do to societies. I think we'll see less frivolous debt with zoomers than we will with gens Y and X. Also the divorce rate is lower among Gen X than Boomers and the trend tends to improve with each generation.

>> No.23133975

This is some incredible cope as expected of an atheist who couldn't live without worshipping something and turned to anything that wasn't the religion his ancestors have been worshipping the most in their entire history.
You are a shame to them because you are selfish, bitter and weak.

>> No.23133998

Nice big fat tits sister

>> No.23134026


>> No.23134076

"Christianity" as in "we're all Christians bro!" is a modern fiction. Anyone who actually takes the affiliation seriously knows it. Only Americans are so retarded they think there's such a thing as this supposed catch-all "Christian" ancestry. If appealing to your ancestors from before Christianity is off-limits, then appealing to your ancestors from before whatever their most recent faith is off-limits. And if every European is supposed to appeal to their most recent faith, you won't get this single group called "Christians". You'll get a bunch of groups that hate each other (for good reason). If you actually wanted European people to have something they share uniquely, it would be their European heritage pre-Christianity. If European = Christian to you, then it's just another meaningless label.

>> No.23134107

Catholics treat Mary like a demigod despite multiple verses in the Bible saying you aren't to worship or pray to humans.

>> No.23134119

Where is the timestamp of her calling Jesus a whore?

>> No.23134152

I bet you don't even know who your ancestors are you fucking retarded mutt. It's always you mixed breed fucks who try to appeal to some "shared heritage" that nobody actually has.

>> No.23134222

I can trace my line back to Alfred the great. It's not hard for us non mutt europeans. Continue to seethe at your own bitterness and stupidity while you dishonor your ancestors.

>> No.23134228

nta but tell my why that matters to you and how that improves your life.

>> No.23134378

I should have known. It's time you disgusting kikes stopped larping as Europeans.

>> No.23134388
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They where Christians anon, they identified as Christians, they believed in God, they followed the bible, they made art inspired by Christianity, they integrated it into their culture and hertiage and that is a hundred times more decisive than Ungs tree and earth Gods

>> No.23134452

He's probably a SEA or bugman, hardly any of them are Christians which is why it doesn't make much sense to call his ancestors Christians

>> No.23134460

Guys, the Twitter tourists are gonna see this thread and think we're being 100% serious with our comments again.

>> No.23134470

Absolute seethe lol. You'll always find reasons to feed your bitterness and selfishness. Such a shame. I feel sorry for your ancestors.

>> No.23134551


>> No.23134555

The average laymen weren't truly "Christians". You can't call yourself Christian/Muslim/Buddhist or whatever religion you're from unless you devote your whole life to your religion.

>> No.23134559

Knowing your ancestors? It gives you a firm frame of reference for your place in the world and helps you resist most propaganda. Part of why modern people suck so fucking much is they're all larpers like this Anglo-Saxon guy who know absolutely nothing about their ancestors and just want to make up new myths to create their utopia today. To them, humans are malleable and there is no biological or theological foundation to why the world is the way that it is. But if you are connected to your ancestors you retain a realistic view of the world and act accordingly.

>> No.23134735

Why is vtubing oddly satanic? Theres so many demons, or people who literally call themselves satan.

>> No.23134773
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>Letting the Demiurage reign this freely


>> No.23134785

Nobody serious identifies as "Christian" you dumbfuck, that's what liberals and atheists do. People who water down the faith identify as "Christian". People who take it seriously are active opponents to most other people a secular person labels Christian. This same principle exists in other religions as well. You can't have a religion that transcends an ethnic group, the beliefs are vastly different and localized between regions. If you can so effortlessly say Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox are all "Christian", then someone else can just as easily say Christians, Jews and Muslims are all "Abrahamics".

>> No.23134786

females are satanic

>> No.23134911

To be fair, this is true for every type of media and entertainment.
As people stop believing in devils, Satanism just becomes a "cool" aesthetic.

>> No.23135166

this more armenian medshit cope?
you come across as absolutely unhinged about shit that barely at all matters

>> No.23135248

They are all Abrahamic anon, by the very definition of the word they are
Protestants, Evangelicals, Orthodox, you can call them Abrhamic and Christian because that's what that means
This isn't an argument on whether or not my ancestors where Orthodox or more unified or whatever, it's about whether or not they identified as Christians

>> No.23135774

so you both agree that you ascribe meaningless overly general labels as a way to win the argument purely grammatically then, yes?
otherwise all these things are very differentiated regardless of the origin. so it's just conflating things for the sake of conflating things

>> No.23135918

>remember no sex before marriage I love Jesus
What the fuck! Why are you saying such "weird shit" Millie, fucking behave.
>Jesus is a whore
You go girl, tell them sister.

Why is Nijisanji like this?

>> No.23135947

This argument started with a larper getting upset that Christians, Muslims and Jews were lumped together and taken down a peg for their shared traits. Then he got assblasted when you point out there's no unified group called Christians either. It actually does matter a lot to the discussion. I realize most people who use this site are Americans and therefore they have trouble grasping the reality of these terminally online "Christian" larps since most Americans are nominal Christians at best and know nothing about the historical religion but the majority of "Christian" larpers online are explicitly Catholic. Statistically, the people killing your ancestors. So when they appeal to "Christian" ancestry, they are explicitly playing a con on you for political purposes. It is actually very important to these people that Catholicism is the throne everyone bows to, that's why they get so assblasted when you try to appeal to your ancestry from before their parasitic organization entered Europe. In their mind, if you cling to your ancestors who hated Catholics but were still "Christian" (although Catholics themselves consider them heretics), they can potentially play enough mind-games to get you to "come home to the Church" but literally that exact same logic is what neopagans are using to go back to what their ancestors were before the church existed. This is all just a dishonest ruse and the best way to see through it is to study your own direct ancestors rather than believe in the myths someone tells you about your supposed ancestors. Everything the media, my government or larpers online tell me about my ancestors is a lie and I know it because I've studied it myself. Everyone is morally obligated to do the same.

>> No.23135980

This is true for Gods too, hence why Japan where mushukyou (rightfully) reign supreme keeps inserting religious imagery and "let's kill God" plots into their media.

>> No.23135990

We should have never stopped treating women like livestock

>> No.23136014

I wouldn't call someone who worships Odin a Christian and I don't think a pagan would call someone who worships God a pagan

I'm Orthodox anon

>> No.23136039

They're friends joking around there's really nothing wrong with it I get why you don't understand seeing as you have no friends of your own though.

>> No.23136070

Christians call Catholics pagans and pagans atheists.

>> No.23136149

Orthodox call Catholics misguided Christians

>> No.23136274

Heretic detected.

>> No.23136279

why.. im disappointed.. i like her after nijieu off collab but insulting Jesus is a big no for me because im a christian..

>> No.23136288

calling something "abrahamic" is still a nothing term at this point. religion is a mind virus and it isn't really all that relevant what the originators of the most pozzed strain of it initially called it
which in turn had even more precursors. for that matter i could call Marxism a direction of christianity, labels and constructs become meaningless if you obsess over them too much

>> No.23136326

Are you Orthodox due to a larp or due to your ancestry? Most English-speaking Orthodox tend to be the former unfortunately but whichever you are I hope you at least take it seriously enough that it gives you a better grounding in life and in future discussions like these.

>> No.23136378
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>> No.23136491

I'm from Eastern Europe, my parents are Orthodox, my grandparents are Orthodox, my great grandparents are Orthodox my aunts and uncles are Orthodox we went to Eastern mass together on Sunday as well
I believe in it because of my family mainly if I'm being honest

>> No.23136531

Bro Yugo is very apologetic and respectful

>> No.23136592

Reminder that the greatest massacres were made in the name of secular ideologies

>> No.23136660

You can't just arbitrarily pick and choose what is Christian because Christian is an umbrella term, not referring to a specific practice. Heretical off-shoots of Christianity are still under the Christian umbrella. If Marxism isn't Christian, neither are most nominal Christians today. Self-proclaimed Christians claim things all the time as theirs that are in no way related to the belief of Christianity but can be seen as off-shoots in a sense, Marxism is just like those.

>> No.23136678

>"irrational narrative driven cultural movement A is somehow different than irrational narrative driven cultural movement B"
all the same. you seem rather poor at thinking beyond literal terms if you don't understand such simple concepts

which is why it's ridiculous of you to retroactively label certain things as jew-worship since obviously the people doing those things didn't view it as such. you're way too obsessed about thinking about things literally

>> No.23136728

Secular ideologies born out of Christian society.

>> No.23136812

Yes, they are. Troon.

>> No.23136846
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I think you fellas need to read a book if you're comparing Chrstianity to something like Marxism

>> No.23136873

I respect that, I don't know how many thousands of years we'd have to go back for our ancestors to have interacted (depends on where in Eastern Europe you are from I suppose) but even if we share no history, I at least can respect that you honor your own history. I wish more people did likewise.

>> No.23136896

>literal nothing
Do you seriously believe she was being innocent and not trying to crack an edgy joke? Do you seriously believe the 29 year old western commie didn't knew she was being extremely disrespectful?

>> No.23136948

>Catholics treat Mary like a demigod
PLEASE read the cathechism before spousing this type of bullshit prottie argument that has been debunked for centuries, you dishonest faggot.

>> No.23137087

Wrong, mysticism and materialism predates christian societies

>> No.23137189

It's literally fucking true you fucking cathocuck, I've sat in on hundreds of catholic services where they do all this idoltary shit. To be fair, spics play way more into this than whites, but it's still fucking prevalent and you're a disingenuous faggot. Also rampant pedo problems so clean up your house you kiddie diddlers. T. Non denominational chad that's studied this shit for years and sat in and gave multiple classes and is now watching autists on youtube play minecraft in my free time.

>> No.23137201

Du sollst dir kein Bildnis noch irgend ein Gleichnis machen, weder des, das oben im Himmel, noch des, das unten auf Erden, oder des, das im Wasser unter der Erde ist. Bete sie nicht an und diene ihnen nicht. Denn ich, der HERR, dein Gott, bin ein eifriger Gott, der da heimsucht der Väter Missetat an den Kindern bis in das dritte und vierte Glied, die mich hassen; und tue Barmherzigkeit an vielen Tausenden, die mich liebhaben und meine Gebote halten.

>> No.23137207

religion was just the most convenient tool for controlling people and centralizing power (through narrative means) etc. before the printing press had been invented
in that it's basically no different than marxism

that's why it's bad to think about things too literally
>jesus died for your sins
>it's because we are oppressed by the bourgeoise!
>I can't breathe!
is all the same shit, narratives engineered to assume power over others

>> No.23137234


>secular ideologies that were in direct conflict with the church are actually christian
how is it possible to be this retarded

>> No.23137351

I mean, literally yes, that is the core of the debate. Either Christianity is Jewish or its Anti-Jewish. Unsurprisingly, you'll find just as many people arguing one option as the other because it's all a matter of perspective. If one thing births another but that thing it births try to destroy it, are they still not inherently based on the same foundation?

>> No.23137354

You're so embedded in the christian worldview it's amazing you don't see it, like a fish not understanding the water it's swimming in

>> No.23137486
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Christianity has been infiltrated and morphed so well in modern day everyone forgot their suppose to genocide those fucks

>> No.23137674


>> No.23137691

good to see christians are still trying to take credit for empathy like they were the first ones on earth to think of the concept.

>> No.23137750

jesus christ, imagine if she said the same thing about mickey mouse. irregardless of whether you like disney or not insulting a brand's mascot is definitely not company friendly and shouldn't be tolerated by niji, especially when you have so many lonely women and child fans, groups with huge amount of disneyschizos.

>> No.23138424

Materialism isn't a christian construct, you retard.

>> No.23138709

pretty sure Buddhism is all about rejecting materialism

>> No.23138843

The existence of a god is the only logical philosophical position to take. Unless you can disprove the prime mover you must accept it.

>> No.23138900

Your pronouns should be fag/got

>> No.23138935

Yeah... Every religion is... Wtf are you even trying to say

>> No.23138986

Everyone believes in a god, but proving anything beyond that is completely impossible. The only thing we can all agree on is people going on about how we're all stardust that aren't necking themselves are retarded.

>> No.23139023

it's the literal opposite unless you can prove the prime mover there's no reason to accept it.

I think I get in now christians are just really stupid

>> No.23139042

There is no life on this Earth that can claim to have given existence to itself.

>> No.23139045

Listening to what some faggot pastor or a dyke has to say about what the Chruch teaches isn't studying for years you dumbass.
Get this through your head:
Catholics do not worship the Blessed Virgin as God, a god or a demigod.
Catholics HONOR Our Lady, just like Our Lord honors her.
>lso rampant pedo problems so clean up your house you kiddie diddlers
The percentage of american pedo teachers is way larger than the one of the clergy, which in itself is exagerated by the Media because they refuse to call the problem by it's real name: a homossexuality problem.
>T. Non denominational chad that's studied this shit for years and sat in and gave multiple classes and is now watching autists on youtube play minecraft in my free time.
You still has never read any Cathechism. Your knowledge of Catholicism is entirely based in anti catholic propaganda

>> No.23139144

yeah because people have killed and beheaded in the name of radical disneyism. retard

>> No.23139212


What wrong with just admitting you don't know how life came to be. The idea that we can't explain it therefore the only logical conclusion is a powerful being outside of time and space must have created it without evidence is just as illogical as claiming life willed itself into existance without evidence.

>> No.23139247

Buddhism isn't the only non-christian religion in the world you retard. You think Epicureanism was antimaterialist?

>> No.23139282

Judaism isn't like that, because their afterlife is just oblivion, so they try to enjoy their lives as much as possible, and that's why they're greedy, amoral fucks

>> No.23139304

I prime moved your mother.

>> No.23139703

No, no I do not.

>> No.23140547

They have?

>> No.23140590

The two positions are equal on that level because the answer doesn't actually matter in theory. But on application, as in living as if you believe one, nobody lives as if they believe the latter (and if they do they are terrible people).

>> No.23141417

Just woke up and surprised this thread is still up. Wasn't expecting this many people to defend Jesus Christ here.

>> No.23142546

shutup indog mushlim. Now tell all about your draconic shariah and your "overtaking rome" prhoecy, oh wait your immigrants fellow muslim immigrants from Middle East are actually doing it LMAO. We ain't a retard who get cancels someone when our skydaddy got insulted, unlike your suicide murderers on france or in europe but it also doesn't mean we don't care about our beloved sky daddy. It just tiresome

>> No.23143086

So in other words you dont truly believe in christianity? This is the point you see. Christians dont actually believe in their religion while muslims and jews do

>> No.23143341
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Jesus is great!!!

>> No.23143463

Sure are a lot of people in this thread that need to go back to r/atheism and talk about how "based" they are for burning and defacing bibles.
