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File: 189 KB, 582x505, sets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22949776 No.22949776 [Reply] [Original]

>New official hololive cards comes out
>5 card set of myth members: $90
>5 card set of council members: $50
How do councilfags cope with this?
Also, who here likes to /collect/?

>> No.22950021

>Spending $90 on some pieces of cardboard
Only retards are buying these.

>> No.22950051


>> No.22950099

Better than plastic cra, clothes or plushies. Cards are classier and more discrete

>> No.22950198

It's a better use of money than superchats.
At least you get something in return.

>> No.22950226

I pre ordered a box of boosters got the english 1st set. Hoping I can luck the shit out of the gacha and get a signed card

>> No.22950249


>> No.22950264

No it's not, people who collect cards are like people who collect coins or stamps.

>> No.22950397

>these cards I bought for no practical reason and will never use aren't cringe because uhhh

>> No.22950447


>> No.22950511

They're a collector's economy / status symbol for the self-proclaimed biggest fans. The Coco / Marine cards are individually worth hundreds apiece now.

Are they actually worth it? If someone says they are by buying them for those prices then yes at least at that moment that is their value, not dissimilar to how crypto values are based on feelings and they're not actually official currency and just ones and zeros you collect.

>> No.22950685

The cards I can keep in a nice carpet in my bookshelf. I don't parade around town with a shirt with an anime girl like some classless pleb or a pervert.

>> No.22950829

Firstly, none of the holomerch is that.
Secondly, only girls wear clothes for other people.

>> No.22951003

>No it's not, people who collect cards are like people who collect coins or stamps.
Collecting coins and stamps is based, tho?

>> No.22951074

Funny how people were so eager to pile on fungus chungus for dare stating council is a flop but I mean, he IS right, flopcil is the most disappointing followup to something since the Star Wars prequels / sequels. Obviously he shouldn't have said that anywhere near a place it could show up on stream but still it's obvious to anyone with eyes and the ability to comprehend numbers.

People are quick to try to blame pandemic lifting and Susan but I think major aspects are the designs (sana), being unappealing on debut trying too hard to fit lore that nobody gives a shit about, and omega killing the mood by being a distracting, awkward presence. Having a declared godlike staff figure lording over them is like a girl bringing her dad along for a date to watch over you or something, it's hard to put it but just visibly seeing them on a leash around that guy feels so fundamentally fucking wrong and really off/fucked for Hololive. Cover staff is best covered as just A-chan and that's it - humble office worker, not really closely connected to anyone besides being generic Cover.

The gen also took turns getting off on the wrong foot between most of the members over a variety of things. I will say, they are these days showing a bit of recovery - most of them stream now, even Sana actually is back, but their being so fucking weak right at the start was the absolute worst fucking way and time to do it.

>> No.22951180

Tribalniggers buying poorfag cards instead of merch is disgusting

>> No.22951341

>Cards turbo autists
>Bitter poorfags
All of them in one thread. Great bait thread OP.

>> No.22951489
File: 59 KB, 375x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these waterproof and cleanable?
asking for a friend.

>> No.22951542

No waterproof it’s a problem

>> No.22951627

holy yum

>> No.22952024

Even as a card Kronii gets a coomer-friendly design..

>> No.22953621

>Showing off her boobs like that instead of hiding them
Why can't the real clock be like that...

>> No.22953770

>they are these days showing a bit of recovery
I think they just needed time to adapt and figure things out after not having a clear direction at the start. I like them a lot more now than before. Especially Mumei.
People just think they're lackluster compared to myth, when in fact they have their own unique charm.

>> No.22953833

>Reddit spacing
Go back

>> No.22954031
File: 49 KB, 554x554, 16251537371884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cards turbo autists
>Bitter poorfags
> All of them in one thread. Great bait thread OP

>> No.22954374

>buy it now
So these are from ebay?
I want the Kronii but I haven't used that website since 2015.
Did you actually buy one OP?

>> No.22954860

One has gura in it. The other doesn't. No I'm not a sharkfag. It's just common sense to make the one that will sell more, more expensive.

>> No.22955236

No Yris card?

>> No.22955761

So I get cards I want for cheaper than what myth fans will. what's the matter?

>> No.22955851

It'd be real funny if they did a Gen Hope one and Irys by herself was worth as much or more than Council. At the very least I'd bet she'd be like $30 solo aka implying if Hope was a full gen of people like her it'd be the best one.. to which, if they found 5 Iryses yes I'd have agreed.

>> No.22955978

Cover's basically calling you the feeble inferior discount fans by making the set almost half price.

Maybe if these pricings/releases were about 5 months ago I'd have agreed that it sounded about right aka the height of Council seeming to actually-fail in real time between Sana/Kronii having frequent big breaks and Sana being utterly gone for a while. However nowadays I'm more fed up with some of the Myths than I used to be and am seeing Council as late bloomers.

>> No.22956231

also err I meant when Mumei/Kronii were taking big breaks and Sana was just gone.

>> No.22956333
File: 576 KB, 1362x1513, my beloved daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my shark daughter for $30 to use her as a token in my mtg shark typhoon deck. But now she's $36.
Kronii is $16.

Irys is only $12.

>> No.22956582

I get what I want at a cheaper price, maybe my oshi gets some of that money too. Who cares what cover calls me again?

>> No.22960928

Council fans should actually be happy about being able to buy their oshis for half the price.

>> No.22961258

Poorfag here. I'm happy I can buy my oshi cards.

>> No.22961584

I'll pay twice as much for a set that doesn't have M*ri in it.

>> No.22965099

my dick in background

>> No.22968165


>> No.22968350
File: 2.39 MB, 1550x3741, MtG Holo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22968409
File: 2.73 MB, 1550x4274, MtG Holo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22968468
File: 918 KB, 1165x2142, MtG Holo Smol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22968518
File: 326 KB, 1550x543, MtG VOMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(And since I'm posting tokens, here's the non-Hololive ones too)

>> No.22968570
File: 2.64 MB, 1550x4274, MtG VSJ+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22968623
File: 3.62 MB, 1550x5340, MtG Vtubers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22968727
File: 995 KB, 1419x2057, Mouse Decade cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a different kind of card! (Ironmouse really likes Kamen Rider)

>> No.22968931

Laminate it.

>> No.22971616

How much did you pay for import?
Nice trips btw.

>> No.22972066

Card sleeves. Get a perfect fit and then put that in a normal sleeve.

>> No.22972472

There's still a risk of liquid seeping in.
Permanently damages the card.

ziploc bag

>> No.22972504

And ordered

>> No.22973905
File: 143 KB, 744x1039, gura typhoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my surprise, $0.
It's one reason I shared this seller. There was no hassle. The card just showed up in my mailbox one day.

Welcome to the club.

>> No.22973942

Councilbros btfo

>> No.22974613 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 672x936, iko-377-titanoth-rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive already signed a deal with Weiss Schwarz, MTG Secret Liar never ever

>> No.22974674


>> No.22974695
File: 341 KB, 1006x700, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive already signed a deal with Weiss Schwarz, MTG Secret Liar never ever

>> No.22974793

oh no I have to pay less what ever will I do

>> No.22975020

imagine being so poor you can only afford to buy things for practical reasons

>> No.22975040

never thought i would want to fuck a card

>> No.22975068

are the Hololive cards actually any good in the game?

>> No.22975185

Will Rushia shit ever go rare? I think her Nendroid is still on sale

>> No.22975410

I remember hearing Subaru's card was OP.
Unless they do another print run that leaves out Rushia, no. Her cards are still just as numerous as everyone else's.

>> No.22977265

Her stuffs can only get rarer because no more will be made.
Her goods like plushies and cards are still holding value even though a lot of people think they are worthless now.

>> No.22977650

I recall a Marine and Subaru deck being pretty powerful, but that's not the point of weiss schwartz. The point is to beat up your mates waify with your waifu

>> No.22978565

I got her daki so I can make her hang from the ceiling

>> No.22980891


>> No.22982419

I wish I got my stimulus check this year.

>> No.22984751

I heard WS autograph cards are just stamped, so that kinda ruined any interest I had in them. I don't feel a need to buy a card either when I can just print a picture. I'll buy when they sell actual EN autographs.

>> No.22985316

Most autographs are stamped same with holo merch postcards otherwise limited to the point where the cards are unaffordable on the after market

>> No.22985510

>mfw it's incredibly cheaper to get cards like this than to commission official artists for the same art

>> No.22987689

Councilkeks mogged
