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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2289900 No.2289900 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2289980

I wish I had what they have

>> No.2290088

Faking it

>> No.2290140

if they are faking it they deserve an oscar

>> No.2290291

I wish I was Sukoya so I could stuff my face in between Tomoe's massive tits.

>> No.2290382

If they are faking it, imagine what Noefure, Takamori and Okakoro are.

>> No.2290444

I feel like I'm in a third wheel when I watch them and their clips. Yurifags cry a lot about wanting real relationships and a lot of them ignore this real one because it's not from hololive, even though there's more than 30 videos of crossick out there translated.

>> No.2290539

this is so true, after seeing crossick all the holo ships feel so shallow

>> No.2290574

My tranny mutuals RT them all the time. Don't see anyone else ever talk about them.

>> No.2292538

Conversely I wish I was Tomoe so I could smash myself between Sukoya's tits.

>> No.2294447

Incredibly gay. I'll watch their clips again when I'm in the mood

>> No.2294511

I wish they're both bi.
How new?

>> No.2294801

This. They don't even live together like real couples do.

>> No.2295383

kanasuko pussy...mmhmm

>> No.2295870

Tomoe is bi, Sukoya isn't.

>> No.2295944

They have barely been together for around a year, the fact that they are seriously considering moving in together is already impressive.

>> No.2295990

It's the most followed ship by actual yurifags though. They just don't tend to come here.

>> No.2296084

They're both bi

>> No.2296143

So which one is it!?

>> No.2296261

Sukoya's case is weird, she is only interested in anime guys. She says she has absolutely no interest in real life guys so I would say she is a lesbian, drawings are a different matter.

>> No.2296773

I think I vaguely remember something about her stating that she'd totally give Shellin a chance if she wasn't 100% for Tomoe.

>> No.2297450

Can't say I remember anything like that and looking around I can't really find anything like it.

>> No.2297496


>> No.2297605

I think they're ignored partly because of what you said and also on the fact that they're de facto an official pair.
Shipping requires room for headcanon to take root, and official ships tend to provide none of it (since they're, well, official).

>> No.2299649

Don't get me wrong they're far better at faking it than anyone in Hololive. But they're still faking it

>> No.2299726


>> No.2299898

>THIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMHYuHGNgA4
You're delusional as fuck if you think that's fake. You can even fucking hear their excited hearbeats at one point, for fucks sake, how the fuck would they fake that?

>> No.2301629

Yurifag here. I love watching them.

>> No.2301710

Noel and Marine's heartbeats were going crazy during their ASMR collab. Doesn't mean they're fucking each other

>> No.2301752

Were they also licking and biting each other's fingers and necks while they moaned?

>> No.2302396

Dude you're in denial at this point

>> No.2302479

Whatever I'll leave you guys in peace now, if you really want to believe the girls lezzing it up for the camera in front of thousands of horny /u/fags are legit then knock yourself out, I'm glad you enjoy the content

>> No.2302541

>literally dozens of hours live documenting pretty much their entire daily lives
>talking about their ups and downs, openly talking about the business side of it, talking about each other's families and the reaction of people that know them
Dude, you can't make all that shit up. It'd be like some Truman Show shit if it wasn't real.

>> No.2302783

i thought nijisanji was yaoi only wtf

>> No.2303033

Takamori is as real as Calli tsundere act.

>> No.2303138

Out of curiosity, why don't you believe it?

>> No.2303276

Dunno about Nijisanji, but those 2 are certainly yuri as fuck.

>> No.2303345

Just let our gays be gay in peace.
It's not like management's forcing them or somethin' (This IS Nijisanji afterall).

>> No.2303566

Not that anon, but honestly it's pretty easy to doubt the authenticity when it's so blatantly marketed for their audience and played up, and its incredibly easy content to sell. I'm of the camp of "Don't think about how the hotdog is made if I enjoy it" but I think a lot of people tend to forget that relationships and even marriages and families have been created and sustained just for the purposes of entertainment and that even the most sincere entertainer lies to some degree.

>> No.2303721

Tomoe openly talked about how she tried to discuss with Sukoya whether they should keep their relationship as business only or keep moving forward as a couple and Sukoya got really mad. I don't remember which video was it, but it's clipped.

>> No.2304573

And that in no way changes a single thing I've said. I honestly couldn't care less if they're a real couple or not, and with Nijisanji I've no desire to bother guessing since they don't give a fuck about selling a sincere product or keeping their talent honest.

>> No.2305277

Does it even really matter whether it's real or not, even if it's not, it wouldn't be much different from people deluding themselves into parasocial relationships/GFE with a streamer. At least the payoff with crossick is pretty high

>> No.2305667

Like I said, I don't care either way. Consume the narrative being sold if you enjoy it or don't, it's that simple. I was just playing Devil's Advocate to answer a question since it was asking why someone wouldn't believe it was real.

>> No.2306577

I'm usually an envious gosling but in their case their existence in this world as a literally perfect couple fills me with pure joy

>> No.2307382

I know right? For some reason watching them being all lovely dovely with each other makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

>> No.2307588
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>> No.2307688


>> No.2307786

This one is recent, just watch the first minute and you can tell

>> No.2307854

>homo outfit

>> No.2309768

>homo outfit

>> No.2310457

Obvious bait and retards are eating it.

>> No.2310496

You think Holoshit is any better ? All of them are fake and gimmicky anyways

>> No.2311290
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You can pinpoint the exact moment in which Sukoya ruined her panties

>> No.2314182

I need more doujins of these two.

>> No.2314646

I want Tomoe to rape me
I want to rape Sukoya

>> No.2314690

>What /vt/ think about Ellen Page?

>> No.2315184

Some here in case you didn't know.

>> No.2315832

Reminder that they apparently do read doujins of themselves:

>> No.2316031

Not that guy but the reason I have doubts about Crossick is because introducing real feelings and personal affection into how you make money is a seriously bad practice no matter the profession. Now you might say "Vtubing is not a normal profession, and having a real relationship versus a professional relationship is desirable precisely because real is more entertaining and more entertaining = more money." That might be true to an extent, but consider the following situation
>Crossick is real, the audience loves it
>One day, Kana finds out that Tomoe has been cheating on her with a dude for months and hiding it.
>Kana has an emotional breakdown about this. She doesn't stream and ignores her twitter for over a month, and when she finally comes back she can't keep it together in the face of the flood of inquisitive superchats and starts crying
>News of what really happened invariably comes out
>Not only is Crossick (and the money it generated) now dead but the company now has a massive yab on its hands and looks incredibly unprofessional. The major stakeholders are very unhappy and let Riku know it, and prospective stakeholders learn about all of this when researching the company and are understandably turned off by the whole affair.
This is the kind of thing that can and does happen when your relationships are real--precisely because they are real. Anyone who has ever had to deal with the fallout of others making the mistake of dating within their own workplace can tell you as much. This is why, from a professional/economic standpoint, it is better for everyone involved to go with a simulated relationship where the performers are just friendly, enthusiastic, and comfortable with each other.

>> No.2316091

And that's precisely why Tomoe suggested Kana to keep their thing as business only at some point. See: >>2307786

>> No.2316621

Imagine being Kana and realizing the big tittied onee-san sitting next to you is gonna rock your world in a few minutes.

>> No.2316678

Not really a lot in that video so I'll explain that business thing.

They had a big fight
They kept arguing but none of them were thinking straight
Tomoe then suggested taking some time to calm down but in the meantime continue streaming as if nothing had happened so making it "business yuri" only
Sukoya understood this as Tomoe wanting to break up and went crazy
They ruled out the idea of taking their time to think and instead continued talking, eventually solving the issue
And the lived happily ever after
The End

>> No.2316704

>And the lived happily ever after
>The End

>> No.2319536

Sukoya is a crazy bitch, isn't she?

>> No.2319717

Are you really saying this while being a holofag fan of takamori?

>> No.2323200

Can't say no there... she is definitely not normal in many ways.

>> No.2323284

I can't help it

>> No.2330340

I hope she and Tomoe never break up because she'll go full scorched earth if that happens

>> No.2331419

Honestly, I imagine if they break up they just graduate, they made Crossick a very big part of who they are already.

>> No.2332777
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Funnily enough, Tomoe may rely on those more, since she has almost half the subs Kana has, since she's the kouhai. It seems Kana does more collabs with other people while Tomoe plays more single player games on her own.
Speaking of which, I recommend you all her Resident Evil saga playthrough:

>> No.2333649

The only vtuber couple that I 100% believe are actual for real lesbians that are actually doing sex together

>> No.2334621

It helps how both of them are absolute horndogs. From what I understand, one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to lezzing out is lack of initiative, see Senchou's case, and they do not lack that at all.

>> No.2336300
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They even voice acted a bunch of fanarts during Christmas


>> No.2336939

sukoya has a voice fetish, and she loves shellin 'voice, but since it's "he" i wouldn't give it a chance.he likes his voice, not him.https://youtu.be/3N7hy8oCYtA

>> No.2337017

Absolutely based.

>> No.2337094

And here we go
I like their streams together and think the relationship behind the scenes is most likely real too but tribalniggers who use them as part of their console war bullshit can hang

>> No.2337235

I never said any group was better than Nijisanji, I follow individual talent rather than basing my preferences off entire groups. But you're in denial if you think Nijisanji deserves any narrative trust after the shit they've got caught pulling with their talent.

I don't like Takamori, it's a weak ship with a fairly stupid premise and it in no way feels organic. In fact I actively can't stand either of them alone let alone together, they are quite literally my least favorite Hololivers by a very significant margin.

>> No.2338109

Good. I hate takamori as a deadbeat

>> No.2338999


>> No.2341265

Yeah, they seem to fuck every day

>> No.2347958

Well, they haven't for a while because of Covid.

>> No.2349726


>> No.2350558

God, they're going to have so much nasty lesbo sex once the quarantine is over

>> No.2350589

What the fuck is wrong with /u/fags jesus

>> No.2351664

They're healthy individuals? Hot lesbian sex mainly consists of kissing, sucking on boobs and fingering and licking vags, something completely normal in any het sexual relationship.

>> No.2352080

FWIW, from what they have said it involves more SM stuff...

>> No.2352230

Sure, but that's not that unusual either. IIRC, it was mainly about tying each other and blindfolding and biting, nothing too extreme. I remember they saying that stuff like candles and whatnot was too much.

>> No.2355960
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I find amusing how Crossick has a lot more lewds than Takamori

>> No.2364884

Probably cause they're the real deal.
