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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22800240 No.22800240 [Reply] [Original]

That time Lamy and Nene made fun of Nenes unemployed gachikoi. How heartless women can be.


>> No.22800372

Asian whores

>> No.22800556

Reminds me of that time the 5th gen girls were forced to apologize for mocking janitors. They're just saying out loud what most of us think internally, don't get your panties twisted you fragile moralfag. Or maybe they struck a nerve? Hit a bit too close to home? Lmao

>> No.22800592

>made fun of a unemployed gachikoi
I bet that guy was happy as fuck with them just talking about him for a minute even if it was at his own expense

>> No.22800880

Based. Unemployed fucks should go end themselves.

>> No.22800936

"Jokes on you im into cute girls degradation fetish!"

>> No.22800937

The worst thing about that was Lamy getting most of the flame even though Polka was the one who made the joke.

>> No.22801071

T. Unemployed fuck

>> No.22801148

>They're just saying out loud what most of us think internally
you fucking loser, no decent person actually thinks less of janitors, that's like thinking badly of garbagemen. They're getting paid pretty well for a job you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.

>> No.22801232

So now that I actually watched the clip I can put the correct context here: Nene is subtly making fun of Lamy's style of GFE manipulation here, constantly asking Lamy the "correct" way to say things to excite chat and Nene doing it wrong for a laugh. And during their conversation a guy known for saying he is a NEET as he sends superchats gets brought up and they laugh a bit at the boldness of this guy admitting this so often. They don't call chat NEETs or even make fun of someone in a situation where they are unemployed. I watched it so now you don't have to anon.

>> No.22801306

The thing is, loads of people aren't decent and absolutely do think less of janitors and trashmen because they have never thought about what the world would look like without them

>> No.22801599

Absofuckinglutely this. You'd be absolutely shocked by how subhuman some people are. I used to be a janitor for a few years, absolutely fucking disgusting work, but I did it. Women are the absolute worst offenders, I shit you not. My job was cleaning bathrooms. You know how women are always like "ewww, men's rooms? Men are so gross!"? They're full of fucking shit. Women are absolutely disgusting nightmare creatures. Beyond period blood - which I can deal with, that's legitimately not their fault, they can't help that - they also have this WONDERFUL fucking tendency of thinking that they're too good to sit the fuck down to pee and they love to SQUAT, blasting urine ALL OVER THE FUCKING TOILET AND CREATING THE VERY THING THEY WANTED TO AVOID TO BEGIN WITH!! And don't even get me fucking started on sanitary boxes, the things they need to put their fucking used pads/tampons in, holy fucking god above the STENCH.

>> No.22801723

I've watched enough voyeur videos to know the hover piss is real. It gives me a better view of the action so I approve of it but you did give me a new perspective anon.

>> No.22801776
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Adding to this, the amount of times I've pulled out full pairs of jeans/panties that they've somehow shit in from the trash, found tons of those little sampler vodka bottle shots, blood on the fucking stall walls somehow like a scene out of Resident Evil, kiss marks on the mirror (which is just fucking so unsanitary it makes my skin crawl to imagine), or any other occurrence of "what the fuck happened here today?" all occurring within women's restrooms, and these whores have the GALL to mock the people who need to clean all that shit up? Rape correction is URGENTLY FUCKING NEEDED, because they CLEARLY do not understand how fucking horrid some jobs are but are happy to benefit from those willing to do them, all while talking down to them.

>> No.22801839

>kiss marks on the mirror
Jesus Christ have mercy that's fucking disgusting

>> No.22801854

Some small empty vodka bottles seems pretty odd to include in a list about blood and literal shit.

>> No.22801972

Rape correction for women who shit their pants? I'll pass, there's no way someone that retarded is wiping properly

>> No.22801973 [SPOILER] 
File: 442 KB, 443x513, hate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They usually accompany the blood by having fifteen of the fuckers crammed within the same sanitary box or all over the fucking stall floor because they're too fucking lazy/entitled to throw it in the trash. And for those of you who may think I'm LARPing as a disgruntled janitor, fuck you. Check this shit out. Blood warning.

>> No.22801995
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Thank God I have no interest in 3D women

>> No.22801997

>1 year ago

>> No.22802132
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>> No.22802440

they cry when the garbagemen go on strike in cities its hilarious

literally no one will miss if like half of officeworkers stop going in for a week because their jobs are bullshit

>> No.22803028

video link?

>> No.22803093

damn, niji bootlickers have no more ammo against holochads that they have to resort to year old shit

>> No.22803111

It's to distract the board from Lauren coming back from his break

>> No.22803157

This is why I don't give a shit if some dude just kicks the shit out of a woman on the train/bus or if 2 of them are catfighting.

>> No.22803164

Based, if your not disabled you can get a job
Asian culture is like that, they look down on janitors / lower "class" people, I don't agree with that sentiment but that's how it is

>> No.22803642

the nipplekek?

>> No.22803665
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drag 'em, king

>> No.22803692

I don't mock janitors because I realize everything would be fucking disgusting without essential workers. Classism is petty as fuck but it's a sign a woman is pure trash.

>> No.22803693

Oh yeah Mushoku-san. He's still around and he sends a superchat every stream. He's probably not even unemployed.

>> No.22803712

The one and only

>> No.22803722

Good. Gachis don't deserve human rights.

>> No.22803774

i kneel

>> No.22803783

Not really
>be woman
>be a drunk whore
>shit yourself while on your period
>tell the janitor he is a gross poorfag as they stumble out to their car to go home and feed their pitbull
Seems to paint an interesting picture.

>> No.22803967

It's bad because that guy was a japanese version of anon and that makes all the PERSONALLY ATTACKED anons cringe.

>> No.22804064
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Apologize to Anya this instant.

>> No.22804218

Why, was she a neet at some point?

>> No.22804365

Attitudes like this is one of the things that contribute to murder and suicide rates.

>> No.22804535

Dunno about a neet, but certainly a janitor.

>> No.22806280


>> No.22808965


>> No.22809078

They weren't mocking janitors, they were mocking the Marine/Aqua kayfabe of a pirate captain being employed as a cleaner by cosplay maid who is the CEO. And they were right, that shit was hilarious.

>> No.22809139

why are you defending shitty behavior?

>> No.22809198
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Jokes on them, those unemployed dudes are getting streams for free.

>> No.22809257
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wtf what absolute state of a country are you from

>> No.22809309

what do you fucking think

>> No.22811844

Go off king

>> No.22811913

All of these e-girls and whores combined have infinitely less value than a single janitor.

The only janitors that should be mocked are the virtual ones.

>> No.22812018

Janitors thing was nijiniggers smelling blood after killing Aloe. No one was actually offended.

>> No.22812149

Sounds like american or latino. But could be anywhere.

I remember being a kid and my mom was paranoid about me using the men's public bathrooms at the pool. Which I thought was weird because it was always in a pretty decent state. Sure sometimes someone pisses a bit outside but it happens and you can deal with that.

Then when I grew up I discovered all the unholy shit that happens at the women's rest rooms and all the horror stories from janitors being consistent in that the women's restroom is a place where light does not shines, and realized she was just thinking ours was equally as bad as theirs.

>> No.22812464

which series is this guy actually from anyway?

>> No.22812555

iirc Polka was surprised about some guy working for 20 years as a janitor, and wondered why he didn't change jobs/get promoted.
Which is a pretty common think to ask, Janitor jobs are not something you should spend your entire life doing, if you can help it (unless you have a cleaning fetish or something).

>> No.22813241

My mother always told me to study not to end up like janitors or trashmen, that a nice office job or owning a restaurant is the way to go. My first job was a trashman and it was the chillest shit you could ever imagine as well as really well payed too, you only work around 5 to 6 hours a day at night, sometimes even less, you get to fuck around with your 2 partners, blast some music in the middle of the night and no one blames you because that's the usual ''trashman'' call to alert the neighbors. Sometimes people would put their dead pets in trashbags and either come to you with some money to get rid of it since doing it so it's illegal or just disguise it in the trash, so more often than not we got some extra cash.

ffw to me quitting that dream job because my mother told me that wasn't a decent job, I learn another language and work as a translator, back pain enssues, there are too many translator companies and I have to look for an extra job to make cash to live by, I quit that job and then go to the airport to be one of those guys who speak on the megaphone... 12-15 hours a day, payed a bit more than being a trashman but it was stressful as fuck, be yelled at in 2 different languages by spic and amerimutt karens, even tho I did most of the work, my female partner was fucking the boss so she didn't have to do much around, but I was the son who had a nice job at the airport instead of a happy trashman.... Kids take it from me, take whatever job you like doing, fuck the rest and your parent's ''bragging rights'', they all can suck a dick.

To this day I'm still applying to get my trashman job back.... but it's always full.

>> No.22814314

These people mentally live in the third world where it's a choice between an office job or the coal mines. If you're decently well off, an office job is where you should end up if all your other plans to actually do something satisfying with your life are dashed.

>> No.22815054
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Soredemo Tsuma wo Aishiteru 2
anime based on a vn

>> No.22815740

Good luck trashlord.

>> No.22815893

Being a janitor with seniority in a big company means you get to boss the other janitors around. It's a sweet gig if you can last 10 years being a grunt.

>> No.22816458 [DELETED] 

In all my 14 fucking years of browsing this shithole, it has never ceased to amaze me men that are by all metrics pathetic, cannot deal with women recognizing they are pathetic. But if it's a man, they don't care, call him a faggot, or might even bond over how pathetic they both KNOW they are.
It's sad this shithole is their escapism.

>> No.22816527

Man Fandead might be more pathetic than the bugmen. That's kinda hilarious!
At least the bugs get paid in social credits

>> No.22817001
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>> No.22817168

Janitors have a pretty good deal going on, anon.
For instance, school janitors usually get paid better than the teachers. The work keeps you fit, isn't very hard, and you're usually left alone to do your work how you see fit.
It's honestly my endgoal if I can help it.

>> No.22817298

trash chad

>> No.22817631

Might be true in America but in Japan it's commonly not considered to be a dream job, for obvious reasons (low pay, plenty of competition, social stigma etc.).

No one really "hates" janitors there, they understand how they are necessary, and even thank the people that collect garbage.

It's just that it's considered a "temporary" job that you just do to make ends meet while studying for a "better" position, or a comfy retirement job for older folks.

Being a janitor for 20 years would get you questions from pretty much anyone in Japan that hears about it, but it was somewhat in poor taste to bring that up on a VTuber stream meant for escapism from real world issues, which is why they apologized for it.

>> No.22817814

Get some taste

>> No.22818034
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Sometimes you can get away with this kinda thing and make it funny as fuck
>I'm not taking it back

>> No.22819737

>A trained elite athlete saying this
>Vs some ethot that sits around at home all day, plays videogames, and milks incels and manchildren for money

>> No.22819936

>the things they need to put their fucking used pads/tampons in, holy fucking god above the STENCH.
When I worked as a janitor we literally had a seperate company sub-contracted to deal with these.

>> No.22821039

It's just citycucks who have brain rot and think that only good job in the world is paper pushing in air conditioned office.

>> No.22821254

holy shit this makes my dick hard. im going to work hard to get a high paying job so i can satisfy my oshi financially and buy her everything she wants

>> No.22821539

That's more a sign of how they generally fuck over teachers in 'murrica than jannies having it good.

>> No.22824332

They get paid about the same amount in the US as teachers do in pretty much any first world country and teaching gets their student loans discharged.

The difference is that janitors in the US are basically tradesmen - the ones with enough experience and skills to run a building are rare and in high demand. They're not just cleaners but also maintain the building and often run the various control systems like HVAC, security, basic electrical etc.

>> No.22828038

holy based

>> No.22829273

That's funny as fuck

>> No.22831465

Wiggers on 4chan will post this and then proceed to shit on niggers and spics, the monkeys actually doing those jobs

>> No.22831770

Based. Then what do you think about VTubers since behind the character it's a 3D woman? Or are you able to disassociate the two?

>> No.22831815

No you can't do that, my narrative !

>> No.22832299

ok nijisister

>> No.22836682


>> No.22840550
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Whatever Nene does is based and she is allowed to do whatever she wants

>> No.22842349

>they also have this WONDERFUL fucking tendency of thinking that they're too good to sit the fuck down to pee and they love to SQUAT, blasting urine ALL OVER THE FUCKING TOILET AND CREATING THE VERY THING THEY WANTED TO AVOID TO BEGIN WITH!!

I agree with everything you said but this. It's not only for hygienic reasons, but women are much more likely to get urinary infections than men. Sitting on a public toilet is like begging for one, no matter how clean it looks like.

t. femanon

>> No.22842729

everyone in this thread needs to read this >>22801232

everyone who thinks Nene and Lamy are acting like bitches aren't understanding what's actually going on in the clip.

>> No.22842893

I learned in medical school that the frequent bladder infections women get is because they have a much shorter urethral passage than men have which makes that part more vulnerable to pathogens and thus infections. The smaller urinary pathway is also why women can't hold in their pee as much as men can - when women have to pee it's always kind of urgent and they really need to pee soon. It would also help explain why the line to women's rooms are always quite long.

btw if you really are a femanon I'm curious to know who your oshis are.
