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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22747419 No.22747419 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good?

>> No.22747430

Yeah, it's pretty good

>> No.22747456

Calli was so inspired by Trash Talk, she tried to make one herself. Or at least suggested to others.

>> No.22747473

Nah, it's pretty bad

>> No.22747537

Sure, pretty fun
Good luck sifting through the inevitable schizoposts

>> No.22747606

2/3rds of it is good.

>> No.22747635

She was inspired by their impromptu 9-hour zatsudan during Jump King and people's requests to make it a regular thing

>> No.22747663


>> No.22747680

This. I love Mori. She's the fattest of them all and she's 2/3rds of the entire collab's mass.

>> No.22747696

its pretty good as podcasts go.
The trio is very good even if their friendship revolves around Irys (Bae and Calli are very close to IRyS but not as close to each other)

>> No.22747713

What do you fucking think idiot. Look at who's on it.

>> No.22747731

This one isn't about 3 faggots talking about "lmaoo gaijin life in japan is crazy xD" so it's already better in my book

>> No.22747734


>> No.22747759
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Mori and Bae are pretty close

>> No.22747775

Fashion talk

>> No.22747788

You can just say you haven't watched it

>> No.22747860

It's shrek and jojo references and sometimes alcohol though.

>> No.22747888

You can just say you haven't watched it

>> No.22747932

That is C-Man and Hayko you dolt.

>> No.22747946
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no, not really
not that bad either, though
just serially uninteresting or cringe when anyone other than irys is talking
but its more of a reminder that we will never get another episode of something actually good, fish tank

>> No.22747954

It’s a’ight. Let’s see if it lasts longer than Vshojo’s lewdcast

>> No.22748061

if even mori antis say it's not that bad means they are doing some thing good

>> No.22748102

Yeah, retard forgot to put food in there 5 times.

>> No.22749230

>a show hosted by a bunch of women
thats retarded

>> No.22749787

She's only 2/3rds? Has she lost weight recently then?

>> No.22749818


>> No.22749843
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anything with IWyS in it is good

>> No.22750073

How come her model isn't good then?

>> No.22750673

women cant be chads

>> No.22750766

>fish tank
Wherever i see clips of fish tank i feel great sadness knowing it'll never happen again. That makeup section was kino

>> No.22750807

You just haven't stared at it long enough. After a while you start to notice that it might be the best model ever made

>> No.22750809

your math reps, anon...

>> No.22750999

Last one filled my /o/tism desires so I'm fine with it.

Just how fucking wealthy is her family?

>> No.22751554

As far as we know 1 side grandparents are batshit crazy and 1 side are loaded, but don't give any money directly to mori's family, only paid for school and some activities for mori.

>> No.22751685

God no.

>> No.22751926

It's slightly above average compared to other podcasts, it's worth listening to if you browse here.

>> No.22752016

it's this. Grandpa and Grandma of Mother have boomer money and spend it selfishly like Boomers do. Mom was a single mom who would pass out drunk each night.
And the family has gotten better off now then when Mori was a child, Mom's on the wagon now.

>> No.22752305

I liked it when I liked Mori.

>> No.22752747

You can replace Mori and it'll be the same if not better.

>> No.22752873

I like how Irys fans have to trick themselves into thinking her model is good

>> No.22752993

Not with that attitude

>> No.22753077
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I'm gonna need it to have more of rrats /o/tism

>> No.22757853

I have and he isn't completely wrong, might as well make jojo a segment just like the "advice" bit near the end of the stream.

>> No.22760657

Genuinely thank you I thought it was Calli, Hakos, and spent forever trying to figure out how D could represent IRyS.

>> No.22761358

its okay

>> No.22761996

Its alright but I have to mute it sometimes when Mori gets too cringe. Mostly when she goes too hard talking about her IRL Friends or tries too hard to be Trash Taste.

>> No.22764227

Yes and no, it's fun quiet a lot, specially when they get roasted by accident or are half drunk.
But there's parts that are just too fucking cringy at times it hurts.

>> No.22764323

They should really put the podcast on podcast apps.

>> No.22764352

if Mori wasn't there it would be good.

>> No.22764400

they need rotating guests there isnt enough life experience between these three to drag this shit out long enough without it being stale and there's already stale parts id rather be snipped off like mori's shitty jokes

>> No.22764414

Three dorks talk about stuff for 2 hours
10/10 it's ok

>> No.22764481

Maybe they can just replace Mori and have a weekly guest.

>> No.22764546

I’d be okay with that. it’d also be swell if IRyS could stop seething at her doctor or that one dress each time, kek

>> No.22764555

Mori bad
Here done with the thread

>> No.22765084

Why is irys such an airhead

>> No.22765124

She doesn’t need to do very much exhaustive thinking, so she never built a capacity for such.

>> No.22765269

As nice as it is to complain about Mori, chad cast is basically her at her best. It's the only program where she actually acts like a human being and she's always great on it.

I agree though that they need to change it up. Inuyasha and Jojo can't last

>> No.22765466

I'm a huge IRyS fan but I had to cope and admit this is true. Deep down I really hope for a full redesign like how Flare got, probably if something more controversial like even switching artist too cuz Redjuice can't draw worth shit.

>> No.22765538

It’s not terrible concept, but it needs a huge overhaul.

I think it actually says a lot how successful and well liked IRyS is despite having been given such a debuffed model.

>> No.22765706

they're not even selfish boomers, they're controlling boomers
they basically cut off the mom when she went to do music and didn't marry into a 'good family' and Mori basically ended up doing the same so she worked regular jobs since late high school

>> No.22765754

And that's what killed it's specialness because she's got 2 other copies of the same thing with Eikawa and Tea time.

>> No.22765869

Mori's pathetic attempt of making something to compete with fish tank.

>> No.22765933

Eikawa is not similar in the slightest, it follows a very set structure and always sticks to the topic
Tea Time is just multi-person freetalk, it has zero actual structure, which is why it's so hit or miss

>> No.22766682


>> No.22768230

the name alone makes me cringe and the fact that mori is in it makes me avoid it like a plague
shame because irys seems okay and i dont mind rrat

>> No.22768660

It's fine, I like Irys and Bae. Don't care about Mori, but she's the one organizing it and she's at least doing a decent job with that ('member the gurame podcast? yeah).

>> No.22768695

I couldn't tell you, I immediately close any stream when she shows up.

>> No.22768861

this is boring shit, holotalk is a much better show

>> No.22773404


>> No.22773408

eh, apples and oranges.
