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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22743714 No.22743714 [Reply] [Original]

Bokobokobo- Kobo Kanaeru at your service! Let me be your sun to shine your day, ehe~ ;D

>Channel link:

>Twitter link:

>Recent Stream


>Original Song

>Hashtags :
Live : #OnAeru
Announcement : #Kobocast
Fanart : #AeruSeni
Fan name : #Kobokerz
Meme : #Kobobrok

>> No.22743793
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collab with Kaela,
I had to pass this one, also the outlast VOD is back, enjoy the stream bros.

>> No.22743842

Did you see her tweet? I think she's lurking /here/

>> No.22743873

all ESL Postss here are made by Kobo herself anon

>> No.22743902


>> No.22743942

Somehow i can hear this

>> No.22744180

I fucking wish

>> No.22744217


>> No.22744366

So the previous drama was planned by kobo herself, this brat need a lesson.
But still funny tho

>> No.22744530

Nah her main discord fan server also speculating why she privates the vod

>> No.22744580
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I dunno guys, but i think she's kinda mini yab bomb too

I watch her and she said herself that she have tendencies to speak frankly about everything, im just glad that up until now she seems realize it for a second and still have self control for it

Im just worrying about her future...

>> No.22744636

good lord so many retard schizo in the last thread..
trolled by indog girl that make you constipated..
eat your fiber faggot that's why her fans name was "Kobokerz"

>> No.22744870

I believe in treerrat, and treerrat is womanlet herself.

>> No.22745104

Well, I guess she'll speak frankly on membership stream instead. The problem is she seems like didn't really have insecurity about her job so she feel in control since she didn't set any boundary herself. Especially she didn't feel offended by any doxx attempt. This is easily source of yab bomb.

>> No.22745335


>> No.22745869

she's not the first member who likes to speak frankly about everything. in fact in ID itself there's already moona and ollie who keep doxxing themself every 2 weeks. She's fine as long she's not openly doxxing herself like what rushia did. an accident might happen in the future but I believe she can overcome it.

>> No.22745941 [DELETED] 
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based yagoo doing child labor to indog citizen like what it used to

>> No.22746949

Lmao, imagine being trolled by a brat like this.

>> No.22747023

Nah, actually yagoo's grandfather had several illegitimate children with indo women, and yagoo decided to help their descendants by opening HoloID and acknowledging them as a branch family

>> No.22747188

It's obvious from day 1 that she's a child.
Also child labor is more common than you think, and it's not always bad. Preventing the child from working is 20th century thing, before that children are expected to help their parents in their farm for thousands of years.
It's not like Kobo is unhappy working as a streamer, she's not working 12h in a sweatshop, she's having fun and getting paid, any adults would want to trade place with her. Wouldn't really call it exploitation if both sides are equally benefited.

>> No.22747499

i belieb this rrat

>> No.22748235

the problem is adults especially employers are sometimes greedy/liars/horny and the child laborers are too dumb/powerless, that's why the safest choice is to work with a family business but too bad not every family has their own business

>> No.22748275

> she's having fun and getting paid

>> No.22749873

No she's already an adult with child mentality

>> No.22749923

Sounds better ToT

>> No.22750217


>> No.22750445

The only adult thing about her is her boob size and public hair.

>> No.22750543



>> No.22750588

is her pub hair also like the wave of Kanagawa?

>> No.22751177

Uwoooghhh I can only be this hard..

>> No.22751925

Kobo... you need to sleep soon

>> No.22751939

kobo cute

>> No.22752704

I know Indonesian but I still don't understand wtf they talking about

>> No.22753317


>> No.22753590

EOP doesn't understand them
IOP doesn't understand them
Kobo and Kaela don't understand themself

>> No.22753756

Kobo doesn't understand Kaela and she's being stubborn about it.

>> No.22753896

granny kaela is hot

>> No.22754297

kobo seething

>> No.22754477

Absolutely hilarious, Kaela is using Kobo's KSGK attitude against Kobo LMAO

>> No.22754679

Absolutely fuming.

>> No.22754737
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>> No.22754804

This collab is hilarious lmao.

>> No.22754888

indobros, do you still use "cupu" in everyday conversation?

>> No.22754969

kobo got emotional damage..

>> No.22755005

this is the 1st time I watch someone solo this game and just said to the collab partner to shut and fuck off

>> No.22755010

Yes, at least me and my friends

>> No.22755059

nope, mostly use "noob"

>> No.22755118

kobo is kinda noisy, annoying, and stubborn but still enjoyable to watch, but if I knew her irl maybe I would do the same

>> No.22755279

This collab is pure comedy, kekw

>> No.22755740

Ckia is more annoying for me.

>> No.22755797

You need to look at the 2 POVs

>> No.22755913

My daughter is so sleepy

>> No.22755968

It's ok when she's being annoying when do solo stream but in collab is just...

>> No.22755992

well, sometimes kobrat needs to taste her own medicine

>> No.22756020

but im glad she knew that. she already apologize to kaela, good kid

>> No.22756092

depends, kaela seems to know how to handle her well so I think it is fine

>> No.22756351

she apologized to kaela and chat in the end, im proud of my daughter

>> No.22756420

Which is exactly why Ela became Ckia, to make Kobo taste her own medicine, with absolute hilarious result.

>> No.22757063

nah Kaela intentionally triggered her and she laugh her ass off but you cant hear it

>> No.22757618

I think she apologized specifically for that "Naluri Perawan" (EOPs, this is translated as "Virgin's Instinct").
That was very much not seiso and an absolute ID sex jokes haha.

>> No.22757864

it's ok. it's fellow IDs. they would understand and be tolerant.
I hope she toned down when collabing with ENs or JPs tho... kek. esp JPs cus they're sensitive.
kobrat needs to assimilate. don't want holomems hate her cus of some misunderstanding.

>> No.22757871

yeah guess im just not used to banter especially when it girls who do it

>> No.22757954

>(EOPs, this is translated as "Virgin's Instinct")
yeah not cool. jokes that make people awkward. sounds like a joke from Nijis.
welp. IDs kinda taste like Nijis sometimes.

>> No.22758224

But that's absolutely normal in ID comedy, apparent slip up like that has always been the fun when we see Sule or Andre, both ID comedians.
IOPs comedy does that all the time, there are no "the Left" that will be offended to such kind of jokes (except maybe some hardcore SJWs in ID).

>> No.22759336
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>> No.22759624

is that, Instant noodles?
and it's like past midnight there, what kind of parents would allow this?

>> No.22760092

Yea, that's the famous Indomie instant noodle, onion chicken flavour (I guess???). I'm actually curious how it tastes compared to the fried ones.
>what kind of parents would allow this?
I know right, this damn brat needs correction ASAP!

>> No.22760215

>cooking it the safe way
Needs warteg correction.

>> No.22760562

I'm watching the recent Outlast VODs,
and what can I tell as someone who only gets 30% of what she said, she's actually entertaining, plus ID girls got the fastest translator among the Holos.

>> No.22760664 [DELETED] 

It's ramadhan now, she can eat that at this hour for sahur

>> No.22760748 [DELETED] 

Oji-san I know you only watch EN all this time but yes ID got some of the most dedicated translators.
don't hear this retard, he doesn't know what he talking about

>> No.22760786 [DELETED] 

>Implying she doesn't cheat.

>> No.22760822 [DELETED] 

>Implying she's fasting
Lmao, you guys are delusional.

>> No.22760860 [DELETED] 

what are you niggers talking about?

>> No.22760898

That sounds yabe when translated into english, but I dont think it really is bahasa.
That's also partially Kaela's fault for saying "Aku masih belum wanita" that trigger Kobo to say "perawan"

>> No.22760947 [DELETED] 

Ignore them it's the usual Indogs sandnigger wannabe,
can't have a normal discussion without them including their fairy tale religion shit.

>> No.22761001 [DELETED] 

Why are you even here tourist?

>> No.22761031 [DELETED] 

She is obviously a muslim, why isn't she fasting? That health problem is to cover for her religion..

>> No.22761068

Just stick to dry noodle one I guess. Since the soup could be tricky to get it right.
Like the flavor could differ depending on the amount of water, and whether you mix the seasoning on the bowl or just dump it when you build the noodle.
The best one IMO just prepares it like you prepare the dry one and then add the hot water(careful to not add too much).

>> No.22761086 [DELETED] 

cause I'm your Oji-san >>22743714 retard,
why don't you bring that discussion here >>>/trash/

>> No.22761087 [DELETED] 

>why isn't she fasting?
Because not everyone is super devoted?

>> No.22761192 [DELETED] 

>why isn't she fasting?
maybe because she isn't one(?}

>> No.22761193 [DELETED] 

If you made the OP you aren't needed anymore old man, let someone else who isn't an idiot do it next time ok? Thanks anyway.

>> No.22761201

Could you guys not bring up politics or religion topics?

>> No.22761233

there are a lot of insecure indogs here,
purisu andastand.

>> No.22761272 [DELETED] 

Lol Keep seething Mudslime bros, you can't make me.

>> No.22761296

>religion topics
Her diet is directly tied to her religious practices anon. It isn't like people are debating theological points of contention here. Or shitting on other religions. Nor should they.

>> No.22761316

I only saw one, you just can ignore him.

>> No.22761334

the post above you just said otherwise tho

>> No.22761339 [DELETED] 

Lol why are you guys so sensitive with religion, it's just a simple analysis that every indonesian should know it after watching her stream. Do EOP can't accept that she is a muslim?

>> No.22761385 [DELETED] 

>Do EOP can't accept that she is a muslim?
They really are quite triggered even by SEA muslims.

>> No.22761424

The fact one guy can't control himself is more of a reason to report and ban his posts in particular.

>> No.22761451

indos here, don't hear what this anon said eating past midnight doesn't have something to do with sahur, but it's likely the routine of someone who can't sleep at night.

>> No.22761506 [DELETED] 

the real question is,
>Do you can't accept that she is not a muslim?

>> No.22761552

>Eating indomie midnight
Yeah, who doesn't. I think at this point every single Indons would have done this. I literally cooked and ate 2 portion of Indomie Goreng an hour ago.


>> No.22761559 [DELETED] 

I accept she might not be. But I am not going to throw a shitfit if she is like some of you are either.

>> No.22761632

I'm Muslim myself, normal sahur feast usually starts at 3 am, doing it at 1 or 2 am kinda unusual.

>> No.22761693 [DELETED] 

yeah, and you can't stop it by not bringing that topic here bro,
pack your ass up.

>> No.22761775

>can't stop it by not bringing that topic here bro,
Exactly, you will shit on Muslims whether it is brought up or not. So people aren't going to hide for idiots like you.

>> No.22761868

[deleted] See it's not about I hate you guys, but it's off-topic shit friend, don't need to be angry by being the minority in the EOP board friend.

>> No.22761914

thanks Jannis

>> No.22761953

weird they actually do their job

>> No.22762042

Btw old man how's about the Outlast VOD?

>> No.22762083

nothing special actually just cute Kobo being Cute when she scared,
>tldr: I enjoy it

>> No.22762203
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you guys are funny

>> No.22762586

just because you brought that up you increase the chance of your religion or politic or race to get shit on more, retardchama. stop doing these shit behavior, stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.22763494

I need thread about my cute daughter, not political shit or so, gonna drop this thread until the discussion back to normal (or not)

>> No.22763914
File: 454 KB, 595x595, risu shoot you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of the line.

Someone below me bring up a good topic otherwise kill the thread.

>> No.22764064

Yeah karla is annoying

>> No.22764260

Ok now start spill your story about you meet with kobo, treerat

quick i need some info

>> No.22764335

i guess the rrat that she's a child is actually a fact.
sounds like one, behave like one, and it matches risu's description of her.

>> No.22765048

Is she adult with childish personality or legit underage?

>> No.22765345

"Just got into uni" age so just barely legally adult interpret it however you like

>> No.22767752
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>> No.22770058

