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22625464 No.22625464 [Reply] [Original]

>Nijis constantly hyping her
>Vspo and everyone else hyping her
>Shibuhal hyping her, saying she's actually a Predator
>Every little thing she did was clipped to hell and shoved down everyone's throat through YouTube and Twitter
>Not even in top 15
The absolute state

>> No.22625652

fuck off apex autist

>> No.22625751

that's not a nice thing to say about aqua :(

>> No.22625805

you would be the apex autist and shit all over the board for days if she won

>> No.22625977

I don't give single shit about that onion retard and apex

>> No.22626000

Choked under all the pressure, it is not uncommon.

>> No.22626093

She lost the vast majority of scrims as well.

>> No.22626117 [DELETED] 

>loses tourney
>gets PC prize
Meanwhile the Nijiniggers get fed to Manjisanji Kuzuha's hype

>> No.22626334

Nobody was actually hyping her. If you look at those "hypers" talking about any other participant, you'll hear the same words of "wow, he/she is playing amazingly". In reality, pretty much everyone, except for dumb fans, understood that Aqua is one of the weakest players in this tournament skillwise.

>> No.22626368 [DELETED] 

Wow aqua fans are vocal about Vsaikyo and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way she played. I guess they were holding out hope for her to kill everybody in sight and take the win. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have Aqua retired from Hololive in order to join a chinese pro team. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.22626383

I love the revisionism. Look again the catalog on the (one) day she won a scrim.

>> No.22626412

how many bait threads were there?

>> No.22626416

I'm so happy for this. Them winning would have mean all the numberfags in hololive would become APEX autist seeing the huge numbers and that would throw Hololive even more down the shitter.
Please keep every single APEX tourist out of here.

>> No.22626442

The thread's average iq is under 20

>> No.22626469

the absolute state of holofags trying to damage control after this whole shit happened is just sad
and the fact that they wouldn't leave a single person out of this of this whore won makes this loss taste even better

>> No.22626484

Infinite bait threads. Every layer you'd peel back was another aqua thread.

>> No.22626682

butthurt cope and seethe

Reimu was representing NijiEN and she's a very weak apex player compared to Selen

>> No.22627027

Pretty fucking embarassing to be honest. I wonder how she feels right now. a PC is absolutely not worth the humiliation since they all are billionaires after all.

>> No.22627159

I mean it's a silly prize. She has a gaming PC already, it's an upgrade but it's not like her life changes from getting a new PC.
Overall it's a humiliation with a consolation prize for joining in.

>> No.22627171

>only aqua was in pressure

>> No.22627230

towa: 4 kills
aqua: 2 kills
suisei: 1 kill
absolutely embarassing performance from aqua tonight

>> No.22627416 [DELETED] 

And all the holobronies kept talking shit about Towa.
Kenzoku always win.

>> No.22627601

Faker played a game in bronze and lost. What does that mean?

>> No.22627650

she's gonna do some revenge apex or she'll back off from apex. it's one of those, but todays performance was subpar, imagine performing worst than scrim and tourney giving you pc for a garbage performance.nm

>> No.22629611

Aqua was too heavy for Towa to carry...

>> No.22630084

Just like Aqua, then.

>> No.22634822

bump :)

>> No.22635008
File: 1.06 MB, 1103x621, 1632225855591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread!

>> No.22635088

meds, faggot.

>> No.22635132

>me right now

>> No.22635218
File: 34 KB, 1100x180, lmao selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry here is your niji representative
>place 20th out of 20
>with one of the best apex players in the world in your team

>> No.22635325

>one of the best
>benched in Alliance
I mean, really now

>> No.22635402

Where is the HoloEN representative for a fair comparison :)

>> No.22635854

Only ones I see hyping Aqua's Apex play are the clippers, which I then block because Holo clippers are like fucking ants

>> No.22635944

??? Niji won the tournament tho

>> No.22636042

I blame Towa just like 5ch

>> No.22636142

But she got more kills

>> No.22636172

They also got 9 people that end up behind Startend. Accelerate stategy seems to work for such tournaments.

>> No.22636186

It's always funny when you retards post this image because you include Verhulst's team at 19th place and he is literally on the best team in Apex in the world

>> No.22636672

Towa has the most experience, Suichan is med, Aqua is autistic.

>> No.22636748

>>with one of the best apex players in the world in your team
the fuck you on about, dude literally got benched from his team before ALGS started
and left Alliance after his contract expired

>> No.22638880

>Suichan is med

>> No.22639173
File: 979 KB, 720x960, 1633191014809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No collab with Coco
>No direct message about Coco's graduation
>She never draw Coco but she drew all council in debut days
>Yes Genshin Impact commission
>Yes Chinese gatcha game

Oh takochinks you make my day

>> No.22639221

Bronze is the true challenger.

>> No.22639236

>he doesn't know that Suisei is Sicilian
