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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22416236 No.22416236 [Reply] [Original]

holo/niji watcher here, can someone explain/get me up to speed on this? what is all this fuss about?

>> No.22416386

graphic design is my passion

>> No.22416412


>> No.22416493

TLDR: Small corpos suck. Stick with the big three or indies, not the people in-between who are desperate to game the algorithm and get noticed in an oversaturated market. They often end up in conflict even within their own branch for viewers.

>> No.22416569

I commend your bravery in diving into this dumpsterfire just to visually illustrate it.

>> No.22416646

holy newfag

>> No.22416652 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.91 MB, 568x690, 1635983702934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the piece of fuck even is this, so here, let me jerk you off instead.

>> No.22416733


>> No.22416797
File: 31 KB, 256x256, 1649308581476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to have uncontroversial oshi

>> No.22417274

>stream on twitch
>get twitch cancer
many such cases

>> No.22417395

PoE skills tree is more easier to understand than this

>> No.22417580

WTF is this? QRD?

>> No.22417615


>> No.22417723
File: 214 KB, 463x453, 1378056827334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people weren't joking about unironically thinking Michael neko was joining phase connect

>> No.22418569

>Stick with the big three
Which is the third? Don't say vshojo

>> No.22418722

Seems pretty fucking kino. I just realized how much I missed out on the drama by only watching Niji and Holo.

>> No.22418737

Anyway this is why you don't watch anything other than hololive

>> No.22418963

The chart on hololive dont fit the board.

>> No.22419388

yeah bro hololive has no drama, nope, none

>> No.22419504

they don't need a flowchart to explain who shittalked who for what reason, no

>> No.22419630


VShojo is an indie group in practice, the management has little authority

>> No.22420385

>/rose/ /rrat/ console war
What does that mean?

>> No.22420732


>> No.22420775

>board politics nobody gives a shit about
Here's what to take away from this chart
>tsunderia, prism and phase connect unity
>Tons of shit in mid-2021 not worth discussing here
>Lets vtubers leave while keeping their model
>Yuri and Lumi leave
Phase connect:
>Gen 2 coming soon so people are speculating about current graduations, both JP and EN
>Ones that seem likely are DumplingShirara due to her close interactions with some of the pcg girls, and Slugma (tsun) as a manager
>Names of gen 2 are out there due to a discord leak
>Yuri and Lumi suddenly join while keeping their identities a week away from the expected gen 2 debut
>generally okay :)
People that might join major corpos:
>Tsunderia grads
also pchex is for fagors

>> No.22420852


>> No.22422319

as an Indon, these whole western small corpo drama perplexed me. at least there's not much indo small corpo yabs rn, barring AOI ID (apparently their former CEO is a retarded cunt, no wonder their second gen graduated en masse)

>> No.22422365

>Tsunderia grads
Wait who is graduating from Tsunderia? I thought they were all sticking around?

>> No.22422466

holo vs niji console war

>> No.22422762

so what was the reason behind /pchex/ split then?

>> No.22422904

Pippa fans just talk a lot about pippa and people got sick of it. There's some schizos that think kiwifarms and /pol/ would literally raid the thread but there's no evidence. Some kiwis do use the thread but there's no reason for them to sabotage this place.

>> No.22422938

Pippafags would spam the phase connect general with politics and drama and everyone else got sick of their thread being dominated by 2016 tourists.

>> No.22423675

no anon see phacon isn't a shitshow because uhh uhh

>> No.22425353

So if you don't want any of these retarded drama, you pick Kawaii or AkioAIR
Got it.
I knew they were the best.

>> No.22425670

a bunch of gay autism that isn't worth caring about (nevermind that it's probably all bullshit anyway since the first part I read was that /wvt/ hates kiki for her relation to lumi/pippa and not for a thousand other reasons that have probably already been elaborated on a thousand times)

>> No.22426538

Why is /rose/ and /rrat/ on there, feels like some strange attempt to drag in nijifans and holofans.

>> No.22426785

Because roses grow from seeds

>> No.22426867

Some “insider” anon claimed a grad announcement was supposed to happen this week but slugma sprung hers so the got the talent to push the date a little

>> No.22426905

This chart is a mess that tries to document everything about these companies' relationships to each other

>> No.22427080

Don't think there's going to be much unity between PC and Tsunderia anymore if Slugma actually did leave for them.

>> No.22427482

I will never understand chuuba politics. what the fuck is happening now
